FENTRESS COUNTY, TN - MILITARY - John Hood, Revolutionary War Pension Application ----¤¤¤---- HOOD, JOHN, Rev War #S1534 17 Oct 1833, Pension Certificate issued. Served as Private in the Company commanded by CAPT. MOORE, Regt commanded by COL. MIDDLETON, one year. Applied from Fentress Co, TN. $40.00 per annum, sent to J. T. ROGERS, Henlopen Coal Mines. 23 April, 1833, State of Tennessee, Fentress Co., Act of Congress 7 June 1832. Personally appeared before the County Court and court of Pleas and quarter Sessions now sitting for the County of Fentress aforesaid, JOHN HOOD SEN. a resident of said County and State aforesaid aged about Seventy three (73) years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress, passed June 7th 1832. That he enlisted in the Army of the United States some time in the month of May 1781 for the term of Ten months (as he now remembers) under CAPTAIN GODFRY ADAMS and was a little time thereafter placed or transfered to one CAPTAIN MOORE. CAPTAIN MOORS Company was attached to COLONEL MIDDLETON'S Regiment, the particular time not remembered but believes it was called the North Carolina line and that GENERAL SUMPTER commanded. His enlistment took place in Burk County North Carolina from which place he was marched to Ramsours Mill. From there he was marched to Columbia in South Carolina where the Broad and Saluba rivers unite to form the Congaree River within 110 or 115 miles of Charleston, S.C. where he joined the Army under GENERAL SUMPTER. He was then marched from the Congaree to Camden on the Wateree River and Pine tree Creek distant 30 or 40 miles from Columbia. From thence he was marched to W. Cords Ferry on the Congaree, where the Army was detained some days. From there he was marched down the country. The army was marched about and about from place to place, where he made various short delays (the precise time of the different delays he cannot undertake to state with any degree of certainty) consuming something like four months of this time, when he set out for the Eutaw Springs where they had a battle with the enemy on the 9th day of September 1781 - He was in the battle on that day, and was wounded by a musket Ball as was supposed, through the inner part of the left thigh on the day of Battle he was still Commanded by CAPTAIN MOORE, COLONEL CAMPBELL was killed on that day,. He saw GENERAL HENDERSON on the day of the Battle, Commanding from the Eutaw Springs. He was taken to one TAYLORS place, then ?waste and not far distant, here he remained untill he got measurably well of his wound. His wound was Doctored by one CORNELIUS DIZARD - from that place he was marched as he now remembers to Orangeburg where he was detained a month or six weeks. He was not well of his wound when he heard of the surrounding of LORD CORNWALLIS to GENERAL WASHINGTON. He has often seen GENERAL WASHINGTON. He has also seen COLONEL WASHINGTON, and was revered by him. He cant say whether COLONEL WASHINGTON was in the Eutaw Spring [3-4words cut off]. From Orangeburgh he was marched from one place to another untill some time late in the month of April 1782 - at which time he received a written permit to be absent about one month or so unless sooner called into service, he did not go home after he received this permit untill the expiration of the month, now making more than one year that he was detained in service. The precise day of entrance into the Army or the day of his being told that he was discharged and that he was no longer needed, he cannot undertake to state precisely. After the expiration of the time of the permit, he was told by his Captain he could go home, and that at home he would thereafter receive a written discharge, which he states he never did receive, for that he never thereafter saw his Captain, one thing he knows certainly that he was more than one year in actual Military service and by calculating the time of his permit he thinks he went something over one year. He has no documentary evidence whereby to show his servitude. He hereby relinquishes any claim whatever to a pension or an annuity except the present, and he declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of any agency in any State or Territory. He believes he was born in 1760, but has no record of his age. His age was set down in his Fathers Bible, which Bible is now or was at the time he last heard of in the possession of THOMAS HOOD of the State of Illinois. He will be able to prove by his Brother ANDREW HOOD that he left his home and departed for the Army and was gone for more than one year, with some other particulars. His Brother ANDREW HOOD is an infirm man so much so that he is unable to attend court, but he has obtained his affidavit sworn before a Justice of the peace. JOHN [his X mark] HOOD Sworn... [Signed] JOHN H. RICHARDSON, Clk We PETER REAGAN a clergyman residing in said County of Fentress and a neighbour of said JOHN HOOD Senr. and JOHN CULON residence aforesaid hereby certify that we are well acquainted with JOHN HOOD SEN...wound in his left thigh. That we believe him to be a Revolutionary Soldier and Seventy three years of age... [Signed] JOHN CULUN, PETER [his X mark] RAGAN 23 April 1833, Fentress County, Tennessee } This day ANDREW HOOD came before me being a citizen of said County & State and after being duly qualified and sworn by me, made the following statement as a witness for JOHN HOOD Senr in his application for a pension towit that he saw his brother JOHN HOOD set out leave home and start to the army of the Revolution some time in the year 1781 in the Spring perhapse about the month of May of that year. That said JOHN was about on the tour over one year before his return. He has often examined the place his Brother was wounded in the left thigh that said wound was infected after he departed from home and before his return. This witness has often seen many of the soldiers that went with his Brother JOHN to the Army and heard several of them say they saw JOHN while he was down with his wound. He has heard RICHARD SCOTT, GOERGE BROWN & RICHARD BROWN often make this Statement, that they started from Burk County N.C. to the Army, that being the then residence of them all at that day. He further states that owing to his great infirmity he cannot ride on horse back & that he is wholly unable to walk to Jamestown to give his evidence in open Court it being a distance of something like Ten miles. Sworn...JN. B. ROGERS, J.P. ANDREW [his X mark] HOOD Inquiries in file: 1/29/1924 Mrs. J. M. [Robbie K.] Clark, Rockwood, Tenn. 11/20/1935 Mrs. W. J. Smith, Kingston, Tenn. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Mary Lu Nelson Johnson ___________________________________________________________________