McNAIRY COUNTY, TN - OBITUARIES - McNairy County Independent, 1919 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Douglas H. Prather ==================================================================== MRS. B. F. DARBY McNairy County Independent, May 9, 1919 Mrs. B. F. Darby, age 67 years, died Saturday morning at her home in Gravelhill. She was taken suddenly ill Friday night, and as though, an affliction of the heart, caused her sudden death. She was in her usual good health Friday. She was the wife of Dr. B. F.. Darby, one of best known citizens of the County. The deceased was the second wife of Dr. Darby, being married to him fifteen years ago in Alabama. She leaves five grown children by a former husband, four of whom were here at her funeral, which was conducted by Rev. J. B. Maxedon at the Gravelhill cemetery Sunday afternoon in presence of a large host of friends. The deceased was a Christian with noble traits of kindness and beloved by all. She was the staff of the venerable doctor, now n his 89th year, and very feeble and the loss together with a severe spell of sickness from which he has not recovered, have affected his mind, and his friends are fearful his days are few. The condolences of the Independent go to the family. LOUISA KINDALL PRATHER Atoka-Indian Citizen Democrat, Jan. 9, 1919, Page 1, Col. 2 Grandma Prather died at her home in the north part of town Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock and was laid to rest in Atoka cemetery yesterday. She is survived by her son, Odus, who is also seriously ill, and one daughter, Miss Jenaie, besides a large number of friends who mourn her loss. LOUISA KINDALL PRATHER McNairy County Independent, Jan. 10, 1919 H. A. Warren received Wednesday morning a dispatch stating that his sister, Mrs. Kay Prather, was at the point of death at her home at Atoka Okla. LOUISA KINDALL PRATHER Date and name of paper this article appeared in is unknown at this time. IN MEMORY OF MRS. L. K. PRATHER Mrs. Louisa Kindall Prather, better known by her home friends as " Aunt Kate". Was the daughter of Colonel James and Louisa Warren of McNairy County, Tennessee. Was born June 18, 1849. Was married to Dr. L. H. C. Prather, May 26, 1872. To this union two children were born, Odus and Jennie. Later they moved to Craghead County, Arkansas, and lived there about seven years, when the death angle visited the home and took as its victim Dr. Prather, her husband and father of the children. Loving friends laid his remains in the cemetery at New Hope church to rest until the resurrection morn. Mrs. Prather with her two children moved back to McNairy County, Tennessee and lived with her father and mother until their death about the year 1900. She then moved to Duncan, Indian Territory, and lived there one year; then moved to Atoka with Capt. J. T. Jeans and family. Mrs. Jeans is her sister. She lives in Duncan. When Mrs. Prather was 18 years of age she joined the Missionary Baptist church in McNairy County, Tennessee. When she moved to Atoka in 1901 she united with the Baptist church in this place. She attended church regularly for a while, but she became so afflicted that she could not walk very far, so she had to give up attending church with other pleasures she formerly enjoyed. She never murmured because of her affliction, but bore it cheerfully looking forward to the time when her Master would take her home to rest. She was taken with the influenza and pneumonia, and on January 7th, 1919 her summons come, and her soul passed peacefully to God who gave it. Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at death's alarm, Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to him. Two days later the Death Angel again visited this home and took an only brother, Odus Prather, and his only sister, who is left alone on her journey to the end of life here, and to the beginning of life in the great beyond. Their many friends mourn with her in this great sorrow. A FRIEND.