MARSHALL COUNTY, TN - COURT- Minutes MAY 1839 SESSION ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was transcribed by TNMARSHA-L@rootsweb mailing list members and contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Dana Hill =================================================================== MARSHALL COUNTY TENNESSEE COURT MINUTES–MAY 1839 Page (261) Cont. Mary term 1839. State of Tennessee, Marshall County. At a County Court begun and held for the County of Marshall at the Court house in the Town of Lewisburg the place appointed by law for holding the several Courts for said County on the first Monday in May the same being the sixth day of the month A.D. 1839- present Asa HOLLAND, Robert JOHNSON and James V. EWING regular guard for the present year, Justices of the peace proclamation &C. This day came Nancy MARTIN in to open Court and acknowledged that a power of attorney executed to John F. MARTIN by her on the 25th day of April 1839, whereby the said John F. Is empowered to receive and receipt for the above or portion of the children of said Nancy MARTIN for whom she is Guardian in the estate of their Grandmother Susannah MARTIN late of Henry County Virginia is her act and deed for the purposes therein named. (262) May term 1839. This day came Joseph MARTIN into open court and acknowledged that a power of attorney Executed to John F. MARTIN by him on the 6th day of May 1839 whereby the said John F. MARTIN is empowered to receive and receipt for my portion of my grandmothers estate my father’s mother late of the County of Henry,Virginia is his act and due for the purposes therein named. Matthew N. POWELL presented his resognation as constable of Marshall County in the 14th District which was received by the Court. Martin W. OAKLEY presented to this Court an account of a settlement made by him with John W. RECORD Guardian of William H. EVANS minor heir of John EVANS deceased for the year 1838 which report was by the Court seen and fully understood and ordered to be recorded. Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this court presented to this Court an account of a settlement made by him with John WILKS Guardian of Malinda S. BILLS and Blackstone H. BILLS for the year ending 1839 the 3rd of April which report by the Court seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded. Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented to this Court an account of a settlement with Isaac W. WALKER Guardian of Vitottle Matilda DRIDEN for the year ending the 1st day of April 1839 which report being seen and by the court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded. Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this Court presented to this Court an account of a settlement made by him with Elizabeth CANNON guardian of the minor heirs of Thompson CANNON decd which report being seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded. (263) Monday morning May term 1839. John T. HARRIS Elected and commissioned as a Justice of th peace appeared in Court and took the several oaths prescribed by law. Martin W. OAKLEY clerk of this court presented an account of a settlement made by him with Richard McREE and Solomon MEADOWS administrators of the estate of B. SHORT decd which report being seen and by the court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded. Solomon MEADOWS appeared in Court and presented a report of the amount of moneys that has come into his hands as guardian of Harriett SHORT which report being seen and by the Court understood was in all things confirmed and ordered to be recorded. Martin DOWDY administrator of the estate of Rebecc a DOWDY deceased appeared in Court and presented an account of sales of said estate which was ordered to be recorded. On motion it is ordered by the Court6 that Robert PATTERSON Jr. Jas. M. RIGGS, Jno. H. ROBINSON, J. W. OGLIVIE, E. H. McLANE, change a part of the Murfreesborough road which passes through Samuel GRAVES Land if in their judgement the good of the individual requires it and that of the public not injured and report thereon to the next July term of this Court. Issued. James M. RIGGS Admrs. of the William M. HANCOCK decd. appeared in open Court and returned an additional inventory of said estate which was ordered to be recorded. Elizabeth MEDARIS appeared in Court and was thereupon appointed guardian of Catherine, L. C. George W. John L., Martha Francis & Wilie MEDARIS minor heirs of Washington MEDARIS decd. She having Executed her bond in the sum of Twenty five thousand dollars with Wm. C. SWANSON, H. S. BLAKEMORE, Richard SANDIFER & John WOODWARD her securities which bond was accepted by the Court. (264) May term 1839. Blackstone H. BILLS by his next forend Berry MOORE, John WILKS & William WILKS, Petition to remove them as his guardians on the partition of Blackstone H. BILLS by his next friend Berry MOORE, Petition this Court to remove John WILKS and William WILKS as guardians of him the said BILLS, said Petitioner state that the said WILKS is wasting his estate and therefore pays the court to remove the said John and William WILKS and appoint some other suitable person in their sted whereupon it is ordered by the Court that the said John & William WILKS be removed as guardians of said BILLS and th thereupon the said William WILKS made application for an appeal from the decision of this Court to the next Circuit Court to be held for the County of Marshall he having Executed his bond according to law the same is Granted. Stephen A.HILL appeared in Court and was thereupon appointed Guardian for Rhody FOWLER minor heirs of John HILL decd he having Executed his bond in the sum of three hundred dollars with William HILL and Thos. NIX his security which was accepted by the Court. On motion it is ordered by the Court that John ALEXANDER be appointed overseer of the said road in the room and stead of Jones COLLINS and that he have the hands that live in the bounds that formerly worked under him to keep said road in repair. Issued. And thereupon Court adjourned untill Court in course. Asa HOLLAND J.P. Robert JOHNSTON J.P. James V. EWING J.P.