Jefferson County TN Archives Court.....Splawn, Isaac And Elizabeth November 24, 1803 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Brenda Abplanalp February 16, 2006, 1:59 pm Source: Jefferson Co., Tn. Guardianship Records, P. 13 Written: November 24, 1803 JAMES WOOD GUARDIAN November the twenty fourth 1803. Received of James Wood two hundred and nineteen dollars and twenty five cents it being my part of the estate of Jonathan Wood deceased which the said James Wood was my Guardian for the said Estate by me chosen in open court one of the heirs of said Estate. I say receive by me or by my husband and myself his her Isaac x Splawn & Elizabeth x Splawn mark mark Test Solomon Odell John Crossend Test James Lillard November the twenty eighth one thousand eight hundred and three. Then received of James Wood five hundred and thirty two dollars and twenty five cents it being my part in full of the estate of Jonathan Wood deceased. Received of the said James he being my guardian chosen in open court by me one of the heirs of said estate Received this day and date above written John Wood Test Jas. Ruddell July the 19th 1806 Received of James Wood two hundred and nineteen dollars and seventy two cents and in trust it being my part of the Estate of Jonathan Wood deceased. Received of the sd James Wood he being my Guardian chosen in open court by me her Nancy x Wood mark Richard Groves Additional Comments: This record was taken from a zerox copy of the original guardianship record in Jefferson Co., Tn. sent to me by the county clerk. Isaac Splawn and his wife Elizabeth Wood Splawn settled in Bedford Co., Tn. Census and deed records are found for this family in Bedford Co., Tn. from 1826-1836. Isaac then moved with his family to Daviess Co., Mo. around 1836. His wife Elizabeth was dead by that time as he re-married in Dec. of 1836 in Ray Co., Mo. There are also other court records for this family in Jefferson Co., Tn. and multiple records of Isaac Splawn in Daviess Co., Mo. where he died in 1853 according to Civil Court Records in Daviess Co., Mo. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.9 Kb