FRANKLIN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Armstrong Surname Deeds, Part 2 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Paul H. Saeger, Jr. ==================================================================== ARMSTRONG FRANKLIN COUNTY DEEDS Franklin County, TN 30. Vol. U, p. 523 September 1849/acknowledged 26 July 1851/ proven 28 July 1851 William Armstrong sold to Harmon St. John for $100 a tract of land on the waters of the Elk River and Brumbalow Creek containing 50 acres. Witnessed by John Armstrong 31. Vol. V, p. 599 29 October 1853/proven 27 March 1854 W. A. Johnson sold 160 ¼ acres to John Armstrong for $210. Both Johnson & Armstrong are of Coffee County. Upon both sides of the stage road leading from Winchester to Hillsborough. Beginning on 4 small hickories where the east boundary line of a 160 acre entry in the name of John Owens, crosses an old wagon road that leads into the stage road; thence East crossing the stage road between the 11 & 12 mile post at 80 poles in all 200 poles to a post oak the same being the Southeast corner of F. M. Seawells 250 acre tract; thence South 72 poles to 2 blacks & pointers; thence West 124 poles to a black oak; thence South 27 poles to a stake in the West boundary line of a tract of land owned by Hogan & Anderson; thence West 76 poles to a post oak; thence North with the Eastern boundary line of a tract of 160 acre tract granted to Asinith H. Brannan 99 poles to the beginning. The northern portion of a 200 acre tract granted to Isaac Street, assignee of John Sturdevant by grant no. 3452 entered 5 July 1824 in Franklin County. Witnesses: Elisha L. Rhoton & M. Hill 32. Vol. X, p.536 18 September 1857/registered 25 November 1857 John Armstrong sold 100 acres to W. S. Hart & Samuel Baker of Catoosa & Walker County, Georgia for $300. On Brumbalow Creek on Elk River. Beginning on a spanish oak the n.w. corner of a 50 acre tract belonging to Wm. Miles upon which he now lives; thence west 95 poles to 2 black oaks & 2 hickories; thence south 196 poles to a sourwood having crossed Brumbalow Creek: thence N 35* E 164 poles to a post oak; thence north 100 poles to the beginning. Witnessed by M. Hill, William Graham & Preston Dunaway (his mark). Registered by Wm. E. Taylor, clerk. 33. Vol. Z, p. 111 Dec 1857/ registered 11 Oct 1859 John Armstrong & M. Hill sold 2 tracts of land to John H. Hessey. One tract of 230 + acres; the second of 106 ¼ acres. In District #8 and upon Brumbalow Creek of Elk River. The 1st tract beginning on a history & chestnut with pointers in the eastern boundary line of W. T. Harts tract, lately bought of M. Hill, the same being the N.W. corner of the 100 acre tract bought by Hessey from Morrison; thence north passing a small post oak corner the same being the N.W. & beginning corner of the H.H. Brown 160 acre tract at 60 poles and ____ in all 250 ½ poles to a stake in the south boundary line of Samuel Hill's 100 acre tract on which he now lives being inside of his present enclosure; thence east with his south boundary 51 ½ poles to a stake with pointers his S.E. corner; thence north with his east boundary 26 poles to a point direct west of the S.W. corner of 200 acre tract of said Armstrong a red oak granted to James Street; thence east passing said S.W. corner at 9 ½ poles in all 115 ½ poles to a stake immediately north of a stake & pointers in an old road, the same being corner to Joab Banks 134 acre tract on which he now lives; thence south passing said Banks stake corner at 6 poles & the N.E. corner of the 175 acre tract hereby conveyed at 36 poles and on south with the western boundary of a 372 acre tract belonging to F. M. Seawall & passing the N.E. corner of the 160 acre tract granted to A. H. Brown and on south in all 276 poles to a fallen post oak at o near 4 small hickories near an old road; thence west 167 poles to the beginning containing 230 acres 3 rods & 35 poles over & above the 150 acre tract owned by Martha Berry on which Green Berry now lives which 50 acre tract is excluded from the lands conveyed. Another tract of 106 ¼. Beginning on 4 small hickories where the east boundary line of a 160 acre entry in the name of John Owen crosses an old wagon road that leads onto the stage road; thence east crossing the stage road between the 11 & 12 mile post at 80 poles in all 200 poles to a post oak the same being the S.E. corner of F.M. Seawells 250 acre tract; thence south 72 poles to 2 black jacks & pointers; thence west 124 poles to a black oak; thence south 27 poles to a stake in the west boundary line owned by Hogan & Anderson; thence west 76 poles to a post oak; thence north with the western boundary of a 160 acre tract granted to Aseneth H. Brown 99 poles to the beginning. Witnessed by Wm. H. Johnston, J.W.N. Armstrong, D. A. Heffer, John W. Hamilton & W. J. Matthews. J.W.N. Armstrong & John H. Hamilton appeared before R.F. Sims, clerk, on 8 October 1858. John Armstrong appeared before Sims on 23 November 1858. 34. Vol. 3, p. 582 18 January 1861/ proven 26 July 1869 William H. Johnson sold 38 acres in District No. 8 to Susan C. E. M. M. Armstrong for $100. Beginning on a small hickory17 poles South of the Southwest corner of a 200 acre tract a black oak; thence South 100 poles to a black oak; thence West 81 poles to a stake in the middle of the stage road; thence with said road North 20* East to a stake in said road with pointers on each side of said road; thence East 43 poles to the beginning. All on the East side of the stage road. Witnesses: John Armstrong & Abel Armstrong 35. Vol. 1, p.488 27 March 1861 James A. Evans & C. T. P Jarnagin of Catosa County Georgia sold a parcel of land to John Armstrong for $2550. Up little Rock of Big Rock Creek & on the Nashville & Chattanooga R.R. Beginning at a stake in the eastern boundary line of John Rawling's, now Dr. C.T.P. Jarnigan tract and on the Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad; thence north 100 poles to 2 post oaks one of which is lettered H. Some 100 poles eastwardly from the ____ railroad bridge across little Rock Creek and in the south boundary line of a 400 acre tract sold by Benjamin Decher to the R.R., the same being the S.E. corner of an original 100 acre tract made to Thomas Flippo; thence east 414 poles to a Spanish Oak immediately on the road leading from Tullahoma to Halese Mill; thence south 420 poles to a post oak Gray's corner; thence west 103 poles to a stake on the railroad; thence with said railroad to the beginning. Witnessed by W. A. Woods & Archabald Woods Recorded by Alexander H. Foster, Superior Court Clerk, Catosa County, Georgia. 36. Vol. 1, p492 1 Aug 1865 John Armstrong sold 2 tracts of land, each containing 100 acres to David P. Armstrong for $500. On the east side of the Nashville & Chattanooga railroad. The 1st tract, beginning on a forest Oak near the R.R. running north 40*east 174 poles to a blackjack in the north boundary line of the 774 acre tract deeded to John Armstrong by Evans & Jurnigan; thence west with the same 170 poles to a forest oak corner of said 774 acre tract; thence south 100 poles to the R.R. 86 poles to the beginning. The 2nd tract, beginning the east line of the 774 acre tract on a red oak running north with said line 126 poles to a forest oak; thence west 128 poles to a stake & pointers; thence south 128 to a blackjack; thence east 128 poles to the beginning. Witnessed by Wm. J. See & G.A. Berry Recorded by Thos. Short, clerk 37. Vol. 1, p.545 31 Oct 1865 John P. Hefner sold 619 acres to David P. Armstrong for $8000. On Spring Creek, including the mill place of 112 acres where Hefner lives & that he bought under a decree of the County Court; 200 acres registered on 1 Apr 1863 in Book A, p.314; Deed made by Sylva Hale dated 28 Nov 1859 & registered in Book Z, p. 165; Deed made by A.S. Colyar on 28 Nov 1859 and registered in Book Z, p.164; Deed from M. Hill dated 23 Apr 1860 & registered on 24 Apr 1860in Book Z, p. 279. Excludes 15 acres of land belonging to Solomon Nelson, a free man of color, including his shop. Recorded by Thos. Short, clerk 38. Vol. 3, p. 577 3 Jan1868/proven 6 April 1868/registered 1 March 1869 David P. Armstrong sold 100 acres to Mary Armstrong for $200. On the East side of the N & C RR. Beginning post oak near said RR running North 40* East 174 poles to a black jack in the N. boundary line of the 774 acre tract deeded to John Armstrong by Evans & Jornagin; thence West with the same 170 to a poorest oak, corner of the said 774 acre tract; thence South 100 poles to the said Rail R; thence with said RR 86 to the beginning. Witnesses: John Armstrong & Abel Armstrong 39. Vol. 4, p. 262 29 April 1870/proven 2 May 1870 John Armstrong for love and affection gave his daughter, Leanna Pursell, 130 acres in District No. 7. Beginning on a small Spanish Oak bush near the N & C R. R. running east 6* north 207 poles to a post oak lettered LP in the west boundary line of 100 acres sold to John Collins by D. P. Armstrong; thence south with said line 78 poles to the South West corner of said tract; thence South 24* West 124 poles to a black jack near said R. R. it being the S. W. corner of a tract deed to N & C R. R. by John Armstrong; thence North 42 ½* West with said R. R. 230 poles to the beginning. Witnessed by D. R. Armstrong & W. A. Eatherly. John G. Enochs, County Court Clerk. J. J. Martin, Registrar. 40. Vol.4, p. 473 16 February 1871proven 6 March 1871 D. P. Armstrong sold 100 acres to W. W. Wells for $125. Located in Civil District No. 7 & on the east side of the N. & C. R.R. Beginning on a red oak in the east boundary line of the 774 acre tract of land deeded to John Armstrong by Evans & Jarnigan, running with said line 1266 poles to a post oak; thence west 128 poles to a stake & pointers; thence south 128 poles to a black jack; thence east 128 poles to the beginning. Witnesses: John Armstrong & J. L. Dorruth; Clem Arledge, County Court Clerk; J. J. Martin, Registrar. 41. Vol. 5, p. 36 7 July 1871/proven 8 September 1871/recorded 22 September 1871 David P. Armstrong sold 617 acres to William Crane in 3 tracts of land on Spring Creek for $15,000. The 1st tract, beginning on a black oak standing ____ Mitchell's house and running south 67* east crossing the Nashville road at 4 poles in all 8 poles to the corner of __ ____ land deeded to William(?) McClure by Hosa Stamps; thence ____ with the line to a stake in Stamp Mill pond in Spring Creek; thence north 47*east with Mitchell's line 102 poles to a black oak in the east boundary of 125 acres granted to John Stamps, lettered TC; thence south with the same 22 poles to a black oak & white oak; thence east 90 poles to a black jack; thence south 84 poles to a black oak; thence east 20 poles to a post oak; thence south 120 poles to a white oak on the north bluff of Elk river; thence down the river with its _____ and bendings in all where reduced to a stake is south 50* west 128 poles to a black ___ and white oak on the north bank of Elk river; thence west 20 poles to a white oak; thence north 82 poles to a black oak; thence west 80 poles to a post oak; thence north 42 poles to a dogwood & white oak; thence west 90 poles to a post oak north 90 poles to a stake; thence east 20 poles to a stake; thence north 90 poles to the beginning. The 2nd tract, beginning on a stake and ___ ___ in an old road about one ____ from a post oak pointer lettered RB; thence south 66 ½ poles to a black oak & white oak lettered B; thence east 92 poles to a stake & 6 black jacks; thence south 89 poles to a small Spanish oak: thence east 16 poles to a black oak lettered B; thence north 181 poles to a stake with pointers; thence west 65 poles to a Stake & pointers; thence south 28 poles to a post oak ____; thence west 100 poles to the beginning. The 3rd tract, beginning on a double post oak on the D__ fork of Tylors Creek running south 60 poles to a post oak: thence east 160 poles to a stake & pointers; thence north 200 poles to a post oak; thence west 160 poles to a black jack; thence south to the beginning. Signed David Armstrong & Sarah Armstrong. Witnessed by G. G. Gilbert & W. H. Ayers James G Aydelott, J. P. for Coffee County James Darnell, Clerk Coffee County Court Clem Arledge, Clerk Franklin County Court J. J. Martin, Registrar 42. Vol. 5, p. 199 13 May 1872 B. F. White sold 550 acres to David P. Armstrong in Civil District No. 7 for a house and lot No. 10, Section 13 in Tullahoma (valued at $2400) plus $150 cash paid plus $150 to be paid 12 months from this date (a lien is on the premises conveyed) Beginning at a white oak on a bluff of Rock Creek, 8 ½ miles from Winchester, running nearly south 210 poles to a small oak; thence west 142 poles to a post oak; thence north 210 poles to a poplar, dogwood and chestnut pointers; thence east 142 poles to the beginning; thence east 252 poles to an oak near the Alasonia Road; thence north 208mpoles to a black jack; thence west 252 poles to a spanish oak; thence south 208 poles to the beginning. Land purchased by B. F. White on Oct. 1 1866 at the Clerk & Masters Sale under decree in the case of B. F. White vs. Littleton Lincoln. The Chancery Court at Winchester is directed to make Armstrong a deed to the land by decree in the case of myself against Littleton Lincoln. H. C. Johnston, Deputy Clerk Franklin County Court J. J. Martin, Registrar. 43. Vol. 5, p. 325 29 November 1872/proven 27 January 1873 D. P. Armstrong sold 160 acres to William L. Bryan for $550 to be paid as follows: one mare said to be 4 years old, $150, and $100 to be paid on December 25, 1872; $100 to be paid on December 25, 1873; $100 to be paid on December 25, 1874; $100 to be paid on December 25, 1875. Part of the land purchased from B. F. White in Civil District No. 7. Beginning at a white oak on a bluff of Rock Creek 8 ½ miles from Winchester, running nearly south 210 poles to a small oak; thence west 142 poles to a post oak; thence north 210 to a poplar, dogwood and chestnut pointers; thence east to the beginning. Signed D. P. Armstrong & Sarah Armstrong Clem Arledge, Clerk Franklin County Court Sarah Armstrong, wife of D. P. Armstrong, examined by T. W. Holt, J. P. J. J. Martin, Registrar 44. Vol. 5, p. 399 28 July 1873/proven 15 August 1873 W. C. Armstrong and Mary Armstrong, his wife, sold 100 acres in District No. 7 to Kenion Carlton for $600 to be paid as follows; $300 Nov 1, 1873 & $300 on Dec 25, 1874. Notes made payable to D. P. Armstrong. Beginning on a post oak near N & C R. R. east side, running north 40* east 174 poles to a black jack in the north boundary line of the 774 acre tract deed to John Armstrong by Evans & Jarnigan; thence with the same 170 poles to a post oak corner of said 774 acres; thence south 100 poles to said R. R.; thence with said Rail Road 86 poles to the beginning. Signed W. C. Armstrong & Mary Armstrong (her mark) Witnessed by W. R. French & D. P. Armstrong Clem Arledge, Clerk Franklin County Court John M. Holder, J. P. examined Mary J. J. Martin Registrar 45. Vol. 6, p. 371 25 January 1876 The Chancery Court issued a decree in the cause of B. F. White vs. Littleton Lincoln. Complainants bill was filed to enforce his vendors lien on a tract of land described in the bill, sold by Complainant to Defendant; that a decree was pronounced directing a sale of the land. Where on the 1st Oct 1866 in pursuance with the terms of the decree, H. R. Estill former Clerk & Master sold said land, complainant becoming the purchaser at his debt of $2812. 83, the sale being reported to the court and confirmed on the 21st February 1867, and the equity of redemption having expired; and that on the 13th May 1872 Complt. Benj. F. White sold and conveyed said land by deed to D. P. Armstrong and directed that this Court make to him a deed therefor. Which deed is registered at Winchester in Book No. 5 page 199; and it further appears that on the 27th Nov 1872 sold and conveyed a part of said land to W. L. Byrom and directed that this Court make to him a deed therefor, which is in like manner registered in Book No. 5 pages 352 & 6. T. H. Finch, Clerk and Master of said Court do hereby transfer …. unto D. P. Armstrong all of the aforesaid land (except that part transfered by him to W. L. Byrom) which is in the 7th Civil District. Beginning at a white oak on a bluff of Rock Creek, 8 ½ miles from Winchester, running east 252 poles to an oak near the Allisonia Road; thence north 208 poles to a black jack; thence west 252 poles to a Spanish oak; thence south 208 poles to the beginning, containing about 390 acres more or less. 46. Vol. 6, p. 448 3 February 1876/proven 11 February 1876 William Crane and Mary, his wife, late of Franklin County, sold a tract of land I bought of the said D. P. Armstrong and on which I have for the past 2 years resided to David P. Armstrong, late of Coffee County for $1000. (Note: The book and page reference where the deed had been earlier recorded is left blank. The reference is book 5, p. 36. However, 3 tracts of land were sold in this transaction. It is not clear which of the 3 that David bought back.) Witnesses: James G. Aydelott & W. M. Farris James Darnell, Clerk County Court James G. Aydelott, J. P N. R. Martin, Registrar 47. Vol. 6., p. 515 25 August 1876/proven 4 September 1876 D. P. Armstrong sold 40 acres to Abel Armstrong for $200. Part of the 121 acres deeded to John P. Hefner on 23 April 1860 by M. Hill & described in the deed made to D. P. Armstrong by John P. Hefner, Oct. 30, 1876. (Note: The date, Oct. 30, 1876, is incorrect. It should have been Oct. 31, 1865.) Beginning on the stake on ___ black jacks & one post oak as described in the deed of M. Hill to J. P. Hefner at the ending of 92 poles in said deed; thence south with the line therein mentioned to a small black oak or spanish oak; thence east still with the line mentioned in said deed 76 poles to a black oak lettered B in Soloman Smiths western boundary; thence north with said line 84 poles to a stake & pointers in said line; thence west 76 poles to the beginning. Clem Arledge, Clerk County Court J. J. Arledge, Deputy Clerk N. R. Martin, Registrar 48. Vol. 7, p. 191 27 March 1874/ registered 23 October 1877 John Armstrong sold 6 acres in Civil District No. 7 to H. V. Alexander for $30. Beginning at a stake in the southwest boundary line of the land W. C. Armstrong sold to K. Carlton where the said line crosses the path that leads from H. V. Alexander to Jno. Armstrong; thence east 40 poles to a stake; thence north for 48 poles to a stake in the said southeast boundary line of the aforesaid tract of land; thence back with said line 62 poles to the beginning. Witnesses: W. C. Armstrong & W. J. Percell John Armstrong appeared before Clem Arledge on Oct. 23, 1877. Clem Arledge, County Court Clerk N. R. Martin, Registrar. 49. Vol. 7, p. 313 November 2, 1869/registered April 4, 1878 John L. Easterly, W. F. Easterly, Malinda Armstrong, D. P. Armstrong & wife, Sarah Armstrong, Louisa Johnston (Johnson) & John L. Easterly as attorney for Jane S. Bull sold 260 acres in the 8th Civil District to David Butler for $1000 , one fourth of which is paid and the other three fourths to be paid in one, two & three years, the last payment bearing interest from date for the payment of which the said David Butler has executed his three certain promissory notes. Beginning on a post oak in the south boundary line of a 5000 acre survey in the name of C. W. Stump; thence west with said line 44 poles to a stake in the pointers, one of which lettered M. H.; thence N. 188 poles to a stake with pointers well marked, near a branch; thence west 192 poles to a stake with pointers; thence south 229 poles to a small black oak, directly south of path from said place to the Lawson place; thence east 236 poles to a stake with pointers in the western boundary line of the Graham tract; thence N. 41 poles to the beginning. Witnesses: W. T. Hunt, Clark Newcomer, Wm.. A. Butler, D. C. Payne John W. Bull & Jane S. Bull were signed for by their attorney, J. L. Easterly The lien that was retained in the above deed is released all of the purchase money having been paid to me. This April 4th, 1878. signed: D. P. Armstrong Clem Arledge, County Court Clerk J. J. Arledge, Deputy Clerk N. R. Martin, Registrar 50. Vol. 7, p. 553 June 16, 1874/ registered February 2, 1879 John Armstrong sold 200 acres in District No. 7 to Mary Armstrong (wife of my son W. C. Armstrong) for my affection & $1. Beginning on a post oak , st being the corner B. Homes tract, formally transferred by me to W. R. Danial; thence south 93 poles to a stake in the north boundary line of the tract now occupied by John Thurston; thence west 49 poles to a post oak; thence south 45 poles to a post oak; thence west 225 poles to a stake in the south boundary line of Alexanders tract; thence north 40*E 76 poles to a stake in said line; thence east 40 poles to a stake; thence north 48 poles to a stake in the aforesaid line; thence with said line 40*E 42 poles to a post oak; thence east 148 poles to the beginning. Signed & acknowledged in the presence of D. P. Armstrong & R. W. Armstrong. D. P. Armstrong & R. W. Armstrong appeared before J. J. Arledge & said that they are personally acquainted with John Armstrong on February 2, 1879. Clem Arledge, County Court Clerk J. J. Arledge, Deputy Clerk J. B. Ashley, Registrar 51. Vol. 8, p. 149 November 19, 1879/proven 24 Nov 1879 D. P. Armstrong sold 325 acres in District No. 7 to Abel Armstrong for $325 to be paid as follows one spring wagon $60; one mule $50; and the sum of $80 cash and the sum of $135 for which promisory notes are executed, $50 payable on Dec. 25, 1880; $50 payable on December 25, 1881 and $35 payable on December 25, 1882. . Part of the land purchased from B. F. White on May 13, 1872. Beginning on a white oak on a bluff of Rock Creek, 8 ½ miles from Winchester, running East 252 poles to a post oak near the Alisonia road; Thence North 208 poles to a black jack; thence West 252 poles to a spanish oak; thence South 208 poles to the beginning. J. J. Arledge, Deputy of Clem Arledge, Clerk of County Court Jas. Taylor, Deputy for J. B. Ashley, Reg. 52. Vol. 8, p. 457 19 November 1879/proven 5 January 1880/registered 6 January 1880. Abel and D. P. Armstrong sold 41 acres to W. C. Armstrong for $200. The same tract of land purchased by Abel Armstrong of D. P. Armstrong on the day of 187*. Two lines of which are to be extended further than they are mentioned in the deed of D. P. Armstrong to Abel Armstrong and for which purpose D. P. Armstrong's name occurs on this deed. Beginning on a stake two poles west of the stake six Black Jack the beginning corner of the deed mentioned above. Running South 89 poles to a small black oak; thence East 76 poles to a black oak lettered "B" in Solomon Smith's (now Judd Corn's west boundary line); thence north with said line 89 poles to a stake in said line; thence West 78 poles to the beginning. This does not embrace or cover the two acres lot this day sold and deeded to John B. Boyce. J. J. Arledge, Deputy of Clem Arledge, Clerk of County Court J. B. Ashley, Register (*Note: The tract of land referred to was sold on August 25, 1876 and recorded in Volume 6, page 515.) 53. Vol. 8, p. 497 30 November 1874 /proven 3 January 1881/registered 8 January 1881 John Armstrong sold 50 acres in District No. 7 to Anna S. Thurston for $80. Beginning on a spanish oak in the Tullahoma and Spring Creek road thence west 72 poles to a poorest oak; thence south 98 poles to a red oak; thence east 72 poles to a poorest oak; thence north 98 poles to the beginning. Witnessed by W. C. Armstrong, H. V. Alexander and W. J. Persell H. V. Alexander & W. J. Percell said that they are acquainted with John Armstrong on January 3, 1881. M. C. Forbes, Deputy of Clem Arledge, Clerk of County Court J. B. Ashley, Register 54. Vol. 8, p. 500 9 March 1878 /Wife Statement: 27 July 1878/ proven 24 July 1880/ registered 8 January 1881 William C. Armstrong and his wife, Mary E. Armstrong, sold 29 acres and 64 poles in District No. 7 to Abner L. Rooss (?) for $88. $50 in hand paid and $38 payable in cord wood to be delivered at a rock on the N. & C. RR on or before December 25, 1878. Beginning on the southwest corner of the 50 acre tract deeded by John Armstrong to Anna S. Thurston; thence west 48 poles to the northwest corner of A. L. Rooss (?) 100 acre tract; thence north 98 poles to the north boundary line of John Armstrong's original 774 acre tract; thence east 48 poles to the northwest corner of the said 50 acre tract ; thence south 98 poles to the place of the beginning. George W. Davidson, Notary Public, Coffee County. James G. Aydelott, Deputy Clerk of County Court J. B. Ashley, Register 55. Vol. 8, p. 515 5 February 1881/proven 12 February 1881 Abel Armstrong and his wife, Nancy Armstrong, sold 100 in District No. 7 to Sarah Stramber, wife of Isaac Stramber, for $250, payable $60 cash and 2 promisory notes. One to Abel Armstrong for $100, payable December 25, 1881, and one to D. P. Armstrong for $90, payable December 25, 1882. Beginning on a white oak on the bank of Rock Creek 8 ½ miles from Winchester near the house said Stramber now occupies. Running east 82 poles to a post oak; thence north 208 poles to a stake; thence west 82 poles to a spanish oak; thence South 208 poles to the beginning. G. G. Gilbert, Justice of the Peace, Franklin Co. M. C. Forbes, Deputy of Clem Arledge, Clerk of County Court 56. Vol. 8, p. 517 19 November 1879 /proven 25 December 1879/registered 5 January 1880 Abel Armstrong sold a lot, containing 2 acres, in District No. 17, purchased from D. P. Armstrong, to John B. Boyce for $15. Beginning on a rock in the east boundary line of said tract of line and west boundary line of land now owned by Judd Corn a few steps west of the cabin B. D. Campbell now occupies. Running west 17 poles to a rock; thence south 17 poles to a rock; thence east 17 poles to a rock; thence north 17 poles to the beginning. G. G. Gilbert, J. P. for Franklin County J. J. Arledge, Deputy of Clem Arledge, Clerk of County Court J. B. Ashley, Register 57. Vol. 8, p. 557 10 January 1881/proven 28 March 1881 W. C. Armstrong and wife, Mary Armstrong, sold 160 acres in District No. 7 to L. W. Whitfield for $125. Bounded as follows: on the east by A. L. Rooss (?); on the south by Sarah L. Purcell; on the west by H. V. Alexander; on the north running with the north boundary line of the original 700 acre tract purchased by John Armstrong of Jarnigan & Evans. It being all the remainder of the 200 acres tract transferred to us by our father, John Armstrong, accept the amount formerly transferred by us to A. L. Rooss (?). Witnessed by James E. Armstrong & Abel Armstrong G. G. Gilbert, J. P. for Franklin County M. C. Forbes, Deputy of Clem Arledge, Clerk of County Court J. B. Ashley, Register