KNOX COUNTY, TN - VITALS - Certificate of death, Hattie Booker Clapp --------------¤¤¤¤¤¤-------------- Certificate of death # 18378 Mrs. Hattie Booker Clapp date of death: 7/28/1941 Place of death: Knox County, Knoxville, St. Mary's Hospital (length of stay: 5 days) legal residence: Knox County, Corryton race: white sex: female married age: 53 years, 8 months, 27 days date of birth: Oct. 31, 1887 place of birth: Knox County, Tennessee husband: Jessie Clapp, age 56 social security number: none usual occupation: housewife father: Lee Booker, born Tennessee mother: Alice Kelly, born Tennessee informant: husband address: Corryington, Tenn. burial, 7/30/1941 at Flat Creek Cemetery, Knox Co. undertaker: Rose, Knoxville immediate cause of death: peritonitis, due to hyptercloney other conditions: myocardial failure ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Paula ___________________________________________________________________