MARSHALL COUNTY, TN - COURT- Minutes MARCH 1838 SESSION ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was transcribed by TNMARSHA-L@rootsweb mailing list members and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Hill =================================================================== MARSHALL COUNTY TENNESSEE COURT MINUTES–MARCH 1838 SESSION Page (102) cont. The State of Tennessee. At a County Court begun and held for the County of Marshall at the house of Abner HOUSTON on the first Monday in March the same being the 5th day of the month in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and thirty eight, present John HATCHETT Chairman Berry MOORE Thomas WILSON A. MILLER Peter WILLIAMS E HUNTER William WILKS Robert JOHNSON Thomas ROSS Thomas HARDISON, James ADAMS James REED, Thomas CUMMINGS, James V. EWING, John FIELD, William COWDEN, George CUMMINGS & George W. McBRIDE Gentlemen Justices of the peace, Proclimation &C. On motion it is ordered by the Court that all the good citizens of Marshall County that has been listed for double tax is hereby released from the payment thereof that they pay a tax on other citizens. Hugh McCLELLAND appeared in Court & made application presented an account for surveying a Line from duck river to William J. ANDERSON for $5.00 the vote being taken was as follows (to wit) ayes, E. HUNTER, James ADAMS, Thomas HARDISON, William WILKS, Peter WILLIAMS, Berry MOORE, Thom. WILSON James REED, John FIELD, James V. EWING, William COWDEN, Thomas ROSS, William COWDEN, Thomas ROSS, Thomas CUMMINGS, A. MILLER and George CUMMINGS 15, Noes none. Issued. John R. HILL presented his account for his servicesfor Executing the Venere facias for the Circuit Court up to the present term for twenty seven dollars. And on motion the note was taken which is as follows (to wit) Ayes, James ADAMS E. HUNTER, Robert JOHNSON, Thomas HARDISON (103) William WILKS, Thomas WILSON, Berry MOORE, Thomas CUMMINGS George CUMMINGS, James REED, John FIELD, James V. EWING, William COWDEN & A. MILLER 15, Noes none. Issued. Ob motion it is ordered b y the Court that the Sherriff of Marshall County be and he is herebu required ti summon twelve good and lawful men of your County to Examine into the lunacy & condition of Joseph SPRADING and make return to the present term of this court Matthew MOORE appeared in Court and presented his resignation as Justice of the pace for said County which was accepted by the Court. Matthew MOORE appeared in Court and presented his resignation oa Justice of the peace for said County which was Accepted by the Court. Joseph McCORD Coroner of Marshall County appeared in Court and presented his account for summoning two Jurys of inquest for Ten dollars and on motion the vote was taken which us as follows, to wit, Ayes, Peter WILLIAMS, George W. McBRIDE, Wiliam WILKS, James ADAMS, Robert JOHNSON, Asa HOLLAND, Andrew LAIRD, James REED, Tho.s WILSON, James V. EWING Berry MOORE, & John HATCHETT 12, Noes none. Issued. Wilson P. DAVIS Jailer of Marshall County presented his account for keeping Joseph SPRALEN for $40.00 And on motion the vote was taken which is as follows, to wit, Ayes, Peter WILLIAMS, Williams WILKS, James ADAMS, Robert JOHNSON, Thomas WILSON, George W. McBRIDE, Asa HOLLAND, Andrew LAIRD, James REED, Thomas HARDISON, James V. EWING, Berry MOORE & Thomas CUMMINGS 13, Noes none, Issued. On motion it is ordered that Bradley ACUFF be appointed overseer of the road Leading from Cornersville to Fayetville Commenceing at the forks of the road on Levi GARRETTE land and terminating as the dividing ridge above Joseph NICHOLL & that he have the former hands. Issued. On motion it os ordered by the Court that Thomas ROSS James C. RECORD & John ALEXANDER be appointed Commissioners to settle with James HOUSTON & Cary T. KELLY Ar. of Christophers HOUSTON deceased. (104) On motion it is ordered by the court that Reubin and Lavina WHITE Minor heirs of John WHITE be varried to the poor house provided their mother is willing. Ordered that Robert D. FREELAND be appointed overseer of the Bear Creek road Commenceing at M. FITCHPATRICK and terminating at the Giles County line and have the hands in the bounds Laid off for the former overseer LORANCE. Issued. Ordered by the Court that the Sherriff take charge of Joseph SPRADDING and take him to the Poor House. Issued. On motion it is ordered by the Court that the revenew Commissioners have the following fees for their Services (to wit) all those that have taken one hundred and fifty names and under shall have Eight Dollars and all those thae have taken over that number Ten Dollars to be paid out of any money in the hand of the trustee of Marshall County not therein appropriated. George W. OGLIVIE appeared in Court and Exhibited his account as Guardian of the minor heirs of B. LONG deceased which was ordered to be recorded. George CUMMINGS appeared in open Court and presented his resignation as Justice of the peace for Marshall County which was revived by the Court. John FIELD presented in open Court his account as Guardian of the minor heirs of Mills McAFFEE deceased which was ordered to be recorded. On motion it is ordered by the court that James WHITSETT be appointed overseer of the road leading from Lewisburg to the suth boundary line of Marshall County be way of REEDS Gap commenceing at the ridge betwixt Cane Creek and richland and terminate at the Elk ridge and that he have the hands from Williams GANTS to the head of the east fork of richland Creek inclusive. Issued. (105) On motion it is ordered by the Court that John ADAMS be appointed overseer of the road leading from Lewisburg (and terminateing) RANKINS old shop Commenceing at Lewisburg and terminateing at the dividing line between the Lewisburg & Williams district and that he have the former hands. State of Tennessee, Marshall County. We the undersigned certify that at an Election opened and held at the house of of David COTNERS on the 3rd ofMarch on the 3rd of March 1838 for the ourpose of removeing on or permemently establishing the Prict or place of holding the Elections in district No. 7- that there was 2 votes for its being held at the house of Davis COTNER & 51 votes for its being held at the house of Joseph ROBERTSONS. Given under out hands and seals this 3rd of March 1838. James HOPPER (S) James BOREN (seal) Thomas GILLORN (seal) Thomas LANE (seal) George YARBOROUGH (seal) It is therefore ordered by the Court that the citizens sesiding in said district No. 7 shall vote at the house of Joseph ROBINSONS &C. State of Tennessee Marshall County. I Joseph McCORD, Coroner in and for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that at an Election held in the different districts in my County, on the 3rd day of March 1838, the following Citizens were duly Elected Constables for the county of Marshall to wit- “William D. POWELL for District No.1- Sandy G. COOK for district No.2 Ambrose R. LARWOOD for District No.3- Josiah BROOKS for district No.4- Frances B. WOODS for District No. 5, James N. HUNTER for district No. 6, Thomas BOAZE for district No. 7- John LAWS for dstct No.8 Leonard BULLOCK for district No.9 Lewis HOGG for district No.10, Jackson LIG ETT for district No.11 Joseph W. WINSTON for district No.12 Jeremiah HOLT for district No.13, Matthew N. POWELL for District No.14 and Samuel DAVIS & Harvey B. WELCH got district No.15. Given under under my hand this 5th day of March 1838. Joseph MCCORD Coroner (106) And thereupon came into Court William D. POWELL Elected as aforesaid and Executed his bond which is in the words and figures following (to wit) Know all men by these presents that we William D. POWELL William COWDEN and George W. McBRIDE all of the State of Tennessee and County of Marshall are held and formly bound onto Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee and his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us our heirs Executors Administrators Jointly and severly formly by these present sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of march 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound William D. POWELL hath been elected a constable in the 1st district in the County of Marshall, and hath this day qualified such this day been duly qualified as such. Now therefore if the said Williams D. POWELL shall well and turly Execute & true return make upon all & every process which may come into his hands as constable as aforesaid & faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such wo whom soever may be legally authorized to receive the same and to do and perform all such duties as are required by law on him as constable. Then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect day and date above written. Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clerk. William D. POWELL (seal) William COWDEN (seal) George W. McBRIDE (seal) And took the several oaths prescribed by law. And there upon came into Court Sandy G. COOK Elected as aforesaid and Executed his bond which is in the words and figures following to wit: Know all men by these presents that we Sandy G. COOK Solomon MEADOWS & George W. McBRIDE all of the State of Tennessee and County of Marshall are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON governor of the State of Tennessee and his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of us our heirs Executors Administrators Jointly and severley firmley by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. (107) The condition of the anove obligation is such that where as the above bound Sandy G. COOK hath been elected a constable in the 2nd district in the County of Marshall and hath this day been qualified as such- Now therefore if the said Sandy G. COOK shall well and truly Execute and treu return make upon all and every process which may come into this hands as constable as aforesaid and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whom soever may be legally authorized to receive the same and to do and perform all such duties as are required by lae on him as constable. Them this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect day and date above written. Test: M. W. OAKLEY, Clerk Sandy G. COOK (seal) George W. McBRIDE (seal) Solomon MEADOWS (seal) And took the several oaths prescribed by Law. And thereupon came into Court, Ambrose R. LARWOOD Elected as aforesaid an executed his bond in the words and figures to wit- State of Tennessee Marshall County. Know all men by these presence that we Ambros R. LARWOOD Robert JOHNSON, George W. McBRIDE all of said County are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON governor of the State of Tennessee or his successors in office in the sum of four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind oursleves jointly and severly firmly by these presence sealed with our seals and this 5 day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the qbove bound Ambrose R. LARWOOD hath been Elected Constable in the 3 district in the County of Marshall and hath this day been duly qualified as such therefore if the said Ambros R. LARWOOD should well and truly execute and a true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as Constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected by him as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same to do and perform all duties as are required by law on him as Constable (108) then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue day and date above written. Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clerk. Ambrose R. LARWOOD (seal) Robert JOHNSTON (seal) G. W. McBRIDE (seal) And took the several oaths of office prescribed by Law. And thereupon came also Frances B, WOOD elected as aforesaid here into Court and gave bond & securities as the law requires, which bond is in the words & figures following, to wit; Know all men by these presents that we Francis B. WOODS James S. WOODS and Henry BISHOP all of the State of Tennessee and County of Marshall are held and firmly bound with Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee & his securities in office in the sum of four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of our heirs, Executors, administrators jointly and severally firmly by these present, sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Francis WOODS hath been elected a constable in the 5 district in the County of Marshall and hath this day been duly qualified as such- Now therefore if the said Francis B. WOODS shall well and truly Execute and true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same and to do and to perform all such duties as are required by law on him as Constable then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Day and date anove written. Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clerk. Francis B. WOODS (seal) Henry BISHOP (seal) James S. WOODS (seal) And took the several oaths prescribed by law. And thereupon James N. HUNTER Constable Elect for District No. 6 come into Court and gave bond and securities as the law requires- which bond is in the words and figures following, to wit: Know all men by these present that we James N. HUNTER Robert M. DRYDEN & Lile A. EWING all of the State of Tennessee and County of Marshall are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee and his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand (109) dollars, for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves andeach of our heirs, Executors, Administrators jointly & severally firmly by these present sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound James N. HUNTER hath been elected a Constable in the 6 district in the County of Marshall and hath this day been duly qualified as such- Now therefore if the said James N. HUNTER shall well and truly Execute and true return make upon all & every process which may come into his hands as Constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the sum, and to do and perform all such duties as are required by law on him as Constable. Then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and effect- day and date above written Test: M. W. OAKLEY, Clerk. Jas. N. HUNTER (sel) R. N. DRYDEN (sel) Lile A. EWING (sel) And took the several oaths required by law. And thereupon Thomas BOAZ constable elect in and for District No. 7 appeared in open Court and executed his bond and game securities as the Law requires, which bond is in the words and figures following- to wit- State of Tennessee, Marshall County, Moses ONEAL, Livingston ANDERSON, all of said County were held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee or his (securities) successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves and each of our heirs, Executors Administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents- sealed with our seals, and dated this 5th day of March 1838. “The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Thomas BOAZ- hath been duly Elected a Constable in the 7 district in the County of Marshall, and hath this day been duly qualified as such. Now therefore if the said Thomas BOAZ shall well and truly execute and true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as constable aforesaid, and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may (110) be legally authorized to receive the same and to do and perform all such duties as are required by law on him as Constable then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full and force and effect, day and date above written. Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Thomas BOAZ (seal) Moses ONEAL (seal) LIVINGSTON (seal) And also took the several oaths prescribed by law. And thereupon John LAWS Constable elect in and for District No. 8 appeared in open Court and executed his bond and gave securities as the law requires- which bond is in the words & figures following. To wit: State of Tennessee Marshall County. Know all men by these presents that we John LAWS, John SHUFFIELD & James M. RIGGS, all of said county are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee or his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well & truly to be made we bind ourselves & each os uf our heirs, executors Administrators, Jointly & severally firmly by these presents sealed with our sealed & dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound John LAWS hath been duly Elected a Constable to the 8 District, in the county of Marshall, and hath this day been duly qualified as sch. Now therefore if the said John LAWS shall well & truly Execute & true return make upon all & every process which may come into his hands as all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the sums, & to do & perform all such duties as are required by lae on him as Constable then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, day and date abvoe written. Test: M. W.OAKLEY Clk. John LAWS (seal) Jas. M. RIGGS (seal) J. SHUFFIELD (seal) And also took the several oaths prescribed by law. (111) And thereupon Leonard BULLOCK Constable elect in and for District No. 9 appeared in open Court and Executed his bond and gave securities as the law requires, which bond is in the words & figures following, to wit: State of Tennessee, Marshall County. Know all men by these present that we Leonard BULLOCK John SHUFFIELD and James M. RIGGS all of said County are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON Governor of the Sate of Tennessee of his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which wum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves jointly and severly firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Leonard BULLOCK hath been Elected a Constable in the 9th district in the County og Marshall and hath this day been duly qualified as such therefore if the said Leonard BULLOCK shall well and truly Execute and a true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected by him as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same to do and perform all such duties as are required by law on him as constable then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, day & date above written, Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Leonard BULLOCK (seal) James W. RIGGS (seal) John SHUFFIELD (seal) and also took the several oaths prescribed by law. And thereupon Lewis W. HOGG Constable Elect in and for district No. 10 appeared in open Court and executed his bond and gave securities as the law directs which bond is in the words and figures following to wit- State of Tennessee Marshall County Know all men by these presents that we Lewis W. HOGG Lewis RING and John H. LOGAN all of said Countys are held and firmly bound into Newton CANNON Govenor of the State of (112) Tennessee or his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves jointly and severally firmly by these presents sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that where as the above bound Lewis W. HOGG hath been Elected constable in the 10th district in the County of Marshall and has this day been duly wualified as such therefore if the said Lewis W. HOGG shall well and truly execute and a true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as Constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected by him as such to whom soever may be legally authorized to receive the same and to do and perform all such duties as are required by lawon him as constable then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, day and date above written. Test: Martin W. OAKLEY Clerk of Marshall County. L. W. HOGG (seal) Lewis RING (seal) John H. LOGAN (seal) And also took the several oaths required by law. And thereupon Jackson LIGGETT constable elect in and for district No. 11, appeared in open Court and executed hid bond and gave securities as the law requires which bond is in the words and figures as follows to wit: State of Tennessee Marshall County. Know all men by these presents that we J. LIGGETT & Charles HARDISON & Samuel EWING all of said County are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee or his successors in office, in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves and each of us our heirs executors administrators jointly and severally firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that where as the above (113) bound Jackson LIGGETT hath been elected a constable in the 11th district in the County of Marshall and hath this day been duly qualified as such. Now therefore if the said J. LIGGETT shall well and truly execute and true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hands as constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same & to do and perform all such duties as are required by law on him as constable; then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain full force & virtue, day & date above written. Test; M. W. OAKLEY Clerk. J. LIGGETT (seal) Charles HARDISON (seal) Samuel EWING (Seal) And also to the several oaths required by law. And thereupon Joseph W. WINSTON Constable elect in and for district No. 12 appeared in open Court and give bond and security as the law requires, which bond is in the words and figures following to wit- State of Tennessee Marshall County ) S S Know all men by these present that we Joseph W. WINSTON Charles HARDISON and A. E. McCLURE, all of said County are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON governor of the State of Tennessee or his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars, for payment of which well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves abd each of our heirs, executing, administrators jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals and dated this 5 day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Joseph W. WINSTON hath been elected a Constable in the 12th district in the County of Marshall, and hath this day been duly qualified as such therefore if the said Joseph W. WINSTON shall well & truly execute & true return make upon all & every process which may come into hands as Constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the sum & to do & perform all such duties as are required by law on him as Constable. Then this obligation to be void other- (114) wise to remain in full force and virtue day & date above written. Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Joseph W. WINSTON (seal) Charles HARDISON (seal) A. E. McCLURE (seal) And also took the several oaths required by law. And thereupon Matthew N. POWELL Constable Elect in and for district No. 14 appeared in open Court and gave bond and security as the law requires which bond is in words and figures to wit- State of Tennessee Marshall County. Know all men by these ptesence that we Matthew N. POWELL William D. POWELL & Mark H. WILSON of the said County are held and firmly bound unto Newton CANNON Governor of the State of Tennessee or his successors in office in the sum of Four Thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind ourselves & each of us our heirs Executors administrators jointly & severly firmly by their presences sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the aboveobligation is such that whereas the above bound Mathew N. POWELL hath been elected Constable in the 14 district in the county of Marshall and hath this day been qualified as such now therefore if the said Mathew N. POWEL shall well and truly execute and a true return make upon all and every process which may come into his hand s as Constable as aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same & to do & perform all such duties as are required by lae on him as constable then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue day and date above written. Test; M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Matthew N. POWEL (seal) William D. POWELL (seal) Mark H. WILSON (seal) and also took the several oaths prescribed by law. And thereupon Heremiah HOLT Constable elect in and for district No. 13 appeared in open Court and gave bond and security as the law requires which bond is in the wors and figures to wit; State of Tennessee, Marshall County. Know all men by these presence that we Jeremiah HOLT George W. RECORD (115) & Nathan GLENN all of the county of Marshall of the State of Tennessee and are held formly bound unto the Govenor Newton CANNON of the State of Tennessee and his successors in office in the sum of Four thousand dollars for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made we bind oursles and each of us our heirs executors administrators jointly & severly firmly by these presence sealed with our seals and dated this 5th day of March 1838. The condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the above bound Jeremiah HOLT hath been elected a constable in the 13th district in the County of Marshall and hath this day been duly qualified as such and now therefor if the said Jeremiah HOLT shall well an truly execute and true return make upon all and every ptocess which may come into his hands as Constable aforesaid and faithfully pay over and account for all moneys by him collected as such to whomsoever may be legally authorized to receive the same and to di and perform all such duties as required by law on him as Constable then this obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and virtue and effect. Test: M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Jeremiah HOLT (seal) Nathan GLENN (seal) G. W. RECORD (seal) Also took the several oaths prescribed by law. James V. EWING being duly commissionerd by the governor of the State of Tennessee as a justice of the peace in and for the County of Marshall this day appeared in open Court and took the several oaths prescribed by law to be taken by officers in the State of Tennessee he is henceforth empowered to do and perform the several duties of Justice of the peace for the County of Marshall & that full faith and credit shall be given to all his official acts as such. The executors of a Power of Attorney made by John FEARNEY, Sarah FEARNEY, Benjamin Franklin RFEARNEY and Malinda FEARNEY minors and heirs at Law of Samuel FEARNEY Deceased late of the Republic of Texas, to John WEBB appointing him to sue for and receive and demand from the government of Texas all such dues & bounties &C ti which he sd, deceased was entitles was this (116) day proven in open Court by the oaths of John G. JONES and Milton WEBB subscribing witness thereto, and on motion ordered to be certified. The last will and Tesament of Samuel McCALL deceased was produced in open Court as the last will and testament of said deceased and the same being also proven by the testimony of Richard VENABLE a sunscribing witness thereto, and by this Court was ordered to be recorded. And upon motion it is ordered by the Court that letters teshmentary Issue to James BILLINGTON and Elixabeth McCALL who accordingly Executed their bond in the sum of $1000 with Andrew VENEBLE & Joseph (McBRIDE) McCORD and took the oaths prescribed by law for qualification. The following is a report of the Commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to value a tract of land which Joseph DUNCAN no lives on which report is in the words & figures following, to wit. Agreeable to an order to us directed from the worshipful County Court of Marshall State of Tennessee have met at the dwelling house of Joseph DUNCAN in said County & after being swornto proceed to value a tract of land belonging to the estate of William DUNCAN deceased agreeable to the will of said deceased and we do depose and say that we believe the said tract of land containing one hundred acres be the same fore of less to be worth fifteen hundred and Eight dollars whereunto we have hereunto set our hands this24 day of February 1838. Test; M. W. OAKLEY Clk. Peter WILLIAMS William WILKS John B. FOWLER Wm. McGREGOR James BOYET which report being heard and understood by the Court is in all things Confirmed and made theorder of this Court. David M. LOGAN a minor was this day bound as an apprentice to Thomas CUMMINGS untill the arrives at the age of Twenty one year. (117) Sarah MCKEE appeared in Court and on motion was appointed Guardian of James Alexander, Elizabeth Carlin, William Carrol, Samuel Poll, Sarah Rebecca Benjamin MCKEE minor heirs of Samue MCKEE deceased who entered into bond in the sum of seven thousand dollars with with Thomas MCKEE and James BAXTER securities. Moses ONEAL Guardian of William MOUNT Harris MOUNT and Nancy MOUNT, minor heirs of Harris MOUNT deceased Exhibited his account as Guardian of said minors which was ordered to be recorded. On motion it is ordered by the Court that Martin ADAMS William LITTLE, Houston PRICE, John LITTLE, and Samuel GRAVES be appointed a Jury if View to turn the Shelbyville road from the end of Elisha FALWELL’s lane on the line between said FALWELL and Pleasant A. WILSON North east Corner thence with said WILSONS North boundary line to the old road if in their Judgement they think the public good and that of Individuals require it. Issued. On motion it is ordered by the Court that Orson GRAY, James WILSON, James LOONEY Jr. Harris MALDERY Enoch RUST James SANDERS and Joel DODD be appointed a Jury of view to turn a small part of the Cornersville & Fayetville road running through B. B. MERRITS farm if in their Judgement they think the good of the individual require it and the public not injured. Issued. On motion it is ordered by the court that Samuel BECKETT be appointed overseer if the road commenceing at the Cornersville road at the end of Robert McCRORYS land and terminatintg at Samuel BECKETTS line near LANHORNS field and that he have all the hands in the following bounds, to wit, beginning at Robert McCRORYS thence to James SHANNONS thence to Allen TALLEYS James ALLEN & John LUNSFORD E. LINCOLN thence to William EMMERSONS thence to John McGREGOR thence to Wm. McGREGOR. Issued. (118) The commissioners appointed at a former term of this Court to lay off one years provision for the widow of Roger S. WILLIAMS deceased reports as follows to wit: We the undernamed subscribers being appointed by the Worshipful Court of Marshall County to lay off and name one years provision for Phidelia WILLIAMS and family, she being the wife widow of Roger S. WILLIAMS deceased have proceeded to do the same. 2000 pounds of bacon 3 barrels of Corn 5 bushels of wheat one milch cow one bushel salt ten pounds of coffee 15 pounds of sugar quarter pound of pepper 1/4 spice 1/4 ginger 25 lb soap 20 Lb lard. Jas. BAXTER Commissioner February 20, 1838. William WILES “ On motion it is ordered by the court that William T. COOK be appointed overseer o the Fayetville road from the rodge dividing the waters of Richland and Bradshaw creeks east of Chesley SMITHS to the Lincoln County line and have all the hands who formerly worked on said road. Issued. Ordered by the court that Aaron BOYD John CATHEY and Joshua BUTLER be appointed commissioners to lay off the bounds of hands to the following overseers to wit, John ROBERTSON, Marcilius COOK and John RAGSDALE overseers of the road leading from RAINEY’s to LILLIARD’s on the Williamson County line and lay off said bounds agreably to hands and distance that each overseer has to word. Issued. The Jury of inquest summoned by the Sheriff to enquire into the Lunacy and condition of Joseph SPRADLIN, reports as follows, We the Jury of inquest after being sworn and duly qualified, to examine the case of Joseph SPRADLIN, We concur in affirming that we believe him to be in a state of insanity. William J. ANDERSON Isaac H. WILLIAMS William COWDEN William COOK Nathan GLENN William ARTHUR James HOUSTON Wm. LONDON James ELLIOTT Josiah DUNCAN John R. BAGLEY William WHITE (119) Ordered by the Court that Ezekiel E. VERNOR overseer of the road from McCURRAYS mill to the pulaski road have in addition to the hands he heretofore had to wit, G. SANDERS B. LITTLETON, John JONES and John THOMPSON, provided they are not included in any former order. Whereupon Court adjourned untill nine o’clock tomorrow morning. John HATCHETT Chariman Robert JOHNSTON J.P. James V. EWING J.P. Tuesday morning March 6, 1838. Court met according to adjournment present John HATCHETT Chairman Asa HOLLAND Robert JOHNSTON Thomas ROSS and James V. EWING Gentlemen Justices peace proclamation &C. It having been represented to the satisfaction of this Court that Joseph RUTLEDGE late of this county has died leaving no last will and testament and Wm. O. RUTLEDGE made application for letters of administration and he having entered into bond and security accepted by the Court in the sum of three hundred Dollars and took the oath prescribed by law the same is granted. On motion it is ordered by the Court that B. WILLIAMS be appointed one of the Committee of the Poor house establishment of Marshall County in the room an stead of Peter PHIFER. George W. RECORD appeared in open Court and filed his affiavit in open Court setting fourth that he believe he is in danger of being damaged in consequence of having become security of harris BRANTLEY as administrator of Wm. BRANTLEY deceased and on motion it is ordered by the Court that the Sherif of Marshall County be and he is hereby required to summon the said Harris BRANTLEY to be and appear before the Justices of our next County Court for said County then and thereto release the said George W. RECORD as security as aforesaid. Issued. (120) Benjamin WILLIAMS Exhibited his account in open Court sd Guardian of the minor heirs of John McCLAIN deceased which was received by the court and ordered to be recorded. Thomas ROSS appeared in open Court and presented his resignation as Justice of the Peace for Marshall County which was accepted by the Court- Whereupon the Court adjourned intil Court in Course. Jno. HATCHETT Chariman Robert JOHNSTON J.P. James V. EWING J.P.