LINCOLN COUNTY TN - PENSIONS - REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION APPLICATION: WILLIAM WHITE ******************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Virginia L. Keefer ******************************************************************************* National Archives Revolutionary War Service: William White, Virginia, # S1735 William White of Lincoln County in the State of Tennessee who was a private in the Company commanded by Captain Shelton of the Regiment commanded by Colonel Gaskin in the Virginia Line for two years. Inscribed in the roll of West Tennessee at the rate of $30.00 per annum to commence on the 4th day of March, 1831. Certificate of Pension issued the 27th day of September, 1833, Davis Gartland, Fayetteville, arrears to the 4th of September, $200.00, semi-annual allowance ending 4 March $40.00, total $240.00, Revolutionary Claim Act, June 7, 1832, recorded by David Boyd, Clerk, Book E, Volume 7, page 99. State of Tennessee County Court Lincoln County October term, 1832 On this 17th day of October, 1832, personally appeared before the justices of the County Court of Lincoln County, Tennessee, William White, a resident of said county and state, aged about 78 years the 10th of January next, who being duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath, make the following declaration in order to attain the benefit of a provision made by act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following officers and served as herein stated, viz.: That he volunteered in Colonel Stephen’s Regiment of Minutemen in Fauquier County, Virginia some time in the month of September in the year 1775 [as he thinks], Major Thomas Marshall also commanded in said regiment. The company to which I belonged was commanded by Captain John Shelton who was afterwards killed at the Battle of Brandywine or Germantown [ I now forget which] and also by Lieutenant John Marshall, son of Major Thos. Marshall, and now Chief Justice of the United States. In the same month we marched from our county to Culpepper Courthouse in Virginia, where we commenced building barracks, but before we completed them an express arrived for us to go to the lower country where Gov. Dunmore was raising a disturbance. We immediately marched to Williamsburg, and were there stationed in the Capitol three or four weeks during the time our regiment was stationed at Williamsburg. I volunteered and went with a rifle company commanded by a Capt. Bluford to Hampton Road and at Hampton we had an action with five small British vessels called “tenders” lying in a creek a small distance away from the bay, one of which we took and drove the others off. From Hampton we marched back to Williamsburg and I joined my regiment. We then started towards Norfolk, where Gov. Dunmore had established himself, and came to a bridge about 14 or 15 miles from Norfolk, called at that time “ the long bridge” at which place was a British fort about 5 miles below the bridge at a ferry which was guarded by some Tories and Negroes. Gen’l. Scott, being with our army at his time, beat up for volunteers to storm the lower fort, and I and several of my company besides others went and stormed the forts dung the night. We completely routed them and took several Negroes and one white man prisoner. We marched back to the long bridge and raised breastworks against the fort where Fordyce commanded. In 3 or 4 days afterwards, Fordyce marched out of the fort to storm our breastworks, and we killed, wounded and took prisoner his whole company except one Ensign who made his escape. Capt. Fordyce was shot through the body with ten balls. We then marched to Norfolk against Dunmore who retreated to his vessels and set fire to the town. We lay at Norfolk a few weeks and were then marched back home where we were discharged about the middle of April, having been in service between 7 and 8 months. In the middle of May following, I went to Alexandria, now in the District of Columbia, to see my brother, John White, who had enlisted in a company commanded by the same Capt’ Shelton, and who was so unwell as to be unable to do service. I then became a substitute for my brother for three months, after which he returned and took his place. During the time I was a substitute, we lay the greater part of that time at Alexandria, but 3 or 4 weeks before I left that service, we marched over to the Washington side of the Potomac River, and after remaining there 2 or 3 weeks, we started towards Philadelphia, but before we had gone far, my brother came and I returned home. Sometime in the latter part of 1780, I enlisted in the service of the United States for the term of 18 months, in the company commanded by Capt. Warman [ or some such name] attached to the regiment of regulars commanded by Colonel Gaskins and Major John Willis, in Fauquier County, Virginia. Page two. We assembled at Fredericksburg, where, as soon as the different companies arrived, they were sent to Powhatan Courthouse to be disciplined by Gen’l. Steuben. As soon as I arrived at Fredericksburg, I was appointed Orderly Sergeant in which capacity I continued to act during the time I was in service. Part of the company to which I belonged, under Capt. Field, and the other under a Lieu’t. whose name I now forget, were on our way to Powhatan Courthouse for the purpose before stated. When we had proceeded some distance, an express arrived, informing us that the British had burnt Manchester, and us to cut across the country to Point of Forks in order to avoid them as we had not yet received any arms, and to guard that place as our arms and public stores were there. Here we joined Gen’l. Steuben and drew our arms. We remained there 3 or 3 days when an express arrived that they British, under Col. Tarleton were marching upon us. Steuben became alarmed and ordered us cross over James River and remove our stores, but before we had entirely succeeded, Tarleton came up and took some of the stores, 2 of the baggage wagons, and made prisoners of the guard. On that night Steuben ordered a large quantity of rails to be produced to made fires and ordered the army to retreat leaving one Ensign and a small company to keep up the fires in order to deceive the British. He had sent up and down the river 4 or 5 miles to destroy all the boats to prevent the enemy from crossing to pursue us. We retreated to Halifax Old Town, marching 3 days and nights without provision and without rest. We stayed there a few days and nights and were ordered to return to James River and join Gen’l. Wayne and Lafayette who were then pursuing Lord Cornwallis. We crossed the River at Carter’s Ferry and joined Gen’l Wayne at headquarters and our regiment was attached to his forces as light infantry. Cornwallis and his army retreated down the river and our army under Gen’l Wayne continued to maneuver so as to harass them very much in their march, especially at Green Springs where they crossed the river, we attacked their rear and did them considerable injury. After crossing the river, which was near Old Jamestown, they marched to Williamsburg and proceeded to Yorktown, and all which route we followed them and finally besieged and took them all prisoner at that place. After the surrender of Lord Cornwallis, our regiment was marched back to Powhatan Courthouse where we remained until the latter part of the succeeding April, our regiment being then ordered to Savannah and I being very unwell, I procured a substitute to go in my place and I returned home, and was not in service any more during the war. I had a written discharge, but it is now lost. I think the term of my service was from the time I enlisted until the time I left the service was about 14 or 15 months, during all which time I acted as Orderly Sergeant in our regiment. In addition to the officers before mentioned, I was acquainted with Gen’l Washington, Col Hamilton, his aid,[ who commanded us at the time we were drawing in the entrenchments at the siege of Yorktown] also with Gen’ls Wayne, Green, Lee, Scott, Woodford, Sumpter, Morgan and others. I was born in Fauquier County, Virginia on the 10th day of January, 1755. I have a record of my age now in my possession. I lived there when I entered service. After the Reolutionary War, I moved to Rowan County , North Carolina, where I lived about 30 years, then came to this county where I now live. At the time I left the service, a new Colonel had just been appointed to the command of our regiment from whom I secured my discharge, but whose name I now forget. I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of any agency in any state. In court with me I now have no evidence of my service, nor do I know of any person whose testimony I can procure to testify to the service unless it be Chief Justice Marshall, with whom I served in a regiment of what was then called “Minutemen” at the beginning of the war. As to my character for veracity and my revolutionary services, I would refer to the Rev. Cumberland Wilson, Col. Wm. Moore, and Col. Isaac Holman, and to Mr. James Bright. Sworn to and subscribed the day and year afores’d. Teste. Rob’t. __? , Clerk, signed, William White. We, Cumberland Wilson, a clergyman residing in Fayetteville, Lincoln County, Tennessee and Wm. Moore and Isaac Holman and James Bright residing in said county, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with William White who has subscribed and sworn to the foregoing declaration. That we believe him to be about 78 years of age, and that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a soldier of the Revolution, and that we concur in that opinion. Sworn and subscribed this day and year aforesaid. Test. Robert ?, clerk. Signed, Cumberland Wilson, William Moore, Isaac Holman, James Bright. Page three Brief in the Case of William White of Lincoln County, Tennessee [ Act of 7th June, 1832] 1. Was the declaration made before a court of judge? A court 2. If before a judge, does it appear that the applicant is disabled by bodily infirmity? 3. How old is he? About 78 4. State his service as directed in the form annex. Period Duration of Service Rank Names of General Field Officers’ 1775 7 or 8 months Private Maj. Marshall, Capt. Shelton 1776 3 months Private Capt. Shelton 1780 14 or 15 months Private Capt. Shelton 5. In what battle was he engaged? Skirmishes 6. Where did he reside when he entered the service? Fauquier Co VA. 7. Is his statement supported by living witnesses, by documentary proof, by traditionary evidence, by incidental evidence, or by the rolls? Traditionary evidence. 8. Are the papers defective as to from or authentication? And if so, in what respect? The certificate of the certifying officers not attached to the papers which contained the affidavit and piece of tape. I certify that the foregoing statement and the answers agree with the evidence in the case above mentioned. Dyer Caster, Examining clerk. Submitted by Virginia Lynn [White] Keefer Of Keego Harbor, MI D.A.R. number 788860 for above William White in my name.