LINCOLN County Tn - NEWSPAPERS - Petersburg: A People's History part 4 continuted ************************************************************************************* Copyright. All Rights Reserved. This File Was Contributed For Use In The Usgenweb Archives By: Dwight Winsett > ************************************************************************************* September 3, 1942 Petersburg Letter Couch-Boaz Mr. and Mrs. Horace Boaz, of Fayetteville, announce the marriage of their daughter, Jean Frances, to J. W. Couch, son of the late Mr. Couch, of Petersburg. The wedding took place Thursday afternoon in Huntsville at the Methodist Church, with the Rev. Grady officiating in the presence of a few friends. They will reside in Petersburg, where the groom is manager of the T. A. Couch Hardware Co. The bride attended Morgan School and the groom is a graduate of Morgan. * * * Richardson-Brown Mr. and Mrs. John Brown announce the marriage of their daughter, Lougenia, to Buford Richardson. The wedding took place Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Henry Greer, with the Rev. Vernon Rich, of Huntsville, officiating in the presence of the family and friends. They will reside near here. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Arthur, of Haleyville, Ala., spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Sowell. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown and daughter, of Denver, are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Crabtree and family, of Bellville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crabtree. Mrs. O. M. Pearson has returned from several days visit to her daughter of Old Hickory. Pvt. Edward Pearson, of Chanute Field, Ill., has returned after spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Pearson. George William Scott visited his sister, Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, and brother, Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, last week. Mr. Alfred Davis, of Nashville, visited Mrs. Davis here this week. They will move to Nashville soon where Mr. Davis is employed. Mrs. Laura Pack Jones, of Nashville, has returned after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pack. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Gray and son, of Nashville, visited the latter's parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynes and daughter, of Old Hickory, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rodes. Miss Julia Joplin Greer will return to her home in Union City Thursday after visiting her grandparents here. Miss Melba Sowell, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with her father, Mr. S. O. Sowell, and Mrs. Sowell. Mr. and Mrs. Otha Sowell have sold their house and lot on High Street to Mr. Smith, of the barber shop, and they have moved to the Duplex on Church Street. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mrs. Freeman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Miss Sarah Barnes, of Lynch, Ky., has been visiting her parents at Delina, and also been the guest of Miss Margaret Leonard. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Greer, who accompanied her home for a few days. Mr. Bert Lane has been visiting in Manchester. Mrs. Ned Baum, of Dennison, Texas, is visiting Mrs. Rebecca Street. Mrs. Kate Pylant spent the weekend in Columbia with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr. Mr. J. Lush Fowler, Misses Margaret, Ada, Anna and Maxie Fowler, of Lewisburg; Mrs. J. A. Stewart, of Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son Barry Locker; Mrs. Paul Hurt and children, of Fayetteville; Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and children, of Belfast; Miss Katherine White, of Columbia; Edwin Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville, were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Messrs. Edwin Scott and Lucian Scott were Monday night guests of Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mrs. Ed Rice is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Foster Beasley, and family, of Nashville. Miss Thelma Pack, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pack, has accepted a position in the War Department of Washington, D. C. She has just finished a secretarial course in Nashville and was called to Washington two weeks ago. She is a graduate of Morgan School. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy; Mrs. Nell Cole and Mrs. Willie Mae Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville. They were accompanied home by George William Scott. Mrs. Golie Scott has been on a visit to Miss Opal Scott and Mr. Hugh Scott, of Memphis. Mr. Billy Scott has returned from a visit to his sister, Mrs. Edward Romska, of Chattanooga. September 10, 1942 Petersburg Letter Dumb Bell Party Miss Bessie D. Morton was hostess to a Dumb Bell Party at her home Wednesday evening. On entering each guest was given a Dumb Talley card. All through the evening the games were in Dumb Bell style. Each guest went by their Dumb Bell name. They were penalized ten points if they called someone else by their real name. The hostess was Dumb Dora. Rook was played from four tables. Miss Mable Stammer won high score and Mrs. Joe H. Cummings was=20 second. Misses Ann Woodard and Mary Docia Hart were additional guests. The house was lovely with gift flowers. The guests were then invited to the dining room where each guest was given a dunce cap. Then lovely buffet refreshments were served. On reentering the living room each guest was given a dumb-bell lollipop which she held in her mouth and entered a spelling contest. Miss Edith Dysart won in the spelling contest. * * * 58th Annual Colt Show The 58th annual Petersburg Colt Show and Community Fair opened here Tuesday with a large crowd. The day was given over to mules, mule colts and 4-H Club work. Tuesday night a record breaking crowd attended the annual horse show. Wednesday's show was: horse and filly colts, Percheron mares and colts and stallions. The baby show was held at 2:00 p.m., for the best baby boy and girl from six months to eighteen months. The display in the Ladies Department cooking, canning and needlework was well displayed, as also was the farm products. * * * Personals Mrs. Roy Franklin has returned from Louisville, where she has been with Mr. Franklin, who has employment there. Mr. Marks Davidson, of Tullahoma, spent Labor day here. Mr. Ollie Barham, of Nashville, spent Labor day with Mrs. Della Bledsoe and attended the Colt Show. Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mrs. Betty Lou Finley has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Marvin Davis, of Ostella. Little Miss Careen Redd had her tonsils removed last week. Mr. William Edmiston and son, of Guthrie, Ky., came last week and were accompanied home by Mrs. Edmiston. Mrs. Carmack Sullivan and daughter and Miss Wilma Moore, of Akron, are visiting the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Viola Marsh and were accompanied home by Mrs. Maude Pierce, who will visit Mr. John Cowden, of Nashville, before returning to Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Melba Sowell, of Nashville, was here over the weekend to visit Mrs. Otha Sowell, who is confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moyers and son have moved to Fayetteville to reside. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown were in Knoxville and Crossville on business recently. Mr. Tom Barham, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with his parents. Mrs. Freeman Towry, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Maude Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wells and Mr. Jesse Wells, of Louisville, are visiting relatives and will be accompanied home by R. B. Wells, who spent the summer here. Miss Margaret Leonard, who has been visiting Miss Sarah Barnes, of Lynch, Ky. has returned and left Monday to resume her school work in Tullahoma. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Guy Frye, of Nashville, came by to see Mrs. Cassie Crawford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd spent Saturday in Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and family, of Belfast, Sunday. Mrs. Ed Rice returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Foster Beasley, of Nashville. Mr. Grady Hastings, of Jamestown, Ohio, came Saturday for a visit and to attend the Colt Show. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Russell March and son, of Chattanooga, came for Labor day holiday and a visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver March. Mr. Horace Rice has returned from Hot Springs, where he visited Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore. Mrs. R. L. Moffatt and family moved to Johnson City, where Mr. Moffatt is employed. Mrs. Lester Largen and children, of Lewisburg, were in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia, are spending their vacation with their grandmother, Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mr. Edwin Scott, Mr. Tommy Warren and Mr. Mitchell Cashion left Friday for Fort Oglethorpe. Pfc. Murray H. Hensley has returned to Fort Benning, Ga., after visiting homefolks. He has been in the Army six months. He is in the medical department and likes it fine. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins were in Nashville Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Carroll Scott visited their mother at Petersburg and Kenneth visited his parents at Belfast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Fayetteville Monday. Miss Ann Scott was the weekend guest of Miss Dot Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith were weekend guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smith. Pvt. Mark Whitaker, of Kessler Field, Mississippi, has returned after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Whitaker. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Mrs. Ida Ledford were: Mr. and Mrs. D. Baker and children, Thruman and Mary Elizabeth, Mr. Raymond Barnett and Dr. W. L. Barnett, of Manchester. Dr. Barnett stayed over for Labor day. Mr. Grady Hastings, of Jamestown, Ohio, was also a guest. Mr. Thurman Nelms, of Memphis, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelms. September 17, 1942 Petersburg Letter Baby Show Little Billy Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, was the first winner of the Baby Show for Boys held at the fair here Wednesday. Little Carolyn Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Sullivan, was first in the girl class. * * * McClenney-Tate Mr. and Mrs. Bill Tate announce the marriage of their daughter, Frances Elizabeth, to William Floyd McClenney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis McClenney. The wedding took place Wednesday September 9, in Petersburg, with Eld. Jim Sanders officiating in the presence of the bride's mother and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sullivan. They will reside near here, where the groom is a farmer. The bride attended Morgan. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, visited the former's parents Thursday. Mr. Buddy Pylant and friend were Sunday guests of Mrs. Kate Pylant. Buddy will join the Navy at an early date. Teddy Green, first class seaman, of Jacksonville, Fla., spent a three day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Green. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Carroll Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harris, of Shelbyville, attended the Horse Show Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gill were in Murfreesboro Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hasty, of Shelbyville, attended the Colt Show. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mr. Redd's parents. Mrs. Bera Farris, of Chapel Hill, was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. D. B. Smith, Mr. Smith, and daughter, Addie Jean. Miss Addie Jean Smith left Wednesday to enter Bethel College at McKenzie, Tenn. She was accompanied by her father, the Rev. D. B. Smith; her aunt, Mrs. E. L. Cardin, of Pulaski, and Mrs. John Stammer Smith, of Rockvale, Tenn., who will visit relatives in Union City, returning the latter part of the week. Little Wayne Petty, of Lewisburg, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop and daughter, Miss Maybelle, and Mrs. Ava Wells were recent guests of Mrs. Charles Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Allen, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen. Mrs. Hatton Archer was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville, attended the Horse Show Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bigham, and son, Spain, of Fayetteville, attended the Horse Show here Tuesday night. Dr. Gammill, of Texas, is visiting his sisters, Mesdames Jim Bledsoe and Edward Redd. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conder, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the former's parents. Mr. J. B. Cummings is confined to the Gordon Hospital in Lewisburg. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Oliver Russell March and son, Randy, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Oliver March. Miss Jean Scott returned from Nashville Sunday. Mrs. Sam Scott is visiting Mrs. Coleman Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown were in Huntsville and Gadsden Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mitchell announce the arrival of son, born Friday in the Lincoln County Hospital. Mrs. E. H. Minton and daughter, Bonnie, of Hopkinsville, Ky., were weekend guests of Mrs. Roy Franklin. Miss Jessie Davis spent the weekend with Miss Sally Chapman. Miss Elizabeth Murdock has entered David Lipscomb College, Nashville. Miss Elaine Haynes left Monday to enter Sullins College. Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. Oliver Talley visited Mr. Walter Broadway, who continues ill. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Marsh, of Nashville, were here to attend the Colt Show and were guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Susie Talley. Mrs. Mack Cashion, of Shelbyville, attended the Petersburg Colt Show. Mr. Jim McCord, of Lewisburg, was here Wednesday for the Colt Show. He made a short talk. Mr. C. C. Flannery also made a short talk. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wells were: Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hastings, of Belfast; Mr. Ezra Beatty and daughter, Alice Murrell, and Mrs. Albert Lee Rowland, of Belfast; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Harris, and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harris, of Shelbyville. September 17, 1942 Whey Drying Plant Opens At Petersburg The Nashville Buttermilk Company, of Nashville, of which Neil Hunt is manager, has purchased one of the Strickland Hosiery Mill buildings in Petersburg and will open a whey drying plant as soon as the building can undergo necessary changes. The plant will obtain whey from the Mar-Lin Diaries, of which Walter L. Meeker is owner and manager. September 24, 1942 Petersburg Letter Celebrates 81st Birthday Children and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Nannie Conder Sunday, September 20, to celebrate her 81st birthday. At noon a bountiful lunch was served. She received many useful gifts. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Alva Conder, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Tate, Mr. and Mrs. George Conder and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Conder and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Conder and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Follis and children. * * * Elected Delegates Mrs. Ed Scott and Miss Bessie McAdoo were elected to represent the Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at the fall session of the Elk Presbytery, which convenes at the Gum Creek Church, near Winchester, October 1 and 2. * * * Personals Mr. Paul Crawford and daughter, Charlotte, of Fayetteville, were in town Thursday. Mr. Walter Barham accidentally slipped and fell last Tuesday injuring his hip. He was carried to the Leek Clinic for treatment, but has returned to his home. Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, was called here last week on account of the illness of her father. Mrs. Lettie Hunter spent the weekend at home. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. M. Greer She was accompanied to Lewisburg by Mrs. Joe Greer. Mrs. Bud Tate, of Shelbyville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nannie Conder. Sgt. Lonnie Nichols, who has been visiting his parents, was called to New Jersey Saturday. He left by plane. J. W. Couch and David Nolan left Monday for Fort Oglethorpe. Word has been received here from Edwin Scott and he is now stationed in Fort Monmouth, N. J. Also Sherrell Cashion, of Howell, is stationed there. They both have been employed by the telephone company. Several teachers from here attended the teachers meeting in Fayetteville, Saturday. Mrs. Lela Cole is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Dorsey, of Chattanooga, were here this weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Mollie Hathaway, who is confined to her home on account of illness. Miss Marian Marsh, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Dixie Marsh, and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Friday. Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Leek and son, Edwin, were in Murfreesboro Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott spent Thursday in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Marsh and daughter, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Sgt. Lonnie Nichols, of S. C., was called home last week on account of the illness of his mother. Mr. Billy Hastings, of Springfield, spent the weekend with homefolks. Mr. Billy Hastings and Carroll Scott were in Fayetteville to see Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler. Mr. J. B. Cummings, who has been confined to the Gordon Hospital, Lewisburg, has returned to his father's home for a few days. We wish for him a speedy recovery. October 1, 1942 Petersburg Letter Mass Meeting Sunday Afternoon There will be a Mass Meeting Sunday, October 4, at the Morgan School at 2:30 o'clock. The local Civilian Defense Council is sponsoring the meeting. The Auxiliary Police, Air Raid Wardens, First-Aid, Scouts, Messengers, are urged to be present. All rural sections are urged to announce the meeting and get all defense members to be present. There will be a speaker from Nashville, according to the local coordinator, W. L. Meeker. * * * Newhouse-Pylant Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Gelene, of Pensacola, Fla., to Lt. N. H. Newhouse, of Kansas, who is a member of the U. S. N. R. Medical Corps. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Newhouse, of Charleston, West Virginia. Miss Pylant is a graduate of the Morgan School of Petersburg. She attended the Gradwald School of Medical Technology in St. Louis, and has been connected with a laboratory in Pensacola for the past three years. She is an active member of the Pilot Club and the American Society of X-Ray Technicians. Lt. Newhouse received his degree in medicine at the University of Louisville, and took post graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. He attended the School of Aviation Medicine, Naval Aviation Base in Kansas. The wedding will take place in Kansas City, Kansas. * * * Mrs. Touchstone Hostess To Rook Club Mrs. William Touchstone was hostess to her rook club at her home Friday evening. Miss Mable Stammer and Mrs. Herman Scott tied for high score. The hostess served tempting refreshments. * * * Entertains Rook Club Mrs. R. K. Morgan was hostess to her rook club Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. A. Blakemore won high score. * * * Celebrates Birthdays The children and grandchildren of Mrs. Frank Whorley gathered at her home Sunday, September 27, it being the month of two of her sons' birthday, Raymond and Charlie. It has been the custom for them to meet in September. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Houston Ezell and daughter, Lady Frank, of Nashville; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Whorley, of Nashville; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whorley and son, Mr. Coy Simmons, Mr. Herman Whorley. The only thing that marred the occasion was the absence of Mrs. Coy Simmons, [Lala Whorley], who was called from this world about a month ago. * * * Personals Mr. Raymond Adams, of Manchester, spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Robert Morris Arthur, of Haleyville, Ala., has returned after a visiting her mother. Mrs. Otha Sowell, Mrs. Arthur and Mrs. Harold George were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mr. Abie Marsh, of Nashville, spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, was a recent guest of her parents. Mr. Allen Shaddy, recently appointed postmaster, will take charge of the Post Office here Wednesday. Mr. Sam Davidson is resigning. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott were in Belfast Sunday afternoon to see Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Conger, of Fayetteville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Emma Moore. Miss Jean Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson. Mrs. Mary Reavis, of Lewisburg, was the weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynes and daughter, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rodes. Mr. Neil Green will leave Monday for Detroit, where he has accepted a position. Mrs. Sam Scott has purchased the Miss Letitia Statem house and lot and has moved in from the country. Mr. Dock Troop bought the Carlton house and lot in Petersburg which was sold at auction last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Walker and son, Jackie, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson. Mr. Allen Shaddy and family are moving to the Ellis house on College Street. Mrs. Alfred Buntley, of Fayetteville, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mrs. Ollie Hemphill and son, Lee, of Lewisburg, visited her mother over the weekend. October 8, 1942 Petersburg Letter Attend Presbytery Those from Petersburg attending the fall session of Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church which was held at Gum Creek Thursday and Friday, October 1 and 2, were: the Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo, Mrs. Ed Scott, Miss Eva Land and the Rev. D. B. Smith. * * * Mass Meeting Held Sunday There was a mass meeting held at the Morgan School Sunday October 4, at 2:30 o'clock. New phases of Civilian Defense were discussed by a group of speakers, Mr. Braly Craig, of Lewisburg; Mr. M. D. Brock, Mr. Ernest Rees, Eld. Andy Largen, Miss Dorothy Barbee, of Fayetteville; Eld. Allen Shaddy, Mr. R. H. Beasley and Prof. R. K. Morgan, of Petersburg. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Mrs. Nell Cole and Mrs. Wade Hart were in Lewisburg Monday. Dr. Gammill, of Texas, who has been on an extended visit to his sisters, Mrs. Jim Bledsoe and Mrs. Edward Redd, returned to his home this week. Rev. and Mrs. Vaughn Fults, Rev. E. L. Derryberry, of Lewisburg, and Miss Martha Ann Sharp were recent guests of Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo. The Rev. S. O. McAdoo has been appointed budget director of Elk Presbytery. Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Matt Thornton, of Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the latter's mother. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler were: Mr. J. L. Fowler, Misses Anna, Ada and Ella Fowler, of Lewisburg; Mrs. Mildred Stewart, of Columbia; Mr, and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna, of Petersburg, and Miss Pauline Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley were hosts to a well planned dinner at the home of the former Sunday, complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ketchum, George Scott and Pauline Hurt. October 15, 1942 Petersburg Letter P. T. A. Meeting The Parent-Teachers meeting was held at the elementary school auditorium Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Fred Montgomery, the president in charge. Several new items of new and old business were discussed. The rooms having the most mothers present were the sixth and eighth grades. The program director, Mrs. Jesse Moore, announced each member. Mrs. Johnny Talley conducted the devotional. Mrs. David Askins read the State President's message. Mrs. W. L. Meeker read a very interesting letter. On October 26, there will be a district meeting, held at the Petersburg Elementary School, opening at 10:00 o'clock. All members are requested to attend. * * * Personals Mr. Roy Franklin, of Louisville, is visiting family here. Miss Eleanor Barnes, of Delina, was the weekend guest of Miss Mable Stammer. Mr. Edward Beasley, of Nashville, spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, and Mrs. Emma Moore spent Sunday and Monday in Clarksville with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyatt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irby Holloway and daughter, Ann, of Huntsville, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and Barry visited the former's parents over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Leek and son, Edwin, Jr., are leaving Monday for Memphis to visit their parents before being inducted in the Medical Department of the Army. Dr. Leek will be stationed somewhere in Florida. Mrs. Lucille Hastings, Mrs. W. R. Foster and Jack Hastings accompanied Billy Hastings and Buddy Marsh to Nashville where Billy and Buddy joined the Air Corps of the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loyd Scott visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson, of Fayetteville, recently. Dr. J. L. Gammill left Tuesday for his home in Texas after an extended visit to his sisters, Mesdames Bledsoe and Redd. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and the Rev. D. B. Smith left Tuesday to attend the fall session of the Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which convenes at McCains, near Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hart announce the arrival of a son, born October 10. Mr. Louis Greer and Mr. Vance Greer passed through Petersburg the past week en-route from Detroit to Kingsport. Miss Bessie D. Morton was in Nashville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Farrar, of Shelbyville, attended the funeral of Mrs. J. M. Nelms Saturday. Mr. Raymond Adams, of Manchester, spent the weekend with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Varda Sorrells and daughters, Geraldine and Dolores, have returned from a two weeks visit to St. Louis. Mrs. Margaret Delffs, of Shelbyville, came to be at the bedside of Mrs. C. A. Blakemore, who is confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. Horace Simmons left Saturday for the Navy Yards in South Carolina where he has employment. Miss Marian Marsh, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Dixie Marsh. Sgt. Robert L. Forrester, of Lakeland, Fla., has returned after a visit to his parents. Pvt. Edward Pearson, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Pearson, who has been stationed at Chanute Field, Ill., has been promoted and is now stationed in Goldsboro, N. C., where he is an instructor in the Air Corps. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gibson. Mr. L. G. Rives was elected to represent the church at the Synod at McCains. Miss Bessie McAdams will represent the Ladies Missionary Society. Mr. Charles Edward Barham will succeed R. W. Askins as principal of the elementary school, who has resigned to become principal of the Robert E. Lee Grammar School in Fayetteville. * * * Deaths Hattie Lee Hastings Nelms October 22, 1942 Petersburg Letter Crabtree-Humphrey Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Humphrey announce the marriage of their daughter, Louise, to Ford Crabtree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crabtree. The wedding took place September 12, in Huntsville, with Judge Jones officiating. They will reside near here. * * * Thirteen Rook Club Misses Mable Stammer and Eleanor Barnes were joint hostesses to the Thirteen Rook Club at the home of Miss Stammer, Friday night. The rooms were lovely with fall flowers and halloween ideas. Three tables were used. Mrs. J. B. Cummings, Jr., won high score. Mrs. Ralph Askins was an additional guest. Mrs. W. M. Scott resigned as leader and Miss Stammer was elected as president, Miss Edith Hayes as vice-president and secretary-treasurer. The next meeting will be with Mrs. J. H. Cummings Friday, October 30. * * * Home Demonstration Club The Petersburg Home Demonstration Club met in their monthly meeting at the club room Thursday, with Mrs. Edward Gill as hostess. Mrs. George Stephenson, president, presided. Mrs. Edward Redd acted as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Pearl Hart. The creed was read, with Mrs. Boone Moore in charge. Miss Barbee conducted a home food supply card to be filled by members. The hostess was assisted by Miss Barbee and Mrs. Oliver Talley. Miss Barbee demonstrated broiled liver. * * * Preaches Farewell Sermon The Rev. Ira E. Lutz, pastor of the local Methodist Church, who attended Conference in Nashville last week, was sent to Hartsville, Tenn. Rev. Harwell will be in charge of the Petersburg and Medium and Mt. Zion Churches. We regret to lose Rev. and Mrs. Lutz. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh, Miss Dawn Young, Mrs. Aline Young, Mrs. Grace Armstrong, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Manley of McMinnville. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. "Dock" Crawford of Gary, Ind., visited the former's sister, Mrs. Johnny Talley, and family the past week. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mrs. Greer accompanied her to Nashville and will attend an executive meeting of the WCTU at the Noel Hotel. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gill were: Mrs. Mary Gill, Mrs. Hal Moore and daughter, Rev. Ira Lutz and Mrs. W. S. Leonard. Mr. Thad Dorsey and Mrs. Martin, of Chattanooga, visited Mrs. Dorsey who is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Hathaway, who continues quite ill. Mrs. Grady Hastings, of Xenia, Ohio, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lane. Word has been received here that Shannon Fowler, who left October 6, for the Army, is now stationed in Camp Blanding, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Touchstone and Mrs. Della Bledsoe have moved into the house which was recently vacated by Dr. and Mrs. E. S. Leek. Mrs. Nettie Scoggins has bought Mrs. Bledsoe's house and lot on High Street, known as the Curtis House. She will move soon. Word has been received here that Edwin Scott has been promoted to the rank of Private First Class. Word was received here that Tommy Warren is confined to the hospital. Miss Dot Deakin, of Nashville, entered Morgan School last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scott and daughter, Wanda, Mrs. Ed Scott, Mr. Joe Loyd Scott, were in Nashville where Wanda underwent an operation. Dr. W. R. Billington was in charge. Mrs. J. W. Couch, Mr. T. A. Couch, Mr. Otis Couch, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Gilbert and Paul Couch were in Fort Oglethorpe to see J. W. Couch Sunday. They reported seeing Buddy Marsh. Miss Jean Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart, Mrs. Lela Cole, Mrs. Nell Cole, were in Shelbyville at the bedside of Mr. Earl Simmons, who continues ill. Pvt. George Tommy Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Stephenson, of Fort Knox, Ky., spent several days here. Pvt. Marlin Tate, Mrs. Tate, of Texas, and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Tate, of Shelbyville, visited the former's grandmother, Mrs. Nannie Conder. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with their mother. Mr. Roy Sanders spent the weekend with his family. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson, Mrs. Shannon Fowler, Parks Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dwiggins. Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, of Goodlettsville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, Mrs. Wade Hart, Mesdames Nell Cole and Walter Cole were in Shelbyville Friday to be at the bedside of Mr. Earl Simmons, who suffered a stroke Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vaughn and daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Potter, of Nashville, visited Mrs. Potter's son, John, who is attending Morgan School. They also visited relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna, and Mrs. Kate Pylant. October 29, 1942 Petersburg Letter Service Flag Dedication At C. P. Church At the 11:00 o'clock service Sunday, October 25, the Rev. S. O. McAdoo, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, filled his pulpit and conducted a very impressive Service Flag dedication, honoring six boys of the church who are in the service of their country. Several appropriate songs were rendered by the choir, and the quartet sang America the Beautiful, Lovely fall flowers were used in the rostrum. The names of the boys were: Edwin Scott, Shannon Fowler, Billy Hastings, Jack King, Mahlon Scott, and W. C. Boaz. After a touching address the audience was asked to come to the altar, and as the dedication prayer was conducted, dedicate their lives anew for their church, country and the boys. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry Locker, of Fayetteville, visited the former's parents. Mrs. Lucille Hastings, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her family. Mrs. W. M. Scott and Mrs. George Fowler spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings of Shelbyville. Mrs. Wade Welch and sister, Robbie, of Lewisburg, visited their grandmother, Mrs. Sam Scott. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, of Nashville, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson. Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Joe L. Scott, and Mr. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Greer and daughter, Julia Joplin, of Union City, visited their parents over the weekend. Mrs. J. M. Greer has returned from Nashville where she attended a meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, and Mr. George Fowler visited the latter's sisters and brothers in Lewisburg Sunday. Mr. J. Loyd Garrett, of Little Rock, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Pratt Ramsey, Miss Mary Margaret Ramsey, of Trimble, Tenn., Misses Anna and Maxie Fowler, of Lewisburg, were Wednesday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver "Shorty" Sherrell, of Jacksonville, Fla., announce the arrival of a son, born October 16, who has been named Larrymore. Mrs. Sherrell will be remembered here as Miss Margaret Logan. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Mrs. Nell Cole, Mrs. Wade Hart, Mrs. Lela Cole, were in Lewisburg Thursday. Miss Eva Land is visiting relatives in Culleoka and Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Arch Marsh attended church in Fayetteville Sunday. Mrs. Paul Hurt, Pauline and Douglas, and Mrs. Lucille Hastings, of Fayetteville, attended the dedication service at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh, Mr. Ralph Askins, Mrs. Cecil Scott, Miss Mable Stammer, Miss Ann Woodard, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Talley, Mrs. Joe Loyd Scott, Misses Eleanor Barnes and Ellen Gray Taylor, were in Nashville Friday, where they attended the teachers meeting. Mr. and Mrs. John Massey, Mrs. Roy Sanders and daughters, Willadean and Georgia Anna, and sons, Hoover and Coy, spent Sunday in Leitchfield, Ky., as the guests of friends. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Bessie, attended a banquet in Boonshill Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott and Mrs. Shannon Fowler visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson, of Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna, Mrs. Kate Pylant, were in Lewisburg Saturday to attend the land sale of the late J. B. and Maggie Luna farm, which was purchased by Mr. Ford Franklin. November 5, 1942 Petersburg Letter Brown-Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jim Williams announce the marriage of their daughter, Frances, to Charles E. Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown. The wedding took place October 15, in Fayetteville, with Eld. R. A. Largen officiating. They will reside near Pulaski. * * * Research Club Mrs. J. M. Greer was hostess to the Research Club Monday afternoon, at her home. * * * Halloween Dance The teachers of Morgan School were hosts to a well planned Halloween Dance, complimenting the boys and girls of the school, Saturday night. * * * Miss Marsh Hostess Miss Dixie Ann Marsh was hostess to sixteen members of her class at her home Saturday night. Games, music and contests were enjoyed. The hostess, assisted by Joan Eakin, served tempting refreshments. * * * Ladies Missionary Society The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. S. O. McAdoo was program leader. Her theme was Thanksgiving. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh, Mrs. J. M. Greer and Mrs. Dixie Marsh attended the funeral of Miss Cassie Beasley in Nashville Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, Mrs. Nell Cole, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols. Mrs. Kate Pylant spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant in Columbia. Mrs. Roy Parks, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Varda Sorrells, and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Carrigan, of Belfast, were in Petersburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smith were in Nashville Wednesday. Mrs. Lucille Hastings and son, Charles, visited Billy Hastings of Nashville Monday. They were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore were in Nashville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill and Mr. Raymond Adams were Sunday guests of Miss Lillian Haggerty of Gallatin. Hugh Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hattie Scott, and Billy Fullerton, who have been drafted for the army, will leave soon for Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Houston Gray and children, of Nashville, were weekend guests of the latter's parents. Mr. Thad Dorsey, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with Mrs. Dorsey, who is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Mollie Hathaway, who continues quite sick. Mrs. Dixie Marsh visited her son, Mr. Buddy Marsh, who is stationed in Nashville with the Air Corps. Mr. Edward Beasley, of Nashville, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with the latter's mother. Several from Petersburg were in Fayetteville on First Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott were in Shelbyville Saturday night. They were accompanied home by Carroll Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Askins and children moved to Fayetteville Friday, where Mr. Askins will be principal of the Robert E. Lee School. Mrs. Tuley, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. George Wells. Mrs. J. M. Greer attended a meeting of the WCTU at the home of Mrs. B. E. Holman in Fayetteville. Mr. Boyd and Lynn Swing of U. T. spent the weekend with home folks. Eldred Tucker, who has been in training in Fort Sill, Okla., has been promoted to Second Lieutenant, and recently has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tucker. He is now on his way to Camp Jackson, S. C. Mrs. Ella Edwards, of Nashville, visited relatives here the past week. November 12, 1942 Petersburg Letter Personals Miss Katherine Adams, of Columbia, was a recent guest of Mrs. James Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Dorsey, who have been here several weeks at the bedside of Mrs. Dorsey's mother, Mrs. Hathaway, returned to Chattanooga Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. Fishback Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore, of St. Louis, announce the arrival of a son, born October 29. Mrs. Wade Hart underwent a tonsil operation at Gordon's Hospital Friday. Mr. Charlie Winchester, of Fayetteville, was in Petersburg Saturday. Mr. Leslie Lambert, who is now employed in Tullahoma, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Guy Frye and son, of Nashville, were here Sunday. They were accompanied home by the former's aunt, Mrs. Cassie Crawford, who will visit them for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives were Sunday guests of their daughter, Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, and Mr. Burroughs, of Goodlettsville. Mr. Abie Marsh, of Memphis, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Dixie Marsh. Mr. J. D. Hembry, of Decatur, Ala., was in Petersburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Morgan spent the weekend with their daughter, Miss Margaret Morgan, who is attending the Baptist Hospital. Mrs. Emma Moore and son, Morgan Cunningham, left Monday for Florida. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore accompanied them to Tullahoma where they boarded a train. Mesdames S. H. Allen and W. S. Joplin have returned from a several days visit to the former's daughter, Mrs. Claude Greer, and family, of Union City. Miss Mary Elizabeth Pack, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pack. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, and Mrs. Nell Cole spent Wednesday in Nashville on business. Mrs. W. M. Scott and Mrs. Kate Pylant were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and children, Larry and Edwin Ray, spent Sunday with the former's parents and attended the funeral of Mr. R. B. Scott. * * * Deaths Mollie Fishback Hathaway R. B. Scott November 19, 1942 Petersburg Letter Thirteen Rook Club Entertained Mrs. Jim Sherwood, of Fayetteville, was hostess to her Thirteen Rook Club, of Petersburg, of which she is a member. Two tables were used. Mrs. Herman Scott and Mrs. Joe H. Cummings tied for high score. Mrs. Howard Cummings won the traveling prize. Lovely refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Herman Scott. The next meeting will be held with Miss Juanita Rowell. * * * Fifth Sunday Meeting of Young People Fifth Sunday meeting of Young People of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Elk Presbytery was held at the local church Sunday afternoon, with the Rev. S. O. McAdoo in charge. After a business session Mr. R. K. Morgan gave an address with the boys of Morgan School as guests. Miss Wilson, of Boonshill, gave an interesting paper on Financial Needs of the Church. Rev. McAdoo conducted the installation service of the new officers which were: president, Avery Price, of Pleasant Ridge; vice-president, Ross Turner, of Lewisburg; treasurer, Miss Frances McAfee, of Boonshill. The nest meeting will be held with the Fayetteville Cumberland Presbyterian Church for the duration. * * * Personals Mrs. J. D. Hanaway is confined to a Nashville hospital. Her many friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lane and family, of Xenia, Ohio; Mrs. Grady Hastings, of Jamestown, Ohio; Mrs. Maggie Williams, Miss Ella Talley and Mrs. Anna Harris were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane and Mrs. Ida Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane attended a Farm Bureau meeting in Nashville last week. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole went to Lewisburg Tuesday on business. Mrs. Howard Cummings spent the weekend with her parents in Shelbyville. Mrs. Marks Davidson spent the weekend with Mr. Davidson at Tullahoma. Mr. Louis Allen, of Nashville, was here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited the latter's mother, Mrs. E. D. Hardin, who is confined on account of illness. Mr. W. L. Meeker left Tuesday for Cedar Rapids, Iowa., for a visit to his mother. Private and Mrs. Tommy Adcock are visiting the former's parents of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Sullenger and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. George Bigham were in Lewisburg Saturday. Mrs. Howard Cummings, Mrs. J. B. Cummings and sons, and Mr. Allen Watson were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark, of Pulaski. Mr. Roy Lane, of Lewisburg, was here Friday. Miss Lynda Vaughn, of Lewisburg, was a weekend guest of Miss Dot Pylant. Miss Edith Hayes spent the weekend with homefolks at Kingsport. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with their mother. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Wells, of Birmingham, spent the weekend the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Wells. Pfc. George Edward Hastings, of Camp Blanding, Fla., son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings, is spending a two week furlough here. Mrs. J. O. Jones was in Columbia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Mr. George Fowler visited Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville, Sunday. Pvt. Mack Arnold, of the Army, is visiting in Petersburg. Mr. J. Lush Fowler, of Lewisburg, and Mr. J. Loyd Garrett, of Little Rock, and Misses Anna, Ella and Ada Fowler, of Lewisburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mrs. Horace Simmons and daughter, of Howell, were weekend guests of Mrs. Lela Cole. Miss Jeanne Eakin, of the University of Tennessee, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eakin. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were: Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg; Mrs. Horace Simmons, of Howell and Mrs. Lela Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Dr. and Mrs. Newhouse, of Kansas, who have been visiting Mrs. Newhouse's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, left Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pylant, of Kingsport. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Mr. Joe Troop, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday as the guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Troop. December 3, 1942 Petersburg Letter Thanksgiving Services There was a Union Thanksgiving service held Thursday, at 10:30 a.m., at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, with the Rev. M. K. Harwell doing the preaching. Five pastors were present: the Rev. Harwell, the Rev. S. O. McAdoo, the Rev. J. B. Alexander, the Rev. Beard, the Rev. E. F. Baulch. * * * P. T. A. Meeting An all-day PTA meeting was held Wednesday at the elementary school. Eight members completed the oral by-laws course. At 2:30 p.m., the regular meeting was held, with the president, Mrs. Fred Montgomery, in charge. The Rev. M. K. Harwell conducted the devotional. Mrs. J. C. Pigg read the State president's message. New and old business was transacted and a report from the treasurer, Miss Ann Woodard, was read. Mr. C. E. Barham, new principal, gave an interesting talk. The next meeting will be the second Thursday in De cember. * * * Barham-Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Hayes, of Chuckey, Tenn., announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura Edith, to Thomas Muse Barham, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barham, of Petersburg. The marriage will take place in December, at Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church, near Greenville, Tenn. Miss Hayes has taught for the past four years at Morgan School. Mr. Barham is now employed at Murry-Moss Co., of Lewisburg. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley were in Murfreesboro on business Friday. Mr. Abe King, Mrs. Will Crabtree and Betty King were in Lynchburg Sunday. They were accompanied by Mr. Leslie Lambert, who is staying there and working in Tullahoma. Jimmy Evans, of Florida, is on several days furlough visiting his parents. Mr. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott visited the former's sisters and brother, Mr. Lush Fowler, and Misses Fowler Sunday. Mrs. Kate Pylant returned Friday from Columbia, where she spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant. Mr. Leslie Lambert, of Lynchburg, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with their former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Miss Mable Stammer spent Thanksgiving holidays with relatives in Nashville and College Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd have returned from several days visit to their son, Mr. Ernest Redd, and Mrs. Redd, of Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown and daughters, of Gadsden, are spending several weeks here, where Mr. Brown is undergoing treatment. Miss Bessie McAdoo, who has been confined to her home on account of illness, is improving. Mr. J. D. Hathaway and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morton visited Mrs. J. D. Hathaway in a Nashville hospital recently. Pvt. J. B. Richardson, of Camp Edward, Mass., returned to camp Sunday. Mr. Edward Beasley, of Nashville, spent Thanksgiving with his sister, Mrs. Clark Follis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Russell March and son, Randy, of Chattanooga, spent the holidays and weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. March. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Carroll Scott and Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster and son, Bobby Lee, of Shelbyville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and family, and attended the Castle Heights- Morgan football game. Miss Evelyn McAdams, of Nashville, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther McAdams. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wells and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris, of Shelbyville. December 3, 1942 Petersburg Soldier Heads Supply Unit Major Raymond C. Luna, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Luna, of Petersburg, is now executive officer of an Army supply division at Camp Shelby, Hattisburg, Miss. He was inducted in the Army in 1940 as a first lieutenant. He was a member of Georgia Tech's 1928 Rose Bowl football team, and after graduation was connected with the Georgia Highway Department. December 10, 1942 Petersburg Letter Research Club Mrs. E. F. Baulch was hostess to the Research Club Monday. The theme was, Great Women. Mrs. George Stephenson gave an interesting paper on Woman's Part in the War. Mrs. Baulch read, Number One Woman in American Industry. Roll call, Famous Women. * * * Tea for Bride-Elect The ladies of Morgan Dormitory were hostess to a beautifully planned tea complimenting Miss Edith Hayes, a bride-elect, at the home of Mrs. R. K. Morgan. Many nice and useful gifts were received. * * * Personals Mr. Jim Davidson continues ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mitchell have moved to the home recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sanders. Mr. Fishback Hathaway, who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. Thad Dorsey, of Chattanooga, has returned. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Moore, of Hot Springs, Ark., are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Aline Moore, before leaving for California, where he has joined the Ordinance Department of the U. S. Army. Miss Jeanne Moore, of Fayetteville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Aline Moore. Mr. Robert Davis, of Nashville, is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Virgie Whitaker, and Mrs. Davis and family. The schools of Petersburg will close December 18, for the Christmas holidays. The Hi-Y of Morgan School will sponsor a dance at the school December 18. Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith, of Rockvale, Tenn., spent the weekend with the former's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith. Mr. John Marsh continues quite ill at his home east of town. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Alva Barham a son, Thursday, December 3, at the Gordon Hospital in Lewisburg. Rev. D. B. Smith, while on his route, happened to fall on the ice and injure his knee, which is very painful. At last report he was better. Mrs. Jim Morton, of Atlanta, and Mrs. Florence Morton, of Gadsden, who came for the funeral of Mrs. J. D. Hathaway, returned to their homes Monday. Mrs. George Fowler is in Fayetteville at the bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Hurt. Mr. Raymond Adams left Sunday morning for New York, where he will receive his basic training in the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott, of Belfast, Sunday. * * * Deaths Emma Lancaster Hanaway Austin A. Hampton December 17, 1942 Petersburg Letter Missionary Society Meets The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met in the regular monthly meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. Scott, president, presided. Mrs. Eugene Pylant was program leader. Those taking part on the program were: Mrs. Herman Scott, Mrs. W. M. Scott and the Rev. McAdoo. * * * Schools To Close The Morgan School and Petersburg Elementary School will close December 18, for the Christmas holidays. * * * Society To Have All-Day Meeting The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church will have an all-day meeting at the church Tuesday, December 29. The Rev. McAdoo will conduct the Study Book. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott spent Saturday in Shelbyville. Mrs. Ollie Hemphill spent the weekend in Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with their mother. Mr. Glenn Nichols has employment in Tullahoma and spent the weekend with his family. Mrs. W. M. Scott was in Lewisburg Thursday on business. * * * Deaths Permellia McKinney Tucker December 31, 1942 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Meeting The Petersburg Home Demonstration Club met Thursday at the club rooms in their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Johnny Talley conducted the devotional. Miss Barbee gave a Christmas story. After the program the election of new officers for the coming year was held. Mrs. Quint Barham, president; Mrs. Boone Moore, first vice-president; Mrs. Harry Lane, secretary-treasurer. The exchange of gifts from a lovely Christmas tree was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Smith joined as a new member. The losers in the attendance contest were hostess to the winners. * * * Thirteen Rook Club Entertained Mrs. Howard Cummings was hostess to a beautifully planned rook club and Christmas tree at the home of Mrs. Jack Cummings Tuesday night. Three tables were used. Miss Mable Clara Stammer and Miss Livingston tied for high score. The living room was lovely with Christmas ideas. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Jack Cummings, served tempting refreshments. * * * Big Brothers Edition Nets $35.00 The sale of the Big Brothers edition of the Tennessean that was sponsored here by the Hart-Beard Post No. 155, American Legion, netted about $35.00. H. B. Whitaker is commander and Harry Lane was director of the sale. W. H. Talley, adjutant. Every needy child in the community and shut-ins and the aged are included. * * * Personals Mr. Lucian Scott was recently elected a deacon in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and Mrs. W. M. Scott as deaconess. The ordinance service was held December 6, at the regular preaching service. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy; Mrs. Nell Cole and Mrs. Aline Moore were in Fayetteville Thursday. Mrs. Fannie Talley is confined to her home on account of illness. Miss Addie Jean Smith, of Bethel College, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents. Miss Jean Scott, of Nashville, came Friday for several days visit. Mr. E. M. Stevens spent the weekend with his family here. Miss Elaine Haynes, of Sullins College, is spending her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haynes. Mrs. V. A. Scott has received word from Frank Scott that he has been to Australia and has now returned to California. He reports being in Australia three days and that he attended church while there. He says he is well and likes the service. George Scott is spending several days in Fayetteville with Mrs. Paul Hurt and family. Mrs. Ralph Askins and children, of Fayetteville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scott last week. Mrs. Tommy Watson is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Bailey, of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. George Bailey announce the arrival of a daughter, born December 12. Mrs. Bailey will be remembered here as Miss Sarah Brown. Mr. Horace Rice, of Akron, arrived Saturday for a two week vacation with his mother. He is employed by Goodyear. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Marsh, of Fayetteville. Mr. J. Lush Fowler, of Lewisburg, visited his brother, Mr. George Fowler, and family, Sunday. Mrs. Cowan Phillips, who is confined to the Gordon Hospital, is slowly improving. Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs spent the holidays here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives, of Petersburg, and the Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Burroughs, of Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Greer and daughter, Julia Joplin, of Union City, spent the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen and Mrs. J. M. Greer. Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith and daughter, Addie Jean, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith, of Rockvale, over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lynn Boaz, of St. Louis, are spending several days here with the former's father and other relatives, also relatives in Fayetteville. Miss Jeanne Eakin, of U. T., spent the holidays with her parents. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, and Lucian Scott were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and family Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Billy King and baby, of Nashville, spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Holt King, of Howell. Pvt. J. W. Couch was called home on account of the serious illness of his father, Mr. T. A. Couch, who has been confined to the Gordon Hospital. Mr. Ollie Barham, of Nashville, visited Mrs. Della Bledsoe for the holidays, also Mr. and Mrs. Avon Barham, of Fayetteville. Miss Gladys Bolles, of Nashville, spent the holidays with her parents. Mrs. Icie Ralston and daughter, Sarah, spent the holidays in Lewisburg and Nashville. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott were Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and family, Mrs. S. E. Scott and Mr. George Fowler. Mrs. Horace Simmons, of Howell, visited Mrs. Walter Cole over the weekend. The Morgan School and Petersburg Elementary School will open January 4. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones spent the holidays here with the latter's mother, Mrs. Ella Hastings, and Mrs. Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland, of Nashville, spent Christmas with the latter's mother, Mrs. Viola Marsh. Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore were: Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols, of Lewisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent the holidays here and at Belfast. Mr. Allen Marsh, of Memphis, spent the holidays with his mother, Mrs. Dixie Marsh. Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, spent the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. Harold Roberts, of Nashville, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son spent Christmas Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. December 31, 1942 Petersburg Masons Elect New Officers Officers elected to serve the Masonic Lodge, F. & A. M., No. 123, for the next year are: Otis R. Couch, worshipful master; Walter L. Meeker, senior warden; W. Jack Montgomery, junior warden; W. Arthur Muse, treasurer; Garland L. Franklin, secretary; Allan B. Shaddy, chaplain; R. Clifford Archer, senior deacon; M. Hobert Dyer, senior steward; W. Robert Lane, junior steward; W. S. Gilbert, Jr., tiler. Allen Shaddy is retiring worshipful master. January 7, 1943 Petersburg Letter Barham-Hayes Miss Edith Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hayes, of Chucky, Tenn., was married December 27, to Thomas Muse Barham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barham. The double ring ceremony took place in Pleasant Hill Presbyterian Church near Chucky, with the Rev. W. E. Cowser, of Tusculum College, officiating, assisted by the Rev. James Hawkins. The nuptial music was played by Mrs. Clarence Carter, with Clarence Carter as soloist. The church altar was banked with fern and white chrysanthemums, interspersed with candelabra holding white tapers. Mrs. Barham, who was given in marriage by her brother, Glenn Hayes, wore a winter white suit with gold accessories and carried a white prayer book decorated with deep yellow roses. Miss Lillie May Hayes was her sister's maid of honor, and Carl Hayes was Mr. Barham's best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents for the bridal party and a few close friends. Mrs. Barham, who is a graduate of Tusculum College, has taught English and Home Economics in Morgan School here for several years, and Mr. Barham is an employee of Murrey-Moss Company, of Lewisburg, formerly connected with W. H. Marsh & Company, of Petersburg. * * * Personals Miss Jean Scott returned to Nashville Sunday to resume her studies at a business school there. Miss Addie Jean Smith returned to Bethel College Monday after spending the holidays with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith. Mr. J. Lush Fowler, Miss Ada Fowler and Mr. Loyd Garrett, of Lewisburg, visited Mr. George Fowler and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lynn Boaz returned to St. Louis Saturday after visiting the former's father, Mr. Henry Boaz. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brown and children, Alice, and Kenneth, Mrs. Tennie Brown, Trixie and Odessa Foster were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop and daughter. Mr. Gus Fowler, of Fayetteville, visited his parents Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buford Luna and son, Joe Douglas, of St. Louis, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with his mother before leaving Monday for the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Hatton Petty and children, of Lewisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown and children were Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop and Miss Maybelle. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the latter's mother. They were accompanied home by Carroll Scott. Mrs. R. B. Scott has an apartment with Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh. Mrs. Aline Moore returned Thursday from Nashville, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Foster Beasley and family. Mr. Horace Rice returned to Akron Friday where he is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Chester King, of Nashville, visited the former's father, Mr. Will King. Mrs. Roy Franklin and daughter, Miss Louise Franklin, spent the holidays with Mr. Franklin and daughter, Miss Margaret Franklin, of Montgomery. They returned Thursday. Mr. T. A. Couch, who has been confined to Gordon Hospital, is improving. Mr. W. J. Haislip underwent an operation at the Gordon Hospital. Mrs. Virgie Whitaker was in Lewisburg Thursday on business. Mrs. Tom Barham, of Lewisburg, was here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott Sunday. Mrs. Cecil Scott visited her father Friday, who has been on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Conder spent Sunday with Mrs. Nannie Conder. Miss Mable Stammer returned from Nashville after spending the holidays with relatives in Nashville, College Grove and Chapel Hill. Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Sr. is visiting her daughters in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Hatton Hastings have purchased the cafe from Mr. Delffs and have taken charge. Mr. Jim Daves spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Daves. January 14, 1943 Petersburg Letter Accidentally Shot Frank Sawyers, of Cookeville, a Morgan student, accidentally shot his foot Monday afternoon while hunting on William Moore's farm. The shot went through the side of his foot. Mr. Moore and hired hand happened to hear him and rushed young Sawyers to a doctor's office here. * * * Mrs. Cummings Entertains Club Mrs. J. B. Cummings was hostess to the Thirteen Rook Club at her home Thursday night. Three tables were used. Victory score cards were used. Flags adorned the tables. Each guest received a flag as favors. Mrs. Tom Barham won high score. Mrs. Jack Cummings was an additional guest. The hostess served tempting refreshments. The next meeting will be with Mrs. William Touchstone. * * * Tudor-Bolles Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Bolles announce the marriage of their daughter, Gladys, to Billy Joe Tudor, of the U. S. Army in Kansas, formerly of Arkansas. The wedding took place January 2, in Franklin, Ky. The bride is now attending Draughon's Business College, Nashville. She is a graduate of Morgan School. * * * Compliments St. Louis Couple Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins were hosts to a beautifully planned six o'clock dinner Wednesday night, complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buford Luna, of St. Louis. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley and Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna were also guests. * * * Missionary Society Meeting The Ladies Missionary Society of the Methodist Church met with Mrs. R. H. Beasley Tuesday. * * * C. P. Missionary Society The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met with Mrs. S. O. McAdoo Tuesday, January 5, at 2:00 o'clock. Mrs. Ed Scott, president, was in charge. Miss Eva Land conducted the lesson story. The Rev. McAdoo gave the devotional from the book, Test of Love. * * * Personals Mrs. Raymond Escue is spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hazelwood. Mr. Escue is stationed now at Fort Oglethorpe. She plans to join him soon. Mrs. Kate Pylant visited her son, Mr. Earl Pylant, and family, of Columbia, the past week. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Pylant, who is on an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Luna and Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna visited Mrs. Buford Luna's brother, Mr. Otis Talley, of Columbia. Mr. Everett Pylant, who has been confined to the Gordon Hospital, is improving. He is at home. Mrs. Cowan Phillips has returned from a Lewisburg hospital. Miss Audilee Hemphill, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill and Mrs. Oliver Talley were in Lewisburg Saturday on business. Mr. Abie Marsh, who has been training in radio work in Memphis, is on a three day leave before being transferred. Mrs. W. W. Gill had a call from William Gill Monday, who has been stationed in Texas, that he was being transferred. Edwin Scott will finish his course in the Signal Corps in Fort Monmouth, N. J., January 12. Mr. Edward Cole, of Charleston, S. C., is on a two week leave and on returning will be accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Lela Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson were in Fayetteville Monday on business. Mr. W. J. Haislip, who has been confined to the Gordon Hospital, returned to his home Saturday. Mr. Earl Pylant, of Columbia, visited his mother, Mrs. Kate Pylant, and Mrs. Pylant, who is on an extended visit here. Mr. Horace Simmons, of Charleston, N. C., is visiting Mrs. Simmons at the home of her mother, Mrs. Earl Welch. Miss Elaine Haynes left Thursday morning to reenter Sullins College. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buford Luna and son, Joe Douglas, returned to their home in St. Louis Saturday after several days visit to the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna. January 21, 1943 Petersburg Letter P. T. A. Met Thursday The PTA met Thursday in their regular monthly meeting. There was a good attendance. The meeting was held in the elementary school. * * * Rev. D. B. Smith Suffers Injury The Rev. D. B. Smith, who suffered an injury to his right limb while on his mail route several weeks ago, is confined to the Government Hospital in Memphis. He was accompanied to Memphis by Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith. On theirreturn they spent the night with Miss Addie Jean Smith, who is attending Bethel College at McKenzie, Tenn. * * * Personals Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents, returning to Nashville Monday. Mrs. Jack Cummings and Mrs. Howard Jennings were in Fayetteville Wednesday. Mrs. J. O. Green and Mrs. Neil Green spent Monday in Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson and Mr. and Mrs. Mack Cashion, of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols, of Lewisburg. Mrs. Menefee Nichols and daughter Miss Hilda, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Will Archer. Miss Audilee Hemphill, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Irby Holloway and daughter, Ann, of Gadsden, Ala., spent the weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mrs. Tom Barham spent the weekend with Mr. Barham in Lewisburg. Mr. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, spent the weekend here. Mrs. James Solomon and son, Jimmy, and Mrs. Bill Touchstone were in Nashville on business. Mrs. Paul Hurt and children, Pauline and Douglas, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Several teachers of the elementary school attended the teacher's meeting in Fayetteville Saturday. Mrs. Alvis Bledsoe and daughter, Miss Margaret, were called to Meridian, Miss., to attend the funeral of Mr. Walter Bledsoe, who had been confined to a hospital for several weeks. The funeral took place in Meridian. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and children visited his parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery attended the farm meeting in Lewisburg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Simmons and baby left Saturday for Charleston, S. C., where Mr. Simmons is employed. Mrs. Eugene Pylant, who has been confined to her home on account of illness, is improving. Miss Jean Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. Ed Scott, Mrs. Herman Scott and daughter, Wanda, spent Friday in Fayetteville on business. Mrs. Paul Luna and children left Sunday to join Mr. Luna in Tusculum. Mrs. Roe Brown and children, Judith Ann and Patsy Ruth, are visiting Mr. Brown in Clinton, Tennessee. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold George is confined to the Gordon Hospital, suffering with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott were in Lewisburg Thursday on business. January 28, 1943 Petersburg Letter Endsley-Bennett Miss Beatrice Bennett, of Jesup, Ga., became the bride of Sgt. Virgil Endsley, of the U. S. Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Birdell Endsley, of Petersburg. * * * Mrs. Touchstone Hostess To Rook Club Mrs. Bill Touchstone was hostess to her Thirteen Rook Club at her home Thursday night. Three tables were used. Mrs. Mable Stammer won high score. The hostess, assisted by her mother, served tempting refreshments. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia, spent the weekend with the former's grandmother, Mrs. Lee Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Miss Ruth Holloway and Miss Mary Jane Roberts, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, visited relatives here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with their mother and grandparents. Mr. Edward Cole and mother, Mrs. Lela Cole, left Friday for Charleston, S. C. Word has been received here that Pfc. W. Edwin Scott has been transferred to Camp Meade, Md. Mrs. R. E. Collier and Mrs. Jack Bryant were in Fayetteville Friday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bryant were in Lewisburg Wednesday on business. Mrs. Roy Franklin and daughter Louise, have moved to Montgomery, to join Mr. Franklin, who is employed there. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg on business Monday. Miss Bessie D. Morton spent the weekend with friends in Nashville. Mrs. Will Crabtree and little granddaughter, Betty King, have gone to Baton Rouge, to be with Mr. Aaron King, who is employed there. Mrs. Dock Owsley, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend as the guest of Misses Mamye and Clara Percy. Mrs. Owsley will be remembered here as Miss Elizabeth Mills. February 4, 1943 Petersburg Letter Observed Founder's Day Founder's Day will be observed at Morgan School Sunday, February 7. Monday, February 8, a declamation contest will be conducted. Tuesday will be the oration contest. * * * Mrs. Moore Hostess Of Club Meeting Mrs. Thomas Moore was hostess to the Research Club at her country home Monday. Art was the theme. Those taking part on the program were: Mrs. George Stephenson, Mrs. Cassie Crawford. The election of officers were as follows: Mrs. Thomas Moore, president; Mrs. S. H. Allen, vice-president; Mrs. Ed Scott, secretary; Mrs. Jack Cummings, treasurer. * * * Watson-Owen Mr. W. A. Watson and Mrs. Lorene Owens were married Sunday, January 31, by Eld. J. W. Sanders. They will reside near here, where Mr. Watson is a farmer. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Mrs. Herbert Hastings, Mrs. Albert Lee Rowland, Misses Jeanne Hastings and Alice Murriel Beatty were Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. W. M. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Ella Hastings, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith and daughter, Maribeth, of Rockvale, spent the weekend here with the former's mother, Mrs. D. B. Smith. Mrs. Bob McKnight is on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Bill Carpenter, and Mr. Carpenter, and daughters, of Chattanooga. Miss Audilee Hemphill, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs. Lucille Hastings has accepted a position with the Mar-Lin Dairies here. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott Sunday. Mrs. Kate Pylant spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Ollie Hemphill. Lt. Col. Raymond Luna and Mrs. Luna are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blakemore. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, spent Saturday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luna and son, Joe Douglas, of St. Louis, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, and Mrs. Nell Cole, were in Shelbyville Sunday. Mr. Harold Roberts, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barham, of Lewisburg, were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Barham, of Nashville, passed through Petersburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Hastings spent Sunday with Mrs. Hasting's mother, Mrs. George Sawyers, of Howell. Miss Melba Sowell, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with her father, Mr. Otha Sowell and Mrs. Sowell. Mr. C. P. Dysart spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Talley. Mrs. Holt King received a letter this week from her son, Jack King, who is in the war zone. Pvt. Mitchell Cashion is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cashion. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gatlin, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Laymond Edmiston. Butch Sook, a Morgan student, spent the weekend with Miss Earline Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, of Huntsville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cowden. Miss Margaret Bledsoe attended the President's Ball in Fayetteville. The Rev. D. B. Smith underwent an operation on his right limb, which was injured in a fall early in December. He is confined to a Memphis Hospital. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Louise Swain was in Lewisburg Monday on business. Mr. W. L. Meeker and Mr. Bill Touchstone are attending a cheese course in Murfreesboro this week. Miss Eleanor Barnes spent the weekend with homefolks in Delina. Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Joplin were: Misses Clara and Mamye Percy and Martha Ann Loving. Curtis Phillips, of the Coast Guard, Nashville, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Phillips. Mrs. Angie Cole has returned to Lewisburg after spending some time with Mrs. Ollie Cole, following the tragic death of her son, Ollie Cole. Several from here attended first Monday in Fayetteville. * * * Deaths T. O. Wall Clifford Murdock February 11, 1943 Petersburg Letter Quilting Party Mrs. Arthur Talley and Mrs. Johnny Talley were hostesses to a quilting party at their home Wednesday. About twelve ladies were present. At noon a bountiful lunch was served. * * * Personals Mr. Will Wright is confined to a Lewisburg hospital, ill with pneumonia. Mrs. Roe Brown and daughters, who have been with Mr. Brown in Clinton, have returned here. Mrs. Garland Franklin was in Nashville last week for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurt and son, Douglas, of Fayetteville, spent Tuesday here. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bledsoe were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mr. I. M. Davidson spent the weekend here with Mrs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Barham and children, Noland and Nadine, spent the weekend with the latter's parents. Mr. E. D. Hardin and daughter, Miss Sabra; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardin, of near Fayetteville; Mrs. S. E. Scott and Mrs. Thomas Shaddy were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mrs. G. E. Scott and son, Billy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carney, of Shelbyville. Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley and Mrs. Roy Holland, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Viola Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archer have purchased the Everett Beasley house and lot on the Lewisburg Highway. Word has been received here of the serious illness of Mr. W. A. Beasley, of Nashville. Little Julia Fay Marsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh, is confined to her room on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Scott and baby were weekend guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. James Solomon have purchased a farm ten miles from Lewisburg on the Nashville Highway. They will move this week. They have sold their house and lot here to Mr. Rutland. * * * Deaths Jolene Massey Garrett February 18, 1943 Petersburg Letter Teachers Attend Rationing Meeting The teachers of the elementary school attended a meeting in Fayetteville Friday afternoon for instructions in the No. 2 rationing program. * * * Celebrates 80th Birthday Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Callie Gaunt Sunday, February 14, to celebrate her eightieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, of Nashville, and Mr. Robert W. Gaunt were present. Mrs. Robert Bills was unable to attend. * * * Present Operetta February 19 The four lower grades of the elementary school will present an operetta, The Magic Bean Stalk, on the evening of February 19, at 7:45 o'clock at the school auditorium. The public is invited. Mrs. I. M. Davidson, Misses Barnes and Taylor are in charge. * * * Thirteen Rook Club Mrs. Tom Barham and Miss Rowland were hostesses to their rook club at their home Wednesday night. Four tables were used. Mrs. J. B. Cummings was high scorer. They were several guests. The hostess served tempting refreshments. * * * Home Destroyed By Flames The house owned by Mrs. Ella Edwards was destroyed by fire early Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Pendley were occupying the house. When they awoke the rooms were in flames and they barely had time to get their baby and escape. Everything was a total loss. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Scott and children, of Belfast, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott and Lucian Scott. Mrs. L. G. Rives has returned from a visit to the Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, who have recently moved to Bowling Green, Ky., where the Rev. Burroughs has accepted the pastorate of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. D. M. Holloway, who has been confined to his home on account of illness, is improving. Mrs. Everett Marsh, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with her mother, Mrs. Susie Talley. She was joined by Mr. Marsh and returned to Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. Robert Russell, who has been at home recovering from an operation has returned to Memphis to resume his studies. Mrs. Howard Cummings spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shelton, of Shelbyville. Miss Edith Dysart spent the weekend with her brother, Mr. B. C. Dysart, Mrs. Dysart and son, of Columbia. Mrs. Marshall Talley was in Lewisburg Saturday on business. Miss Mary Eakin, of Peabody, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. Tom Lambert has purchased the house and lot vacated by the Rev. and Mrs. McAdoo. Mr. and Mrs. James Solomon moved to their new farm which they purchased recently. It is located ten miles from Lewisburg on the Nashville Highway. Little Joe Douglas Luna in on the sick list. Mr. Gus Fowler, of Fayetteville, spent Saturday with his parents. Friends of the Rev. D. B. Smith will be glad to learn that he is improving satisfactorily from the operation on his limb that was injured recently in a fall. He is confined to the hospital in Memphis. Miss Jean Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents. She has as her weekend guest Miss Elizabeth King, of Nashville. They returned to Nashville Sunday afternoon. Rev. S. O. McAdoo returned Monday from Chattanooga where he conducted a denominational meeting. February 25, 1943 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Meeting The Home Demonstration Club met Thursday afternoon at the club room in their regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Quint Barham, president, was in charge. Mesdames Boone Moore and George Stephenson gave very interesting papers. Miss Barbee gave an interesting talk on Victory Gardens. She also explained the second registration. She distributed several interesting bulletins. Mesdames George Stephenson and J. R. Smith were hostesses. * * * Celebrates 66th Birthday Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. Bob Whitaker Monday February 22, to celebrate his 66th birthday. At noon a bountiful lunch was served. Several out-of-town guests were present. Mr. Howard Noah, of Nashville; Mrs. Nora Adams, of Lewisburg; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Haislip, of Delina, Mrs. Clifford Bradford and Mrs. Tom Duckworth. * * * Personals The Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Sanders were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Matlock, of Boonshill. Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, attended the operetta Friday night. She was joined by her husband for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mesdames Nell Cole and Wade Hart were in Fayetteville Wednesday on business. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott attended the celebration of her father's birthday Sunday, February 21. Mrs. L. G. Rives was in Nashville Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the latter's mother. Mrs. Sam Scott has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Lindon Vaughn, of Lewisburg. Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs. Nora Adams, of Lewisburg, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Betty Finley. Mr. Roe Brown, of Clinton, spent the weekend with his family here. Mr. Howard Noah, of Nashville, has returned to his home after several days visit here. Mr. and Mrs. George Freeman have returned from Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. March spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Russell March, of Chattanooga. Mrs. Fred Watkins and children spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketchum, of Cornersville, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ketchum, of Lewisburg. March 18, 1943 Petersburg Letter Rownd-Pylant Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant announce the engagement of their daughter, Reba Grace, to Dr. William Ernest Rownd, of Charoit Hospital, New Orleans. The wedding will be solemnized in early April at Hammond, La., at the First Methodist Church. * * * Newspaper Dedicates Issue to Petersburg, Tenn. Last week Petersburg, Ind., dedicated their weekly paper to Petersburg namesakes. Mr. Robert Lane, secretary-treasurer of the Petersburg Commercial Club, received a very interesting article on Petersburg. Petersburg, Tennessee, was settled about 1815, and named after Petersburg, Virginia. During the War Between the States the little village was completel y destroyed by fire, and has been rebuilt to a thriving little town of about 600. There are five churches, a grammar school, Morgan Preparatory School for boys, boys from every state in the Union attend Morgan School. Around Petersburg spreads a vast dairying and farming section. The Mar-Lin Cheese Plant is the most important industry, receiving about 3,500 gallons of milk daily during the peak season. Petersburg is also noted for its livestock, work stock, and saddle stock. The oldest free Colt Show and Community Fair attracts thousands of horse loving visitors from all over the country. This account was run in the Pike County, Democrat, Petersburg, Ind. * * * Missionary Society The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met in its regular monthly meeting Tuesday, March 9, at the home of Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. Scott, president, was in charge. * * * World Day of Prayer To Be Observed World Day of Prayer will be observed here Friday, March 12, at 2:00 p.m., at the Methodist Church. All churches of the town will take part. Everyone is urged to attend. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott attended the funeral of Mrs. B. T. Whitaker Sunday. Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Ross March, of Delina, attended the funeral of J. B. Cummings, Jr. Mrs. Ross Conder, who has been confined to her home suffering from pneumonia, is improving. Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols were in Fayetteville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Gibson, Mrs. Steele Gibson and Mrs. Arch Sanders, of Lewisburg, attended the funeral of J. B. Cummings, Jr. Private and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Camp Blanding, Fla., spent the weekend with the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mrs. Freeman Towry, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Maude Wells. Miss Reba Pylant, of New Orleans, arrived this week for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and children, of Belfast, visited the former's parents Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, of Bowling Green, announce the arrival of a daughter, born March 5, who has been named Judith Raye. Pvt. Raymond Escue has returned from the Army with an honorable discharge. He joined Mrs. Escue, who has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hazelwood. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Escue, live near Lewisburg. The Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, attended an all-day missionary meeting at Boonshill Friday, which met with Mrs. Ora Clark. Pvt. Fred Luna, of Camp Dix, N. J., son of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Luna, is home on a furlough. Pvt. Billy Hastings, of Nashville, visited his mother, Mrs. Lucille Hastings, recently. Mrs. Nannie Conder is confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patton have purchased the Wade Farm from Clayton Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, spent Sunday here. Mr. Hal Moore, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Moore and daughter, Mary Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill, Pvt. Mark Whitaker and Allen Marsh, of Memphis, spent Monday in Nashville. Pvt. Edward Hastings, of Camp Blanding, Fla., is here for a few days. Mrs. Dick Daniel, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Harwell. Mr. Vance Greer has returned to Mobile, after several days illness. Miss Sarah Whitaker, of Montreat, N. C., visited her parents over the weekend. Miss Eleanor Barnes spent the weekend with friends in McKenzie. Miss Ruth Bills attended a meeting of the OPA at the Andrew Jackson Hotel in Nashville. James Daves, of Jackson Tenn., spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Jr., and Mrs. George Stephenson attended the funeral of Mr. George Morgan in Pulaski Sunday. Mr. Charles Hastings spent the weekend with his aunt, Mrs. L. E. Miller, of Memphis. Pvt. Mark Whitaker, of Altrus, Okla., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Whitaker. Pvt. James Bledsoe, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bledsoe, has been promoted and is now working in the hospital at Key West, Fla. * * * Deaths Nannie Conder Betty Wagster Redd J. B. Cummings, Jr. March 25, 1943 Petersburg Letter Welch-Hastings Mrs. Edna Hastings announces the marriage of her daughter, Ardith, to Cpl. Holloway Welch, U. S. Army, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Welch. The couple was married in July, 1942. Cpl. Welch is stationed with the United States Armed Forces in Louisiana. Both Mr. and Mrs. Welch attended Morgan School. * * * 13 Rook Club Met Thursday Night Misses Mable Stammer and Bessie D. Morton were joint hostesses to their Thirteen Rook Club at the home of Miss Stammer Thursday night. Three tables were used. St. Patrick's ideas were carried out. Miss Livingston won high score. The hostess served a delicious salad. * * * Marshall-Marsh Mrs. M. P. Marsh has announced the engagement of her daughter, Marian Dysart, of Chattanooga and Petersburg, to Chesley Brown Marshall, III, of Chattanooga, and Reynolds, Ga. The marriage will be solemnized at an early date. Miss Marsh is a graduate of Morgan School and from Gradwohl School of Technology in St. Louis. She has made her home in Chattanooga for the past six years. Mr. Marshall, who is the son of C. Brown Marshall, of Reynolds, and the late Mrs. Maude Miller Marshall, was graduated from the Jefferson High School and also from Purdue University in Lafayette, Ind. He is a member of Sigma Nu fraternity. Mr. Marshall holds a position as Claim Manager of a Chattanooga insurance company. * * * H. D. Club Meeting The Petersburg Home Demonstration Club met at the club room Thursday. Mrs. Quint Barham and Mrs. W. L. Williams were hostesses. Mrs. Edward Redd, clothing project leader, was in charge of the program. Miss Barbee's demonstration was patching and darning woolen materials. * * * Research Club Met Monday The Research Club met Monday March 22, with Mrs. W. S. Joplin. Mrs. T. D. Moore gave an interesting paper. Mrs. T. L. Warren gave a poem from Kipling. Mrs. R. B. Scott and Mrs. H. B. Whitaker were guests. * * * Personals Miss Sina Talley and Mrs. Viola Marsh are confined to their home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Miss Jane Bledsoe, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Della Bledsoe. Mrs. Nell Cole and Billy Moore, who was confined to the Gordon Hospital, have recovered and returned to their homes. Miss Mable Stammer was called to Chapel Hill Wednesday night on account of the serious illness of her brother, Mr. Marshall. Mrs. D. B. Smith and Miss Eleanor Barnes accompanied Miss Mable Stammer to Chapel Hill Wednesday night and spent the night with Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Jim Stammer. Rev. D. B. Smith has returned from a Memphis hospital where he has been confined several weeks following an injury to his limb in early December. Mr. Cecil Scott was in Fayetteville Monday. Mrs. Claude Greer, of Union City, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and little son spent the weekend with the former's parents. Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, of Shelbyville, spent Monday here. Pvt. James Bledsoe, of Key West, Fla., is visiting his parents. Word has been received here that Fred Brown, son of Benny Brown, is missing in action. Mr. Leslie Lambert, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend here with his parents. Pvt. J. B. Richardson, of Massachusetts, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Richardson. Mr. Earl Pylant and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mrs. Kate Pylant spent Friday and Saturday in Lewisburg with her daughter, Mrs. Ollie Hemphill. Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. Fred Watkins were in Fayetteville Wednesday to see Mrs. Paul Hurt, who continues quite ill at her home. Private and Mrs. Shannon Fowler have returned to Camp Blanding, Fla., and St. Augustine, after spending their furlough in Fayetteville and Petersburg. April 1, 1943 Petersburg Letter Celebrates Third Birthday Little Martha Ann Watkins celebrated her third birthday Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins. A lovely birthday cake was used. Those present were her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum, of Cornersville; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ketchum, of Lewisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, of Lewisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Glazier, of Nashville. * * * Personals Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were: Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart and Joe Simmons, Mrs. Lela Cole and Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg. Mr. Louis Greer, of Mobile is spending several days with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lambert, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lambert. Mr. R. H. Beasley was in Fayetteville Monday on business. Douglas Hurt, of Fayetteville, is spending the week with his grandparents. Miss Reba Pylant has returned from Kingsport, where she visited her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pylant and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pylant and son. Mr. George Fowler, Willie Mae Scott, George Scott and Douglas Hurt were in Fayetteville recently. Mrs. O. M. Pearson has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Grace Simpson, and Mr. Simpson, of Old Hickory. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have the sympathy of friends in the loss of their baby. Miss Elaine Haynes, of Sullins College, has returned after spending several days with her parents. Miss Mary Eakin, of Peabody College, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eakin. Pvt. Shannon Fowler, of Camp Blanding, Fla., has been promoted to Private First Class. Word has been received from Pvt. Edwin Scott, who is serving overseas, that he has been confined to the hospital, but is now able to leave and is on duty. He likes it fine and is doing well. Mrs. Lela Cole has returned from Charleston, S. C., to be with her daughter, Mrs. Solon Adams, who is undergoing treatment at Dr. Gordon's. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols, of Lewisburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore. Mesdames Joe H. and J. B. Cummings were in Fayetteville Friday. Miss Ann Scott, of Bellville, was Sunday guest of Miss Carolyn Collier. Mr. J. A. Wise is confined to his home on account of illness. Mr. R. C. Dysart spent the weekend with Mrs. Johnny Talley and family. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadway and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Broadway and son, Jimmy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wharton and children, Charles, Jr., and Laura Warren, of Atlanta, and Mrs. W. C. Edmiston, of Guthrie, Ky., were weekend guests of Mesdames Wharton and Edmiston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren. Mrs. Rosser Ward, of Atlanta, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rodes. April 8, 1943 Petersburg Letter Thirteen Rook Club Mrs. Herman Scott was hostess to the Thirteen Rook Club at her home Wednesday night. Lovely spring flowers predominated. Three tables were used. Mrs. J. H. Cummings won high score and Miss Stammer won the traveling prize. Mrs. Vernon Easterly was a guest. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ed Scott, served a tempting salad. * * * C. P. Missionary Society The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met Tuesday with Rev. and Mrs. McAdoo. A very interesting Easter program was given by several members. * * * Personals Miss Reba Pylant, who spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, left Wednesday for New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hastings, of Belfast, were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mr. Carroll Scott and Mr. Horace Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday here. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Bessie, attended Richland Presbytery at Columbia Thursday. Mr. Horace Rice, of Akron, is recovering from an operation and is visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, Mr. George Fowler, Mr. Herbert Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Scott, of Shelbyville, attended the funeral of Mr. John Scott in Fayetteville Sunday. Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lambert, of Shelbyville, spent one night recently with his family. Mr. D. M. Holloway sold his farm to Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Waid. Mr. Holloway has purchased the house and lot of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Muse, and will move some time in May. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley visited Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville, Monday. Mrs. George Fowler has returned after visiting Mrs. Paul Hurt, in Fayetteville. Several from here attended First Monday in Fayetteville. Mesdames Johnny Talley and Fred Watkins were in Fayetteville Monday, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott and son, Lucian, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott, of Belfast. Larry Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott, has been sick. Mrs. Della Bledsoe has returned from visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. N. Bledsoe, at Minor Hill, where she was at the bedside of Mr. Bledsoe. April 15, 1943 Petersburg Letter Research Club Meeting Mrs. T. L. Warren was hostess to the Research Club at her home. Several members taking part on the program. A tempting salad course was served. * * * Thirteen Rook Club Miss Eleanor Barnes was hostess to her Thirteen Rook Club Monday night at the home of Mrs. D. B. Smith. Three tables were used. * * * Rownd-Pylant Miss Reba Pylant, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, of Petersburg, was married to Dr. Ernest Rownd, staff physician of the new Washington Street Tammany Charity Hospital of Bogalousa, La., on the evening of April 2, at 7:00 o'clock, in the parsonage of the Elizabeth Sullivan Methodist Episcopal Church with the Rev. G. W. Pomeroy officiating. Only relatives and close friends attended. Miss Christine Blanchard was the bride's maid and Dr. J. H. Slaughter was best man. Miss Pylant is a graduate of Morgan School and later attended Tusculum College. She and Dr. Rownd met in New Orleans where she was engaged in Nurse's Training in Charity Hospital. Dr. Rownd attended the public schools of Bogalousa, then entering L. S. U. where he graduated with his bachelor's degree in 1938, and received his degree in medicine in 1941. He received his internship at Charity Hospital in New Orleans. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rownd, of Bogalousa. A reception was given following the ceremony. They will reside at 417 Virginia Avenue, Bogalousa. * * * Personals Pvt. Marshall Durant, of Camp Shelby, Miss., is on a ten day furlough. Pvt. Herman Sullivan, of California, is visiting his mother and other relatives. Pfc. Kenneth Earl Welch, of Camp Shelby, Miss., returned to camp Monday after several days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Thursday. Several from here attended the funeral of Mr. C. F. Crabtree at Gregory's Chapel. Mr. Robert Russell, of Memphis, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Russell. Miss Ruth Holloway, of Tullahoma, and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Private and Mrs. Holloway Welch announce the arrival of a son, born March 12, at the Gordon Hospital, who has been named James Holloway. Mrs. Tom Barham spent the weekend with Mr. Barham, of Lewisburg. Cpl. John Morgan, of Buckley Field, Denver, is on furlough home. Miss Juanita Rowell spent the weekend in Chattanooga. Cpl. Richard Michael, of Camp Atterbury, Ind., visited Miss Jean Scott last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Jr., and son and daughter, Bobby and Alice, visited Miss Margaret Morgan, of Memphis, over the weekend. Word has just been received here of the death of little Julia Fay Marsh, which occurred early Tuesday in the St. Thomas Hospital. She is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh. Miss Eva Land spent the weekend as the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. Vaughn Fults, of Lewisburg. Miss Elsie Livingston spent the weekend with relatives in Algood, Tenn. Mr. Robert Lane is confined to the Gordon Hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Touchstone and Mrs. Della Bledsoe have purchased the house and lot of Dr. and Mrs. Gordon in West End and will move this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, were in Lewisburg Sunday. Mrs. W. L. Williams was called to Tracy City, Tenn., Sunday on account of the death of her sister, Mrs. J. M. Wise. She will be remembered here as Miss Ella Bayless. She was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Short. The funeral was held in Tracy City, with burial in the New Hope Cemetery near Cornersville. She is survived by one son. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry, of Shelbyville, visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. * * * Deaths John L. Marsh Henry Lafayette Crabtree April 22, 1943 Petersburg Letter Attend Farm Bureau Meeting Several new and old members attended the Farm Bureau meeting in Lewisburg Thursday night. For the new member drive, which has just ended, Petersburg, or the Fourth District, was given first place with fifty-two new members. * * * Delegates To Presbytery The following ladies were elected to represent the Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Elk Presbytery which meets at Harpeth Lick April 22 and 23: Mrs. S. O. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo, as alternate. Mr. Golie Foster will represent the church. Mr. J. L. Scott as alternate. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham, and attended the commencement at the elementary school. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lambert, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambert. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, was here over the weekend. Little Miss Pauline Hurt, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her grandparents. She was accompanied home Sunday by Douglas Hurt, who has been here for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Wells, of Fayetteville, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Levoy Wells and Miss Franda Wells, who continues ill. Lee Hemphill, of Lewisburg, formerly of Petersburg, underwent an operation for appendicitis at Gordon's Hospital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Warren and daughter, of Fayetteville, attended commencement here Sunday. Mr. Walter Crawford, of Huntland, spent Saturday with Mrs. Johnny Talley and family. Pfc. Mahlon Scott is visiting his mother, Mrs. Jim Scott. Mrs. Roy Lane, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna, Mesdames Thomas Moore, Paul Talley, W. M. Scott and Mr. Jack Montgomery attended the Victory Bond meeting in Lewisburg Saturday. Miss Frieda Hart Lane, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Miss Sally Chapman. Miss Frances Garrett spent the weekend with relatives at Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, of Clarksville, spent the weekend with relatives. Pvt. Thomas Shaddy, who is on maneuvers, spent part of Monday with Mrs. Shaddy. Mrs. Paul Jones, of Clarksville, is spending the week with her mother and attending the commencement at the elementary school. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Franklin and Mrs. Clarence Brown were in Fayetteville to see Mr. Euler Crabtree at the hospital. April 29, 1943 Petersburg Letter Has Narrow Escape Fred Watkins, a stock dealer, and a colored man, had a narrow escape Friday as they were crossing the creek coming from the Murdock farm [formerly the Ogilvie farm]. The truck was drowned out and as they were trying to start the motor the water began to rise, logs, trees and brush came near turning their truck over. Finally their screams were heard and after some time help came from town and throwing ropes they were rescued. The truck was loaded with livestock. * * * Graduation Exercises The graduation exercises of the eighth grade of the elementary school was held Thursday night. The Rev. Milliken, of Flintville, gave the address. Thomas Doak Pigg was salutatorian and Miss Laura May Davidson was valedictorian. Mr. Barham presented the certificates to 38 pupils. * * * Personals Rev. and Mrs. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo and Mr. G. A. Foster attended Elk Presbytery of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which met at Harpeth Lick. They reported a good meeting. Rev. J. C. Bradford was retiring moderator and the Rev. Vaughn Fults was electedas new moderator. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kirby, of Wartrace, formerly of Petersburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh Sunday. Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and baby, of Nashville, spent the Easter holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson. Mrs. W. M. Scott, George and Lucian Scott and Mrs. Kate Pylant were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scott and children spent Sunday with the latter's father, Mr. Tom Bryant and Mrs. Bryant, of Nashville. Miss Mable Stammer has been at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Dowdy, of College Grove, who has been confined to the Gordon Hospital. Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent Easter with the latter's mother. Mrs. Addie McRory, of Cornersville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Talley. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, of Bowling Green. Mrs. D. M. Holloway is confined to her home on account of illness. Miss Addie Jean Smith, of Bethel College, visited her parents recently. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Conder announce the arrival of a daughter, born April 20, who has been named Betty Jo. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent Easter with the latter's parents. Miss Elsie Livingston, a teacher of Morgan School, underwent an appendicitis operation at the Gordon Hospital Wednesday. Friends of Mrs. Lee Rambo, of Fayetteville, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, spent Friday with the former's parents. Mr. Oliver Talley and Mrs. Fred Watkins and children were in Fayetteville Saturday on business. Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Lewisburg, spent Easter here with relatives. May 6, 1943 Petersburg Letter Union Revival Begins June 13 The Union Revival will begin June 13. The Rev. O'Neal, of Columbia, will do the preaching. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conder, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Conder. Those from Petersburg attending the farewell party given Miss Mary Stanfill in Lewisburg Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wise and Mesdames Fred Watkins and Johnny Talley. Mrs. Emma Moore, who has been spending the winter in Florida, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Irby Holloway and daughter, Miss Ann, of Huntsville, spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter Carolyn, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mrs. Everett Marsh, of Nashville, visited her mother over the weekend. She was accompanied home by her mother, Mrs. Susie Talley, who will remain for an indefinite visit. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his parents. Mrs. Oliver Sherrell and son came Thursday for a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith and daughter, of Rockvale, Tenn., spent the weekend with the former's parents, the Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith. Mrs. Edward Redd spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd, of Shelbyville. Several from here attended First Monday in Fayetteville. Mrs. W. M. Scott and son, George, spent Thursday night in Shelbyville with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Hastings and Carroll Scott. Mr. and Mrs. George Bigham announce the arrival of a daughter, born April 27, in a Lewisburg hospital, who has been named Norma Raye. Mrs. Paul Luna and children, of Tuscaloosa, are on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Massey. They will be joined this weekend by Mr. Luna, who will accompany them home. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Hastings and daughter, Sara Marie, Mrs. Ida Mae Woodard, Mrs. S. E. Beard, Mrs. Ida Ledford attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Fannie Hastings Rambo, which was held in Fayetteville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent Monday night and Tuesday with the latter's mother. Kenneth left Wednesday for the Army. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Monday on business. Miss Mable Stammer spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Wilson Dowdy, of College Grove. She also played the wedding for Miss Vaughn, of College Grove. Mrs. Marvin Wells and daughters, Helen and Ann, attended decoration at Head Springs Sunday. The annual decoration services will be held at Old Orchard Cemetery Sunday, May 9. Pvt. Billy Hastings, of Nashville, is home on a three-day furlough. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott were in Belfast Sunday. May 13, 1943 Petersburg Letter Mother's Day Services Mother's Day services were conducted at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church here Sunday, with the pastor, the Rev. McAdoo, in charge. * * * All Day Missionary Meeting The ladies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Missionary Society held an all-day meeting Tuesday with Mrs. Joe L. Greer. The study book was conducted by the Rev. McAdoo. There was a large crowd present with several visitors. * * * Annual Decoration Sunday The annual decoration of the Talley Cemetery will be held Sunday, May 16. * * * Decoration At New Hermon The annual decoration service will be held at New Hermon Saturday, May 15. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown announce the arrival of a daughter. Mrs. Curtis Welch has been at the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Robert Davis, who underwent an operation at Gordon's Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols, of Lewisburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole, and attended decoration at Old Orchard Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mrs. J. N. Murdock and Mrs. Bertie Harrison were recent guests of friends in Columbia. Douglas Hurt, of Fayetteville, is spending some time with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Beasley and family, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ed Rice. Miss Jeanne Moore, of Huntsville, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Aline Moore, who is confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd, of Shelbyville, attended decoration at Old Orchard Cemetery Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Stewart, of Columbia, spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the former's parents. Miss Ruth Holloway, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Petersburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. They left Monday for Jackson, where Mr. Freeman has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Irby Holloway and daughter, Ann, of Huntsville, attended decoration here Sunday. Mr. Earl Pylant, of Columbia, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Lee Pylant. Mr. Thomas Moore and Mr. William Moore were in Columbia Saturday on business. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Sam Harness. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott attended decoration at Old Orchard Cemetery, Sunday. May 20, 1943 Petersburg Letter Senior Play May 20 The Senior class will present their annual play at the school auditorium Thursday night, May 20. * * * Personals Miss Lynda Vaughn, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Miss Dot Pylant and attended the commencement at Morgan School. Mrs. O. P. Pitts, of Fayetteville, attended commencement at Morgan School. Mr. Cecil Green, of Fayetteville, was here Sunday to attend commencement. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott and Mrs. W. M. Scott were in Nashville Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pickle were in Lewisburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wade attended commencement at Morgan Sunday. Decoration at the Talley Cemetery was observed Sunday, May 16, with Eld. J. W. Sanders giving the address to a large crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ketchum, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, visited his mother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Dorsey, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend here and attended Morgan commencement. Mr. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, spent several days last week with her mother. Mesdames Julius Phillips and David Askins were in Nashville Monday, where Mrs. Phillips is undergoing treatment. Mrs. Oliver Sherrell and son, of Florida, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan, returned to their home Saturday. Mr. Van Brown continues real sick at his home. May 27, 1943 Petersburg Letter Vacation Bible School Opens A Union Daily Vacation Bible School opened here Monday at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church with the three local pastors, the Rev. M. K. Harwell, the Rev. S. O. McAdoo and the Rev. Baulch in charge. Mesdames Cecil Scott, Sarah Warren, H. B. Whitaker, Misses Sarah Whitaker and Edith Dysart are the teachers. A picnic will be held at the close of the classes Saturday. * * * Morgan School Closes Morgan School closed a very successful year Friday, May 21. Morgan summer school opens June 10. * * * Peal-Gowan Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gowan, of Petersburg, announce the marriage of their daughter, Grace, to Andrew W. Peal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weitzel Peal, of Nashville. The ceremony took place May 15, in the presence of relatives and a few close friends, at the home of the officiating minister, Eld. E. H. Ijams, president of David Lipscomb College. The bride wore a suit of powder blue with navy accessories and her shoulder bouquet was of orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Malone were the only attendants. Mrs. Peal is a graduate of David Lipscomb College and attended State Teachers College at Murfreesboro. For the past two years, she has taught school in Moore County. Mr. Peal is also a graduate of David Lipscomb and attended State Teachers College at Murfreesboro, He is now a clerk in the Nashville freight yard with the N. C. & St. L. Railroad. After a trip to East Tennessee, Mr. and Mrs. Peal will make their home on Elliott Avenue in Nashville. * * * Personals Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with relatives. Miss Jean Scott spent the weekend with Miss Elizabeth King, of Nashville. Pvt. Billy Keith, of Nashville, spent several days with Miss Elizabeth Davidson. Miss Kathleen Arney, of Boonshill, visited Miss Ann Woodard and attended the Senior play at Morgan Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, visited the latter's mother Sunday. Pvt. Billy Hastings, of Nashville, is spending his furlough with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia, spent Sunday and Sunday night with the former's grandmother, Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mrs. G. E. Scott spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Carney, of Shelbyville. Mr. Carney left May 13, for the Army. Mr. Louis Greer, of Mobile, is visiting his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Miss Maurine Johnson, Parks Johnson, Mrs. Shannon Fowler, Mrs. Alwyn Hart and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Loyd Scott. Cpl. Richard Michael, of Atterbury, Ind., was a recent guest of Miss Jean Scott. June 3, 1943 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Meeting Mesdames Johnny Talley and G. E. Scott were hostesses to the Home Demonstration Club in the regular monthly meeting at the club room Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ida Ledford conducted the devotional. Mrs. Cassie Crawford read an interesting article. Miss Barbee demonstrated Repair of Home Equipment. Miss Lewis, a special agent visiting the county, was a guest of the club. Mesdames Vernon Easterly and Lena Kate Johnson were also guests. * * * Jobe-Hemphill Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill announce the marriage of their daughter, Lake Audilee, to Thomas J. Jobe, of the U. S. Army, stationed in Camp Rucker, Ala., son of Mr. and Mrs. Zederic Jobe, of Verona. The marriage took place Sunday afternoon, May 16, in the study of the officiant, Eld. C. M. Pullias, minister of the Church of Christ at Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Redd were the only attendants. Mrs. Jobe is a graduate of Morgan School and is employed in Lewisburg. Mr. Jobe graduated from Cornersville High School and was a machinist at the General Shoe Corporation at Lewisburg before entering service. * * * Hudson-Endsley Mr. and Mrs. Berdie Endsley announce the marriage of their daughter, Emma, to Allen Hudson, of Louisville. The wedding took place May 22,in Lewisburg with the Rev. T. M. Hendrix officiating. The bride attended Morgan School and was employed by Dr. E. S. Leek, of Petersburg. They will reside in Louisville, where the groom is employed. * * * Tea For Bride-Elect The Parent-Teacher Association of the elementary school was hostess to a beautifully planned tea complimenting Miss Mable Stammer, a bride-elect, at the school building Thursday, May 27. * * * Salyer-Eakin Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eakin, of Petersburg, announce the engagement of their daughter, Anita Jeanne, to Robert M. Salyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nell Salyer, of Knoxville. The marriage will take place in the early summer. The bride-elect attended Morgan School, Peabody Demonstration School and Agnes Scott College in Decatur, Ga. She is now a senior student at the University of Tennessee, in Knoxville, and a member of the Chi Omega Sorority. Mr. Salyer served as manager of the University Men's Shop, in New York City, before entering the U. S. Army, and is now attending Officers Candidate School at Camp Davis, N. C. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Shields March, of Washington, D. C., are on an extended visit to relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, were Sunday guests of the former's daughter, Mrs. Herman Scott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cummings spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelton, of Shelbyville. Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Carroll Scott spent the weekend with their mother. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lambert, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lambert and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, of Clarksville, visited Mrs. Ella Hastings over the weekend. Mr. George Fowler and W. M. Scott were in Fayetteville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Billy, and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Massey have moved to their new home in the Gaunt Addition, which they recently purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols. Mr. Jim Cain Haynes, of Watts Dam, spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Massey. Mrs. Ernest Redd, and daughter, of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luna and son, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Luna. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, Mrs. Paul Hurt, Pauline and Douglas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Shannon, who has been stationed in Camp Blanding, Fla., is now training at Camp Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and children of Farmington, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cowden were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Simmons, of Huntsville. They were accompanied home by their daughter, Miss Earline Woodard, who has been on an extended visit. Mrs. Aline Moore spent Sunday with her daughter, Miss Jeanne Moore, of Huntsville. Miss Aline Moore left Monday for Tullahoma to work in the Vocational School. Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith were called to Union City on account of the death of a relative. A. G. Kennedy, of the U. S. Army, and Miss Kennedy, of Nashville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Betty Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morton, of Atlanta, are spending several days with the latter's father, Mr. J. D. Hanaway. Mr. Morton is working in Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Noah, of Mississippi, are on an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carrigan, of Belfast, were Sunday guests of Miss Myrtle Carrigan and brothers. Mrs. B. V. Christian and daughters, Mildred, and Mrs. Wilbert Halcomb, of Tullahoma, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, Mrs. Ida Holland, and the Rev. John Cowden, of Nashville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Viola Marsh, who is confined to her home on account of illness. Word has been received here that Kenneth E. Hastings, of Shelbyville, is stationed in Camp Shelby, Mississippi. He is with the Medical Department. Bert Lane, Joel Dyer, of Marshall County, left Wednesday for the Army. Mr. S. O. Sowell spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Arthur and baby, of Haleyville, Ala. Pvt. Mitchell Cashion, of the U. S. Army, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cashion. Harold Roberts, of Tuscaloosa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Miss Lucy Bagley, a junior student of U. T., was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill. Mrs. W. L. Barnett and Miss Julia Ann Morton, of Manchester, were in town Friday on business. June 10, 1943 Petersburg Letter Green-Stammer Miss Mable Stammer, of Petersburg, became the bride of Cecil A. Green of Fayetteville, at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of Fayetteville, at 9:00 o'clock, Sunday, June 6, by the Rev. H. R. Robinson. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride wore an azure blue dress with nay accessories. Her hat was a crown of pink carnations. Her flowers were an arm bouquet of roses. She received her education in Chapel Hill School, later specializing in music. The groom also received his education in Chapel Hill. He is now bookkeeper for the Rambo Motor Co. After a trip to the Smoky Mountains they will be at home at 329 West College Street, Fayetteville. * * * Reeves-Davis Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Davis announce the marriage of their daughter, Ozelle, to Sgt. Calvin Reeves, son of Mr. R. F. Reeves. The marriage took place Monday, June 7. Sergeant Reeves is stationed at Camp Livingston, La. * * * Personals Miss Lille Ruth Brown spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Willie Wells, of Delina. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, Carolyn; of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Pfc. William Marsh, of Nashville, and Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Marshall, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. M. P. Marsh, and Dixie Ann. Mr. Marshall is being transferred to Spartanburg, S. C., leaving June 15. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson and baby, of Nashville, visited the former's parents over the weekend. They were accompanied by Miss Laura May Davidson, who has been on an extended visit. Little Jackie Walker, of Nashville, is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson. Miss Mary Docia Hart, Mrs. Oliver Talley, Mrs. Arthur Talley and Macon Hart were in Murfreesboro Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Askins and children, of Fayetteville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scott. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Marion Greer. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, were Sunday guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Varda Sorrells and daughter, Dolores, have returned from an extended visit to Mrs. Sorrell's sister, Mrs. Earl Jones, Jr., and Mr. Jones, of Washington, D. C. Mrs. Rebecca Street has returned from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. George Woodard, and family, of Dennison, Texas. Mrs. Len Williams, who has been visiting her husband in Mississippi, has returned. Mrs. Roe Brown and children have joined Mr. Brown in Clinton, where he has employment. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Crabtree were in Nashville the past week to attend the graduation of their son, J. C. Crabtree, at David Lipscomb College. Miss Mary Eakin, of Peabody College, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eakin. Rev. D. B. Smith is confined to the Veterans' Hospital, in Memphis, where he is undergoing treatment. The Daily Vacation Bible School began at the Baptist Church Monday June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Terry, of Fayetteville, were with the Marsh family Sunday night following the death of their mother. Miss Evelyn Lee Moore has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sorrells, of Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sorrells and son, Ray, Jr., Miss Doris Reed and Mr. Lake Riddle, of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladys Moore and family. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, Mrs. Roy Holland and Mr. Everett Marsh were called here this weekend on account of the serious illness and death of their mother, Mrs. Viola Marsh. Miss Bessie McAdoo left Tuesday for McKenzie, Tenn., to attend the General Assembly of the Young People of Elk Presbytery. She was accompanied by Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo. Mrs. D. B. Smith will attend summer school at Bethel College. She left Tuesday. Miss Addie Jean, her daughter, will also take summer work there. * * * Deaths Viola Cowden Marsh Tom Welch June 17, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and daughter, of Bowling Green, Ky., are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives. Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Monday on business. Mrs. Charles Wharton and children, of Atlanta, are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. George Warren. Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott were in Lewisburg Monday. Mrs. J. O. Jones had the misfortune of falling and breaking her limb. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurt, in Fayetteville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Massey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Algie Massey, of Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. John Massey have purchased the Solomon home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mrs. Robert Morris Arthur and baby, of Haleyville, Ala., are on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Sowell. Miss Alice Brown has returned from a visit to Miss Ruth Petty, of Verona. Mrs. Kenneth Hastings and Mrs. Glendon Harris, of Shelbyville, attended the funeral of Mrs. Margaret Foster, which was held at the Hannah Gap Church Wednesday. Mrs. Alice Hemphill, of Missouri, is spending the summer with her sons, Mr. Royce Hemphill and Mr. Herman Hemphill, and families. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott were in Fayetteville Wednesday on business. Mrs. Lena Scott visited homefolks at Hughey Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, spent Sunday here. Mrs. Lou Sanders, of Fayetteville, is visiting her sisters, Mesdames Landess Sanders and Mecca Woosley. Mrs. Edward Gill and Miss Earline Woodard were in Fayetteville Saturday. * * * Deaths Harvey C. Freeman June 24, 1943 Petersburg Letter Mrs. Barham Hostess Mrs. Quint Barham was hostess to a beautifully planned noonday luncheon Saturday, complimenting Mrs. Margaret Green and Mrs. J. M. Greer. * * * Personals Mr. Edward Cole, of Charleston, S. C., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Lela Cole. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Askins and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Linville, of Fayetteville, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Askins. Mrs. Menefee Nichols, of Lewisburg, and Miss Mary Ellen Foster, of Mooresville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Will Archer and Mr. and Mrs. David Askins. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Bradford, of Spring Place, attended the revival service at the Methodist Church here Sunday. Mrs. Tom McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. James Crabtree and children and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glenn, of Delina, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crabtree. Misses Reba Beard and Wynell Archer visited Mrs. Alva Bradford and Miss Tommie Beard, of Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Franklin were in Fayetteville Friday. Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mrs. Alva Bradford and Miss Tommie Beard, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Beard. Mrs. R. E. Collier, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pack. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and daughter have returned to their home in Bowling Green, Ky., after an extended visit to their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives. Mrs. Jim Scott and daughters, Miss Miriam and Jimmy, visited Mrs. Annie Sue Hamilton. Miss Earline Woodard has returned from a visit to relatives in Huntsville. Mrs. Margaret Green returned to Nashville Monday after a vacation with Mrs. J. M. Greer. She was accompanied to Nashville by Mrs. Greer and Mrs. George Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. James Montgomery and daughter, Betty, of Nashville, visited Mr. Jim Montgomery over the weekend. Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Shelbyville, and Miss Alice Murriel Beatty, of Belfast, left Wednesday for Hattisburg, Miss., to visit Pvt. Kenneth Hastings and Pvt. Ross Beatty, at Camp Shelby. Lucian Scott and Elgin Nichols left Saturday for Fort Oglethorpe, where they were inducted into service. Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott were In Lewisburg Monday to see Miss Margaret Fowler. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crabtree, who died Friday night, was buried at Old Orchard Cemetery Saturday. Misses Lavern Lambert, Mary Elizabeth Smith and Sally Chapman left last week to enter Nashville Business School. Rev. D. B. Smith spent the weekend with Mrs. Smith and daughter, Miss Addie Jean Smith, who are in Bethel College for a summer course. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Dwiggins, and son, John, of Atlanta, who have been visiting Mrs. Edward Gill, and Mr. Gill, spent the weekend in Gallatin as the guests of Mr. Dwiggins' sister Mrs. Bill Haggerty and family. Mrs. Maude Crawley, of Jacksonville, Fla., is on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Sam Scott and brother, Mr. Jack Cummings. Mrs. Will Crabtree, Mr. Aaron King and daughter, Betty, of Baton Rouge, are on an extended visit to Mrs. Paul Barham and Mr. Barham and other relatives. Pvt. Tom Moore, of Texas, is spending his furlough here. Lee Hemphill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Hemphill, who is with the Navy, is now stationed in San Diego, California. Miss Ruth Phillips, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cowan Phillips, is attending a business school in Nashville. Burl Phillips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cowan Phillips, happened to have a very painful accident last week while on a hay wagon. When the wagon was being turned he jumped and fell on his arms, breaking one hand and arm. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tucker and daughters, Nellie and Betty Jane, of Louisville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crabtree. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Watson, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. B. Cummings, Jr., and Mr. Allen Watson. Mr. Will King continues ill at his home. Mrs. Wade Welch, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welch. She left Tuesday to join her husband at Camp Shelby, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, of Pulaski, spent Sunday with the latter's father and sister, Mr. Allen Watson and Mrs. J. B. Cummings, Jr. July 1, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. J. C. Crabtree and Mrs. Mildred Russell have accepted a position with the Magnesium Plant at Lewisburg. Miss Mary Gill Moore left Thursday for Sarasota, Fla., for a visit. Miss Jacqueline Hopkins, of Lincoln, is visiting Miss Earline Woodard. Mrs. Tom Barham, of Lewisburg, was here Tuesday on business. Mrs. Wilma Montgomery, Mrs. Sarah Warren and George Warren were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mrs. Louise Swain, of Fayetteville, visited her mother, Mrs. R. G. Baxter, and Mrs. I. M. Davidson, over the weekend. Mrs. J. D. Eakin and daughter, Miss Mary Eakin, were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh were In Memphis Friday. Mrs. Robert Terry, of Fayetteville, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rufe Hunter. Mr. Harold Roberts left Friday for Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., for induction into the Army. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Anderson and daughter, Karen, of Bellbuckle, were Sunday guests of Misses Mamye and Clara Percy. Mrs. Bill Carpenter and daughters, Carolyn and Joan, of Chattanooga, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Joe McAdams. Mrs. R. G. Baxter is on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. I. M. Davidson. Mr. Ulric Wells, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday as the guest of Misses Clara and Mamye Percy. Dolores Sorrells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Varda Sorrells, underwent an operation at the Lincoln County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend with relatives. Betty Jean Daniel has returned from an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Vance Edwards, of Nashville. Miss Mary N. Collier is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Cora Crane, of Bellville. Mr. G. W. Fowler, Carroll Scott and mother were in Lewisburg Wednesday on business. Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, Mrs. Nell Cole and Mr. Edward Cole were in Lewisburg Thursday. Pauline and Douglas Hurt spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Walker and son, Jackie, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with the latter's parents. Mr. Walker returned Sunday. Mrs. Walker and son remained for a longer visit. Miss Elizabeth Davidson has accepted a position in Nashville and is staying with her brother, Mr. John Davidson, and Mrs. Davidson. Rev. J. B. Alexander has returned from a visit to his daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan, Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Sr., and Mrs. Emma Moore were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Morgan, of Lewisburg. Mr. Paul Crawford, of Fayetteville, was here Monday to see his mother. Mrs. Leonidas Haislip and children, of California, are on an extended visit to Mrs. Bob Sowell and other relatives. Mr. Arthur Talley, who has been confined to his home suffering with pneumonia, is recovering. Mr. Roy Holland, of Nashville, was in Petersburg Monday. Mrs. Roe Brown and daughters, Judith Ann, Pasty Ruth, and Mary Rowena, have returned from Clinton, where they have been with Mr. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Collier, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mrs. Alwyn Hart and children, of Fayetteville, spent Friday as the guests of her sister, Mrs. Joe L. Scott. Mr. Holt King, of Howell, spent Sunday with his father, Mr. Will King. Miss Aline Moore, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ed Rice. * * * Deaths W. J. Pamplin July 8, 1943 Petersburg Letter Wells-McCown Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCown, of Delina, announce the marriage of their daughter, Lavenia, to Wayne Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Caddy Wells. The wedding took place June 19, in Huntsville, in the office of the officiating Judge Thomas W. Jones. James and Miss Aline Crick, of Fayetteville, were the only attendants. Both young people attended Morgan School here. They will reside near Petersburg, where Mr. Wells is engaged in farming. * * * Deal-McAdams Mr. and Mrs. Luther McAdams, of Petersburg, announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn, to Allan Deal, Jr., of the U. S. Army, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allan Deal. The wedding will take place at an early date. The bride is a graduate of Morgan School, Petersburg, and is a student at George Peabody College. The groom is a graduate of Father Ryan and Vanderbilt University, Nashville. * * * Personals Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott. Little Barbara Ann Scott, of Belfast, visited her grandfather, Mr. J. C. Scott and Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with her parents. Mrs. Mary Belle Scott, of Chapel Hill, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Nichols, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, spent Saturday with the former's parents. Mrs. Maude Crawley, of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mrs. Sam Scott were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Whitaker. Several from here attended First Monday and July 5, in Fayetteville. Mrs. Kate Pylant, spent the weekend with Mrs. Ollie Hemphill, of Lewisburg. Rev. S. O. McAdoo filled his pulpit at Boonshill Sunday. He was accompanied by Mrs. McAdoo. The Baptist revival which has been in progress at the local church came to a close Thursday, July 8. The Rev. Mark Scarbro, of Harriman, Tenn., is doing the preaching. Pvt. Billy Hastings, of Nashville, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lucille Hastings. Word has been received here that Pvt. Lucian Scott is stationed at Camp Maxey, Texas. Word has been received here that Lonnie Nichols and Tom Stephenson have met in North Africa. Also Lt. Col. Alwyn Hart and Lt. Volney Eakin. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hastings, of Nashville, spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Ella Hastings. Mrs. Kenneth Hastings returned to Hattisburg, Miss., Tuesday. Miss Jane Bledsoe, of Chattanooga, spent July 4, with her mother, Mrs. Della Bledsoe and Mrs. Bill Touchstone. Mrs. Charles Wharton and children, of Atlanta, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren. Mrs. William Edmiston and children, of Guthrie, Ky., are spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren. Mrs. W. E. Crumbley and mother, Mrs. Emma Redd, of Fayetteville, visited Mrs. Glenn Nichols Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland, of Nashville, spent several days here last week. Mr. Edward Cole, of Charleston, S. C., who has been visiting his mother, returned to his work Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, spent the weekend in Nashville with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris. Mr. John Marvin Daves, of Nashville, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Daves. Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Hattisburg, Miss., visited her mother and was in Shelbyville over the weekend on business as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris. Mrs. Alva Bradford and son, Gary, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Jim Archer. Pvt. Alva Bradford is stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris, of Shelbyville, were weekend guests of Mrs. W. M. Scott. * * * Deaths T. N. Twitty July 15, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Misses Betty and Joan Eakin have returned from Dunroamin Camp. Miss Robbie Vaughn, of Lewisburg, is visiting relatives. Miss Maybelle Marsh and Mrs. Maude Pierce are on an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, of Nashville. Cpl. John W. Davidson, of Lakeland, Fla., visited Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark. Rev. S. O. McAdoo has returned from the Young People's General Assembly at Crystal Springs. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Collier, of Shelbyville. Rev. McAdoo filled his pulpit at Green Hill Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Irene Boring, of Miami, is on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Williams. Miss Margaret Morgan, of Memphis, has returned after spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan. Pvt. Felix Whitaker, of Camp Swift, Texas, has returned after spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Whitaker. Randy March, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Russell March, is confined to a Lewisburg hospital. Private and Mrs. Ray Burton, of Tullahoma and Nashville, spent the weekend here with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Sr. Misses Sarah Ralston and Alice Morgan returned Wednesday from a visit to friends in Georgia. Miss Elizabeth Murdock and Miss Ada Doris Murdock are on an extended visit to their uncle, Mr. Rufe Murdock, of Texas. Pvt. Boyd Swing is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Swing. Bert Lane has accepted a position with the American Airlines, stationed at Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cowden, Misses Ann and Earline Woodard and Carolyn Collier and Mr. Allen Shaddy were in Nashville Thursday. Miss Katherine Bledsoe, of Nashville, visited relatives here last week. Miss Dixie Ann Marsh is visiting friends and relatives in Nashville. Mrs. R. B. Scott spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dwiggins. Miss Edith Dysart visited her brother, Mr. B. C. Dysart, and Mrs. Dysart, of Columbia. Miss Bessie D. Morton, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with relatives. Misses Marilyn Wade and Marjorie Whorley, students at State Teachers College, Murfreesboro, spent the weekend with their parents. Miss Edith Dysart left Monday to enter summer school at State Teachers College, Murfreesboro. Mrs. Hutton Brown and children, of Pulaski, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Rodes. Mr. and Mrs. McRee Pedigo, Miss Dorothy Ann Thompson and Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Willie Mae Scott, Sunday. Pfc. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Tullahoma, and Fayetteville, visited the former's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Parker, of Akron, are on an extended visit to relatives here and in Fayetteville. Mrs. George Bailey and children, of Perryville, Md., are spending the summer with her mother, Mrs. Tommy Watson. Mr. Jim Archer and Miss Maybelle Troop were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hatton Archer and Mrs. Charlie Archer, of near Spring Place. Pfc. Edward Hastings spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings. Mr. Alfred Sanders, of Oklahoma, returned to his home Monday after visiting his sister, Mrs. Glenn, of Belfast. Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and children, of Palmetto, visited the former's parents Sunday. Mr. George Fowler was in Fayetteville Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill George and baby, of Old Hickory, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scott and children, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville. Mr. W. S. Leonard is confined to a Lewisburg hospital, where he is undergoing treatment. Little Miss Gradeen Finley, of Lewisburg, has returned to her home after several days visit to her aunt Mrs. Edgar Pickle. Mr. and Mrs. Wert Talley accompanied Mrs. Talley's father, Mr. O. L. Woods, to a Memphis hospital, where Mr. Woods is undergoing treatment. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. July 22, 1943 Petersburg Letter Doing Their Part! The Petersburg Surgical Dressing Room was opened here last February 15. The ladies of the town and community have responded to this urgent call with an eagerness to be faithful to our fighting boys. We have had 120 workers, giving 4,019 hours, making 28,600 bandages. Six of the ladies who are due honorable mention are: Mrs. T. B. Clark, 675 hours; Mrs. Ed Scott, 331 hours; Mrs. Fred Montgomery, 270 hours; Mrs. Pearl Hart, 260 hours; Mrs. R. H. Beasley, 200 hours; Mrs. Landess Sanders, 175 hours. There are 15 ladies who have given 50 hours: Mrs. James Bledsoe, Mrs. Oscar Smith, Mrs. Cecil Scott, Mrs. Jack Cummings, Mrs. W. W. Gill, Mrs. W. S. Joplin, Mrs. James Crabtree, Mrs. Thomas Moore. The Petersburg ladies are doing their share of knitting. Each of the following have knitted twenty-five sweaters: Mrs. S. H. Allen, Mrs. R. H. Beasley, Mrs. Louise Swain and Miss Bessie McAdoo. Mrs. Jack Cummings and Mrs. Mecca Woosley have made sixteen each. * * * Personals Mrs. Edna Hastings has accepted a position in the Morgan School dining room. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Beasley and children, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the latter's mother and sister, Mrs. E. C. Rice and Mrs. W. W. Gill. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Mrs. T. D. Moore and Mrs. W. M. Scott attended a meeting at the Courthouse in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mrs. Charlie Massey and grandson, Charles Massey, have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Luna and family, of Tuscaloosa. Mr. J. L. Glenn, who was carried to the Lincoln County Hospital, has returned home, where he is improving. Miss Dixie Ann Marsh has returned from an extended visit to Mrs. W. A. Beasley, of Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia, spent the weekend with their grandmother, Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins and children visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketchum, Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Daniel and daughter, Evelyn, and Mrs. Sallie Daniel left Monday for an extended visit to Mr. Howard Daniel, of Chicago. Mr. Lush Fowler and sisters, Misses Margaret, Anna and Maxie Fowler, and Mr. J. Loyd Garrett, of Lewisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler Sunday. Mr. Roe Brown, of Clinton, visited his family the past week. Dr. C. P. Marsh is confined to his home on account of illness. He was taken to Nashville Friday for treatment. He is improving since returning home Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pylant were in Lewisburg Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott. Mr. Ed Scott is confined to his home on account of illness. Mrs. Galloway, of Fayetteville, is nursing him. Miss Dot Pylant spent the weekend with Miss Ann Scott, of Bellville. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo attended the Missionary Society at Boonshill Monday afternoon. Lt. N. H. Newhouse, of Olathe, Kansas, Navy Base, has been promoted to Lt. Commander. He is the husband of [Miss Gelene Pylant], formerly of Petersburg and Jacksonville Fla., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, of Petersburg. July 29, 1943 Petersburg Letter Wells Home Destroyed By Fire Fire of unknown origin destroyed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tell Wells Saturday night. The loss was total. The fine work of the Fire Department which soon answered the call was good and the blaze was soon under control and no other buildings caught fire. There was no one at home at the time. It was partially covered by insurance. * * * Dysart Reunion Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. R. C. Dysart Sunday in a birthday celebration. At noon a bountiful lunch was served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meadows, of South Charleston, West Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Dysart, of Pulaski. * * * Personals Rev. S. O. McAdoo has just closed a very successful meeting at the Green Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church, near Shelbyville. Pvt. Leland Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neely Wells, of Talley Station, who has been serving overseas for the past twelve months, reports that he is well and likes it over there. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, of Spring Place, have received word from their son, Jeff Brown, who is serving overseas, that he is well and safe. Mrs. Floyd McClenney has returned from a visit to her husband, Sgt. Floyd McClenney, of Illinois. Miss Ella Fowler, of Lewisburg, has returned to her home after visiting her brother, Mr. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Crabtree and Miss Addie Logan were in Lewisburg Tuesday. Several from here attended first Monday in Fayetteville. Frank Scott, of the U. S. Navy, stationed in California, who spent his furlough with his mother, returned to duty Sunday. Frank has been gone fifteen months and looks fine. He reports he likes the Navy. Mr. Will Welch is confined to his home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Billy and Mrs. Nell Cole were in Fayetteville Friday. Mrs. L. G. Rives has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, and baby, of Bowling Green, in the absence of the Rev. Burroughs, who has been instructor in an encampment. Mr. George Warren is visiting his aunt, Mrs. William Edmiston, and family, of Guthrie, Ky. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, who is spending his vacation with his mother, left Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, and Private Hastings, of Hattisburg, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barham, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna have returned from a visit to their son, Mr. Joe Buford Luna, Mrs. Luna and little son, Joe Douglas, of St. Louis. Pvt. Buddy Marsh, of Nashville, has been visiting his mother. Bert Lane, of Nashville, recently visited his parents. Dr. C. P. Marsh, who is confined to the Lincoln County Hospital, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Tell Wells have received a letter from their son. Pvt. W. H. Wells, who is serving overseas, that he is well and likes it fine but it is terribly cold there. * * * Deaths Lucille Beasley Joan Beasley July 29, 1943 Beasleys Killed In Airplane CrashMrs. Beasley, Infant Killed Early Today Mrs. Lynn Beasley and infant were among the victims in an airplane crash near Bowling Green, Ky., this morning in which all but two of the twenty passengers lost their lives. Mrs. Beasley was the wife of Major Lynn Beasley, of the Air Corps, now stationed in Miami, Fla. The Beasley family is well known in this county, Major Beasley being the son of Everett Beasley, for many years a resident of Petersburg, now a wholesale merchant in Nashville. August 5, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Miss Ella Fowler, of Lewisburg, spent several days with her brother, Mr. George Fowler, and family. Frank Scott, third class seaman, who is stationed with the U. S. Navy in California, arrived this week to spend his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Stella Scott, and brother and sister, Charles and Helen Scott. Frank has been in the Navy fifteen months. He has visited many ports during his enlistment. This is his first furlough. Pvt. Buddy Marsh, of Nashville, is visiting his mother, Mrs. Dixie Marsh. Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott were in Lewisburg Sunday. Mrs. Lula Leonard Smallman, of McMinnville, is visiting friends. Mrs. Mattie Dyer, of Lewisburg, visited her sister, Mrs. R. P. Harkins. Miss Emma Conaway, of Fayetteville, is nursing Mr. Ed Scott, who is confined to his home on account of illness. Mrs. Wayne Scott was in Fayetteville Saturday. Miss Edith Dysart, of Murfreesboro, spent the weekend with her mother. Mr. Roe Brown was in Nashville Tuesday on business. Miss Katherine Adams, of Columbia, spent several days last week here. Several from here attended the horse show in Fayetteville Thursday night. Mrs. R. W. Askins and children, of Fayetteville, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Clayton Scott. Rev. S. O. McAdoo began a series of meetings at Green Hill Cumberland Presbyterian Church Sunday afternoon, July 25. Mrs. Gladys Dodd and Eldred Dodd were recent guests of relatives in Old Hickory. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Wednesday with his mother. Mr. Paul Crawford, of Fayetteville, was here Saturday on business. Eld. Eldon Stovall, of Winchester, is conducting a series of meetings at the Friendship Church of Christ. He is being assisted by Eld. Allen Shaddy. Douglas Rodes and Hoyte Mitchell will leave soon for induction into the Army. Teddy Green, first class seaman, is spending his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Neil Green. Mrs. Earl Pylant, Sr., of Columbia, spent several days last week with Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. Sgt. John Morgan spent his furlough with relatives here. Miss Elizabeth Davidson, of Nashville, was the guest of her parents over the weekend. Deaths William L. Welch August 12, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. Macon Hart, Miss Mary Docia Hart and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant were Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irby Holloway, of Huntsville. Miss Dot Pylant left Thursday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ernest Rownd, of Bogalousa, La. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pylant were weekend guests of Mrs. Eula Sanders Sharp, of Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haynes, Miss Elaine Haynes, Mr. Jim Cain Haynes and Mrs. Emmett Rockmore, of Atlanta, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haynes, of Lewisburg. Mrs. Rockmore remained for a longer visit in Lewisburg. Buddy Marsh, U. S. Navy, who visited his mother, has returned to his camp in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Street, of Fayetteville, were weekend guests of Mr. Alvis Bledsoe, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Jackson, were recent guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Mrs. Kate Pylant spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, of Columbia. Mr. Edward Beasley, of Nashville, spent Sunday here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Follis, and Mrs. Nettie Woodard. Several from here attended the funeral of Superintendent T. N. Towry, of Fayetteville. Friends of Superintendent Towry were grieved to hear of his death. The Rev. S. O. McAdoo closed a very successful series of revival services at the Bellville Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Curtis Phillips, of the U. S. Navy, stationed in New Jersey, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Phillips. Pfc. Edward Hastings, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Welch, of Benton, Tenn., and Mrs. Ethel Gilbert, of Shelbyville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buntley, of Fayetteville, announce the arrival of a daughter, born August 4, at the Lincoln County Hospital. She has been named Dorothy Lynn. Mrs. Buntley will be remembered here as Miss Martha Elsie Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart and Mrs. Holloway Welch were in Lewisburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Storrs, of Nashville and Mr. and Mrs. Lige Smith, of Ashland City, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Freeman. Pvt. Herman Sullivan, with the U. S. Army, who is stationed in California, is spending his furlough with his mother who is confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. Carroll Scott has returned from Hattisburg, Miss., where he visited Private and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings. Mrs. Mildred Stewart, of Columbia, spent her vacation with her parents the past week. * * * Deaths Odie Erwin McAdams August 19, 1943 Petersburg Letter Surprise Birthday The friends, neighbors and relatives surprised Mrs. Bee Hart Sunday with a birthday dinner. She received many nice and useful gifts. Among those attending were: Mrs. Ellie Davis and daughters, Maggie and Beatrice, Mr. Cecil Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and son, Mrs. Albert Halmontaller and son, all of Shelbyville; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Head and two children, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leonard and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, Mrs. Ava Wells, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Moore, and Miss Lillie Moore, Mr. R. L. Moore and daughter, Mr. R. F. Moore, Mrs. Mary Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil King and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hart and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart, Mrs. Clara Butler, Miss Bertie Bills and Miss Grace Watt, all of Petersburg. * * * Personals Mr. Joe Dyer, of Akron, Ohio, is on an extended visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carlee Dyer. Miss Ann Scott has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Fred Dwiggins, and Mr. Dwiggins. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. Ed Scott, who has been confined to his home on account of illness, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott were in Murfreesboro and Nashville Wednesday on business. Mrs. W. M. Scott and son, George William, were in Shelbyville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart and Mrs. Lela Cole were in Lewisburg Saturday. First Lt. Eldred Tucker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tucker who has been stationed in Arizona, is being transferred to Camp Forrest, and is spending several days with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carmack Sullivan, of Akron, are visiting their parents, Mrs. Jones Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Marsh. Dr. Marsh, who has been confined to his home on account of illness, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. George Woodard and children, of Dennison, Texas, are on an extended visit to the latter's mother, Mrs. Rebecca Street, and Mr. Woodard's parents of Palmetto. Miss Dot Pylant has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ernest Rownd, of Bogalousa, La. Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg, was a recent guest of Mrs. William Moore. Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, of Pulaski, were Sunday guests of Mr. Allen Watson and Mrs. J. B. Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. James Hill Maxwell and baby, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Davidson. Mrs. Hatton Archer, Mrs. Jim Archer and Miss Maybelle Troop spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harris, in Nashville. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Rownd, of Bogalousa, La., are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant. Mr. W. A. Barham was carried to Dr. Gordon's hospital Monday for treatment. Morgan Summer School closes here Friday, August 20, after a very successful ten weeks course. Morgan School and the Petersburg Elementary School will open their Fall terms here Monday. August 30. The Petersburg Colt Show and Community Fair will be held here Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7 and 8. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Holland, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mrs. Roy Ingle, of Cullman, Ala., was here last week on business. Mrs. Della Bledsoe and Mrs. Oliver March left Friday to visit relatives in Chattanooga. Sgt. William Gill, of Scott Field, Ill., is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gill. Mrs. Leonard Cowden, of Loyal, Ky., is on an extended visit to her mother, Mrs. Will Sorrells, and other relatives. Mrs. Audie Hemphill and Miss Bessie Thompson were in Lewisburg Saturday to attend the Marshall County Dress Revue. Mr. and Mrs. Tom B. Clark are spending this week in Greenfield, visiting their son, Mr. Joel Clark, and family. Mr. R. K. Morgan was in Lewisburg last week on business. Miss Sarah Ralston spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. F. L. Burt, of Lewisburg. Miss Mabern Barham has accepted a position in the Marshall County Stove Company. Mrs. Ulric Wells, of Fayetteville, is visiting Misses Clara and Mamye Percy. Billy and Toppy Loving spent the weekend with their sister, Miss Martha Ann Loving. Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, of Bowling Green, visited Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives, en-route from Chattanooga where they visited Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Burroughs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harkins were in Lewisburg last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Herman Scott, and other relatives Sunday. August 26, 1943 Petersburg Letter Petersburg Colt Show The Fifty-ninth Annual Exhibition of the Petersburg Colt Show and Community Fair will be held here Tuesday and Wednesday, September 7 and 8. This has been a stock show since 1884. * * * Fall Term of Morgan Opens Monday The fall term of Morgan School will open here Monday, August 30. Prof. R. K. Morgan, is headmaster and Prof. E. F. Baulch is principal. The Petersburg Elementary School will open August 30. * * * Personals Mrs. Oliver March has returned from a visit to her son, Mr. Oliver Russell March, Mrs. March and son, Randy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, were weekend guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Willie Mae and George Scott were in Fayetteville to see Pfc. Shannon Fowler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, were here Saturday. Pfc. Billy Fullerton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fullerton, who is stationed at Ardmore Base, Okla., is spending his furlough with his parents. Little Miss Dian Hart, of Fayetteville, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. L. Scott. Lt. Eldred Tucker, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore were in Nashville Monday to see Mr. Henry Wyatt, who has been in a Nashville hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadway, of Howell, Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Rownd, who have been visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, left Tuesday for their home in Bogalousa, La. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Wednesday night with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellis, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday here with relatives. Mrs. Della Bledsoe has returned from a visit to her daughter, Miss Jane Bledsoe, of Chattanooga. Little Randy March, of Chattanooga is on an extended visit to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver March. Mrs. Fred Watkins and children and Mrs. Oliver Talley spent Friday with Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mrs. S. O. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo and Mrs. Willie Mae Scott were in Fayetteville Wednesday. Mr. Lush Fowler, Misses Anna and Maxie Fowler, little Miss Chapman and Mr. Loyd Garrett, of Lewisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler Wednesday. Miss Mary Docia Hart was in Fayetteville Saturday. Miss Maggie Lee Dyer, of Chattanooga, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Henry Dyer. September 2, 1943 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Meeting The Home Demonstration Club met in its regular monthly meeting at the Club Room Tuesday, with Mesdames Edward Redd and J. S. Crabtree as hostesses. Mrs. J. M. Greer gave the demonstration. Mrs. Pearl read an interesting paper. Miss Lewis, the new Home Agent, gave a very interesting demonstration. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan have returned and Mr. Morgan will resume his teaching at Morgan. Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and little daughter, of Bowling Green, are spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives. Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. Oliver Talley and Mrs. Willie Mae Scott were in Howell Thursday to see Mr. Walter Broadway. Mrs. Freeman Towry, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. George Wells. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore were in Lewisburg Saturday on business. Miss Martha Ann Loving was hostess to a beautifully planned rook party at her lovely country home. Two tables were used. Miss Julia Joplin Greer was an additional guest. Mrs. B. C. Dysart was hostess to several friends in a rook party at her home Thursday. Two tables were used. Mrs. C. A. Blakemore won high score. Mrs. J. H. Taylor accompanied Mrs. Gene Faulkner and children to their home in Murfreesboro recently. Miss Julia Joplin Greer, of Union City, has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen and Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mr. Louis Greer and Mr. Vance Greer returned to Clinton Monday after spending the weekend with their mother, Mrs. J. M. Greer. Miss Louise Franklin, of Montgomery, is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Jackson, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Miss Dorothy Phillips underwent a tonsil operation last week. Mr. Milton Holloway is visiting his sister, Mrs. Homer Freeman, and Mr. Freeman, of Jackson. Mrs. Greer is visiting her sister, Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville. Mrs. Charles Strubel, of Louisville, is on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Freeman. Mrs. Ward Pigg is confined to a Lewisburg hospital for treatment. Mrs. J. K. Russell and nephew, Mr. Lawton Gore, of Nashville, were weekend guests of Mrs. G. A. Gore, of Huntland. Miss Aline Crick, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend as guest of Miss Elizabeth Murdock. Little Miss Barbara Jane Elrod, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop and daughter, Miss Maybelle Troop, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hatton Petty, of Lewisburg, and Miss Grace Welch. Word has been received here that Pvt. James Crick and Pvt. Frank Scott are stationed near each other in California and met last week in San Francisco, which was very helpful to each. They say just to see someone from home. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, were Sunday guests of Miss Myrtle Carrigan and Mrs. Herman Scott. Word has been received here that Pvt. Kenneth E. Hastings has been promoted to Private First Class. He is stationed in Camp Shelby, Miss. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Buntley and little daughter, of Fayetteville, were recent guests of Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill and daughter, Martha, and Mr. Ollie Hemphill, attended a birthday and reunion which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Benny Hemphill, of Lewisburg. Mrs. W. S. Leonard had the misfortune to fall and break her hip. She was carried to a Nashville hospital for treatment. Little Miss Guelda Curlee underwent an operation at the Gordon Hospital Friday. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, visited her sister, Mrs. J. M. Greer, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Enoch, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Sanders, Mrs. Crane and Mrs. Woosley. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Conger, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Emma Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Pvt. Jerry Dement, of Fort Bliss, Texas, was a recent guest of Miss Jean Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Luna and son, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Luna. Mr. J. C. Crabtree, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Crabtree. September 9, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and sons, Larry and Edwin Ray, of Palmetto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mrs. Houston Gray, of Nashville, spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Moore. Mrs. H. N. Williams and children, Danny and Peggy, of Huntsville, were recent guests of Mrs. Maggie Barham. Pvt. Mark Whitaker, of Altrus, Okla., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Whitaker. Mrs. C. I. Hopper, of Boonshill, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barham and Miss Mabern Barham, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barham. Mrs. Ray Burton, of Nashville, spent Labor Day with her mother, Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Sr. Mrs. L. M. Hampton, of Nashville, visited her mother, Mrs. R. H. Gaunt, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holman and family, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents. Mrs. Tom Jobe, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill. Private and Mrs. Dick Daniel visited the latter's parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. K. Harwell, en-route from Illinois to Texas, where he is being transferred. Mr. Ben Pack continues ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rice, of Birmingham, spent Labor Day with the former's mother, Mrs. Ed Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Boren's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his mother. Pvt. Marshall Durant, of Virginia, is spending his furlough with homefolks. Private and Mrs. Wade Welch, of Camp Shelby, Miss., came Saturday to spend his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welch. Pvt. Billy Keith, of Nashville, was here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Marsh and Miss Maybelle Marsh. Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott were in Shelbyville Tuesday on business. Mr. Kenneth Luna, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Luna. Mrs. Vada Bledsoe is in a Lewisburg hospital undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley and Miss Addie Logan were in Howell to see Mr. Walter Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, and Mr. Richardson, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore were in Fayetteville Friday. Miss Lavern Lambert, of Nashville, is spending the week with homefolks. Mrs. S. E. Beard, of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., is visiting her husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Beard. Mrs. J. M. Greer has returned from a visit to Mrs. Margaret Green and Mrs. W. A. Beasley, of Nashville. Miss Elizabeth Davidson, of Nashville, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gill Gillespie were recent guests of Mrs. H. B. Whitaker and Mrs. W. S. Joplin. Mr. Bert Lane, of Nashville, visited his parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris, of Shelbyville, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wells. Those from here attending the Horse Show of Shelbyville were: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill, Dr. W. S. Joplin, Raymond Adams and Mark Whitaker. Recent guests of Mrs. W. E. Whitaker were: Mrs. Tennie Copeland, of Nashville; Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Copeland, of Florence, Ala.; Mr. Harold General, of Huntsville, and Mr. Harold Mosley. September 16, 1943 Petersburg Letter Program On Missions The Ladies Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church presented a program at the Sunday School hour Sunday morning. Mrs. Cecil Scott was in charge. She gave the devotional with Mr. G. A. Foster leading the prayer. Miss Bessie McAdoo conducted a Mission Quiz, with the following ladies taking part: Mesdames Eugene Pylant, Joe L. Scott, George Fowler and Willie Mae Scott. * * * Research Club Met Monday Mrs. J. M. Greer was hostess to the Research Club at her home here Monday afternoon. A very interesting program was given by members. The hostess served a tempting salad. Mrs. W. B. Moore was an additional guest. * * * Personals The Rev. S. O. McAdoo, pastor of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of Boonshill, assisted by the Rev. C. M. Zwingle, closed a very successful revival at the Boonshill church which had been in progress for the past week. The Rev. C. M. Zwingle, who has been conducting revival services at Boonshill, spent Sunday night and Monday with the Rev. and Mrs. McAdoo. Frank Barham and Mrs. Barham, of Texas, are visiting Mrs. Maggie Barham. Frank is a petty officer in the U. S. Navy. Miss Aline Collier, who was called here on account of the serious illness of her grandfather, Mr. Ben Pack, has returned to Nashville. Mr. J. L. Fowler, of Lewisburg, and Mr. Loyd Garrett, of Little Rock, attended the Colt Show here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Willie Mae Scott were in Fayetteville Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, of Shelbyville, and Mr. Gammill, of Texas. Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Lambert and children, of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lambert. Pvt. James Bledsoe, of the U. S. Army, is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bledsoe. Miss Jean Scott underwent an appendix operation at the Gordon Hospital Friday night. At last report she was resting nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, of Clarksville, are on an extended visit to the latter's mother, Mrs. Ella Hastings. Miss Ella Fowler, of Lewisburg, spent Tuesday with Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. Thurman Nelms, of Detroit, has returned after several days visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nelms. Mr. Jim Nelms and daughter, Miss Leona, were in Lewisburg Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, were with his parents Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, and Mrs. Nell Cole were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols. Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Lewisburg, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bigham. * * * Deaths Sina Kimes George Ben Pack