Davidson County TN Archives Military Records.....James, Jeremiah Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/tn/tnfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deloris Williams delwilliams@insightbb.com November 1, 2007, 8:18 pm Jeremiah James-Bertie Co. NC Revolutionary War Pension File JEREMIAH JAMES - Bertie County,North Carolina-Revolutionary War Pension File (Transcribed by Deloris Williams- delwilliams@insightbb.com- From microfilmed copies of M805 - Roll: 467 - Image 158 - File: W467 - Jeremiah James was born March 11, 1762 probably in Bertie County,North Carolina, died October 1, 1805 in Northampton County,North Carolina, the son of Andrew and Ann James of Bertie County, North Carolina; Andrew James was listed as "mulatto" on a Bertie County Tax List by John Brickell for 1759; Ann James was listed as "free negro" in James Weston's household in 1751 Bertie County Tax List. His wife, Rebecca, was born about 1757 in Virginia, according to her 1850 census record. This is an extremely difficult file to read due to the poor quality of the paper, which is very thin, with the words from the opposite side showing through, so there are many places which I have put question marks where words weren't legible enough to make a guess. Notations made by me are enclosed in square brackets [ ] ) 367 - Nashville, Tennessee REBECCA JAMES Widow of JEREMIAH JAMES Who served in the Revolutionary War, N.C. As a Private Inscribed on the Roll at the rate of -36 dollars 66 Cents per annum to commence on the 4th of March 1848 Certificate of Pension issued 21 day of June 1848 And sent to SMITH & KENDRICK ,Nashville,Tenn. Recorded on Roll of Pensioners under January 2, 1848 Page 294 - Vol. 3[?] State of Tennessee Davidson County Circuit Court Middle? District Tennessee Personally ?came? REBECCA JAMES a citizen of the County of Maury before me MORGAN a? Judge and M???? servant of this ???? Circuit Court for the Middle?? District of this State of Tennessee and being duly sworn in open Court deposeth and saith that JEREMIAH JAMES deceased was her lawful husband. That they were lawfully married in the March or February 1790 [could be Month of February 1790] one thousand seven hundred & ninety in North Hampton County in the State of North Carolina and that said JEREMIAH JAMES died in said last mentioned County and State ???? ??? 1st day of October one thousand and eight hundred & five this deponent states that she is now and was eighty eight years of age since last May that she has six children the oldest son named EXUM JAMES ??? ???? and a daughter named DELILAH, the named a son named URIAH JAMES the ????? a son named JEREMIAH ???? ???? a daughter named FEREBY [TEMPY?] ??? ??? and a daughter named KESSIAH. She further states that one was in JAMES as by her husband and does not ????? he made ????? a soldier in the Revolutionary War. She states of her own ?tender?age he was absent for twelve months & it was said and understood that he was in the Service in said War during that term. This was before her intermarriage with him. She states that she has after heard many say he was in the battle of the Eutaw Springs. She has no recollection of the names of any one of his officers under which he served and that he??????????? Can be ??????? service in Bertie County in the State of North Carolina Deponent further states that she has caused a thorough search to be made in the Clerk's office in the County of North Hampton State of N.C. as ?????? for the Certificate of Marriage between her and her deceased husband but MRS. JAMES being either lost or mislaid deponent is unable and forswears a copy is so far [next 2 lines are illegible] ?circumstances? deposition of ?NELSON? MORGAN a ?respectable? [?reputable?] ????? - a resident of the County of Maury and State of Tennessee & the deposition of DREW WALDIN a reputable citizen of this Town and State of Tennessee whence young man ?testimony? as to her marriage with her deceased husband which she prays may be ???? as part of this declaration as????? made for the State all the family record ever kept by her said husband was a book in which the name and ages of the children of her deceased husband were registered by her said husband and MRS. JAMES has but ???? to ?[next phrase is illegible] the deponent ?with? this ?appreciate? our said book [next phrase is illegible] of ?deponent? JAMES? [phrase illegible] of her said husband [next few lines are illegible] before me this 14th day of September 1846 Sworn to in open court Sep. 14, 1846 [signed] JACOB M. ?GAROCK?, Clerk I hereby certify that the credit duly [next phrase illegible] ?WILLIS? MORGAN is a well established and that he is ???? testimony and ??? open court worthy of credit. [signed] WM. BROWN, District Judge Family Record as found in the Book of JEREMIAH JAMES forwd to JERRY JAMES Columbia Ten this 13th June 1822. [ESAU] JEREMIAH JAMES son of ANN JAMES was born March 11, 1762 " " his book 1793. AXOM JAMES son of JEREMIAH & REBECCA JAMES born Nov.27, 1790 URIAH " " " " " " " " Aug.25, 1794 ASA " " " " " " " " Feb. 22, 1806 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/tn/davidson/military/revwar/pensions/james350gmt.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/tnfiles/ File size: 5.7 Kb