Jefferson County TN Archives History .....A List Of Debts Due The Estate Of David Grier Dec'd From Microfilm Roll#35 Jefferson Co., Probate Records (County Or Chancery Court) Wills Vol 1-2 Apr 1792-Dec 1826 August 11, 1797 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dona Burnett July 25, 2006, 3:31 pm Book Title: pg 21 A list of debts due the estate of David Grier deceased. Michael Harrison 4.16 Thomas Grier for Cash rec'd since last Court which belongs to the estate and has not been given in yet 9. Coventon Collinsworth to sundries 5.6 John Collinsworth to Sundries 2.6 William Doherty 2.10 Bennet Boggess 16. Alexander Montgomery to sundries 1.11 William George to sundries 1.16 John Carson to sundries 1.15 Jacob Sholl to sundries 2.16 Thomas Renno to sundries 3.18 Robert Henderson to sundries 3.3 James Doherty to sundries 0.6 Adam Peck to sundries 0.6 Mathew Wallace to sundries 1.1 John Lewis to sundries 1.4 pg 22 Thomas Keis [?Keif] to sundries 1.6.3 Shedrack Ready to sundries 1.14.3 John Padgett to sundries 2.4.1 Michael Montgomery 0.6.9 John Henry to sundries 1.4.6 John Sellers to sundries 0.16.6 George Anderson to sundries 0.12.2 Miss Polly McGown 1.2.3 Elizabeth Gentry to sundries 2.0.11 John Keith to sundries 10.2.10 Miss Jean Berry 0.13 Doctor Neilson to sundries 1.14.6 Andrew Edgar 0.9.4 John Frame to sundries 1.14.9 Robert Johnson 28.0.3 James Montgomery 0.17 Luke Bowyer 10.0.6 William Webb John Hill 0.2.9 John Hutchinson to sundries 9.0.0 James Ross to sundries 2.10.2 Joseph McFarland 1.4.6 Thomas Rodgers 0.18 Jeremiah Mathews 4.17.10 John Pollock 0.13.9 Miss Betsey Kinney 2.1.6 James Dunn 9.6.10 James Garrison 0.4.3 Robert Kerr 7.4.2 James Cowan 0.9.6 Joshua Wright 0.9.7 Isaac W. Rodgers 1.11.0 pg 23 Joseph Culton[?Cotton] 3.9 Betsey Kain 0.10.7 1/2 Polly Hammon 0.15.9 Polly Shadden 0.2.5 John Patterson 0.2.6 Cyer? Coffey 0.7 Joseph Doherty 0.7.3 John Johnson 0.10.1 Mary Wooden 0.12.10 William Buckingham 27.7.6 Bennett Boggass 16.3.1 Coventon Collinsworth 12.5.6 Joel Ivey 0.2.6 George Doherty 0.4.3 Pleasant Waller 2.2.0 Unis Carlock 0.8 James Walker 0.10.6 John Henderson 0.8.9 John Willson 1.10.7 November 8th 1797 the amount of what the Books sold for which was the estate of David Grier dec'd given in by Thomas Grier Administrator $64.86 State of Tennessee Jefferson County October 22d 1805 We the Commisioners appointed by Cort to settle with thomas Grier Administrator of the estate of David Grier deceased having examined the Vouchers respecting said estate do find as follows VIZ Thomas Grier Adm of said estate to store goods received as per inventory returned to Court this Sum L(pound) 491.0.0 To Cash collected of Book accounts 155.11.3 To Cash by discharges 21.12 To Cash collected in North Carolina 81.18 To the amount of sale of Books 19.9.1 L(pound) 769.10.4 Additional Comments: No Census record for 1800 exists for this area. This is a list of accounts owed on the estate of David Grier and proof that these people were in Jefferson County in 1797. Many of the names can also be seen in earlier records from Greene County 1783-1790. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 5.7 Kb