LAKE COUNTY, TENNESSEE - MISC - 1880 MORTALITY SCHEDULE File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Green ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ LAKE COUNTY TN 1880 MORTALITY SCHEDULE The information below was transcribed for the Mortality Schedule for Lake County Tennessee in the Tennessee State Library and Archives. The information provided includes: name, age Sex (m,f), M=married W=widow/widower , State of Birth, occupation if given, month died, cause of death. Alexander,_____, 3/12 (m), TN, May, lung disease Bagwell, Lula, 1, TN, Sep., Malarial Fever Baker, Elizabeth, 64, W, PA, Keeping house, Mar., Dropsy Bird, Clerinda, 59, W, AL, Boarder, Feb., Abscess of abdomen and liver complaint Bradford, C. G., 34, (m), TN, Farmer, Feb., Pneumonia Chamberlin, Thomas, 2, MO, Dec., Worms Curtis, Miranda, 41, M, AL, Apr., Typhoid Pneumonia Dalton, Dick, 15, TN, Mar., Malarial Fever Donaldson, ______, 1/30, (f), TN, Aug., Cause unknown Darnell, R. M., 72, (m), M, SC, Dec., Paralysis Davenport, J. D., 18, (m), TN, Farming, Nov., Pneumonia Davis, Allies, 21, (f), M, KY, Jun., Childbirth Davis, Aridon, 3/30, (m), TN, Apr., Debility Drake, A. N., 11/12, (m), TN, Dec., Croup Driskell, Drury, 22, M, TN, Farmer, Jan., Cong.Brain Eerett, Christiana, 88, W, Scotland, Boarder, Mar., Debility Flatt, John, 39, M, MS, Farmer, May, Consumption Freeling, Robert, 24, TN, Laborer, Jan., Conaby Gibbs, Mama, 52, B, TN, Nov., Croup Glover, W. H., 2, (m), TN, Apr., Burn Griffin, ______,___,(m), TN, Sep., Stillborn Hardin, Aaron, 21, M, IN, Laborer, Jun., Cong. Brain Harper, Sallie, 45, M, TN, Housewife, Feb., Consumption Harper, Thomas,___, M, TN, Farmer, Jun., Consumption Harrington, Cora, 2/12, TN, Feb., Croup Harris, ____, 1/30, (m), TN, month omitted, Inanition Henderson, Alice, 35, B, M, TN, Keeping House, Nov., Consumption Henderson, Andrew, 18, MS, Farming, Apr., Pneumonia Hines, P. G., 45, (m), M, KY, May, Pneumonia Hines, Sandy, 79, (m), VA, Farmer, Dec., Debility-old age Hodyshell, Rebe, 65 (f), M, TN, Farming, Jan., Hemorrage of lungs Kinch, William H., 3, TN, Jun., Congestion of Bowels Laslie, Minnie L., 9, TN, Apr., Dropsy Lawrence, A.L., 4, (m), TN, Aug., Convulsions Marr, John, 65, M, TN, Farmer, Mar., Erycipilas McGlora, ____, 80, (m), M, TN, Farmer, Feb., Pneumonia McRee,____, 1/30, (m), TN, Mar., Stillborn Meriwether, W. D., 43, (m), M, KY, Mar., Pneumonia Miller, John C., 9/12, TN, Sep., Summer Billious Fever Mooney, Edward, 5/12, TN, Mar., Miningitis Morgan, George, 54, M, KY, Farmer, Mar., Pneumonia Moxley, Alexander, 1, TN, Mar., Pneumonia Nolen, Jinnie, 16, B, TN, Oct., Cause Left Blank Owens, Earnest, 4, TN, Jan., Fever Owens, John A. R., 3, MO, Jul., Congestion of Brain Pillow, Richard, 1/30, TN, Jul., Debility Pits, The., 68, (m), M, TN, Farmer, Feb., Pneumonia Pritchard, Lee O., 1, TN, Oct., Measles Reeder, Mary A. 38, W, IL, Keeping House, Nov., Pneumonia Renalds, Harriett, 22, B, TN, Apr., Gastric Fever Riley, Sarah, 43, M, TN, Keeping House, Feb., Pneumonia Rodgers, Polly, 74, W, KY, Boarder, Dec., Dropsy of Abdomen Ryall, Lidie, R., 21/30, (f), TN, Apr., Debility Sadding, Mary Ann, 20, M, TN, Keeping House, Jan., Congestion of Brain Seargant, Nancey, 21, M, KY, Keeping House, Dec., Uremia Shelton, Mary B., 11, B, TN, Apr., Cause Left Blank Spain, M. E., 30, (f), M, TN, Keeping House, Congestion of Brain Stephens, William, 3/30, TN, Jan., Spina Bithida Taylor, ___, 1/30, (m), TN, Oct., Debility Thompson, Ann, 30, M, TN, Keeping House, May, Consumption Thompson, L. E., 36, (f), M, TN, Jan., Pneumonia Thompson, William L., 2/12, TN, May, Croupe Vaughn, ____,58,(f), TN, Boarder, Jan., Pneumonia Vaughn, ____, « (f), TN, Jun., Convulsions Whitsen, Frank, 29, M, TN, Farmer, Apr., Pneumonia Worker, Emma, 25, TN, Housekeeper, Nov., Spleric Disease