Mcminn-Polk County TN Archives Military Records.....Longley, William Revwar - Pension ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher October 28, 2005, 9:40 pm WILLIAM LONGLEY William Longley was born in the state of New Jersey in the year of 1861.[sic] While he resided in Loudoun County, Va., he enlisted in Oct. 1789 and served in Captain Thomas Humphries Company, under Major Armisted, Col. Niswonger, Col. George Eskridge and Col. Summers. He was in the battle of Burrell's Ferry, Williamsburg and at the Siege of Yorktown. He was discharged in February, 1782. After the Revolution he lived a short time in Loudon ounty, and then moved to Shenandoah, Rockbridge and Washington Counties, Virginia, and in 1800 to Sevier County, Tennessee. He was allowed pension on his application, June 3, 1833, and was then a resident of McMinn County. He moved to Polk County and resided there when he drew pension in 1840. He died there Nov. 7, 1841. He married Sept. 1, 1784 in London County, Va., Mary, her name not being given in his pension application. She died June 7, or 9, 1844, in Polk County and she was then about seventy years of age. The following children survived their mother; Jonathan, born 1788; Joel, born Sept. 1, 1791; James, Mercy, Sarah and Abigail, their ages not shown, and John C., born 1806. John C. Longley was living in Polk County at the time of his mother's death and he stated that he was the youngest child of his parents. Abigail and her husband, William T. Patterson, were living in Catoosa County, Ga. Mrs. Etha Burk, sister of the widow, Mary Longley, was living in Catoosa County, Ga., in 1854, and was at that time 73 years of age. Additional Comments: From: SOME TENNESSEE HEROES OF THE REVOLUTION Compiled From Pension Statements PAMPHLET NO. II by Zella Armstrong File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb