Knox County TN Archives Military Records.....Gillespie, Jacob Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 4, 2005, 7:51 pm JACOB GILLESPIE Jacob Gillespie applied for revolutionary pension while living in Knox County, Tenn., October 4, 1832. He was then 79 years of age and therefore born in 1753. He entered the United States service in June, 1774, when he was drafted nto the militia in Augusta County, Virginia, under Colonel Andrew Lewis, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Lewis, Captain George Moffatt and Lieutenant James Sawyer. He volunteered later under the same officers for another tour. He was in battle at Big Kanawah River, October 10, 1774. Lieutenant Colonel Charles Lewis was killed, also privates William Gragg, William Bell, John Moffatt, the last a brother of Captain Moffatt. He recalled that fourteen privates of his company were killed and wounded including the above mentioned. He volunteered again under Colonel Dickinson in Augusta County. In 1777 or 1778 he resided in Rook-ingham. County and volunteered under Major Nawl and Captain Guy Hamilton, He volunteered again in 1780 under Captain Hamilton and Captain John Rice. He removed from Virginia to Tennessee about 1796. Additional Comments: From: Some Tennessee Heroes of the Revolution PAMPHLET NO. V Compiled From Pension Statements By Zella Armstrong File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb