HUMPHREYS COUNTY, TN - MILITARY - Robert Brown, Revolutionary War Pension Application ----¤¤¤---- ROBERT BROWN W219 State of Tennessee Humphreys County Sept Term 1835 On the 25th day of Sept. 1835 personally appeared before the Judge of 5th --- circuit, now sitting, for the county of Humphreys Robert Brown a resident of the aforesaid county aged seventy four years, who being first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration, in order to obtain the benefit of the provisions of an act of Congress passed June the 7th 1832---That he enlisted in the army of the United States, the year that Charleston (of South Carolina) was taken by the British he enlisted in the state of North Carolina Wilkes County under the following officers (to wit)- Capt. James Henderson, Lieutenant William Reynolds his Colonel was by the name of Brannon his General by the name of Caswell. He marched from Wilkes county to monks corner in the State of South Carolina, from thence to the hanging Rock where his term of service expired. having served a tour of three months and went home. He then enlisted as above under Captain Pendleton Isbel, his Regiment was commanded by Cols. Cleveland and Isaaks He marched under them from Wilkes County to Ramsours Mill. There he was in an engagement From thence he marched to the Eutaw springs and the same day on which the battle was fought with the British. From thence he marched to Deep River where he was discharged having performed a tour of two months and a half. After this he volunteered to go to Kings Mountain but did not get there in consequence of an inflammation of his eyes. But after the battle was fought he was set to guard the prisoners until the exchange was made between the British and American prisoners. He was discharged after having performed a tour of two months. He again volunteered for a term of twelve months under Col. Isaacks and Capt Johnson. He marched to Hamlins store in Rowan County in North Carolina where he understood peace was declared and they all had orders to return home. He --- performed a tour of two and a half months; making in the whole ten months. He states he never received any discharge for his said services (except one) which was for the first term of service, which has long since been lost or mislaid. That he has no documentary evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure to testify to his services. He hereby relinquishes every claim, whatever to a pension or annuity (except the present) and declared that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state. He was born in Amelia County Virginia. He has no record of his age but says that his parents informed him he was fourteen years old in June preceding the declaration of Independence. When called into service he was living in Wilkes County North Carolina from thence he removed to South Carolina, Abbeville County, from whence he removed to Humphreys County State of Tennessee where he has resided for eighteen years. His first term of service was as a substitute in the room of Giles Martin - the other services was as a volunteer. He knows but little of the general circumstances of his service or the names of Continental and Militia Regiments among whom he served but recollects having often seen General Caswell ,Cols Isaacks, Cleveland, and Campbell. Sworn to & subscribed this day & Year above written Robert (his mark) Brown State of Tennessee County of Humphreys On this 30th day of December, 1843 personally appeared before me a justice of the peace Mrs. Milley Brown a resident of Tennessee in the County of Humphreys, aged 73 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on her oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the provision made by the act of Congress passed July 7th 1838 entitled an act granting half-pay and pensions to certain widows that she is the widow of Robert Brown who was a private in the Revolutionary war that he received twenty dollars per annum at the agency in Nashville Tennessee until his death which occurred on the 20th day of March 1840 that she has no record of her marriage & either Church or Parish and she further declared that she was married to the said Robert Brown in Wilkes County, North Carolina near the last of March 1790 which will more fully appear by the proof that will be annexed. that she was not married to him prior to his leaving the service but the marriage took place previous to the first of January seventeen hundred and ninety-four viz at the time above stated. Sworn to and subscribed on the day and year Milley Brown above written before me Eli White Justice of the peace for Humphreys county I hear by certify that in consequence of old age and bodily infirmity the above named declarant Miley Brown is unable to attend in open court and that she is a woman of veracity and respectability and that she still continues the widow of Robert Brown given under my hand this 30 day of December 1843 Eli White, Justice of the Peace for Humphrey Family Record Eli Brown was born the year of our Lord 1793 January 12th Martha Brown was born the year of our Lord 1797 (?1799) November 19th Terisa Carolina Brown was born the year of our Lord 1819 January the 17th Malinda Anne Brown was born in the year of our Lord 1821 February the 4th Madison --illegible-- Brown was born in the year of our Lord 1823 April the 15th Robert Dickson Brown was born in the year of our Lord 1825 July the 25th Franklin Jackson Brown was born in the year of our Lord 1827 December the 23d Calvin Lindsey Brown was born the year of our Lord 1830 August the 2d Sarah ----- illegible Martha Elizabeth Brown was born August the 18th the year of our Lord 1835 Francis Marrion Brown was born the --illegible-- 20th in the year of our Lord 1838 Eli Francis Marrion Brown was born in the year of our Lord 1838 April the 20th Eli Brown and Martha Alison was married on the 31st March in the year of our Lord 1818 (these family record pages are difficult to read and note the dates do not agree with the pension letter) August 10, 1934 Miss Rosalie Johnson 1363 Jefferson Street Washington, D.C. Robert Brown, W.219 James Brown, W. 408 BA-J/MB Dear Madam: Reference is made to your letter in which you request the Revolutionary War records of Robert Brown of Virginia, who was placed on the pension roll in Davidson County, Tennessee in 1832 and of James Brown who served in Virginia line and moved from Virginia to Smith County Tennessee, after the Revolution. The records of Robert and James Brown are furnished herein as shown in claims for pension on file based upon their service in the Revolutionary War. ROBERT BROWN W. 219 The data herein were obtained from the papers on file in pension claim, W. 219 based upon the Revolutionary War service of Robert Brown. Robert Brown was born in June, 1762 in Amelia County, Virginia; the name of his parents are not stated. While residing in Wilkes County, North Carolina, he enlisted in the year that Charleston, South Carolina was taken by the British served three months as private in Captain James Henderson's company, Colonel Brannon's North Carolina regiment. He volunteered, date not given, served as private in Captain Pendleton Isbel's company, Colonels Cleveland's and Isaacs' North Carolina regiments, and was in the battle of Ramsour's Mill, length of this tour two and one half months. He volunteered to go to King's Mountain, but did not get there on account of inflammation of his eyes, but after that battle was set to guard prisoners until exchange was made between the British and American prisoners, when he was discharged after having served two months. He again volunteered and served two and one half months as private in Captain Johnson's company, Colonel Isaacs' North Carolina regiment, after which peace was declared and he returned home. Robert Brown moved from Wilkes County, North Carolina, date not given, to Abbeville County, South Carolina, and from there to Humphreys County, Tennessee. He was allowed pension on his application executed September 25, 1835, at which time he was a resident of said Humphreys County, Tennessee, where he had resided for eighteen years. He died March 20, 1840 Robert Brown married near the last of March 1790, in Wilkes County, North Carolina, Miss Milley Preston. Soldier's widow, Milley Brown, was allowed pension on her application executed December 30, 1843, at which time she was aged seventy-three years and a resident of Humphreys County, Tennessee where she was still residing in 1849. Children of Robert Brown and his wife, Milley, were referred to as follows: first child, name not given, who was born in February, 1791, and Eli Brown, born January 12, 1793, who married March 31, 1818 Martha Allison. The following family data appear in the claim: Eli Brown born January 12, 1793 Martha (wife of Eli) Brown born November 19, 1799; in 1849 living in Henry Co. Tenn. Teresa Caroline Brown born January 7, 1819 Malinda Anna Brown born February 4, 1821 Madison Alison Brown born April 15, 1823 Robert Dickson Brown born July 25, 1825 Franklin Jackson Brown born December 23, 1827 Calvin Lindsey Brown born August 2, 1830 Sarah Francina Brown born March 19, 1833 Martha Elizabeth Brown born August 18, 1835 Francis Marrion Brown born April 20, 1838 Eli Francis Marrion Brown born April 20, 1838 It is not shown whether Francis Marrion Brown and Eli Francis Marrion Brown are twins or one and the same person. In 1844, one Leonard Brown, aged eighty-eight years, made affidavit in Benton County, Tennessee, in behalf of soldier's widow, Milley Brown, but did not state any relationship to soldier's family. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright. 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