LINCOLN County Tn - NEWSPAPERS - Petersburg: A People's History part 5 continued ************************************************************************************* Copyright. All Rights Reserved. This File Was Contributed For Use In The Usgenweb Archives By: Dwight Winsett > ************************************************************************************* September 23, 1943 Petersburg Letter W. C. T. U. Meeting The WCTU met Tuesday with Mrs. J. M. Greer. A very interesting program was given by the members. * * * P. T. A. Meeting On Thursday The PTA met at the school last Thursday. Mrs. Fred Montgomery presided. Several items were attended to. Mrs. J. C. Pigg was appointed as the Red membership drive chairman, and Mrs. Allen Shaddy was the Blue chairman. The motion was made to secure a picture show for Friday night, The first and eighth grades tied for the most mothers present. Mr. Barham made an interesting talk. * * * Cafeteria Shower The Parent-Teachers Association will sponsor a cafeteria shower at the elementary school. Food, canned or fresh, will be appreciated. * * * Bailey-Smith Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith announce the marriage of their daughter, Addie Jean, to the Rev. Virgil Algene Bailey, of Lincoln, Ill. The wedding took place in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Huntsville, with the double ring ceremony, the father of the bride, the Rev. D. B. Smith, officiating. The only attendants were the Rev. and Mrs. John Stammer Smith, Kenton. Following the ceremony the bride's parents gave a diner at Russell Erskine Hotel, Huntsville. The bride is a graduate of Morgan School, and attended Bethel College, McKenzie. The groom is a graduate of Bethel College. After a visit to relatives in Lincoln Ill., they will return to Bethel College, where Rev. Bailey will resume his studies in the Theological Seminary of Bethel College. * * * Personals Miss Jean Scott, who has been confined to the Gordon Hospital, returned home Friday. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Harris Glasscock was carried to a Lewisburg hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. James Solomon, of Fayetteville, were in Petersburg Monday. Mrs. Will Sorrells and daughter, Mrs. Lewis Brown, and son, Ronnie, of California, left Thursday for Harlan, Ky., to visit Leonard Cowden. Miss June Archer has entered Ward-Belmont College, Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cowden and Miss Earline Woodard and friend, Gene Johnson, spent Sunday in Huntsville. Misses Jean and Elizabeth Murdock, of David Lipscomb, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. Mary Murdock. Mrs. Clifford Archer and Mrs. C. P. Marsh were in Nashville Tuesday. Little Billy Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore, accidentally fell from a truck Monday night, breaking his left leg above the ankle. He is doing nicely. Eld. Frank Pack, of Memphis, closed a very successful meeting at the Cane Creek Church of Christ, near here, last Sunday night. Mr. Tom Rodes, of Anniston, and Mr. Tide Rodes, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with their brother, Mr. W. C. Rodes, and Mrs. Rodes. Mrs. W. W. Gill, Mrs. Edward Gill and Mrs. Ed Rice and Mrs. Margaret Moore were in Nashville Thursday. Little Miss Betty Jean Marsh and Miss Monte Catherine Daniel, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Cecil Scott and Mr. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barham have returned to their home in Corpus Christi, Texas, after visiting relatives here. Frank is a petty officer in the U. S. Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott, of Palmetto, Sunday. Rev. S. O. McAdoo filled his appointment at Boonshill and Bellville Sunday. He was accompanied by Mrs. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo. Miss Lollaine Meeker and Miss Martha Ann Loving left Tuesday to enter the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Miss Elaine Haynes entered Bowling Green Business School Monday. Mrs. S. O. Sowell was in Fayetteville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Askins and family, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend here. Mr. Jim Cain Haynes, of Watts Dam, spent the weekend with his parents. Cpl. William Marsh, of the Air Center, Nashville, spent the weekend with his mother. Miss Lenore Drennan, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend here and was accompanied home by Miss Myrtle Landress, who has been visiting friends here. September 30, 1943 Petersburg Letter Deal-McAdams Mr. and Mrs. Luther McAdams, of Petersburg, announce the marriage of their daughter, Evelyn, to Pvt. Allan Deal, of the U. S. Army. The wedding took place Saturday afternoon, September 11, in the Division Artillery Chapel, Camp Butner, N. C. Preceding the pledging of the vows the nuptial music was rendered by Lt. Allen Ellsworth. The bride's only attendant was Mrs. E. B. Berry, of Durham, N. C., and Nashville. She wore a navy blue suit with matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Sgt. Edward B. Berry, of Camp Butner, attended as best man. The bride entered with the groom's Battery Commander, Captain Benjamin Capshaw, who gave her in marriage. She wore for her wedding a travelers blue suit with brown accessories and an orchid corsage. Father Robert Lengers, First Lieutenant, Chaplain, United States Army, performed the ceremony in the presence of the groom's battery. The bride is a graduate of Morgan School of Petersburg and attended George Peabody College, Nashville. Private Deal is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allan Deal, of Nashville. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University. After the ceremony they left for a short wedding trip to Raleigh, N. C. The bride will make her home with her parents at present. * * * Rook Club Mrs. C. A. Blakemore was hostess to a beautifully planned rook party at her home Thursday. Two tables were used. Mrs. Harry Lane and Miss Pearl Wade tied for high score. The rooms were lovely with gift flowers. A tempting salad was served. * * * Bridge Club Mrs. T. B. Clark was hostess to her bridge club at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Montgomery won high score. A salad course was served. * * * Personals Mrs. Lewis Brown and son, Ronnie, of Bakersfield, Calif., left Sunday for her home after a visit to her mother, Mrs. Will Sorrells. Sunday guests of Mrs. Dixie Marsh were: Misses Edith and Ethel Dysart, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dysart, Jr., and son, of Columbia; Cpl. Allen B. Marsh, of Camp Stewart, Ga. Ensign Charles Neely Sanders, of San Francisco, Calif., is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Sanders. Mrs. Edward Romska, of Chattanooga, and Miss Opal Scott, of Memphis, spent the weekend here with their mother, Mrs. G. E. Scott. Mrs. Cassie Crawford is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. O. Anderson, of Ardmore, Okla. Miss Ruth McAdams, of Nashville, spent the weekend here. Mesdames E. F. Baulch, Jack Cummings, J. M. Greer and J. F. Haynes attended a meeting of the Ladies Society of the Presbyterian Church in Lewisburg Wednesday and Thursday. Mrs. Freeman Towry, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. George Wells. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blakemore spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Delffs, of Shelbyville. Mesdames Leslie Warren, S. H. Allen and H. B. Whitaker attended a Missionary meeting of the Ladies of the Presbyterian Church in Lewisburg last Thursday. Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo were elected to represent the Ladies Missionary Society at the fall session of Elk Presbytery, which will be held at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Old Kingdom, in Bedford County. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley spent Friday with Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Talley announce the arrival of a son, born Sunday, September 26. Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott, and children, of Palmetto, and Mrs. Paul Hurt and children, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Massey and son, Charles, were in Lewisburg Wednesday on business. Word has been received here that Mrs. Herman Tribble, of Nashville, is in the Vanderbilt Hospital, where she underwent an operation Tuesday. She is the niece of Mrs. Edward Redd, Mrs. Jim Bledsoe and Dr. Gammill. She will be remembered here as Miss Grace Gammill. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart, Mrs. Nell Cole and Mrs. Lela Cole were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blakemore that their nephew, Major Raymond Cad Luna, stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, has been promoted to Lt. Colonel. He is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Earn Luna. Word has been received here that Pilot Edward Taylor, son of Mrs. Emmett Taylor, of Hobb's Island, Ala., and nephew of Mrs. Susie Taylor Dysart and Mr. J. H. Taylor, of Petersburg, is missing in action. He has been missing since September 11. October 7, 1943 Petersburg Letter Officers of Morgan School The Freshman class of Morgan School has elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Ed Payne, president; Margaret Collins, vice-president; Laura May Davidson, secretary and treasurer. The Sophomore class: Billy Read, president; Billy Gibbs, vice-president; Dot Pylant, secretary and treasurer. Junior class: Bucky Wilson, president; Campbell Williams, vice-president ; Jeanne McCord, secretary and treasurer. Senior class: Fred Dyer, president; Donald Daves, vice-president; Sarah Ralston, secretary and treasurer. * * * Receive Service Certificates Saturday afternoon the following received their certificate of service for Civilian Defense, Red Cross work, Salvage work, Rationing Board work, Medical Corps, Service Corps, etc. The principal address was given over the radio by Governor Prentice Cooper and Will R. Manier. The Coordinator of Petersburg, the Rev. S. O. McAdoo; R. H. Beasley, Macon Hart, Dr. W. S. Joplin, Allen Shaddy and W. W. Gill as Mayor of Petersburg. The ladies of Petersburg who received a certificate for 500 hours are as follows: Mrs. S. H. Allen, Mrs. Mecca Woosley, Mrs. Jack Cummings, Mrs. R. H. Beasley, Mrs. Leslie Warren, Mrs. Tom Clark and Miss Bessie McAdoo. The following for Bond Drive and Victory Committeemen: Clayton Scott, J. C. Scott, Rationing Board, Salvage, Joe L. Scott. * * * Personals Jimmy Evans, of the U. S. Navy, who has been stationed in California, arrived Sunday to spend his furlough with his parents. He was accompanied by his wife. Pvt. Virgil Endsley, of the U. S. Army, is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Johnson and son were in Lewisburg Wednesday on business. Rev. and Mrs. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Long. Rev. McAdoo filled his appointment at Boonshill. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. John Smythe and daughter, Miss Carrie Mae Smythe, of Nashville, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Daves. Mrs. Boone Moore, Mrs. Jim Bledsoe, Mrs. Edward Redd and Dr. J. L. Gammill were recent guests of Mr. William Gammill, of Carrollton, Miss. Dr. J. L. Gammill left Wednesday for his home in Haislett, Texas, after an extended visit here. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cowden and Miss Earline Woodard were Sunday guests of Mrs. Jim Woodard and Miss Ann Woodard. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo were in Fayetteville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Greer and daughter, of Union City, were weekend guest of Mrs. J. M. Greer and Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Gill, Miss Margaret Moore spent Monday in Nashville. Mr. Louis Greer, of Gadsden, Ala., spent the weekend here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, were Sunday guests of relatives here. Mr. Roy Ingle, of Huntsville, was in town on business. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, were weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mrs. Fred Watkins and children spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketchum, of Cornersville. Cecil Ketchum, of the U. S. Navy, arrived Saturday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketchum. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cummings and Mr. and Mrs. Shelton, of Shelbyville, have returned from a visit to Ray Shelton, who is stationed with the Air Corps in Cincinnati. October 14, 1943 Petersburg Letter Number Attend Fall Rally Saturday, October 9, was Fall Rally Day in Fayetteville for the Community Clubs of the county. A number of the Petersburg Home Demonstration Club members attended this meeting. * * * Mrs. Pigg Honored Mesdames Clark, Dysart and Cummings celebrated the birthday of their friend, Mrs. W. B. Pigg, with a rook game. * * * Research Club Met Last Week The Research Club met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. F. Haynes, with Mesdames J. F. Haynes and R. K. Morgan, Sr., as joint hostesses. On the program Mrs. J. C. McRady gave an excellent paper on China, followed by A Sketch of India, by Mrs. Pearl Hart. A large war map was used in these discussions. There were several visitors present. During the social hour the hostess served a delicious salad course. * * * Thursday Afternoon Rook Club The Thursday Afternoon Rook Club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Cummings Thursday afternoon. The house was decorated with lovely fall flowers. Two tables were used. Lovely refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. W. B. Pigg. * * * Personals Mr. Everett Beasley has purchased the lovely country home of Mr. Clinton London. Mr. J. A. Muse has returned after several days in Nashville, where he took treatment for an infected hand. Mrs. Oma Crane was taken to the Gordon Hospital, at Lewisburg, early Thursday morning, suffering with pneumonia. Mrs. Willie Mae Scott spent the weekend in Hattisburg, Miss., with Private and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings. Mrs. Will Tate is spending several days with her brother and family, of Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, of Hannah's Gap, were recent visitors in Lewisburg. Mrs. Lynn Silvertooth, of Sarasota, Fla., is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Gill and Mrs. Hal Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan visited relatives in Lewisburg Wednesday. Rev. and Mrs. Harwell are attending Tennessee Conference, held at McKendree Church, Nashville. Mesdames Edward Redd and Pearl Hart were in Lewisburg this week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Massey were in Lewisburg Wednesday on business. Mesdames Cora Hart, Alwyn Hart and Fred Montgomery were in Nashville this week. Mr. Boone Talley is in Chattanooga, and will be accompanied home by his wife, who is visiting her daughter there. Mrs. Julius Massey was in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Sr., has returned from Nashville after visiting her daughters for the past ten days. She was accompanied home by her son, Charles Morgan, of Hickory, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Winters have removed to Florida to live. Mrs. Winters was the efficient dietitian at Morgan. Mrs. George Stephenson has accepted the position left vacant in the Morgan School dining hall. Miss June Archer, of Ward-Belmont, Nashville, accompanied by a friend, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archer. Mrs. Betty Lou Finley and daughter, Mrs. Nora Adams, of Lewisburg, are visiting relatives in Dallas, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Marsh and Miss Maybelle Marsh. Mrs. Hopwell Collins and baby daughter, Nelma, are spending this week in Nashville with Mr. Collins. Messrs. Louis Greer and Vance Greer left Monday for Knoxville, after spending the weekend with their mother, Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mr. R. K. Morgan, Jr., made a talk at the Rotary Club in Columbia Thursday. Franklin Baulch has been absent from school for several days on account of illness. Privates Hoyte Mitchell and Douglas Rodes, of Navy Yard, Md., are here on furlough, visiting homefolks. Mrs. George Stephenson gave a luncheon for her house guests on Friday evening. Miss Sallie Rives, of Elora, is visiting her brother, Mr. Luther Rives and Mrs. Rives, also relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Franklin, of Delina. October 21, 1943 Petersburg Letter Keith-Davidson Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Davidson announce the marriage of their daughter, Elizabeth, to William Graham Keith, Corporal, U. S. Army, of Nashville. The wedding took place in Haleyville, Ala., October 15, at the Methodist Church, with the pastor officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Arthur were the only attendants. Both the bride and groom are graduates of Morgan School. Cpl. Keith is stationed at the Army Air Classification Center in Nashville. Mrs. Keith is employed by the General Shoe Corporation in Nashville. * * * Adams-Meadows Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Meadows, of Manchester, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Katherine, to John Raymond Adams, son of Mrs. Harry Lane, of Petersburg. The date for the wedding has not been announced. Miss Meadows is a graduate of Tennessee State College, Murfreesboro, and taught in the Tullahoma Public Schools before joining the Women's Reserve of the U. S. Navy. Mr. Adams is a graduate of Morgan School, Petersburg, and also a graduate of the University of Tennessee, and taught agriculture in the Manchester High School. * * * Celebrates Thirty-Second Birthday Friends and relatives of Mr. R. L. Beard gathered at his home near here Sunday to celebrate his thirty-second birthday. About thirty-five were present. At noon a bountiful lunch was served. * * * Personals Mrs. Lottie Gammill, of Wartrace, is on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Boone Moore, and Mr. Moore. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, was here the past week. Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Jackson, Tenn., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, spent Friday with the former's parents. Mr. J. Lush Fowler, Mr. Loyd Garrett and Misses Anna and Ada Fowler, of Lewisburg, visited Mr. George Fowler recently. Mrs. Ida Ledford is in Fayetteville with Mrs. Harris Glasscock, who has returned from Gordon Hospital, where she underwent an operation. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, attended the fall session of the Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, which met in the West Nashville Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Rev. W. S. Marshall, former pastor of Petersburg, was host to the meeting. Mrs. Ed Rice is on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Foster Beasley, in Nashville. Lt. Eldred Tucker spent the weekend with his parents. Douglas Rodes and Hoyte Mitchell, who are with the Navy, stationed in Maryland, returned Monday after spending several days with their parents. Gene Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings, will leave at an early date for the Army. Mr. Fred Dyer and Dan Short visited Pfc. Joel Dyer, who is stationed at Scott Field, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pylant, of Clinton, Tenn., spent the weekend here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant. Miss Katherine Adams, of Columbia, has been on an extended visit to Mrs. R. B. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mrs. Al Bradford and son joined Private Bradford, who is stationed at Camp Hood, Texas. Mrs. Bradford and baby are in Templeton, Texas. Mrs. Bertha Crabtree, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Beard. Mrs. M. E. Morris, who underwent an operation at a Nashville hospital returned home last week. Mr. Ollie Hemphill was in Lewisburg Saturday on business. * * * Deaths William M. Gammill October 28, 1943 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Meeting The regular monthly meeting was held at the Club Room Thursday, with Mrs. Harry Lane as hostess. The report of the Fall Rally was interesting. Miss Lewis gave a very interesting discussion. Mrs. Pearl Hart gave a very interesting paper. Next meeting, which will be on November 18, will be an all-day meeting, beginning at 11:00 o'clock. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Solomon, of Huntsville, were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. March returned Sunday after an extended visit to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Russell March and little son, Randy, of Chattanooga, and Mr. and Mrs. Shields March, of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Whitaker received word Friday that their son, Lt. Scott Whitaker, with the U. S. Air Force, somewhere in North Africa, was missing in action since October 1. The many friends of the family hope that there may be a chance of better news later. Our hearts go out in sympathy for the family. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith and daughter, of Florence, Ala., spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings. Mrs. S. O. McAdoo had the misfortune to accidentally fall at her home, injuring her left limb. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Virgie Whitaker, Mrs. Tom Duckworth and William Scott attended a birthday dinner given for Mr. Sam Stephenson, of Bell Buckle, Sunday. He was 95 years old. Mr. Edward Redd is confined to his home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Redd. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Misses Joyce Norwood and Hilda Massey spent the weekend with Mrs. Virgie Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott were in Fayetteville Friday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott, of Palmetto, recently. Little Larry Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott, had the misfortune to accidentally have his shoulder thrown out of place Sunday, which necessitated a cast. November 4, 1943 Petersburg Letter Thirteen Rook Club Meeting Miss Rowell was hostess to the Thirteen Rook Club at her home. Three tables were used. Miss Bessie D. Morton won high score. * * * Thursday Afternoon Rook Club Mrs. R. K. Morgan, Sr., was hostess to her rook club at her home Thursday. Four tables were used. Additional guests were Mesdames J. F. Haynes, J. H. Taylor, G. C. Hart, John Morgan, Pearl Hart, Clayton Scott, R. H. Beasley and R. K. Morgan, Jr., and Miss Pearl Wade. The hostess served a tempting salad. * * * Burns-Cashion Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cashion announce the marriage of their daughter, Mattie, to Jake Burns, of Petersburg. The wedding took place in the study of Eld. D. D. Woody, of Fayetteville, Saturday, October 30. The bride is a teacher at the Bledsoe School and has been a teacher of the Lincoln County school. The groom is a farmer of Petersburg. They will reside near Bledsoe. * * * Halloween Party Misses Reba and Glenn Beard were hostesses to a well planned Halloween Party at their home Saturday night. Games, contests and music were enjoyed. About twenty guests were present. * * * Personals Miss June Archer, of Ward-Belmont, Nashville, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Archer. Little Randy March, of Chattanooga, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. March. Mr. R. C. Archer has purchased the gas and coal station from J. C. Scott the past week. Mrs. Jim Sherwood and son, Bobby, of Fayetteville, visited Mrs. Della Bledsoe Wednesday. Mr. Gus Fowler and Douglas Hurt, of Fayetteville, spent Friday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Rev. and Mrs. Beard, Mrs. Landess Sanders, Mrs. Blanche Crabtree and Betty King, Mrs. Weaver and daughters, Misses Lettie and Margaret Sanders, attended a meeting in Fayetteville of the W. M. U. and Young People of the Baptist Church. Rev. Alexander, of Memphis, arrived here Monday for a visit. Misses Nancy and Junell Richardson, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here. Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole and Billy Moore were in Lewisburg last Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, attended a banquet at Boonshill Friday night sponsored by the Ladies Missionary Society. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Meeker and daughter, Kay, left Friday for their new home in Iowa. Katherine Meadows, seaman second class, was a recent guest of Mr. Raymond Adams. Mrs. Otha Sowell and Mrs. Wade Daniel were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris Arthur, of Haleyville, Ala. Mrs. Lionel McNair, of Kentucky, spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Marshall, of Spartanburg, S. C., and Cpl. W. C. Marsh, of the Army Classification Center, Nashville, spent the weekend here with their mother, Mrs. Dixie Marsh and Dixie Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn, of Lewisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott over the weekend. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, and Mrs. Sam Scott attended the Fifth Sunday Rally of the Cumberland Presbyterian Young People in Fayetteville. Pfc. and Mrs. Shannon Fowler visited Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott Saturday afternoon. Private Fowler is expecting to be moved to Camp Atterbury, Ind., at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Broadway, of Howell. Miss Bertie Bills spent several days last week in Nashville. Mr. Thomas Lambert spent Sunday in Lewisburg. Mr. W. W. Gill spent several days last week in Washington, D. C., on business. Miss Margaret Leonard, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyatt and children, Louise and Dick, of Clarksville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Moore. Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott and children, Barbara, Larry and Edwin Ray, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mrs. W. B. Moore and son, Mr. Morgan Cunningham, left Wednesday for Florida, where Mrs. Moore will spend the winter. Word was received here Sunday that Miss Robbie Vaughn was accidentally knocked off of her bicycle in Lewisburg Saturday night and is suffering from a fractured skull. She was rushed to the Gordon Hospital. Her friends wish for her a speedy recovery. She is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindon Vaughn, of Lewisburg, formerly of Petersburg. * * * Deaths Hallie Hobbs Dyer November 11, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. Vance Greer and Mr. Louis Greer, of Clinton, spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mrs. Margaret Butler Green, of Nashville, is spending the weekend with Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. Kate Pylant visited her daughter, Mrs. Ollie Hemphill, in Lewisburg, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crabtree were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Pvt. J. W. Couch, of New York, arrived Saturday to spend his furlough with his father, Mr. T. A. Couch, and his wife, Mrs. J. W. Couch. Mrs. W. E. Whitaker, Mrs. Gardner, Mrs. Willis and Harold Mosley were in Nashville Monday on business. Mrs. Cy Beard visited her daughters in Lewisburg Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Rev. S. O. McAdoo filled his appointment at the Boonshill Cumberland Presbyterian Church Sunday. Mrs. S. E. Scott visited her daughter, Mrs. T. L. Vaughn, and family, in Lewisburg Tuesday. Friends of Miss Robbie Vaughn will be glad to know that she has recovered sufficiently to be removed from the Gordon Hospital to her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott were in Fayetteville Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson, of Fayetteville, recently. Teddy Green, first class seaman, of Florida, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Green. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. Willie Mae Scott and George Scott were in Fayetteville Sunday night to see Pfc. Shannon Fowler and Mrs. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., and Buddy Pylant, of Columbia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Kate Pylant. Pfc. Kenneth Hastings, of Camp Shelby, Miss., arrived Tuesday to spend his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hastings, and other relatives. He was accompanied by Mrs. Hastings. Miss Evelyn Whitaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Whitaker, underwent an operation at the Lincoln County Hospital. Miss Margaret Leonard, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Ruth Holloway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway, is now employed by Mr. E. R. Taylor, of Fayetteville. November 18, 1943 Petersburg Letter Adams-Meadows A wedding of unusual interest to the friends was that of Miss Katherine Meadows and John Raymond Adams, son of Mrs. Harry Lane, of Petersburg. The wedding took place in Manchester at the Methodist Church with the Rev. O. P. Gentry, who officiated. Preceding the ceremony Misses Jean McHean and Vivian Haradar and Mrs. Oscar Hill rendered several vocal selections. The double ring ceremony was used. The bride wore white with brown accessories and an orchid shoulder bouquet. She carried a white prayer book. The bride's only attendant was Miss Joy Lowry. The best man was Mr. Bert Lane, brother of the groom. Mrs. Adams is a graduate of State Teachers College, and was a teacher in the schools of Tullahoma prior to joining the WAVES in December. The groom is a graduate of Morgan School and holds a B. S. degree in Agriculture. * * * Mr. Eakin Host To Party Mr. Joseph Eakin was host to a well planned party at his home, complimenting his friend, Mr. George Whitaker, who left Sunday to join the Air Corps in Miami Beach, Fla. There were six guests. A three course menu was served. The honoree was presented with a service kit. * * * Personals Mrs. R. K. Morgan is recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Warren Gibson, of Lewisburg, after being confined to a Lewisburg hospital, where she has been undergoing treatment. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. C. A. Cashion, which was held in Fayetteville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Beasley, Mrs. Roy Holland and Mrs. Al Holland, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Smith, of Dickson, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Clark. George Whitaker left Monday for Miami Beach, where he will be stationed with the Air Corps. Miss Carolyn Collier and Miss Mary Gill spent the weekend with Miss Laura May Davidson. Mr. W. W. Gill is spending this week in Washington, D. C., on business. Miss Lavern Lambert has accepted a position with the AAA of Fayetteville. She began her work Monday. Charles Carney, of the U. S. Army, who spent his furlough here and in Shelbyville with Mrs. Carney and other relatives, returned to his camp at Lake Charles, La. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, Mrs. Nell Cole, Mrs. Della Bledsoe and Mrs. William Touchstone were in Nashville Monday. Mrs. J. D. Eakin and Mrs. J. M. Greer attended the funeral of Mrs. Blair in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woodard and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wells and daughters. Mrs. William Edmiston spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren, en-route from Guthrie, Ky., to Venice, Fla., where her husband is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, spent Sunday with Miss Myrtle Carrigan. Mrs. Mildred Stewart, of Columbia, spent Thursday with her parents. Pvt. J. W. Couch, who has been stationed in New York, has an honorable discharge from the Army, and is now with his family here and at Fayetteville. Pfc. Kenneth Hastings, of the U. S. Army, and Mrs. Hastings, who are spending his furlough here and Belfast, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris, of Shelbyville. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Wednesday night with homefolks. November 25, 1943 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Meeting Mrs. Oliver Talley and Mrs. Willie Mae Scott, assisted by Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, were hostesses to the Home Demonstration Club in an all-day meeting at the Club Room Thursday, November 18. In the absence of Miss Lewis, Miss Pearl Wade conducted the demonstration. Mrs. Jack Cummings led the devotional. Mrs. W. L. Williams gave an interesting Thanksgiving poem. The drawing of names for the Christmas gifts was conducted. Also the election of officers. Mrs. Quint Barham, president; Mrs. Harry Lane, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. Boone Moore, vice-president. In the absence of Mrs. Harry Lane, Miss Pearl Wade was secretary. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane attended a meeting of the Farm Bureau in Memphis. They were delegates. Word has been received here that Pvt. Lucian Scott is now stationed in Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, of Columbia, spent Sunday here. Gene Hastings, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings, is stationed at Fort Knox, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Boren's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Moore and Mrs. Vera Moore were in Lewisburg Monday. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Perry Gilliam in Lewisburg Monday. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Wednesday with his mother. Mr. J. L. Fowler, Mr. Loyd Garrett, Misses Anna, Maxie and Ella Fowler, of Lewisburg, visited their brother, Mr. George Fowler, and family, also Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thompson, of Louisville, announce the arrival of a son, Mrs. Thompson will be remembered here as Miss Mary Sue Cummings. Pfc. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings left Tuesday for Camp Shelby, Miss., after spending his furlough here and at Belfast with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wells and daughters, Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bartlett and son, J. C. Bartlett, Jr., of the U. S. Air Corps, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hastings, of Belfast. Mrs. W. R. Pack is confined to the Gordon Hospital, where she is undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Davidson and Mrs. Ray, of Pleasant Grove; Mrs. Sarah Stewart, Dr. Reed and sister, Mrs. Annie Himes, of Belfast, were Sunday guests of Miss Leona Nelms and father, Mr. J. M. Nelms. George Scott and mother, Mrs. W. M. Scott, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hastings accompanied Pfc. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings to Shelbyville Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Harris, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hastings. December 2, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler Scott, of Palmetto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mrs. Vance Jobe and Mrs. Bessie Jobe Brown spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jobe. Mr. Jobe is on the sick list. Mrs. Edna Hastings and Mrs. Holloway Welch and baby, Mr. Urban Woodard and Mr. L. L. Hart were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. U. L. Welch. Thursday was Mr. and Mrs. Welch's twenty-sixth wedding anniversary. Misses Margaret and Ina Leonard spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Beasley and family, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Ed Rice. Mrs. W. E. Whitaker and Mrs. W. M. Scott and George Scott were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Mrs. Kate Pylant spent Monday with Mrs. Ollie Hemphill in Lewisburg. Mr. Alva Morrison happened to have a very painful accident Monday when his wagon ran over his foot, injuring his toes. Mrs. Kate Pylant is spending several days with Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia. Earl Pylant, Jr., is leaving for induction into the Army at an early date. The induction center is Camp Shelby, Mississippi. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Crabtree left Sunday for their new home in Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill are moving to the James S. Crabtree home on the Boonshill Highway. Misses Jean and Elizabeth Murdock, of David Lipscomb College, Nashville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with their mother, Mrs. Mary Murdock. Miss Marilyn Wade, of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wade, of near Belfast. Mrs. Edna Hastings reports that she has received two letters from her son, Pfc. James Hastings. He reports he is well and is stationed somewhere in the Southwest Pacific. She had not heard from him since April. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart and Mrs. Luther Hart spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Jim Davis, in Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Warren and family, of Cowan, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Helton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with the former's parents. Mrs. Oliver Talley and Mrs. Fred Watkins spent Thursday with Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville. Sgt. Allen Rice Moore and Mrs. Moore, of San Francisco, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Moore left Tuesday for a visit to her parents in Memphis. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes Walker and son, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson. Miss Louise Franklin, of Montgomery, spent Thanksgiving here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson, of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mrs. Alwyn Hart and children were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter Cummings and daughter, Betty Jo, of Fayetteville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummings. * * * Deaths Audrey Mae Campbell McAdoo December 9, 1943 Petersburg Letter Personals Mrs. L. G. Rives spent Thursday in Nashville. She was joined there by her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, of Bowling Green. Mr. Rives returned to Kentucky with Mrs. Burroughs and spent the night, returning to Petersburg Friday. J. B. Mullins, of the U. S. Navy, is visiting his father, Mr. W. M. Mullins, and Mrs. Mullins. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Arney. Mr. J. Lush Fowler, sister, Miss Anna Fowler, and Mr. J. L. Garrett attended the funeral of Mr. Will Warren. Mrs. Goodrich, of Fayetteville, attended the funeral of Mr. Will Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Hastings, of Jamestown, Ohio, announce the arrival of a son, who has been named Phillip Wayne. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Bernice White and son, of Ostella, are now making their home with Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, spent Friday with the former's parents. Mr. Oliver Talley was in Shelbyville Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mrs. Grady Hastings, of Jamestown, Ohio, who has been spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lane, will return home this week. Pvt. Joe Edgar King, of the U. S. Army, who is stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C., is spending his furlough here with relatives and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Holt King, of Lewisburg. Miss Sally Chapman, of Nashville, spent the weekend with her mother. Pvt. Marshall Durant, of the U. S. Army, stationed in Virginia, is spending his furlough with relatives. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, who spent several days in Murfreesboro, returned Saturday. Those from a distance attending the funeral of Mrs. Audrey Campbell McAdoo, Wednesday, were: Misses Mamye and Rose McAdoo, Mr. A. P. McAdoo, Mrs. Ivy Bogle, Mrs. Frealin Qualls and daughter. Mrs. Robert Forsyth, Rev. J. B. Williams, Mr. Bob Woodson, Rev. H. R. Robinson, Mrs. R. H. Burton. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo visited Mr. Hollis Wright, of Boonshill, Monday. * * * Deaths William Warren December 16, 1943 Petersburg Letter Daves-Whitaker A wedding of simple beauty was that of Miss Sarah Whitaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Holland Whitaker, and James G. Daves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Daves, both of Petersburg. The ceremony took place Friday, December 10, at high noon in the local Presbyterian Church, the pastor, the Rev. E. F. Baulch, officiating. Mrs. Joseph Dennis Eakin, pianist, gave a program of wedding music. The bride's father gave her away. Miss Evelyn Whitaker, cousin of the bride, was the maid of honor. Mr. Daves had as his best man his brother, John Marvin Daves, of Nashville. Ushers were Messrs. Lynn Whitaker and Donald Daves, cousins of the bride and groom. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Barham announce the arrival of a son, born December 8, in the Lincoln County Hospital. Misses Mary Hamer Smythe and Carrie Mae Smythe, of Nashville, attended the Daves-Whitaker wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his mother. Misses Evelyn Puckett, Elizabeth King, of Nashville, and Elizabeth Baker, of Goodlettsville, spent the weekend with Miss Jean Scott. Seasons greetings have been received here from Chaplain W. H. Moss, former pastor of the Petersburg Methodist Church. He is stationed somewhere in England. Miss Lynda Vaughn, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday here with friends. Pfc. Charles Hastings, of California, is spending his furlough with his mother, Mrs. Lucille Hastings, and grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Foster, and other relatives. Mrs. E. C. Rice is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Foster Beasley, and family. Mrs. Horace Boaz, of Fayetteville, visited her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Couch, and Mr. Couch. Mr. W. W. Gill was in Greenville one day recently on business. Mrs. Sam Davidson is on an extended visit to her daughter, Mrs. Hughes Walker, and Mr. Walker and son, Jackie, also Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson. Mrs. Otis Couch spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Farrar, of Richmond. Pfc. Marshall Durant, of Camp Pickett, Virginia, has returned after spending his furlough with relatives here. Pfc. Edward Pearson, of Yale University, and Pfc. Fred Pearson, of Mississippi, spent their furloughs with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pearson. Mrs. Kate Pylant is confined to the Gordon Hospital, Lewisburg. Mr. Earl Pylant, of Columbia, was at the bedside of his mother last week. Mrs. Buford Luna and Mr. Oliver Talley were in Howell Sunday to see Mr. Walter Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Talley and Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor spent one day recently in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Luna and Mrs. George Fowler were in Lewisburg Saturday to see Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mrs. Cecil Green, of Fayetteville, was here Wednesday on business. Mesdames T. L. Warren, W. E. Cowden, Landess Sanders and Fred Montgomery and Miss Earline Woodard spent Thursday in Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holloway, of Denver, Mr. and Mrs. Irby Holloway and daughter, Miss Ann, of Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway and daughters and son, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant and daughter, Dot, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Holloway. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Holloway were unable to attend the gathering due to illness of Mrs. Holloway. December 23, 1943 Petersburg Letter Dunman-Tucker Miss Bertie Lorena Tucker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Melvin Tucker, of Petersburg, was married December 7, to Mr. John R. Dunman, of Fayetteville. The marriage took place in the office of the County Judge Thomas W. Jones, in Huntsville. They will reside in Fayetteville where Mr. Dunman has business interests. * * * Personals Rev. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Miss Bessie McAdoo, were in Fayetteville Monday on business. Mrs. Clifford Archer was in Nashville Thursday and was accompanied home by Miss June Archer, who is attending Ward-Belmont College. Mrs. George Fowler, Willie Mae Scott, George Scott and Oscar Dyer were in Lewisburg Friday to see Mrs. Kate Pylant, who is confined to the Gordon Hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fullerton, of Nashville, spent the weekend here with relatives. Mrs. Frank Holloway and Mrs. Homer Freeman were in Fayetteville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Columbia, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pylant. Word has been received here that Pfc. William Edwin Scott has been promoted to Corporal. He is overseas, stationed in Trinidad. Mrs. Joe Troop and son, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend with Mrs. W. L. Troop and Mrs. Allen Shaddy. Mr. Joe Troop has reported for induction into the Navy. Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Jackson, has arrived to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Miss Elaine Haynes, of Bowling Green, Ky., where she is attending Bowling Green Business College, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Haynes. Mrs. Icie Ralston and daughter, Miss Sarah, left Monday to spend the holidays with relatives in Nashville and Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Marsh and daughter, Betty Jean, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant announce the arrival of a grandson, born December 15, to Lt. Commander and Mrs. N. H. Newhouse, of Washington, Rhode Island. Mrs. Newhouse will be remembered here as Miss Gelene Pylant. * * * Deaths Joyce Humbles January 6, 1944 Petersburg Letter Moore-Watt Mrs. W. P. Watt announces the marriage of her daughter, Grace, to Mr. R. Frank Moore. The wedding took place Sunday, January 2, with Eld. James W. Sanders officiating in the presence of Mr. J. E. Moore, Miss Lillie Moore and Jesse Frank Head. They will reside near here where the groom is a progressive farmer. * * * Crabtree-West A wedding of unusual interest was that of Mrs. Lillie West and Mr. Ott Crabtree. The wedding took place December 27, in Huntsville. They will reside here. * * * Luna-Reed Mrs. Lee Reed, of Lewisburg, announces the marriage of her daughter, Elizabeth, to Edgar Leon Luna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Luna, of Richmond. The wedding took place Saturday night, December 25, with Eld. James W. Sanders, of Petersburg, officiating. Miss Frances Reed and Robert Williams, of Lewisburg, were the only attendants. They will live near here, where the groom is a farmer. * * * Personals Mr. J. L. Fowler, Misses Anna and Ella Fowler, Mr. Loyd Garrett, of Lewisburg, and Mrs. Mildred Stewart, of Columbia, were New Year's Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cummings spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelton, of Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, were in Petersburg Monday. Mrs. Bill Touchstone underwent an operation at the Gordon Hospital Monday. Pfc. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Camp Shelby, Miss., spent Christmas Day with their parents at Belfast and Petersburg. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott were Rev. S. O. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and children of Palmetto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, of Shelbyville, spent Christmas with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Christmas here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morrison, of Columbia. Miss Elaine Haynes has returned to Bowling Green, Ky., to resume her studies at Bowling Green Business School. Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and her daughter, of Bowling Green, Ky., who spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives, have returned to their home. Miss June Archer, of Ward-Belmont in Nashville, has returned to Nashville to resume her studies after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archer. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and daughter, Bessie, spent last week with relatives in Murfreesboro. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the holidays here with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, Mrs. Paul Hurt and children, Pauline and Douglas, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Hattisburg, Miss., spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mrs. Kate Pylant, who has been confined to a Lewisburg hospital, has recovered sufficiently to be removed to her home. Miss Dot Pylant was a recent guest of Miss Ann Scott. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, spent several days during Christmas with relatives. * * * Deaths James Hubbard Taylor January 13, 1944 Petersburg Letter Fourth War Loan The Fourth War Loan will start next week. Let's all do our part and make our country go over the top. * * * Jobe-Hickson Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hickson announce the marriage of their daughter, Lorraine, of Huntsville, to Charles M. Jobe, son of Mrs. Vallie Jobe, of Delina, by the Rev. N. L. Mason, of Huntsville, who officiated in the presence of Miss Velma Hickson and Sgt. Leonard M. Jobe. They will reside near Delina. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Arch Marsh were in Nashville Wednesday on business. Miss Eva Land leaves January 12 to spend the winter in Miami, Fla. Miss Lynda Vaughn, of Lewisburg, was a recent guest of friends here. Pvt. Gene Hastings, of Fort Knox, Ky., spent the weekend with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown and daughters have moved to Shelbyville, We regret to lose Mr. and Mrs. Brown. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pitts and daughter, of Howell, who have purchased the Brown home and moved here the past week. Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Dyer that their son, Fred Dyer, who is in the Navy, is stationed in California. Mrs. Fred Watkins visited Mrs. Paul Hurt, of Fayetteville, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley visited Mr. Walter Broadway who continues on the sick list. Word has been received here that Lt. Edward Tucker has arrived safely overseas. Several from here received Christmas greetings from Sgt. Wade Welch, who has arrived safely in England. Mr. Marshall Talley was carried to a Nashville hospital Saturday where he underwent an operation for appendicitis. At last reports he was resting nicely. Pfc. and Mrs. Shannon L. Fowler are spending his furlough with his mother and other relatives. Shannon is stationed at Camp Atterbury, Ind. He is with the 120th Infantry and has been in service about fifteen months. James Tuley, with the Army, visited his aunt, Mrs. George Wells, over the weekend. Rev. S. O. McAdoo filled his appointment in Petersburg and Green Hill Sunday. * * * Deaths Reuben Logan Mary Wash Hunter Smith February 3, 1944 Petersburg Letter Rook Club Mrs. Jack Cummings was hostess to her rook club at her home here Thursday. Two tables were used. Mrs. Floyd Daves won high score. Mesdames Ed Scott, Jim Haynes and S. H. Allen were additional guests. The hostess served tempting refreshments. * * * Personals Mr. H. B. Marsh and Miss Mamye Percy were in Nashville Friday in the interest of the W. H. Marsh Department Store. Miss Fay Pierce, of Tennessee College, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Barham were weekend guests of their son, Mr. Tom Barham and Mrs. Barham, of Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh were recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Marsh, of Chattanooga. Miss Ruth Beasley, of Nashville, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Clark Follis. Mrs. L. G. Rives is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and family, of Bowling Green, Ky. Mrs. Edward Redd is confined to her home, suffering from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Delffs, Mrs. Newell Gammill and Miss Nelda Delffs, of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blakemore. Miss Edith Dysart spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dysart and son, of Columbia. Mrs. Sam Scott was a recent guest of Mrs. Lynda Vaughn. Mrs. Nora Adams and daughter, Mrs. Vance Adair, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Adams mother, Mrs. Betty Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Otha Sowell were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lionel McNair, of Paducah, Ky. Word has been received here that Pfc. Shannon L. Fowler has been transferred from Camp Atterbury, Ind., to New York. Mrs. Fowler, who has been with Shannon, will return to Fayetteville. Mr. D. B. Lane is seriously ill at his home. Mrs. Robert Davis, of Nashville, spent Wednesday with Mrs. W. E. Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Hampton, of Nashville, attended the funeral of Mrs. Nettie Berry Thursday. Mrs. William Moore and little son, Charles Ray, have returned from the Lewisburg hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Touchstone, Mrs. Nell Cole and Billy Moore were in Lewisburg Wednesday. Mr. Anderson Whitaker, of Mulberry, attended the funeral of Mrs. Nettie Berry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. Alfred Buntley and baby, of Fayetteville, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Caskey and sons, Jackie and Jerry, of Columbia, Mr. Harmon and Mr. Farris and Miss Finch, of Columbia, and Mrs. Ollie Hemphill were Sunday guests of Mrs. Kate Pylant. * * * Deaths Mayme Scott Pylant Nettie Gaunt Berry February 10, 1944 Petersburg Letter Birthday Party Miss Earline Woodard was hostess to a beautifully planned party at her home. Five couples were guests. Games and music were enjoyed. The hostess, assisted by her mother, served tempting refreshments. * * * Missionary Society Meets The Ladies Missionary Society met Tuesday with Mrs. Cecil Scott. Mrs. Eugene Pylant and Mrs. W. M. Scott were leaders of the program. Rev. McAdoo led the devotional. Several members took part on the program. * * * 13 Rook Club Miss Elsie Livingston was hostess to her rook club Thursday night. Three tables were used. Mrs. Jack Cummings, Mrs. Vernon Easterly and Mrs. Howard Cummings tied for high score. Mrs. Jack Cummings won the traveling prize. Tempting refreshments were served. * * * Personals Mrs. W. N. Hay, of Gadsden, Ala., was a recent guest of her sister, Mrs. Wert Talley. Mrs. T. K. Jackson, of Memphis, arrived Saturday for an indefinite stay with her sister, Mrs. Wert Talley. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. Willie Mae Scott were in Lewisburg Thursday to see Mrs. Margaret Fowler, who fell at her home, injuring her left limb. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pitts and daughter, May, were in Fayetteville recently on business. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Holman and family, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday here with the latter's parents. Mrs. Charles Wharton and Mrs. Rosser Ward, of Atlanta, Ga., spent the weekend here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Warren, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Rodes. Robert Russell, of the U. S. Army, who is stationed at Camp Claiborne, La., is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Russell. Elgin Nichols, of the U. S. Army, stationed in Mississippi, is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Sr., of Columbia, spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. Boren spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones, of Winchester, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Ella Hastings and Mrs. Exie Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Mrs. W. M. Scott, Mrs. Henry Hastings and Mrs. Ivit Freeman attended a bond rally and farm meeting in Lewisburg Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, Carolyn, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the former's mother who is confined to her home on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott and children, of Palmetto, spent Sunday with the former's parents. Mrs. S. H. Allen is spending several days with her daughter, Mrs. Claude Greer, and family, in Union City. Mrs. James Daves left Thursday for Waugan, Ill., to join her husband who is stationed at Great Lakes, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Freeman, of Jackson, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holloway. Miss Sara Ralston has returned from Quitman, Ga. Mrs. Frank Dwiggins is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Edward Gill, and little daughter, Gail. Mr. Hayden Hastings, of Xenia, Ohio, has been visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lane. Rev. and Mrs. E. F. Baulch, Miss Elsie Livingston and Miss Rowell spent Saturday in Nashville. Miss Edith Dysart is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dysart in Columbia. Rev. S. E. Beard has returned from Florida where he has been on business. Mr. Marks Davidson, of Tullahoma, spent the weekend ------- Mrs. B. C. Dysart and daughters, Misses Edith and Ethel Dysart, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Dysart, Jr., of Columbia. Mrs. Howard Cummings and her mother, Mrs. Tom Shelton, of Shelbyville, spent Tuesday in Nashville. Mr. Hal Moore, of Nashville, spent the weekend with Mrs. Moore and daughter, Mary Gill. Mrs. Shannon Fowler has returned from Camp Atterbury, Ind. She is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Johnson. February 17, 1944 Petersburg Letter Founder's Day At Morgan School Founders Day was observed at Morgan with readings, essays and declamations. Those taking part in the readings were Misses Ada Doris Murdock, Christine Brown, Pauline McAdams; Essays, Misses Alice Morgan, Carolyn Collier, Selene Foster, Ethelene Nichols and Joyce Norwood. Miss Ada Doris Murdock was winner of the readings, Christine Brown, second. Mary Gill Moore won in the essays, with Ethelene Nichols second. Winners in declamation were Thomas Doak Pigg and John Arthur Talley. Junior winners were James McLean and Jimmy Martin. * * * Research Club Mrs. Thomas Moore was hostess to the Research Club at her home Monday. A very interesting program was given by members. Mrs. Moore served tempting refreshments. * * * Mrs. Clark Hostess Mrs. T. B. Clark was hostess to her rook club at her home on Thursday. Two tables were used. Mesdames Floyd Daves and Jack Cummings tied for high score. Tempting refreshments were served. * * * P. T. A. Founder's Day Founders Day of the PTA of the Petersburg Elementary School was observed here at the school Thursday. Twenty mothers were present. The eighth grade, assisted by their teacher, Miss Ann Woodard, conducted a very interesting program. Mrs. Marks Davidson gave the devotional. Music by the fifth grade, accompanied by their teacher, Mrs. Joe L. Scott. * * * Personals Mrs. W. L. Barnett, of Manchester, spent the weekend with Mrs. Thomas D. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Massey and daughter, Betty, of St. Louis, are on an extended visit to the former's aunts, Mesdames R. E. Collier and Ed Sorrells, before Mr. Massey enters the Army. An infant which was born Monday to Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Farrar, was buried Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Yowell and family, of New Orleans, La., spent the weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haynes. Miss Mary Eakin, of Peabody College, spent the weekend with her parents. Mrs. Dixie Marsh has received word that her son, Buddy, has arrived safely somewhere in England. Mrs. Lewis Ramsey, of Nashville, was here Sunday to attend the funeral of her uncle, Mr. John Sullivan. Mr. H. B. Marsh was in Nashville Monday on business. Mr. Louis Butler, of Mobile, Ala., spent the weekend with Mrs. Butler and little son, Forrest, at the home of Mrs. M. Greer. Miss Opal Dyer, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown and daughters, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Broadway, of Howell, were here Sunday to see Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Massey and daughter, Rachel, left Friday for Tuscaloosa, Ala., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Luna and family. Mr. Oliver Talley, J. B. Broadway and Mike Bryant were in Huntsville Thursday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Scott were in Lewisburg Sunday to see Miss Margaret Fowler, who is confined to her home on account of an injury. The Junior class of Morgan School sponsored an old fashioned ice cream supper and square dance. A large crowd attended. Mr. H. Wells directed the dance. Mr. Oliver Talley recently sold a bird dog to Mr. J. S. Farmer, of Pontiac, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Talley and Miss Mary D. Hart were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Harrison, of Murfreesboro. Mr. Harrison is confined to his home on account of illness. Mrs. Harrison [Elizabeth Brock] is a niece of Mr. Talley. * * * Deaths John Sullivan February 24, 1944 Petersburg Letter Fricke-Morton Mr. and Mrs. James Aubrey Morton, of Atlanta, announce the marriage of their daughter, Josephine, to W. T. Fricke, of the United States Marine Corp. The wedding took place February 6. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. J. D. Hanaway. * * * Wilkerson-Troop Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Troop announce the marriage of their daughter, Maybelle, to R. H. Wilkerson. The wedding took place February 17, in Huntsville, Ala., with Judge Thomas W. Jones officiating in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Will Archer. They will reside near here where the groom is a farmer. * * * Home Demonstration Club The Home Demonstration Club met Thursday in their regular monthly meeting at the club room, with Mesdames Oliver Talley and W. M. Scott as hostesses. The meeting was opened by the singing of the Theme Song, led by Miss Lewis. Several members took part. Miss Lewis conducted a very interesting demonstration. Several new and old items of business were taken up. Tempting refreshments were served. * * * 13 Rook Club Miss Jean Scott was hostess to the 13 Rook Club at her home. Three tables were used. Mrs. Howard Cummings was high scorer. Mrs. Joe L. Scott and Mrs. Jack Cummings were additional guests. The hostess served tempting refreshments. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan and children, Alice, and Bobby, spent the weekend in Memphis, with their daughter, Miss Margaret Morgan, of the Baptist Hospital. Dr. C. P. Marsh was carried to a Memphis hospital where he is undergoing treatment. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Rives and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson were in Elora Sunday to see Mrs. Jepp Smith and Miss Sallie Rives. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baulch were in Nashville Monday. Pfc. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Hattisburg, Miss., spent the weekend with relatives in Belfast and Petersburg. Mr. Horace Rice, of Oak Ridge, spent the weekend here with his mother, Mrs. Ed Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, Carolyn, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols, of Lewisburg, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore. Miss Jane Bledsoe, of Chattanooga, spent the weekend with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Clark, of Pulaski, spent Sunday with her father and sister, Mr. Allen Watson and Mrs. J. B. Cummings. Mrs. Della Bledsoe is spending several days with her daughter, Miss Jane Bledsoe, of Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hayes, of Evansville, Ind., were guests this week of Mrs. George Fowler, Mrs. Oliver Talley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins, and other relatives. Mrs. Hayes is a granddaughter of the late Mrs. Mag Luna. Mrs. Everett Pylant is confined to the Gordon Hospital where she is undergoing treatment. Mrs. Marvin Wells, Mrs. W. M. Scott, George William and Sam Scott, were in Lewisburg Friday. Mrs. Paul Luna and children, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., is on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Massey. Word has been received here by Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Dyer, that their son, Joel, has landed safely overseas. March 16, 1944 Petersburg Letter C. P. Missionary Society The Missionary Society of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church met on Tuesday with Mrs. Ed Scott, the president. Mesdames Ed and Cecil Scott were program leaders. Several members took part on the program. Rev. McAdoo conducted the devotional. Several items of new and old business were attended to. * * * Personals Mrs. Mable Cummings and son, Bobby, spent the weekend in Pulaski with her sister, Mrs. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. George Russell were at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Gordon last week to be with their baby while Dr. Gordon attended a medical meeting. Mr. D. M. Holloway is confined to his home on account of illness. Little Miss Pauline Hurt, of Fayetteville, spent several days with her grandparents. Miss Bessie McAdoo and Mrs. W. B. Pigg were in Fayetteville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, were weekend guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott and family. Pvt. Lucian Scott, M. P., of Shreveport, La., is spending his furlough here with his father, J. C. Scott, and Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sowell, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otha Sowell. Mrs. Sam Scott was a recent guest of her daughter, Mrs. Lindon Vaughn, of Lewisburg. Mr. Wade Hart underwent a tonsil operation at the Gordon Hospital last Saturday. Pvt. Lucian Scott spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd and daughter, Carolyn, of Shelbyville, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and children, and Mrs. Nell Cole spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Nichols, of Lewisburg. Mrs. Paul Hurt and children, of Fayetteville, Mrs. Mildred Stewart and Mrs. Speed, of Columbia, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant and daughter, Dot, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morrison, of Columbia. Vance Morrison, of the U. S. Army, nephew of Mr. Pylant, was also a guest. Mrs. Johnny Talley underwent an operation at the Lincoln County Hospital Saturday night. Rev. S. O. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo were in Green Hill Sunday where Rev. McAdoo filled his appointment. Pvt. Billy Hastings, of the U. S. Army, who is stationed in Wisconsin, is spending his furlough with his mother and grandmother. He will return Wednesday. Mrs. Mayme Dwiggins Anderson, of Oklahoma, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Cassie Crawford, has returned home. March 23, 1944 Petersburg Letter Win In Reading Contest Winners in the annual reading and declamation contest held at the local elementary school Friday under the auspices of the PTA and Research Club were: Elma Murdock, fourth grade, first place in readings for the four lower grades; John Murdock, fourth grade, first in declamation in this group. Betty Jean King presided. In the four upper grades: Ruby Nell Watt, sixth grade, first in dramatic readings; Frances Murdock, seventh grade, first in humorous readings, and Harold Bigham, sixth grade, first in declamation. Earline Woodard presided for the upper grades. * * * Harris-Scott A wedding of unusual interest to the friends of the couple was that of Miss Jean Scott and Mr. Ralph Harris. The wedding took place Saturday at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs, of Bowling Green, Ky., with Rev. Burroughs officiating. Miss Elaine Haynes was maid-of-honor. The double ring ceremony was used. Mr. Berry Fousfell, of Nashville, was best man. The bride wore brown with brown accessories with gardenias. Miss Haynes wore a pink wool suit with black accessories. Her flowers were white carnations. The bride's mother, Mrs. Ed Scott, wore black. Her flowers were white carnations. After a short wedding trip they will be in Lewisburg where they are employed. * * * 13 Rook Club Mrs. Jack Cummings was hostess to the 13 Rook Club Wednesday night. Three tables were used. Miss Jean Scott won high score. Miss Ruth Holloway, Mrs. Joe Scott and Mrs. W. B. Pigg were additional guests. * * * Personals Sgt. William A. Gill, of Hamilton Field, Calif., who has been spending his furlough here, returned to camp Monday. Miss Sarah Simmons, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Cummings and daughter, Betty Jo, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cummings. Mrs. Jim Haynes and Mrs. Ed Scott were In Bowling Green, Ky., Saturday to attend the wedding of Miss Jean Scott and Ralph Harris. Pvt. Gene Hastings, of Fort Knox, Ky., spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Melvin Hastings, of Belfast, were here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Mrs. Nell Cole and Mrs. W. M. Scott were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Mr. Bert Lane, of the University of Tennessee, spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane. Miss Mary Eakin, of Peabody College, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eakin. Mr. Jim Montgomery spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Montgomery, of Oak Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Scott, Mrs. Fred Dwiggins, and Mr. J. S. Evans were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Mrs. Fred Watkins and children, Mrs. Hubert Wells and daughter, were in Fayetteville Friday. Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith were in Lewisburg Friday. Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., spent several days the past week with her husband, Pvt. Pylant, of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Marsh were in Chattanooga the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Shelton and Mrs. Howard Cummings were in Nashville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pylant, of Oak Ridge, spent several days the past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant. Mrs. Charles Wharton and children, of Atlanta, were called here over the weekend to with her father, Mr. George Warren, who is ill. Several from here attended the funeral of Mrs. Cora McAdams, of Belfast. Miss Katherine Adams, of Columbia, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Audie Hemphill. Pvt. Lucian Scott, M. P., of Shreveport, La., who has been spending his furlough here with his father, returned to his camp Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd spent Sunday in Shelbyville. Mrs. Roy Allison and daughter, Mrs. David Harper, of Bowling Green, formerly residents of Petersburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant. Mrs. Robert Thompson, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bigham. Miss Dot Pylant spent the weekend here with Misses Robbie and Lynda Vaughn, of Lewisburg. Mr. George W. Warren is confined to the Gordon Hospital where he is suffering with pneumonia. March 30, 1944 Petersburg Letter Farm Bureau Meeting The president, Mr. Ed Ezell, of Chapel Hill, presided at the Farm Bureau meeting in Lewisburg last week. Mr. J. F. Porter, of Columbia, gave a very interesting address. He then introduced the principal speaker of the evening, Dr. Mayhew, of Vanderbilt University. A tempting meal was served in the cafeteria by Mrs. Pickens, after which recreation under the direction of Mr. Fred Cobley was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Harry Lane, Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs. Ed Ezell, Mr. Harry Lane, vice-president, were in the receiving line. Mrs. Marvin Davis, Mrs. Douglas McLane, Mrs. Willie M. Scott, and Mrs. Blackwell kept the register. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ulris Wells, of Fayetteville, were Sunday guests of Misses Clara and Mamye Percy. Mrs. Charles Massey is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paul Luna, and family, of Tuscaloosa, Ala. Mrs. H. B. Marsh is in Chattanooga. Word has been received here that Pfc. Shannon Fowler has arrived safely in England. Those from Petersburg attending the annual Farm Bureau banquet in Lewisburg Thursday night were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, Willie Mae Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murdock, Miss Ada Davis and Lindy, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Talley, Mr. and Mrs. Wert Talley, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Hart, Mr. and Mrs. Cy Beard, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams, Mrs. George Ledford, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Beasley. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blakemore have received word that Raymond Luna has arrived safely somewhere overseas. Mr. Gus Fowler, of Fayetteville, spent Friday with his parents. Mrs. John Pierce was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Lambert, of Lewisburg. Mrs. Wayne Scott was in Lewisburg Saturday. Mrs. Johnny Talley has returned from the Lincoln County Hospital where she underwent an operation. Miss Eva Land has returned from an extended visit to her brother in Florida. Mrs. B. C. Dysart has returned from a visit to her son, Mr. B. C. Dysart and family, in Columbia. Mrs. Oscar Pearson spent Sunday night and Monday with her brother, Mr. W. M. Wilkes, of Nashville. Mrs. Fred Watkins and Mrs. Oliver Talley were in Nashville Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and son, Terry Allen, of Shelbyville, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Harold Leaves April 1 for induction into the Army. Mrs. Nora Adams, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Betty Finley. Mr. Jim Haynes was in Nashville Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, a recent bride and groom, spent several days the past week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Daniel, who has been in El Paso, Texas, with her husband, who is in the Medical Battalion of the Army, has returned to make her home with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. K. Harwell. She accompanied her husband to California where he reported for overseas duties. Mr. Felix Benton Scott, of Nashville, spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. Will Cowden was in Lewisburg Saturday on business. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott were in Lewisburg Sunday to see Mrs. J. F. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and sons, Billy and Ray, and Mrs. Nell Cole, spent Sunday in Nashville as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Scott and other relatives. Mr. Howard Noah, of Florida, is visiting Mrs. Virgie Whitaker. Mr. D. M. Holloway continues very sick at his home. April 6, 1944 Petersburg Letter 13 Rook Club Mrs. Charles E. Barham was hostess to a beautifully planned rook club and crystal shower, complimenting Mrs. Ralph Harris, a recent bride, at the home of Mrs. J. T. Johnson. Four tables were used. Many lovely gifts were received. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Johnson, served a tempting salad. * * * Warren-Simmons Mr. and Mrs. Overton Simmons, of Kelso, announce the marriage of their daughter, Sarah Alice, to Thomas Leslie Warren, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Warren, Sr. The wedding took place March 28. * * * Personals Pfc. Carl Rosa, of Camp Campbell, Ky., spent the weekend as a guest of Miss Bessie McAdoo. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Boren's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. Horace Rice of Oak Ridge, spent the weekend with relatives. Mr. Vance and Louis Greer, of Clinton, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mrs. Juranda Logan was in Lewisburg Saturday. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with his mother. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, was a weekend guest of Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mrs. B. C. Dysart spent the weekend with her son, Mr. B. C. Dysart, and family, of Columbia. B. C. will leave at an early date for the Army. Mr. J. C. Scott has received word that his son, Pvt. Lucian Scott, is now stationed in Fort Sam Houston, Texas. Pfc. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Hattisburg, Miss., spent the weekend in Petersburg and Fayetteville. Pvt. Mark Whitaker, who is stationed in Altrus, Okla., is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Whitaker. Miss Bessie McAdoo and Mary Docia Hart were in Lewisburg Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and Mrs. W. M. Scott were in Fayetteville Friday. Mrs. J. M. Greer, who has been on an extended visit to Mobile, Ala., and Lakewood, Fla., has returned to her home here. Cpl. James Bledsoe, of Key West, Fla., is spending his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bledsoe. Mrs. Ed Rice is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Foster Beasley, and family, in Nashville. Mrs. Cassie Crawford and Mrs. Pearl Hart were in Nashville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murdock were in Lewisburg Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott were hosts to a beautifully planned six o'clock dinner Friday night at their home, complimenting Rev. and Mrs. M. K. Harwell, Rev. S. O. McAdoo and Miss Bessie McAdoo. April 13, 1944 Petersburg Letter Research Club The Research Club met Monday with Mrs. T. L. Warren, Sr. Mrs. Stephenson gave a paper on Africa. Mrs. E. F. Baulch gave a book review. Mrs. Tommy Warren and Mrs. Edward Gill were the only guests. * * * Elementary School Commencement The Petersburg Elementary School commencement will be held Sunday, April 16, at 11:00 o'clock, with the Rev. M. K. Harwell in charge. Wednesday night, April 19, the eighth grade play, Grandpa's Twin Sister, will be presented. Miss Ann Woodard is the director. Thursday night Mr. John Morgan will address the class. * * * Music Recital Mrs. Smith will present her music pupils in a recital Friday night, April 14, at the Petersburg Elementary School auditorium. The public is invited. * * * Delegates to Elk Presbytery The following ladies of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church were elected to represent the Missionary Society at the Spring session of Elk Presbytery, which convenes at the Boonshill Church Thursday and Friday April 20 and 21: Mrs. Eugene Pylant, Mrs. W. M. Scott, Mrs. J. L. Collier and Mrs. George Fowler are alternates. Mr. W. L. Williams will represent the church at the Presbytery and Mr. Macon Hart is his alternate. * * * Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watkins and children spent the Easter holidays with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ketchum, of Cornersville. Mrs. Addie McRory, of Cornersville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Talley. Miss Ann Motlow, of Mulberry, was a weekend guest of Pvt. Mark Whitaker. Mrs. Jeanne Salyer is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Eakin. Pvt. Vincent Autrey, of Camp Howze, Texas, is spending his furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Autrey. Mr. and Mrs. Juranda Logan have purchased the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Moore on the Lewisburg highway near town. Mrs. Grady Wade and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan have been in Chicago to accompany Mrs. Wade's daughter back to Tennessee, where she will reside while her husband is serving in the Army. Miss Elaine Haynes, of Bowling Green, Ky., spent Easter holidays here with her parents. Mrs. Raymond Luna, of Birmingham, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Blakemore. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hampton, of Nashville, spent the weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. H. Gaunt. Mrs. Harold Scott and son, of Shelbyville, spent the weekend here with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Miss Ann Scott spent the weekend here with Miss Dot Pylant. Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. William Touchstone were in Fayetteville Friday on business. * * * Deaths James Edgar Wright Delma Cheeves May 18, 1944 Petersburg Letter Sowell-Rodes Mrs. Nana Rodes, of Cornersville, announces the marriage of her daughter, Juanita, to Cecil Sowell, of Petersburg. The wedding took place Saturday, May 6, at 6:00 p.m., at the home of the Rev. Vaughn Fults in Lewisburg. The attendants were Miss Mary Elizabeth Wood and Eldred Dodd, Miss Marie Davis and Landis Noels. The bride is a graduate of the Cornersville High School. The groom is a graduate of the Morgan School. They will reside in Lewisburg, where the groom is employed. * * * Research Club The Research Club met Monday at the home of Mrs. Jepp Collier, with Mrs. J. T. Johnson as joint hostesses. The program was on Helen Keller. Mrs. Pearl Hart gave a very interesting paper. Mrs. Collier also gave an interesting paper. Additional guests were Mesdames Oma Crane, Reavis, and B. Moore. * * * Pierce-Cummings A wedding of unusual interest here was that of Mrs. Mabel Watson Cummings and Tom Pierce. The wedding took place Saturday in Huntsville with Judge Thomas W. Jones officiating. The bride and groom are both employed by the Shoe Corporation of Lewisburg. They will reside here. * * * Personals Frank Scott, of the U. S. Navy, who has been on a sea voyage, is spending his furlough here with his mother, Mrs. Virgil Scott, sister and brother. Jimmy Evans, of the U. S. Navy, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Scott attended a bankers meeting in Nashville last week. Mrs. William Moore, Mrs. Emma Moore and Mrs. William Touchstone, were in Lewisburg Friday to see Mrs. Nell Cole, who has been confined to the Gordon's Hospital following an operation. Mrs. Luther Smith underwent a tonsil operation at Gordon's Hospital Friday. Mrs. John Talley and Mrs. Fred Watkins were in Nashville recently. Mrs. R. G. Bills and Miss Bessie McAdoo were in Lewisburg Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler. Prayer services for the invasion will be held at the Club Room here at 11 o'clock. Everyone is urged to attend that we may offer prayers for our boys who are preparing for the great invasion. May 25, 1944 Petersburg Letter Shower Compliments Recent Bride Mrs. Oren Fullerton was hostess to a shower at her home Thursday complimenting Mrs. Olga Mae Craig, a recent bride. She will be remembered here as Miss Morrison. About forty-five guests were present. Many nice and useful gifts were received. * * * Personals Pvt. Earl Pylant, Jr., of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., is spending his furlough here and in Columbia. Mrs. Pylant, who has been visiting her husband, returned with him. Mrs. J. M. Greer is on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville. Mrs. Earl Whitsett underwent an operation at the Gordon Hospital last Friday. Pvt. Paul Luna, of Camp Sibert, Ala., is visiting Mrs. Luna and children. Mrs. Emma Redd, of Fayetteville, is visiting her son, Edward Redd, and Mrs. Redd. Dr. Joplin attended a medical meeting in Lewisburg last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haynes and Mrs. Ada Appleby, of Carthage, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haynes. Miss Elaine Haynes, of Bowling Green, Ky., who has finished her business course, arrived Wednesday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Archer were in Nashville Wednesday and attended the horse show at Ward-Belmont, where their daughter, June, won two prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Triplett, of New Mexico, attended the graduation of their son, George, at Morgan School last week. Edward Cole, of Charleston, S. C., came last week for induction in the army. He passed his examination and will return to Charleston. He was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and Mrs. Nell Cole, also his sister, Mrs. Solon Adams, of Belfast. Will Curlee, of Fayetteville, was in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, were weekend guests of relatives here. Mrs. Lionel McNair, of Paducah, Ky., was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otha Sowell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Sr., Miss Katherine Adams and Buddy Pylant, of Columbia, were Sunday guests of Mrs. Kate Pylant. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wells and family, of Louisville, Ky., are on an extended visit to relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Davidson, of Newport News, Va., are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marks Davidson. Cpl. Howard Thompson, who has been serving overseas, and was wounded in action, has returned to the U. S. Mrs. Addie McRory, of Cornersville, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Talley. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pylant, of Oak Ridge, who accompanied the former's sister, Mrs. Newt Newhouse, here to spend some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Pylant, have returned to their home. Pvt. Johnny Talley, of Camp Hood, Texas, is visiting his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry Locker, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Holloway, of Denver, Colo., were recent guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Holloway. The Rev. McAdoo Filled his appointment at Boonshill Sunday at the 11:00 o'clock service and at Bellville Sunday afternoon. June 8, 1944 Petersburg Letter Union Revival Services A series of union revival services are being conducted at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, with Rev. Bracher, of Nashville, doing the preaching. Services are held at 10:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to come to these services. * * * Missionary Society Meets The Ladies Missionary Society met Tuesday afternoon at the church. Mrs. Ed Scott, retiring president, opened the meeting. After devotional and prayer the Rev. McAdoo gave the study book. Mrs. Cecil Scott, the new president, was installed. Several items of new and old business were attended to. * * * Personals Mrs. Myrtle Dyer, of Chattanooga, attended the funeral of her brother, Julius Davis. T. A. Couch spent several days here with his family. Saturday night he became sick and was rushed back to the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Melvin Hastings, of Belfast, were in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Easterly and children have moved to Shelbyville. Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Morgan and children have returned from a vacation in Hot Springs, Ark., also a visit to their daughter, Margaret, of the Baptist Hosp ital in Memphis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harris, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scott. Mrs. Margaret Green, of Nashville, is spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mrs. T. L. Warren underwent a tonsil operation at Gordon's Hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, Mrs. Paul Hurt and children were Thursday guests of their parents. Louis and Vance Greer, of Oak Ridge, are on an extended visit to their mother, Mrs. J. M. Greer. June 15, 1944 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boren, of Lewisburg, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barham. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, of Fayetteville, were here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Easterly and children, of Shelbyville, were Sunday guests of Mrs. G. E. Scott. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday here with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams spent Sunday in Manchester. Miss Clara Renegar spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. G. C. Hart. Miss Kathleen Arney, of Boonshill, spent the weekend here with Miss Ann Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Redd spent the weekend in Shelbyville with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redd. Mrs. J. T. Boring, of Miami, Fla., spent several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Williams before leaving for Washington, D. C., where she will accept a position for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan and Mrs. O. Sherrell and sons spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roe Brown, of Shelbyville. Misses Bessie D. Morton and Mary Docia Hart spent the weekend in Knoxville. Mrs. Margaret Green and Miss Dixie Ann Marsh spent the weekend in Chattanooga with Dr. and Mrs. Fred Marsh and family. Rev. and Mrs. Virgil Bailey are here spending some time with Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith. Mrs. Bailey will be remembered here as Miss Addie Jean Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Davidson, of Newport News, Va., who have been visiting her parents in Georgia, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marks Davidson. Bobby will report to Cookeville where he will be inducted into the Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ellis spent the weekend with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sowell, of Fayetteville, spent Sunday here with his mother. Miss Judith Ann Brown, of Shelbyville, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. Logan. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cowden spent Thursday in Huntsville. They were accompanied home by Miss Earline Woodard, who has been spending some time with her aunt. Mrs. Wade Welch, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend here. Mrs. Oscar Smith underwent an operation at Gordon's Hospital. Miss Martha Ann Loving returned to U. T. for the summer, after spending some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sowell, of Lewisburg, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Sowell. The Rev. Knox Lambert, of Jackson, is visiting his parents. Miss Opal Crabtree is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thomas Shaddy and baby. Mrs. Thomas Adcock and son, Jimmy, who have been in Detroit, are on an extended visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Nichols. Her husband is now stationed in England. Mrs. Harry Percy, of Jonah, Texas, is visiting Misses Clara and Mayme Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wharton and children, of Atlanta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Warren. Mr. and Mrs. Bill George and son, of Danville, Ill., are visiting relatives here and at Lewisburg. July 6, 1944 Petersburg Personals Mr. and Mrs. Boone Moore attended the funeral of Floyd Carothers, of Wartrace, Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and daughter, Judith, returned Wednesday to their home at Bowling Green. Mrs. Burroughs and baby had spent a wee* * * with her parents while Mr. Burroughs attended YPGA at McKenzie. Roger Hickman, of New Orleans, has returned from a visit to his mother-in-law, Mrs. Fannie Talley, and other relatives. Mrs. Ella Edwards, of Nashville, was here for a weekend visit to friends and to attend services at the Church of Christ, which her son is conducting. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bryant, of Huntsville, visited relatives Sunday. J. B. Richardson and Roy Rainey, of the U. S. Armed Forces, are here for a visit. Mrs. Lonnie Nichols, of Lewisburg, spent Sunday with relatives here. Al, Jesse and J. D. Moore and Mrs. Joe Thomas attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, Clem Smith at Memphis. Wade Templeton, of Huntland, was weekend guest of his sister, Mrs. Joe Russell. Pvt. James Tuley, of Camp McCoy, Wis., is guest of his aunt, Mrs. George Wells, and his mother at Fayetteville. Mrs. Dennis Farrar accompanied her son, Carl, and wife on their return to California. George Bagley, of Cornersville, attended services at the Church of Christ Sunday. Others from out of town attending were the Carlyle and Everett Beasley and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holland, of Nashville. Miss Evelyn Whitaker attended the young people's general assembly of the C. P. Church at Bethel College, McKenzie last week. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Greer and Miss Julia Joplin Greer spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Allen and Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mrs. Kindred Bledsoe and daughter, Donna Gail, of Frankewing, are guests of her aunt, Mrs. Pearl Morrison and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones, of Robinson, Ill., Mesdames Frances Woodard and Oscar Simmons, of near Shelbyville were guests Monday of Mrs. B. C. Dysart. Miss Betty Jane Tucker, of Louisville, Ky., is visiting Miss Joan Luna. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Sorrells and son, Bryan, of Detroit, arrived Tuesday for a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sorrells and sister, Mrs. Cartwright, of Shelbyville. The following group of girls is attending the young people's camp at Beersheba Springs: Mary Gill Moore, Erline Woodard, Sara Ralston, Jean March and Carolyn Collier. Rev. and Mrs. John S. Smith and children, Maribeth and David, have returned to their home at Kenton after spending the week with his parents and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Morgan and Mrs. Icie Ralston visited Mammoth Cave, Ky., the past weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Baulch and son, Franklin, were in Nashville Friday. Mrs. Kleigman, of Nashville, visited her son at Morgan summer school Monday. Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, was with her parents for the weekend. Miss Geraldine Sorrells has returned from the Methodist intermediate encampment at Beersheba Springs. S-1c B. C. Dysart, of Camp Perry, Va., and Mrs. Dysart and son, B. C., Jr., of Hampshire were guests Sunday of Mrs. B. C. Dysart, Sr. Miss Edith Dysart of MTST, Murfreesboro, also joined the family group. D. B. Smith accompanied by John Marrs, of Fayetteville, represented the Lincoln County rural letter carriers at the state convention in Nashville on July 4. Mrs. John Talley and Mrs. Fred Watkins have gone to Camp Hood, Texas to visit the former's husband and relatives at other points in Texas. Guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gill were Virginia Rice and Farris Beasley, of Nashville, and Dixie Ann Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Massey and son, Bobby, of Lewisburg, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gist, of Tullahoma, and their son, Cpl. Ed Gist, of Nome, Alaska, and Mrs. Lee Manley, of Rome, Ga., have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Freeman for several days. * * * Deaths John William Smith Fred M. Montgomery Will F. Sherwood July 13, 1944 Petersburg Letter Series Of Revival Services The Rev. M. K. Harwell, pastor of the local Methodist Church, began a series of revival services at the Mt. Zion Church Sunday night. The Rev. S. O. McAdoo, of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church of Petersburg is doing the preaching. Services are only held at night. * * * Vacation Bible School Begins The Summer Union Vacation Daily Bible School began at the Methodist Church Monday July 10, with good attendance. Leaders from the Methodist, Presbyterian and Cumberland Presbyterian Churches are in charge. * * * Personals Mrs. Eugene Pylant and daughter, Mrs. Newt Newhouse were in Lewisburg Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Davis were in Lewisburg Sunday to attend the house revival. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Davis, of Nashville, have moved to their home west of Catalpa. Mrs. Albert Lee Rowland, Mrs. W. M. Scott and George William, were in Shelbyville Friday. Cpl. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastings, of Camp Shelby, Miss., returned Sunday after spending a three day pass with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hastings and Mrs. W. M. Scott. Mr. Carroll Scott, of Shelbyville, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. Albert Lee Rowland and son, Randell Lee, of Belfast, spent Thursday night with Mrs. W. M. Scott. Miss Jerelene Massey, of Huntland, Tenn., is visiting her cousins, Misses Repons and Martha Massey. Mr. and Mrs. John Rufus Smith, of Wilson Hill, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Follis. Mrs. Johnny Talley has returned from Camp Hood, Texas, where she visited her husband, Pvt. Johnny Talley. Little Miss Pauline Hurt, of Fayetteville, is spending the week with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore were in Lewisburg Friday on business. Miss Dot Pylant has returned from Seattle, Washington, where she has been on an extended visit to her sister, Mrs. Ernest Rownd and Dr. Rownd and little son, Kenny. * * * Deaths Charles P. Marsh July 20, 1944 Petersburg Letter Personals Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haynes, of Lewisburg, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. William Moore and son, Billy, were in Lewisburg Saturday on business. Miss Elaine Haynes has accepted a position in the Lewisburg Magnesium Plant Office. Edward Cole, Milton Holloway, Sam Hart and Hatton Mitchell left Monday for induction in the Army. Miss Jane Stephenson has accepted a position in Lewisburg. Miss Edith Dysart, of State Teachers College, Murfreesboro, spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Rebecca Street has returned from Dennison, Texas, where she visited her daughter, Mrs. George Woodard and Mr. Woodard. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Talley, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Talley and Duncan Talley were Sunday guests of their sister, Mrs. John Brock, of Murfreesboro. Miss Edna Long continues on the sick list. The Rev. S. O. McAdoo and the Rev. M. K. Harwell, closed a very successful meeting at the Mt. Zion Methodist Church. The Rev. M. K. Harwell, began a series of revival services at the New Hope Methodist Church near Cornersville. Miss Margie Whorley, of Murfreesboro, spent the weekend here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Adams have moved to Flat Creek to make their home with Raymond's aunt, Mrs. Lee Wiggins. Miss Ann Scott was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott. Mesdames Fred Watkins, Johnny Talley and Joe Buford Luna were in Lewisburg Monday on business. Rev. S. O. McAdoo, Miss Bessie McAdoo, Mesdames George Fowler, Cecil Scott and Eugene Pylant were in Fayetteville Thursday to attend the Missionary Rally of Elk Presbytery. Ladies from the Cumberland Presbyterian Churches of this district were present. Word has been received here that Pfc. Shannon Fowler and Cpl. Edward Hastings, who are somewhere in France have been in a battle. They write they are doing very well. Mrs. Thomas Shaddy has received several letters from her husband who was wounded in action in India and is improving and is now able to go to his meals. Mrs. Joe L. Scott was hostess to a beautifully planned party at her home Saturday night honoring Hatton Mitchell and Milton Holloway. Several were present. Games and music were enjoyed. The hostess served a tempting ice course. Mrs. Varda Sorrells was hostess to her Sunday school class at a wiener roast at her home Saturday night. About forty were present. All reported a delightful time. July 27, 1944 Petersburg Letter H. D. Club Picnic The Petersburg Home Demonstration Club met Tuesday at the home of Mrs. R. E. Collier for their annual picnic and regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Quint Barham, the president, was in charge. Mrs. Boone Moore and Mrs. J. L. Collier were a committee for arrangements of the picnic. At noon a bountiful lunch was served. * * * Personals Miss Aline Collier, of Nashville, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Collier. Mr. Carroll Scott spent Wednesday with his mother. Mr. Buford Luna, Mrs. Kate Pylant and Mrs. Earl Pylant, Jr., accompanied Mrs. Joe Buford Luna to Nashville. Mrs. James A. Hart and children, of Fayetteville, and Mrs. Shannon Fowler, of Fayetteville, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Scott and Mrs. G. C. Hart. Mrs. L. G. Rives spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Raymond Burroughs and Mr. Burroughs, of Bowling Green, Ky. Mrs. Burroughs underwent an operation. She is improving. Mrs. Joe Buford Luna and sons, Joe Douglas and Larry, left Thursday for St. Louis. Joe Buford who is in the Navy will spend his furlough with Mrs. Luna coming August 9. Mr. and Mrs. C. Scott visited Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott, Sunday. Mrs. James Daves has returned from Philadelphia where she visited her husband who left on a ship last week. He is with the Navy. Miss Maybelle Marsh was in Nashville Thursday on business. Mrs. Johnny Talley is visiting her husband, Pvt. Johnny Talley, of Camp Hood, Texas. Word has been received here that Lucian Scott and Earl Pylant, Jr., have arrived in Great Britain. Miss Ruth Cummings and mother, Mrs. Dixie Cummings were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wells and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Fowler and son, Barry, visited the former's parents Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Al Bradford and son, Mrs. Crawford Crabtree spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Beard, they were accompanied home by their sister, Reba Beard. Mrs. Jack Payton underwent an operation at Gordon's Hospital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Boone Moore have purchased the house and lot from Mr. and Mrs. John Massey, known as the Lonnie Nichols home. Miss June Archer is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Virgie Bailey, Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Smith spent Thursday night in Chapel Hill with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Collier and children were in Fayetteville Friday. Mr. Harold Berman, of the U. S. Army, who has been in Italy has returned to the States and has been confined to the Thayer Hospital. He visited friends here the past week leaving Sunday for Chattanooga. Mrs. Fred Watkins was in Fayetteville Friday.