Obion County TN Archives Cemeteries.....Erwin Cemetery - Complete Survey ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Arline Erwin Orr November 7, 2008, 9:52 pm Abstracted By: Arline Erwin Orr This cemetery is located approximately 3 miles west of the Cloverdale Church of Christ. Several Erwins are buried in this cemetery; also a few McClellands, who married into the Erwin family. The Erwins immigrated from Ireland in the late 1840's or early 1850's. Robert Erwin, one of three brothers, who came to Obion County, purchased land approximately 2 miles west of Elbridge. The land was formerly a land grant from North Carolina. The farm remained in the Erwin family for 124 years. It was recognized as a century farm several years past. The monuments are in a depressed condition, some overturned, but the names are still legible. The few, remaining, Erwin family members cannot document why they chose this site for a family cemetery. Descendants of the family buried in this cemetery are buried in the Elbridge Cemetery. Last Name First Name Middle Name Birth Death Comment -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orr Arline Erwin 09/10/1935 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb