HARDEMAN COUNTY, TN - COURT RECORDS - Circuit Court Minutes Record Book 1823-1829 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Teresa Yeary ==================================================================== Hardeman Co. TN Circuit Court Minutes Record Book, Volume 1, 1823-1829. Microfilm V202-31: TN State Library and Archives (obtained thru AGLL). 4 August 1826. State of Tennessee Hardeman County An Inventory of the property of William Shinault deceased taken the 4th of August 1826. One negro woman named Sally Val $400.00 One negro Boy named Henry 200 -- One negro Boy named Moses 150 -- One Sorrel Mare & Colt 80 -- One Bay Horse 45 " One Sorrel Horse 35 " One Brindled Cow & Calf 9 00 One Red Heifer & Calf 10 00 One White & Black Heifer & calf 11 00 One Red Cow 12 00 One Black & White Cow 10 00 One White Cow & calf 10 00 One Red & White Cow & calf 10 00 One Black Cow & calf 12 00 One white faced Brindled Steer 6 00 One Red Steer 8 00 One Black Muley Steer 9 00 4 Chairs 1 00 5 Shoats at $2 ea. 10 00 1 Sow & 4 pigs 3 00 1 White Sow 3 00 2 Large barrows @ $4 ea. 8 00 1 Pistol 4 50 ------------ $1076 50 212 00 ------------ $1288 50 One Black & White spotted Bull 6 00 One Black Heifer 7 00 One Red & White calf 4 00 23 Head of Sheep @ $2 ea. 46 00 15 Stock Hogs 19 00 1 Mans Saddle 8 00 1 Side Saddle 10 00 3 Beds & Furniture with the Stead $25 ea. 75 00 1 Rilfe Gun 10 00 3 Pots, 2 ovens & 1 skillet 6 50 1 Pot Rack 1 00 1 Kitchen Furniture 1 00 1 Table 1 00 3 Ploughs 6 00 2 Hoes & 1 Axe 3 00 1 Cotton Wheel 2 00 Chairs, Hanns & Collar 1 25 Wooden Ware 2 25 Stone Ware 75 1 Jas. Iron 25 1 Scythe & Hangings 75 1 Trunk 75 1 Old Saddle 50 ------------ 212 00 /s/ Walter Shinault --------------------------------------- 3 November 1826. Estate Sale of William Shinault (deceased husband of Hannah Moore Yeary/Youree Shinault) --- State of Tennessee Hardeman County A List of Articles sold at the sale of William Shinault deceased - 3'd day of November 1826. Purchaser Item $ cts Hannah Shinault 1 Sorrel horse 29 " " 1 bed & furniture 15 " " 1 bed & furniture 16 " " 1 bed & furniture 15 50 " " 1 Trunk 1 00 Hannah Shinault 1 Pr. Hand Irons 2 37 1/2 W. Shinault 1 Jug 1 00 Hannah Shinault 1 oven & lid 2 56 1/4 Wm. Whitakers 1 Do do 1 50 Hannah Shinault 1 Pot 1 00 Hannah Shinault 1 small do 51 Hannah Shinault 1 skillet & lid 1 00 " " 1 Pot Rack 2 00 " " 1 churn, tray, etc. 1 00 " " 1 cotton wheel 1 00 I Chapman 1 Do Do 3 6 1/2 H. Shinault 1 Pail & Peggin 75 Joel Howel 4 ewes & 1 wether 19 62 1/2 Dalton Sweeton 4 Ewes & 1 Do 3 15 6 1/4 Gabrial Bumpass 4 do & 1 do 2 17 95 H. Shinault 5 Head Sheep 11 00 Robert Wilson 4 Sows & 1 Barrow 14 37 1/2 W.C. Brown 1 listed barrow 6 37 1/2 L.W. Echols 4 Hogs 17 561/4 L.W. Echols 1 Blue Sow 6 00 " " " 1 Sow 4 75 W. Whitaker 1 Red & 1 White Do 10 00 H. Shinault 1 Black Sow & pigs 4 50 Wm Whitaker 5 Head Hogs 11 50 David Bells 1 Sow pig & Boar 2 811/2 Hannah Shinault 1 Sow & 12 Shoats 24 00 Hannah Shinault 1 Black Heifer 11 00 D.W. Hyneard 1 Red Steer 11 50 Wm. Bell 1 Cow & Yearling 18 00 Wm. A. Moore 1 Cow & Calf 15 25 Isaac Bruton 1 White faced Steer 8 12 1/2 Hannah Shinault 1 Red Cow & Calf 16 00 Wm. A Moore 1 Brow Cow & Calf 16 75 John Tracy 1 Yearling Bull 4 50 Roderick Oliver 1 Heifer 12 25 H. Shinault 1 Steer 17 00 E. Sparks 1 Yearling 5 50 David Bell 1 Cow & Calf 13 81 1/4 Wm. Bell 1 Cow & Calf 20 50 H. Shinault 2 Hoes & 1 Axe 1 50 H. Shinault 1 Plough 1 50 H. Shinault 1 Ditto 25 " " 1 Shovel Plough 50 " " 1 Loom 6 1/4 " " Lot of plates etc. 31 1/4 " " 1 & Gallon Pot 3 00 W. Shinault 1 Scythe 41 Wm. A. Moore 1 Sorrel Mare 84 00 Jn. Shackelford 1 Bay Horse 69 00 W. Shinault 1 Bay Colt 15 50 John Crow 1 Pistol 3 93 1/4 157.39 387.18 214.86 ----------- $ 758.86 $ cts H. Shinault Chain, Harness & Collar 1 00 H. Shinault 1 Man Saddle 5 00 " " 5 Chairs 75 " " 1 Table 1 00 " " 1 Side Saddle 5 00 " " 1 Iron Wedge 56 1/4 W. Lumbley 1 Rifle & shot bag 5 50 W. Shinault 1 Mans Saddle, old 1 00 J. Robinson 1 sheep bell etc 62 1/4 Also one Note on Davis Dunlap for 44 44 I. Shinault for 10 W. Lumbley for 5 Looney McDonald 43 Cash on hand __27______ 387 18 1/4 Walter Shinault Adm Hannah Shinault Admn F. Recorded Jany 22d 1827 --------------------------- p. 34 Wednesday, Jan 1828. JANUARY TERM. Nathaniel Steele for the case of Ichabod Wadkins & Walter SHINAULT vs. Joshua Hazlewood, Thomas Hazlewood & Wm. T. Land ------ Present same Justices as before: This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a jury of good and lawful men to wit Thomas Sneed, Shirly Tisdale, William H. Tisdale, Johnson Hill, George Martin, William Chapman, James Marlin, John Henson, Wm. Ramsey, Henry T. Rucker, Hughes Pipkin & Allen Hill, who being eleted empannelled and sworn will & truly to inquire of the damages the said plaintiff has sustained by reason of the breach of covenant in the plaintiff mentioned upon their oath do say that the said plaintiff has sustained damages by reason of the breaches aforesaid to the amount of ninety dollars and ten cents. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover of said defendants for the use of said Watkins & Shinault the ad. sum of Ninety dollars & ten cents damages aforesaid by the jury aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed also his costs about this suit in this behalf -- expended etc. ----------------------------- page 93-94 March 1828. Ennis URY vs. Duguid Mims: Motion No. 2; Present the same Justices as above (E.D. Tarver, John Y. Cockerank & Thornton Jones Esquire Justices.) On motion and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that an execution had issued against the defendant for thirty dollars debt, & costs by Thomas James Exquire a justice of the peace for this county, and which said execution had come to the hands of Philip L. Kearney a constable of this County and by him for want of personal property do by on, had levied on one town lot, in the town of Bolivar known as lot No. 2 in Block 12. It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court thaat the said Town Lot be exposed to sale as required by law to satisfy the said debt of thirty dollarstogether with socts and the costs of this motion and that a venditum exponsas issue accordingly. ----------------------------------------- page 195 (Again, no date): Samuel B. Harper and Walter SHINAULT vs. Robert Rivers: Present James Ruffin, Edmund D. Trarver, John Y. Cockeram, Esquires Justices. This day came the parties by their attorneys whereupon came a jury of good and lawful men to wit William Truett, William Crane, Allen Carroll, Joseph Hicks, Charles A. Hutchen, Thomas J. Oliver, Richard Lamb, George Campbell, Wm. L. Steele, Mark, R. Roberts, William Todd, and Archa Chaffin, who being elected empannelled and sworn well and truly to enquire the damages the said plaintiffs have sustained by reason of the defendants not performing the covenants in the declaration mentioned upon their oath do say they find the plaintiffs damages to the sum of four hundred and thirty four dollars and fifty cents. Therefore it is considered by the Court that the plaintiffs recover of the said defendant the damages aforesaid by the jury aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed also his cost about his suit in this behalf expended etc. From which the defendant prayed and obtained an appeal in the nature of a writ of error to the next Circuit Court and give Willie B. Peck and W.D. Barry security. ----------------------------------- page 232 ( I didn't get the date of the Justices names): Walter SHINAULT vs. James Hardin: Covenant No. 17; Present same justices as before: This day came the parties by their attornies and thereupon came a Jury of good and lawful men To Wit, William Truett, William Crane, Daniel E. Harper, Allen Carroll, Joseph Hicks, Barney Skipper, John Robertson, William Overall, John Kelly, William Bogard, William LUMBLEY & Moore Henly who being elected empannelled and sworn the truth to speak upon the issues joined upon their oath do say they find the issues joined in favor of the plaintiff and that the defendant has not kept and performed, his covenant as he has alleged in pleading and they assess the plaintiffs damages by reason thereof to one hundred and twelve dollars fifty cents. It is therefore considered by the Court that the plaintiff recover of the defendant his damages aforesaid in form aforesaid assessed his costs by him about his suit in this behalf expended & that he have mercy. --------------------------- --------Page 275 Robert Rivers vs. Saml. B. Harper & Walter SHINAULT: Writ of Error from the County Court: This day came the parties by their attorneys, and thereupon the matters and things arising on the record and proceedings in this cause being heard and fully understood by the court. It is the opinion of the court that the appeal in the nature of a writ of error in this case be dismissed, and that the writ of precedendo be awarded, directed to the County Court commanding them to proceed to final judgement in this behalf. It is further considered that the defendants in error recover of the plaintiff in error their costs in this behalf expended, and that he have mercy. --------------- --------------------Page 283. Gebriel Bumpass, compt. vs. James Steele, Walter Shenault & Martha White, defts. ---- Decree: This day came the complainant and dismisses his bill and c. Therefore it is considered ordered adjudged and decreed that the defendants recover of the said complainant and Julius C N. Robertson, his security the costs about this case expended. And that the said defendant Martha White recover of the said complainant and the said Julius C. N. Robertson, his security in the injunction the sum of one hundred four dollars sixty two cents the amount of the judgement recovered against the complainant in the court below and interest from the fifth day of October 1827, also her costs as well in the court below amounting to eleven dollars seventy six cents as in this court, in this behalf expended and that execution issue as at common law 1or the same. ---------- -------------------------Page 394. Ordered that Gersham Mooss oversee the clearing out and keep in repair the Summerville Road from Arthur Morrows west to Spring Creek and that he have all the bands of Rivers Ridgeway, Pearson Daniel, Thomas McClehans, James Lee, Joel & Alfred Rainer, Benedict YEARY, E. Bennett, H. & I. Williams work thereon under his directions 2nd class. ---------------------------- ---------------page 498-499 Wilie Peck, Administrator with the will annexed of Robert Rivers, deceased, Plaintiffs in Error vs. Samuel B. Harper and Walter SHINAULT, Defts. in Error Writ of Error: This day came the parties by their attorneys, and thereupon the matters and things upon arising upon the record and proceedings in this cause being heard and fully understood by the Court. It is the opinion of the Court that there is no error therein and that the said Samuel B. Harper and Walter Shenault defendants in Error recover against the plaintiff in Error as administrator aforesaid, and on motion of Wilie B. Peck and Valentine D. Barry his security in the appeal, the sum of four hundred thirty five dollars fifty cents, being the same judgement rendered in the Court below, also the further sum of forty eight dollars being interest thereon at the rate of twelve and one half percent from the date of the judgement in the court below until the present time; also their costs in this behalf expended to be levied of the goods and chattels, rights and credits of said Robert Rivers, dec'd., in the hands of said Wilie Peck to be administered, and in the absence thereof, then, of the proper goods and chattels, lands and tenements of Wilie B. Peck and Valentine D Barry his securities and that execution issue. ----------------------------------- Hardeman County Minutes County Court 1827-1829, Vol. 2. Microfilm V202-31: TN State Library and Archives (obtained thru AGLL). Pages 19-21 describes and shows a map of "A Plan of the Town of Hatchie, Now Bolivar, TN" Looking at an Excite Map of Bolivar, TN, the original town had 3 N-S streets (Main, Washington and Calhoun) and 4 E-W streets (Jefferson, Jackson, Market and LaFayette; Market St is the same as Hiway 64 today). This location is now known as the Bills-McNeal Historic District. Walter Shinault owned Lot 2 on Block 17 located on the NE corner of Calhoun and LaFayette; he paid $40 for the land. The SE corner of the same intersection on Lot 4 of Block 16, was purchased by W. Shinault for $33 (I'm not sure which W. Shinault this was). One block north of the Shinaults on Lot 2, Block 18 on the NE corner of Calhoun and Market Street lived an R. MOORE. Perhaps kin to Hannah Moore Yeary/Youree Shinault? Duguid Mims, who was sued by Ennis URY lived at the NW corner of Main and Jefferson. Robert Rivers who was sued by Walter Shinault and Samuel B. Harper and then appealed the courts judgement against him lived one block east of Walter Shinault, on the SE corner of Washington and LaFayette Streets. T.J. Hardeman, as in Hardeman County, lived 2 blocks due east of the Shinaults on the SW corner of Block 11, Lot #1 on Main Street, 1 block south of Lafayette St. -----------------------Hardeman County, Tennessee Circuit Court Minutes, Record Book, Vol. 1, 1823-1829 Hardeman County, Tennessee Circuit Court Minutes, Record Book, Vol. 2, 1827-1829 LDS Microfilm: 1003117 Campbell, Jane- 347, 349 Campbell, John - 419 Campbell, Widow - 471 Rainer, Joel - 177, 278, 279, 394 [Jury duty on 177, 278, 279] Shenault, Stephan - 16, 34, 195, 232, 344, 442. Ury, Ennis - 93 Yeary, Benedict - 394 Vol. 2, 1827-1829. p. 344 Monday, 5 January 1829. A deed of conveyance from Stephen SHINAULT and Dritter (Walter) Shinault to John P. Robinson for 93 acres of land and the execution thereof was duly proven by the oaths of HENRY WEBSTER and William Whitaker the subscribing witnesses therto and ordered to be certified for registration. FHS Microfilm 1003117 Fayette County, Tennessee Circuit Court Minutes, Civil and Criminal June 1829-June 1832 p. 19 June Term. 1829. June Term 1829: John Marlin Vs David Turner and JAMES SHINAULT This day comes the plaintiff into open Court and files his petition praying that writs of continuance and Lupe------to the clerk of the county court for this county in this cause. Whereupon all matters in said petition being heard and fully understood by the Court it is __________ that Writs of Continuance and Supreme P________ accenting to the prayer of said petitioner on the petitioners giving bond and security as prescribed by law. p. 21 Walter SHINAULT is mentioned in the case of State of Tennessee vs. David Turner and John Marlin. This day came into open Court WALTER SHINAULT and acknowledges himself to be indebted to the State of Tennessee in the sum of $125.00 to be levied of his goods and chattels, lands, and tennants (tenements?) but to be void on condition that he make his personal appearance at the next term of this court on the second Monday of December next then and there to satisfy in behalf of the letter (lease?) against said Turner and Marlin and to not depart without leave of the Court first ________. [Continues to p. 22, which is water damaged.] p. 41 Thursday, 17 December 1829. DECEMBER TERM. John Campbell mentioned p. 47 John SHINAULT, atty of Isaac Edwards vs. Thomas L. Cocke; Debt. p.49-50 JOHN SHINAULT p. 70 Saturday morning, 19 December 1829. DECEMBER TERM. John Marlin vs David Turner and JAMES SHINAULT. Continuance. p. 98 June Term, 1830 John Marlin vs. JAMES SHINAULT and David Turner This day came the plaintiff by his attorney and dismisses his suit and each of the defendants agrees to pay one-third of the costs which is $6.91 each. It is therefore considered by the court that the defendants recover of the plaintiff $6.91 cost aforesaid and that the plaintiff recover of the defendants the sum of $13.82, two-thirds of the costs aforesaid about his suit in this behalf expended. - Initialed by the Court Clerk. p. 108-109 State of Tennessee vs. Leroy MONTGOMERY. Indictment Gaming [husband of Anne Yeary, dau. of David Yeary] p. 187-188 Wednesday, 15 December 1830. DECEMBER TERM. Leroy MONTGOMERY. Gaming indictment [read gaming indictment on p.120 to get a clear reading as the writing on 187-188 is very illegible] p.219-220, 222-223 Thursday, 16 December 1830. Walter SHINAULT vs. Samuel Spear, Eaton J. White, Joseph Taylor. Injunction. Action to dissolve. p.227 13 June 1831. Leroy MONTGOMERY, #10, Gaming p. 265 14 June 1831. Walter SHINAULT vs. Samuel Spear, Eaton J. White, Joseph Taylor. p. 286-287 14 June 1831. Johnson V. Faris (?) vs. Jonathan Bird and Mary - his wife- and JAMES YEARY, Admin. ISAAC YEARY, dec'd. p. 355 June 1832. WALTER SHINAULT vs. Eaton J. White Volume G. Fayette Co., TN Circuit Court, Sept 1842-1844 No Yeary, Shinault, Montgomery, Rainer, Moore, or Campbell is listed in the Index, but the index may be incomplete. I chose not to inspect this portion of the film.