GREENE COUNTY, TN - OBITUARIES - Valentine Sevier, 24 April 1854 ----¤¤¤---- Greeneville Spy Greeneville, Tennessee DEATH of Mr. Sevier - Valentine Sevier one amongst the oldest, perhaps the very oldest citizen of our town, died on the night of the 24th [res]ult of chronic affection of the liver. There was no man in his community whose loss will be felt more than that of Mr. Sevier. He was between seventy and seventy-five years old, and about fifty years of that time was spent in the full discharge of the arduous duties of Circuit Court Clerk. One of the maxims of his long and useful life was a full discharge of duty and diligent application to business. There is no doubt but he fell a victim to his rigid exactions(?), and might have lived to full four score had he served himself more and his country less. But he is gone, and the record of his life is without a blot or blemish - his name will live and be fondly cherished; while the pure water gurgles from his own native "Spring." Mr. Sevier was a man of unblemished moral character, and he left the impress of his own high toned conservative nature upon the town of which he was the paternal father. Greeneville Spy ****** Notes: Transcribed from original newspaper clipping. Valentine Sevier, son of Capt. Robert Sevier (nephew of Gen. John Sevier). Born: July 8, 1780 ; Died: April 24, 1854 Buried in Old Harmony Cemetery, Greeneville, Tennessee. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Patricia Sabin ___________________________________________________________________