Lincoln-Grainger County TN Archives Biographies.....Alsup, Anderson 1809 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Kay Pacheco September 26, 2005, 7:42 pm Author: Goodspeed p. 876-877. ALSUP, DAVIS, KENNEDY, SMITH Anderson ALSUP, farmer, was born in Granger County, Tenn., July 16, 1809, and was educated in the schools near his home. In March, 1831, he married Sarah, daughter of John and Priscilla DAVIS. She was born in Lincoln County in 1815, and is the mother of four children: J. F., Amanda E., (Mrs. T. H. KENNEDY), Mary A., (Mrs. R. P. SMITH) and W. B. Mr. ALSUP located on the old home-place after his marriage, and there has since resided, and at the present time owns about 400 acres of very fine land. He has been a successful business man, and has given his children good educational advantages. He has been magistrate of his district four years. He is a Democrat, and cast his first Presidential vote for Andrew Jackson. His wife belongs to the Baptist Church. Mr. ALSUP's parents were James and Abigail ALSUP, born in Virginia and Pennsylvania, respectively, the former in 1769. He came to Tennessee at an early date, and died in Lincoln County in 1829. The mother departed this life in 1848. Additional Comments: From Goodspeed's "History of Tennessee" File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.7 Kb