JACKSON COUNTY, TN - BOUNTY LAND WARRANT - David M. Rector (Mexican War) ----¤¤¤---- 55013 Sarah Rector, widow, and Polly Ann Rector and Christina Rector, children and heirs at law of David M. Rector, dec'd, pri in Capt Scantland's Co. 4 Reg of Tenn. Vols. James Randolph ___ of Benjamin B. Washburn NW 1/4 -- SE 1/4 & E 1/2 -- SW 1/4 & SW 1/4 -- SW 1/4 } 36 - 20 N 10 W Springfield, Ills 160 Pat 10th July 1857 Rec. WC 103 Page 194 Reg. ********* Land Warrant Register and Receiver's No. 55013 } { No. 730 Land Office, Oct. 23, 1849 We hereby certify that, the attached Military Bounty Land Warrant No. 551013 was on this day received at this office, from James A. Barrett, of Sangamon County, State of Illinois. Turner R. King, Register, Walter Davis, Receiver I, James A. Barnes, of Sangamon county, State of Illinois, hereby locate the NW gr SE gr and EW SW gr abd SW gr SW gr of Section No. 36 in Township No. Twenty, North of Range No. Ten West in the District of Lands subject to sale at the Land Office at faction of the attached Warrant numbered 55013 ----- Witness my hand this 23rd day of October A. D. 1849 Attest Turner R. King Register } James A. Barnes Walter Davis Receiver Land Office, November 23rd, 1849 We hereby certify that the above location is correct, being in accordance with law and instructions. Turner R. King, Register Walter Davis, Receiver ******** Land Warrant Certificate No. 55013 I, Jacob Lane, Sr. being desirous of locating the NWW of the SE gr and E 1/2 SW gr & SW gr SW gr in Township No. 20 North of Range No. 10 West, Ill, with the attached Military Land Warrant Certificate, No. 55013 issued under the provisions of the ninth Section of the Act of Congress, approved February 11th, 1847, do solemnly swear that from my own knowledge of the fact, after actual inspection of the said tract of land, on or about the 22nd day of October of said land, except my own nor was there any person or persons residing upon it; ----- And I do verily believe that there is no actual settlement and cultivation except My own or any person or persons residing upon any part of said land at this time. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 23rd day of Oct. A. D. 1849 } Jacob Lane, Sr. Register of the Land Office, Turner R. King I request my patent to be sent to ******** DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Office of the Commissioner of Pensions It is hereby certified, that the Land Warrant No. 55,013 for 160 acres, Polly Ann Rector & Christina Rector, Children & heirs at law of David M. Rector, dec'd, Private in Capt. Scantland, Company 4th Regt. of Tennessee Volunteers under the date of April Seventeenth 1849 and will be deposited in the General Land Office, at the Seat of Government; and that, pursuant to the provisions of the subjoined ninth section of the Act of Congress, approved on the 11th day of February, 1847, entitled "An act to raise for a limited time an additional military force, and for other purposes," this Certificate of right to locate said warrant on any Quarter Section of land subject to private entry, will be received at any of the Land Offices of the United States, under the regulations and restrictions set forth in the accompanying statement of the Commissioner of the General Land Office. After the location of this Certificate, it is to be surrendered to the General Land Office, whence the PATENT will issue. Given under my hand, at the Pension Office this 17th day of April 1849. Care of Geo. M. McWhirter Gainesboro, Tennessee J. L. Edwards Commissioner of Pensions ******* For the valued received, we Sarah Rector, widow and Benjamin B. Washburn, guardian for Polly Ann Rector and Christana Rector children and only heirs at law of David M. Rector deceased late a private in the Capt. Scantlands Company 4th Regt of Tennessee Volunteers do hereby sell and assign unto James A. Banet all the right and title of the said Sarah Rector and Polly Ann Rector and Christana Rector, widow and children of & heirs as aforesaid to the within certificate or warrant No. 55013 for 160 acres of land and witness our hands and seals this 3rd day of September 1849. Sarah Rector (her mark) (seal) Benjamin B. Washburn (seal) guardian for Polly Ann Rector and Christana Rector Attest A. M. Deuchilt G. M. Ray Acknowledged before me this 3rd day of September 1849. Thomas D. Cassitty Justice of the Peace for Jackson County, Tennessee I also certify that this the date of this my certificate to the foregoing assignment was filled up by me on the day on which the same was acknowledged before me in my official capacity. Thomas D. Cassitty (JP) Attest A. M. Deuchilt G. M. Ray State of Tennessee Jackson County } I Sampson W. Cassetty of Jackson County Court on the above certificate is an acting Justice of ___ arised to administer oaths & that his commission of April 1854. In testimony whereof at office this 4th day of September. ****** State of Tennessee Jackson County } Be it remembered that at a Jackson County Court began and held in the Court house in the town of Gainesboro in the County of Jackson and state of Tennessee on Monday it being the third day of September in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and Forty- nine and of American Independence the seventy fourth Court met pursuant to adjournment present the worshipful Henry Richmond Rowland C. Dill William Plumber William Gipson Lewis Fletcher and David Griffith Esqrs Justices. On motion Benjamin B. Washburn is appointed guardian to Polly Ann Rector and Christiana Rector minor orphans who came into open court together with John Leach and Henry Taylor his security and executed bond in the sum of one hundred Dollars conditioned as the law directs for his faithful performance whereupon said bond duly approved by the court and ordered to be recorded. State of Tennessee Jackson County } I Sampson W. Cassetty clerk of Jackson County Court hereby certify that the within and foregoing is a true full and perfect transcript of the appointment of Benjamin B. Washburn guardian to the minors Polly Ann Rector and Christiana Rector minor orphans of David Rector deceased has in our court as appears of record in my office witness my hand at office this 5th day of September A. D. 1849. State of Tennessee Jackson County } I, David G. Shepherd, Chairman of the county court of said county and state do hereby certify that Sampson W. Cassetty, whose name appears officially to the foregoing certificate and was at the date of the same clerk of said county court and that all of his acts as and an entitled to full ???? and credit and also that his said certificate is in the usual form. Given under my hands at office this 6th day of September 1849. David G. Shepherd Chairman ********* State of Tennessee Jackson County } I, Sampson W. Cassetty clerk of Jackson County court hereby certify that David G. Shepherd whose name appears officially to the within and foregoing certificate is ???? chairman of the county court of Jackson County State of Tennessee duly and legally elected and that due faith and credit should be given to his official acts In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name and affixed my seal of office at office this 6th day of September A. D. 1849 G. W. Cassetty (seal) ********* State of Tennessee Jackson County } Be it remembered that at a county court began and held in the Court house in the Town of Gainesboro in Jackson County State of Tennessee on the first Monday it being the third day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one and of the Independence of the United States the 75th court met pursuant to the adjournment present the worshipful Peter G. Cox Austin H. Morgan Rowland C. Dill Lemuel G. Rose & Amos Kirkpatrick Esrs Justices Sarah Rector widow & Benjamine B. Washburn guardian to Polley Ann Rector & Christina Rector Expartee petition to sell land warrant In this case it is ordered by the court that the matters set forth in the petition be referred to the clerk of this court that he take proof and report thereon to the present term of this court upon the propriety of selling said land warrant in the pleedings mentioned. Sarah Rector & Benjamine B. Washburn guardian to Polly Ann & Christina Rector Expartee decree to sell land warrant Be it remembered that this cause came on to be heard on this 3rd day of March 1851 and was heard before the worshipful county court of Jackson County upon petition proof and report of the clerk which is in the ward and figures (to wit) In this case the clerk of the County Court reports to the worshipful court that in pursuance to a decreth order made in this case at the present term that he has proceeded to take the Deposition of George M. McWhirter and Thomas H. Butler from which it appears that it would be manifestly to the interest of all persons concerned that said land warrant be sold for distribution and that one hundred and ten dollars is a fare cash price for said land warrant all of which is respectfully submitted and the court before the proof in this cause. S. W. Cassetty (clerk) Which report being unexpected is in all things confirmed by the court. It is ordered adjudged and decreed by the court that said Land Warrant No. 55013 for 160 acres be sold to the highest bidders for cash at the Court house door in Gainesboro and the clerk of this court proceed to sell the same after giving at least 20 days notice by advertisement at three or more public places in Jackson County one of which shall be at the court house door in Gainesboro and that the biddings for said land warrant be opened at one hundred and ten dollars all other matters being reserved untill the coming in of said report. April County Court 1851 court need present the worshipfuls. Sarah Rector & Benjamine B. Washburn guardian to Polly Ann Rector & Christina Rector. Expartee decree to sell land warrant Be it remembered that this cause came on again to be finally heard on this 7th day of April 1851 before the worshipful court of Jackson County upon the report of the Clerk of said court which report is unexcepted to and is in the following words and figures (to wit). Sarah Rector & B. B. Washburn guardian to Polly Ann Rector & Christania Rector Expartee Report In this case the clerk of the county court of Jackson County respectfully reports to the worshipful county court of said county that in pursuance to an interlocutory decree herein pronounced at that March Term 1851 he preceded to sell said Land warrant No. 55013. for 160 acres Issued from the Commissioners of Pensions at Washington City D. C. on the 17th day of April 1849 to Sarah Rector widow & Polly Ann Rector & Christina Rector children and heirs at law of David M. Rector (decd) to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Gainesboro after having advertised the same as direct in said Decreth order when Benjamin B. Washburn became the purchaser at the price of one hundred and ten dollars he being the highest and best bidder and it being the minimum value of said land warrant all of which is respectfully submitted Mart the 29th 1851. S. W. Cassetty (clerk) Whereupon it is ordered and decreed by the court that said report be in all things confirmed and that the Title of Sarah Rector widow and Polly Ann Recter & Christina Recter children and heirs at law of David M. Recter in and to said Land warrant be forever divested and vested in the purchaser Benjamin B. Washburn and that the cost of sale be pair out of the fund arising from the sale and that the clerk pay over to said fund to those entitled. State of Tennessee Jackson County } I Sampson W. Cassetty Clerk of Jackson County Court hereby certify that the ??? and foregoing is a true full and perfect transcription of the proceeding had in our County Court ordering the sale of the aforesaid Land warrant & confirming said sale as appears of record in my office witness my hand at office this 8th day of April 1851. S. W. Cassetty (clerk) For the value received I hereby sell and assign unto James A. Barret _____ all my right and title to the within & foregoing certificate or warrant No. 55013 for 160 acres of Land witness my hand this 8th day of April 1851 Benjamin B. Washburn (seal) Acknowledged before me this 8th day of April 1851. I also certify that this my certificate to the foregoing assignment was filed up by me on the day on which the same was acknowledged before me in my official capacity as aforesaid attest. Thos. D. Cassety Justice of the peace Attest T. J. Poteet J. E. Rains State of Tennessee Jackson County } I Sampson W. Cassetty clerk of Jackson County court hereby certify that Thos. D. Cassetty whose signature appears officially to the above certificate is an acting justice of the peace in and for Jackson County State of Tennessee duly ??? and qualified and that his signiture is geniune ??? and entitled to credit. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of my office at office this 8th day of April A. D. 1851. Sampson W. Cassetty (clerk) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Mitzi P. Freeman ___________________________________________________________________