JACKSON COUNTY, TN - OBITUARY - Margaret E. Stout - 1934 ----¤¤¤---- Putnam County Herald January 25, 1934 Page: 6 Vol. XXXII No. 4 MRS. MARGARET E. STOUT Mrs. Margaret E. Stout, 76, died Tuesday morning, January 16, at her home in the Seventh District of Jackson county, after an illness of several months. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Lem Smotherman, Wednesday morning at the Methodist Church, with burial in Curry Chapel Cemetery. Mrs. Stout was born and reared in Jackson County, having resided in this community for more than thirty-five years. She was the widow of William Stout, who preceded her in death several years. She was converted and baptized into the fellowship of the M. E. Church, South, about forty years ago and had been an active and useful member until her death. Yjat the church was the most attractive and inviting place in her community was revealed by her regular attendance at both Sunday school and church, and by the interest and pride she took in it. Kindliness, honesty, purity and reverence for God, possessions greater than a crown could give, were basic elements of her character. Life was made richer and happier for her by cultivating the habit of remembering the good things that came to her and forgetting the unkind and unpleasant, and by being ever ready to speak words of comfort to those overshadowed by anxieties. Mrs. Stout lived alone for the past several years, but so much of her time was devoted to the "homecoming" of her children, that he (sic) home lacked loneliness. Making sacrifices for her children was an outstanding agency in her life, and a visit from one of them was looked forward to with all the eagerness and gayety of a child. She had born many burdens, "and the Lord had mercy and gave her rest," said her friends. Now that her earth work is ended and her life's record closed, we extend to the bereaved children and friends our tenderest sympathy, and hope that the Father of all mercies may be their comfort and support in their great sorrow. Surviving Mrs. Stout are four children, Walter, Mrs. Vallie Burton, Goodlettsville, Mrs. Willis Brown, Old Hickory, Mrs. Hershel Brown, Detroit, fifteen grandchildren, and a host of friends. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: William R. Stout ___________________________________________________________________