Franklin County TN Archives Deed.....Reeves, Avery - Anderson, William P. February 6, 1822 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Beverly Watson May 15, 2012, 10:44 pm Written: February 6, 1822 Recorded: May 26, 1824 Franklin County, Tennessee Will Book K, Page 352 This Indenture made this 6th day of Feb eighteen hundred and twenty two Between William P. Anderson of the County of Franklin and State of Tennessee of the one part and Avery Reeves of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that the said William P. Anderson for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred and seventy four dollars to him in hand paid by the said Reeves the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath granted bargained and sold aliened released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain and sell alien release and confirm unto the said Avery Reeves his heirs and assigns forever the following tract of land situated in Franklin County on the waters of Beans Creek and bounded as follows, Beginning at a large White oak marked as an old corner for Jno. McGuffey (?) & Jno. Gordons land the two then Southward (?) (indecipherable phrase) thence east according to the said --line (?) eighty poles to a white oak and poplar thence south three hundred and forty poles to a Black oak and ash standing at the foot of Cumberland mountain thence south westwardly with the meanders of the said Mountain pursuing an old marked line eighty one poles to a sugar tree marked D and a linn (?) tree thence north three hundred and twenty poles to the beginning the same containing one hundred and sixty five acres and 75 poles To have & to hold the aforesaid tract of land with all and singular thereto belonging unto the said Avery reeves his heirs and assigns forever all which the said Wm. P. Anderson for himself his heirs and assigns doth warrant and will forever defend against the claim s challenges demand of all persons whatever In Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above Written. Wm. P. Anderson (Seal) Witness James (his mark) Cox } State of Tennessee } May Sessions 1824 William (unreadable) } Franklin County } Then the within deed of conveyance from William P. Anderson to Avery Reeves for one hundred sixty five acres and seventy poles was duly acknowledged in open Court and ordered to be registered, let it be registered. Sheperd Clk Registered May 26th 1824 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb