HUMPHREYS COUNTY, TN - MILITARY - William Gibson, Revolutionary War Pension Record --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Revolutionary War Pension Record - Humphreys County, TN Claimant: William Gibson Submitted by: Paula Sain EMAIL: ********* State Of Tennessee} Humphreys County} Circuit Court, March Term 1821 On this 20th day of March 1821 personally appeared in open Court, being a Court of record for said County, William Gibson aged 69 years resident in said County, who duly sworn to and subscribed the following oath. I do solemnly swear that I was a resident of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner dissolved of my property or any part thereof with intent thereby so to diminish it as to bring myself within the provisions of an Act of Congress, entitled in Oct to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the Revolutionary War, pap?? On the 18th day of March 1818 and that I have not nor has any person in trust for me any property or securities, contracts or debt due to me nor have I any income other that what is contained in the Schedule hereto annexed and by me Subscribed, Viz., 2 head of horses one of them is tolerably good one, the other is of no service to me at this time, five head of cattle, one oven, one skillet, two pots, three basons, one dish, six plates, six spoons, six punch bowls. This declaimants family consists of his wife who is very old unable to contribute anything of consequence towards their support, one son aged 22 years who is so much subject to fits that he cannot administer food to himself, this declaimants occupation is that of a Farmer to p???? Which this declaimant is very ill able, this declaimant has once received a pention, the pension certificate was dated the 26th of October 1819 and numbered 15637. Sworn to and subscribed in open Court the 20th of March 1821 Joseph Ury, Clerk State of Tennessee I Joseph Ury Clerk of the said Circuit Court of Humphreys County, aforesaid, do hereby certify that the foregoing oath and the schedule thereto annexed are truly copies from the records of said Court, and I do further certify that it is the oppinion of the said Court that the Total amount in value of the property E????? In the foregoing schedule is one hundred and twenty-five dollars & seventy-five cents. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and have fixed my private seal, there being no seal of Court at office the 29th March 1821. Joseph Ury, Clerk of the Circuit Court for Humphreys County. ***** State of Tennessee This day personally appeared before me, Alfred M. Harris, one of the circuit judges in and for the State of Tennessee, the undersigned William Gibson who being first sworn, deposeth & sweareth, that he did, in the county of Greenville, in the state of North Carolina, some time in the month of June, 1776, enlist as a soldier on the continental establishment, for the term of two years and ? Months, in a company then commanded by Capt. Phillip Taylor, in the sixth Regiment of North Carolina Continental troops, commanded by Col. Joseph Taylor, in Genl. Francis Nash’s Briggade in that he did, fourthfully Serve against the common enemy, Great Britain, during the Revolutionary War, pursuant of his said enlistment, until the end and separation of his said term of service before mentioned; when he did in Wilmington in No Carolina, enlist in the same company & regiment before mentioned during the war, & served until the fall of Charleston in South Carolina, when he was made a prisoner by the enemy; that he enlisted with the enemy & deserted; & then served in the Virginia Militia under Capt Whitten/Whither? That he was in the battles of Brandywine, Germantown, Monmouth, at the Whitehorse, & the siege of Charlestown, & some inconsiderable skirmishes. That he is now seventy five years old, & stands in need of assistance for his support, not having the means of supporting himself & being unable to get a ? by his manual labour. (Remainder of original document is hard to decipher) Subscribed & sworn to before me the day and date aforesaid 17 March 1819 Alfred M. Harris, Judge of the 6th Judicial Circuit of the State of Tennessee State of Tennessee To the Honorable the Secretary of the Department of War, for the United States of America I, Alfred M. Harris, Judge of the sixth Judicial Circuit, & one of the Circuit Judges in & for the State of Tennessee, do hereby certify, that the above affidavit of William Gibson was subscribed & sworn to before me this day; & the paper enclosed, marked by him ? And that I am satisfied, that he did serve in .......(remainder not copied) ***** Know all men by there presents that we, William Gibson and Frederick Hale, of Greene ?, our heirs ? Are bound unto John Tenery?, Esq., Governor, and to his successors in Office, in the sum of Twelve hundred and fifty dollars, to be void on condition if there be no just cause or lawful impediments to obstruct the marriage of William Gibson to Margaret Hale. Given under Our hands and seals, this 16th day of November 1799. Signed and sealed in presence of Dan Kennedy, Clerk Greene County William Gibson Frederick Hale State of Tennessee I, George W. Foute, clerk of the County Court of Greene County in the State aforesaid, do certify that the foregoing transcript is a true copy of the marriage License Bond of William Gibson, taken from the original now on file in my Office. And I further certify that the License authorizing the Marriage of the said William Gibson to Margaret Hale is not to be found in my office, and that it was not then customary to return the License to the office, after the marriage had been solemnized. Given under my hand and seal of Office, at Office in Greenville, the 16th day of May 1851. Geo. W. Foute, Clerk ****** Notes of submitter: Frederick Hale is shown to be on the 1812 Greene County Tax List, 1820 Franklin Co. TN census, 1830 Knox Co. TN census. William Gibson is found to be on 1820 Humphreys Co. TN census. William Gibson is found to be on 1840 Humphreys Co. TN census in household of Patrick Spicer. -- Paula ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Paula Sain [] ___________________________________________________________________