MARSHALL COUNTY, TN - WILLS - William Williams, 3 May 1840 ----¤¤¤---- State of Tennessee, Marshall County Book A, pgs. 90-92 In the name of God amen. Being in my wright mind I make this my last will and testament. 1st that is to say I give my beloved wife Elizabeth Williams the plantation whereon I now live containing one hundred and seventy acres, also three negroes namely Amos, Winny and Lucy their youngest daughter, also one good farm horse, three cows and calves and hogs enough for her use for one year and the house and kitchen furniture or so much of it as she wants, also five hundred dollars in money out of the money arising from my estate, also one year provision of the crops on hand, also she is to have the benefit of half the cedar land that remains of the Kirkman place, south half for timber. 2nd I give to my daughter Nancy McCrory $600, or six hundred dollars, and two negroes namely Amy and her son Harrison, the two worth $600, six hundred dollars, also one track of land whereon she now lives which land is worth $2400, or two thousand four hundred dollars the hole making $3600 all of which she has had. I also give her one negro girl, named Anny, worth six dollars $600. 3rd I give to my son Benjamin Williams $1000 one thousand dollars in money and one tract of land whereon he now lives worth $2350, or two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars, of which he has had. I also give him one negro boy named Robert worth $600 or six hundred dollars. 4th I give my son Robert Williams $1000 one thousand dollars which he has had and one tract of land that I bought of Robert Adams Esqr. containing one hundred and fifteen acres, also the tract of land that I bought of John Carpenter containing one hundred acres, also twenty seven acres I got of Alexander Adams which deed was made to Robert from Adam, also a small lot of land to be taken off this hereon I now live that today beginning on a white oak now James Adams Esq. South west corner of a tract of land that he bought of Robert A. Patterson running through South so as to strike D J. Ramsey’s north boundary line about where the southeast corner of Carpenters tract stood so as to make the Carpenter tract up to one hundred acres the whole of the land to be worth $2500, two thousand fiver hundred dollars. I also give him one negro boy name Jack worth $350, three hundred and fifty, also the north half of the cedar land belong to me on the Kirkman place worth $100. 5th I give my son William Williams three thousand dollars in money $3000 also one hundred acres of land worth $700, seven hundred dollars all of which he has had. I also give him one negro man named Peter worth $400, four hundred dollars. 6th I give to my son C.W. Williams $3000, three thousand dollars in money also $700, seven hundred dollars in money and mules together all of which he has had. I also give him one negro boy named Elijah worth $450, four hundred and fifty dollars. 7th I give to my daughter Sarah Nowlin one negro girl named Mary worth $600, six hundred dollars also $1400, one thousand four hundred dollars in cash, also two hundred acres of land worth $1000, one thousand dollars all of which she has had. Also I give her one negro girl name Harrett worth three hundred dollars. 8th I give to my son John Williams 640 acres of land lying in Tishamingo County, Mississippi being section No. 2 in township No. 4 (four) in range No. 7 (seven) East of the Biser McCandary of the Chickasaw Session worth $3500, three thousand five hundred dollars. I also give him one negro boy name Sam worth two hundred dollars $200, also one horse at least worth one hundred dollars. 9th I give to my son Alfred Williams 320 acres of land it being half of the section 14 (fourteen) in township 9R1 east at the west half of said section also 160 acres it being the N.E. quarter of section 15 (fifteen) township 9 (nine) R1 (one), also 160, one hundred and sixty acres it being So. E. of section 11 (eleven) township 9R 1 all adjoining together which make 640 acres worth $3000, three thousand dollars. I also give him one negro boy named George worth $150, one hundred dollars and one horse and saddle worth $125, one hundred dollars and twenty five dollars. When he is twenty-one years of age after all I have. I and is compliant with I want all my children to be made up of eleven with the highest ones out of the mo… that may arise from my estate not named in this will, whereas half the slaves of R & W Williams is mine and one half section of land also three quarter section in Mississippi & same in this county not willed. All to be sold and equal division made with all the heirs. This is my will and wish and when this done it will all be wright I have my two oldest sons Benjamin and Robert Williams to act as Administrators and Executors to this my last will and testament written with my own hand and sealed with my own pen this 3rd day of May 1840. William Williams (seal) P.S. I want Peter to about as many of the tools out of the shop as he fetchs through his work but mini would have been burnt had not been for him. State of Tennessee Marshall County (seal) County Court Oct. Term 1840 Personally appear in open court James Adams, Sowell Yarwell, Shadrach Musteen, and John Miller who being first sworn here in open court say that they are as guarantees with the hand writing of the testator, and say that they believe that he wrought of said will with his owen proper hand. It is thereupon ordered by the court that said will be entered of record. Witness my hand at office this 5th day of October 1840 W.W. Oakley (seal) ------------------------------------- Will transcribe by Scott O. Fraser (mistakes could possibly be found because of uncertainity of writing at times.) ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Scott Fraser ___________________________________________________________________