OBION COUNTY TN - CEMETERIES - Mt. Manuel Cemetery (partial) ********************************************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Mary R. McTurner ********************************************************************************************************** Mt. Manuel Cemetery, first called "Pride Cemetery," because my grandfather Jesse Pinkly Pride donated the land. His farm was on top of Fish Gap Hill adjoining the cemetery. The cemetery has changed names twice since it was Pride Cemetery. It was Cresent Cemetery and now Mt. Manuel. Jesse Pinkly is buried in the oldest section of the cemetery that has since grown over. The older section was partial cleaned a couple years ago. I still haven't been able to find my grandfathers tombstone, put up by the W.O.W. My grandmother Susanna "Alexander" Pride is buried beside him in an unmarked grave. If anyone has knowledge of any records kept when the Cemetery was Pride or Cresent I would love to hear from you. I would like very much to locate my grandparents graves. Pride, Jesse Pinkly, b.. 5-9-1832, d. 1-22-1915 Pride, Susanna, b.1-9-1852, d. 3-22-1927 (w/o Jesse Pinkly, d/o Josiah Alexander and Martha Ann "Dodson"Alexander)