MADISON COUNTY, TN - WILLS - John Curlin File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jim Curlin ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ Summary: John Curlin executes his Last Will and Testament (undated), leaving a life estate in the land on which he lives to Dolly Perkins Curlin, his wife, and directing the sale of the 102- acre "Wray Tract" to pay debts and cost of his funeral. Any residual money realized from the sale of the Wray Tract is to be divided equally among the five children of John and Dolley: Jackson J. J. Curlin, William Hugh Curlin, John Valentine Curlin, Elizabeth Curlin Brown and Sophia Ivy Chandler's, nee Curlin heirs. Personal household and farm property, including a female slave, Rozetta, and her son, Mason are also left to Dolly Curlin. Upon her death the Will directs that the homestead be sold and the proceeds divided among John and Dolly's children, Jackson J. J. Curlin, William Hugh Curlin, John Valentine Curlin, and Elizabeth F. Curlin Brown. George Ann Tailor is left personal property. Her relationship to the family is unknown. MADISON COUNTY, TN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE WILL BOOK 7, PAGE 19 PROBATE-MINUTE BOOK 8, PAGE 255 UNDATED / PROVED AUGUST TERM 1858 John Curlin Will This my last Will & Testament, hereby revoking all other wills by me heretofore made. First__ I direct that my body shall be decently interred & my funeral expenses & just debts paid out of the firest moneys coming into the hands of my Executors. 2ly. My spirit to Almighty God, who gave it. 3ly. I give and bequeth unto my wife Dolly Curlin, one hundred acres of land the place I now ive on including all of the improvement for her use & benefit during her lifetime also one negro woman Rozella & child Mason. My household & kitchen furniture, my stock of horses hogs & cattle. I direct 4ly that all of my notes be collected & land warrant which I now hold be sold on a credit of twelve months to pay my debts & should the notes & land warrant not meet my debts, enough of the property mentioned above that can best be spared be sold to satisfy the same.__ I further direct that my wife have my farming utensils, my corn fodder & oats. 5ly I direct that my other tract of land known as the Wray Tract containing 102 acres be sold on a credit of one & two years & the proceeds equally divided between my five children, viz-J. J. J. Curlin, Wm. H. Curlin, J. V. Curlin, Elizabeth F. Brown & Sophia Chadler's heirs which will be one child's part. 6ly I direct that at the death of my wife that the property which I have left her be sold on a credit of twelve months & be equally divided between my children viz---Jackson J. J. Curlin, Wm. H. Curlin, J. V. Curlin & Elizabeth Brown. 7ly I direct that George Ann Tailor keep the bed & furniture which she now has & farther that she have fifty dollars out of my estate at the death of my wife & should she die without an heir that her property & money (?) back to my four children above named 8ly I nominate & appoint my three children, viz---J. J. J. Curlin, Wm. H. Curlin & J. V. Curlin my Executors to this my last Will & Testament & for them to settle up the estate of their mother after her death without further administration. Samuel B. Brown M. Y. Harston John Curlin ************************************************* Date of Transcription: July 1997 JWC Location of Transcription: Lottsburg, VA Note: The above transcription was copied verbatim from the original to the best of my abilities. The notation [ ] denotes my comments. Some of the paragraphs were inserted by me - James William Curlin