OBION COUNTY TN - CEMETERIES - Antioch Union Cemetery ********************************************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jane N. Powell ********************************************************************************************************** Antioch Union Cemetery Located at Antioch Union Church (Cumberland Presbyterian and United Methodist), Crystal Rd, 3 miles north of the intersection of Highway 22 and Crystal Road West of Union City. Could be the church organized by the Cumberland Presbyterians at Crystal with D. E. Park as an elder. Dr. McRee was a member; some others were E. D. Farris, Jo McLeskey, Geor McIlwain and Rev. Dunnigan. The first building was of logs, date unknown. In 1940 the building was on land deeded, in 1875, by J. B. Hudson to J. E. Park, D. W. Owen, W. F. Gray, trustees of the Cumberland Church and A. Cloar, A. B. Williams and John K. Williams, trustees of the Methodist Church. A 1874 frame building was replaced by a new structure in 1926. Methodist Pastors: W. C. Sellars, J. H. Collins, R. M. King, J. A. Russell, J. R. Bell, J. V. Faly, J. E. Jones, C. D. Evans, T. G. Lowery, E. E. Spears, W. A. Lampkin, E. W. Masedon, W. A. Banks, Humbert Weir, Sam McLlaughin, Walter Jones, P. D. T. Robert, Sam Martin, R. A. Stanfill. Cumberland Presbyterian Ministers: Jo McLeskey, C. H. Cobb, Abe Owens, Joe B. Calhoun, W. M. Robinson, E. D. Farris, B. L. Holder, W. B. Cunningham, R. E. White, G. P. McIlwaine, E. M. Jennings. O. A. Gardner, Rev. Leonard. Roll of Methodist in 1940: W. A. Council, W. P. Vaught, Mrs. Kate Hudson, Mrs. Dick Barksdale, R. L. Kersey, J. B. Wheeler, Mrs. Vern Brewer, Rev. M. Youree, Rev. J. M. Kendall. Elders, Cumberland Presbyterian: A. O. McDaniel, J. F. Powell, Marvin Vaught, J. Malone, John Hudson, James Threlkeld, J. A. Bumpus, W. A. Cravins. Johanna Thompson Killion, John, 2-13-1816 to 2-18-1886 h/o Christenia Killion, Christenia, 7-27-1827 to 8-20-1905 w/o John B. J. Jones, 1877-1965 Effie Jones, 1883-1968 Booney Jones, 1-8-1896 to 7-14-1968 Dellen Jones, 1-6-1896 no death date Charlie E Jones, 1920 no death date Charlie D Jones , 7-18-1886 to 7-12-1953 Mattie Mae Jones, 1908-1964 Clea Jones, 5-25-1928 stillborn Henry Homer Jones, 9-10-1882 to 5-27-1951 s/o James and Adeline Jones Laura Francis Jones, 7-21-1888 no death date James W Jones, 4-12-1847 to 1905 h/o Adeline Jones Adeline M Jones, 1850-1907 w/o James W Jones John Ed Jones, 12-27-1893 to 10-27-1907 s/o Robt & Saphire Jones Margaret Jones, 12-5-1800 to 1-20-1876 Nancy C. Jones, 4-14-1830 to 2-2-1905 Sam Jones, 5-20-1896 no death date Nellie M. Jones, 9-23-1908 to 10-10-1956 Thomas Jones, 1-5-1811 to 1-1-1891 Thomas Bernice Jones, 1-29-1895 to 12-20-1972 s/o James & Adeline Jones William C. Jones, 10-8-1879 to 1945, s/o James & Adeline Jones Maud M. Jones, 1889 to 1908 Cherry, Andrew 1923-1940 Cherry, J. Watt 1893-1945 Cherry, S.C. 4-2-1849 - 7-2-1927 Cherry, Tennie 12-10-1855 to 6-16-1928 Cherry, Thomas A. 1857-1945 Cherry, Dora C 1871-1943 Cherry, Tina Lenny 10-10-1881 to 7-10-1972 Lela H Cherry 1891-1967 Killion, Annie 1864-1930 Killion, Charlie 1889-1920 Killion, J.C. "Chuck" 1882-1935 Killion, Della M. 1893-1966 Killion, M.W. " Will" 1849-1920 Killion, N.A. "Sis" 1846-1931 Killion, R.B. "Bob" 1875-1918 Killion, Myrtle 1879-1952 Killion, Richard Parnell 1919-1921 Killion, Charlie 1889-1920 Killion, Richard Parnell 1919-1921 Grisham Antioch Cem. (on Crystal Rd.) McDaniel, A. F., March 3, 1852 - August 21, 1880, w/o W. I. McDaniel McDaniel, Adron O., 1872 - 1945 McDaniel, Emma M., 1868 - 1935 McDaniel, Charles Gilbert, July 14, 1926 - October 23, 1930 McDaniel, Dorothy L., 1925 - 1930 McDaniel, Era, May 22, 1881 - August 12, 1891, d/o W. I. & I. C. McDaniel McDaniel, Gilbert H., 1908 - 1969 McDaniel, Mary S., 1908 - _____ McDaniel, Harry, 1878 - 1948 McDaniel, Myrtle, 1880 - 1961 McDaniel, 1903 - 19__ McDaniel, Sophie, 1909 - 1936 McDaniel, Hugh T., 1873 - 1937 McDaniel, Fannie Rice, 1879 - 1958 McDaniel, Isa C., October 22, 1846 - June 1, 1915, w/o W. I. McDaniel McDaniel, Little Brother, 1910 McDaniel, Robert W., March 25, 1884 - May 22, 1857 McDaniel, Hattie M., August 15, 1888 - June 17, 1967 McDaniel, S. L., February 12, 1809 - September 15, 1897 McDaniel, Eliza, May 24, 1817 - October 4, 1889, w/o S. L. McDaniel McDaniel, W. I., October 16, 1850 - February 16, 1926 Elam Hicks, Dolph A. 1872 - 1941 Hicks, Matilda J. 1884 - 1964 Hicks, Ayward Clifford 03/28/10 - 03/22/73 Hicks, (living) 11/27/12 Hicks, Robert M. 09/16/1896 - 02/09/26 Hicks, Robert Taylor(son) 06/04/26 - 10/11/26 Hicks, Vassie L. 1873 - 1939 Hicks, Howell W. 1869 - 1941 Downing, Ed 04/11/01 - 05/15/73 Downing, Vallie B. 10/09/05 - 07/17/82 Pinion, Fred 1874 - 1963 Pinion, Ida Jane 1883 - 1948 Obion Co History, Vol 1, gives following as buried in Antioch, but not which Antioch. Bruer, John Ezra, ?-1932 Bruer, Lara Caldwell, ?-1944 Burress, Abbey Ellen, 21 Jul 1879-31 Jan 1961 Obion Co History, Vol Armstrong, Jasper Newton, 1856 - 25 Nov 1933 Armstrong, Martha Frances Land, b. - d. 22 Dec 1931 ] William M COOK , 5 Oct 1839 - 26 Jun 1908. m1. Eliza Parks 24 Jan 1864. Eliza Parks Cook, d. 21 Mar 1884, buried in Antioch Cem. Lonna Jean Conroy 1. Hudson, Charles E. 1866 - 1904 (s/o John Benjamin Hudson & Mary L. Crockett) 2. Hudson, Anna Cloar 1870 - 1955 (w/o Charles E. Hudson) 3. Hudson, Elthus "Bobe," 1880 - 1952 4. Hudson, Maggie B., 1889 - 19-- 5. Hudson, J. A. 30 Aug. 1874 - 15 Apr 1928 (s/o John Benjamin Hudson and Mary L. Crockett) 6. Hudson, Kate 28 July 1874 - 20 Sept 20, 1969, w/o J. A. Hudson 7. Hudson, J. B. 8 Jan. 1840 - 16 Jul 1916 (s/o Pleas Hudson and Paulina Hubbard) 8. Hudson, Mary L. Crockett 3 Apr 1844 - 22 Jul 1901, w/o J. B Hudson (d/o John Potts Crockett & Phoebe Ezell) 9. Hudson, Walter, 1877 - 1958 (s/o John B. Hudson and Mary L. Crockett) 10. Hudson, Adell 1844 - 19-- (w/o Walter Hudson) *11. Thomas Marion Hampton 1854 - 1891 *12. Cora Hudson Hampton 1857 - 1939 (d/o Pleas Hudson & Paulina Hubbard; w/o Thomas Marion Hampton) My family records verify the first ten in this list as per a tombstone transcription done by Trulla Hudson Shemwell in the early 1970's; #11 & #12 were received from a lady who did a look up for me from Obion Records. There are additional HAMPTON graves in the cemetery that I believe are related to Thomas M. HAMPTON, but I don't know how. Lonna Jean Conroy