GRUNDY COUNTY, TN - MISC - Petition to form Grundy County, 1843 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Wanda Gant GANT@InfoAve.Net ==================================================================== Memorials of large numbers of Warren, Coffee & Marion a majority for & a minority against the establishment of a new county S SE of the counties of Coffee, Warren & N of Marion. 2 January 1844 report by S. D . Mitchell, Clk.. A new county beginning at the centre of the stage road leading from McMinnville where the Coffee County line crosses the same thence with the centre of said road South to a point between Benjamin Douglass & Stephen Wintons thence E up the mountain to the top thence with meanders of the bluff tot the line of District # 13 in Coffee County thence with said line to the line of Franklin Couinty thence E with said line to James Petty near the foot of Cumberland Mt. Thence with the burned stand road to the line of Marion County thence with said line to the lineof Marion County thence with said line to the line of Warren County thence with the line of Warren County to the line of Van Buren County thence W with said line tot he corner near Jesse Savage's thence round the bluffs of Hills Creek t Northcut, Adrain Northcut, John Tate Sr., John Tate Jr., Tate Tate, Major Eliuson Wilkerson, John Brown, Thomas Brown, Dial Nunley, Greenberry King, Thomas Gross, Andrew Tate, John G. King, Stokes King, John King, Lacy Tate Sr., James Tate, Elon Tate Jr., James Perry, Henry Perry Sr., John Brown Sr., Thomas Perry Sr., William Perry, Samuel Perry, Stephen Perry Jr., John Perry Jr., William Tate Sr., Robert Tate, Aaron Prince, John Coppinger, Jesse Coppinger, Alex Coppinger, David Nunly Jr., Jeremiah Henshaw, William Northcut, Stephen Northcut Jr., James Nunley, Wm. B. Henson, Moses Nunley, Levi Wannamaker, Jacob Patrick, John Clay, Joseph Countis, Peter Countis, Henderson Countis, William Bost, Noah Howell, Price Levan, Henderson Levan, Thompson Levan, John Killian, Ambrose Walker, Jeremiah Walker Jr., Jeremiah Jones, Abraham Jones, Robert Jones, Harris Step, Rich. Walker, James Walker, James Walker Jr., John Walker Sr., John Walker, William Gross, Lawson Levan,Henry Walker, Zedekiah Levan, James Walker, Elijah Daubey, John Oliver, Ahepah Oliver, Richard Nunley, Jesse Lockhart, James Lockhart Sr., John Lockhart Jr., John Lockhart, Robert Housholder, Thomas Rogers, Carrole Gross Sr., John Gross, Samuel Gross Jr., John Gross, William Gross, Asa Dykes, Isham Prince, Greenbury Bond Sr., Wm. Bond, Wilson Bond, Walker Rogers, P. H. Vicars, James Rogers, Terrell Dugan Sr., Wm.20 Dugan,Robert Dugan, John Ransom, Parkal Wilson, Ballard Ransom, Washington Lockhart, James Dugan Jr., William Dykes Sr., John Bowlin, _____ Savage, Warren Savage, ______ Savage Sr., Sterling Cagle, Christopher Cagle, Charles Cagle, John Fults, Jesse Stoner, Henry Stoner, William Stoner, Wilson Nunley Sr., Wm. Nunley, Ellis Nunley, John Hobbs Sr., Ezekiel D_____, C_____ Dykes, Martin Dykes, Saunder Oliver, R. H. Savage, Jesse Savage, Simeon Hunter, Squire Cuningham, John Spong, Henry T. Campbell, Isaac Campbell, William Stringer, James Thompson, David Nunley Sr., Jeremiah Nunley, William R. Nunley, Davidson Nunley, Archebald Davis, James Davis, William Fults, Smith Sudin?, Robert Gibbs, James Gibbs, John Gibbs, Ezekiel Gibbs, Isaac Saunders, James Tate, Robert Lane, Daniel Sitz, Wm. Bailey, Thomas Thompson, John Thompson, Wm. Ricketts, George Ricketts, Thomas Ricketts, James Ricketts, Peter Tate, Alex Cagle Sr., Jacob Cagle, Henry Cagle Sr., Jacob Dunaway, Wm.20 Dunaway, John Dunaway, James Dunaway, George Samples, George Samples, Martin Sweeden, Jackson Sweeden, Caroll Hobbs, Christopher Hobbs, Richard Hobbs, Adreen Hobbs, James Hobbs Jr., Ezekiel Scott, Jonathan Scott, Pleasant Scott, Edward Smartt, Jospeh Smartt, John Smartt, Reubin Smartt, Wm. Green, Samuel Green, Shadrack Green, Wm. Green, Davidson Martin, Thomas Anglin, John Freeze, James Tipton, Jonathan Fults, Anderson Tipton, John McGee, John Armstrong, Wm. Cowen, Samuel Miller, Greenberry Wooten, Wm. Wootton, Jackson Meadows, Hale Quawls, Samuel Adams, Martin Campbell, Wm. Campbell Sr., James Campbell, Duncan Campbell, Riley Campbell, James Campbell, John Campbell, Enock Fults, Lilbourn Campbell, Archebald Dickerson, William Lowe, Leonard Lowe, Hugh Myres, Jacob Myres Sr., Casper Cocks, David Meeks, Isaac Sanders, Silas Sanders, Euray C. Sanders, Thomas Hanes?, Daniel Myres, Griffin Myres, Pleasant Fults Sr., John Fults Jr., Adam Crouch, Wm. Fults, Pleasant Kelton,W illiam Kelton, James Kelton, Pleasant Kelton, Robert Kelton , Wilson Scott, Jefferson Scott, J. K. Scott, Thomas Lowe, Ezekiel Lowe, William Myres, Christopher Myres, John Myres Jr., Casper N_______ Willison?, David ______, Smith Wilkerson, ______ Wilkerson, Col. Cuts?, Ekgah Meeks, James Roberts, Benjamin Phillips, Ephraim Meeks, John Gibbs, George Sumers, Basil Price, Morgan Moore, Isaac Roberts Sr., Isaac ______, George Warren, John _______, Mill Sumer, George W. Lowe, Charles F. Lowe, William Turner, John Summers, John King, John Lowe, John L. Roberts, Silas T. Todd, Davidson Coap, Steaphen Tucker, Samuel Pearson, Starlin20 Crabtree, Jonson Wooton,Jesse Rhea, Joseph against it Wooten, Jesse Wooten,Mikiel Martin, Thomas Guest, Wm. Lusk, John Lusk, Squire Hetton, Wyatt Hoover, Abraham Coulson, James Smith, Washington James, Joseph Landreth, James Braley, Greek Braley, J_____ Braley, Thomas Guest, Moses against the petition Lusk, William L. Cungham, Bew____ Braley Esq., Alfred against Wooton, A. Berry, Green Braley Jr., Leroy against Southerland, Samuel Park, William Cornelison, Jesse Fults, Daniel Fults, Alfred Cates, Elijah Dickerson, Archibald Adams, Laz Tompson, William Tompson, Archelous Nonley, Amanuel Noneley, Hiram Struges, James Fults, Smith Sides, Wm. Dickerson, William H. R_tenger, Wm. Cope, William Roberts, William Cocke,Nathan Pearson, Eller Pearson, S____C. Darden, Robert Martin, Erns S. Gilles, John against it Leven/Lawson, William _____, Fedore Martin, Edmond Meadows, Hale Winton, James Moore, Joseph Hooer, John M. Coulson , Bartlet Coulson, Alex Martin , Peter Paxton, Mordica Coulson,Joseph Angen, Wm. Braley Jr., Alfred20 Braley Jr., John ________, Samuel Wooten, James ____, William Braley, Col. against Braley, John against Berry, Wm. Wilson, Benjamin against Braley, Samuel against Braley, Walter against Sain, D. in favor of Paxton, Mordica in favor of Scott, William Moonry, W. S. [opposed to be included in the county only] Lan___, James in favor Campbell, William Landers, Hardon in favor Sain, Thomas in favor of Adams, Harrison in favor Hany, Ely