Lincoln County TN Archives Military Records.....Armstrong, Thomas Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Nancy Poquette June 23, 2006, 12:39 pm Pension Application Of Thomas Armstrong, Natl Archives Microseries M804, Roll 76, Application #S2925 THOMAS ARMSTRONG, a resident of Lincoln County, TN, aged 77 years: “He entered the service, he believes, in the year seventy-seven, in the month of April, under Captain JOHN DAVIS, who was afterwards cashiered, and GEORGE PEARCE the first lieutenant in the company, was promoted to the command of captain under whom he served till he quit the service. He was drafted for three months, which he served out, and did not return home till the month of September following, in consequence of sickness.” “The company to which he belonged was attached to the regiment commanded by Colonel MCDOWELL, whose regiment was attached to the forces commanded by General BUTLER, General LINCOLN being commander in chief of the whole North Carolina forces. He was drafted in the County of Guilford, in the state of North Carolina immediately before he went into service. He was at the Battle of Stono Ferry (he believes) [per Heitman, June 20, 1779] in the state of South Carolina, though not in that battle, being one of the guard of the baggage. Said battle was fought between the American forces under General LINCOLN and the British forces were commanded he believes, by PROVOST.” “He served as a drafted militiaman in the state of Pennsylvania, a tour of two months, guarding the British prisoners taken at BURGOYNE’s defeat, which prisoners were kept about two miles below the town of Little York under Captain ARBISON, John AIDY being Major then in command of that place. He does not recollect the year in which he rendered this service.” “He afterwards served as a volunteer in the state of Pennsylvania some considerable time in collecting and bringing into camp the British prisoners who had made their escape from the Americans. He does not recollect how long he was engaged in this service, but he thinks two months or more.” “He afterwards served some time as a volunteer in the state of North Carolina in guarding the magazine at Guilford Courthouse. But he does not recollect the year nor the length of time he served, he believes about two weeks in this last tour. Captains WHITESELL and DENT were at the magazine while he was guarding the same. He served at various times as a volunteer against the Tories in North Carolina through several years, attached to no particular regiments or companies, but to scouting parties, he believes in all, more than a month…” File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.1 Kb