OBION COUNTY TN - CEMETERIES - Mt. Moriah Cemetery ********************************************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jane N. Powell ********************************************************************************************************** Mt. Moriah Cemetery is about three miles outside of Glass TN, Dist 14 (districts realigned in 1870, was prob. district 5 before then) about a mile or two west of Obion on the road to Elbridge. An old log church building, used by different denominations, once was on the site of Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Gillum Jackson was involved in the organization and according to old records the "Baptist met on Saturday afternoon, preceding the second Sabbath of the month." James Upton was an early preacher; Gillum Jackson became minister of the Baptist Church in 1853. John Edwards tore down and moved this building to the Charles Pardue place and in 1870 another was built at the site of the present Baptist Church. Jack Beaird hauled sills and planed lumber by hand for that building which burned in 1943. It was replaced the same year. Tom Russell (1808-1865) asked to be the first person buried at Mt. Moriah and this was the beginning of the 5-acre plot knows as "Old Part" of the cemetery. Between 1906 and 1911, "Polk Beaird's Section" (middle section) was added and Josua Beaird was the first buried here. After the school consolidation, that ground was added as the north side of the cemetery. In 1931, Mt. Moriah Cemetery Association was organized and D. E. McCorkle served as president until his death in 1939 when Dave Miller was elected. Nellie Miller Wells Bennett served as Secretary-Treasurer 1931-1968 Gwyneth B. Miller was elected following the resignation of Mrs. Bennett. In 1975 Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Miller, Edward McCorkle, M. T. McCorkle, J. H. Bennett, Elmer Harris, Kirkland Wells, Morgan Clanton, David McCorkle, J. D. Grisham, J. R. Albright and Nell Tate helped begin a Cemetery Trust fund charterd June 26, 1975 by the State of Tennessee. Larry Curry Curry, James W. , 10 Apr 1824-31 Jul 1902 Curry, Mary, 16 May 1829--26 Jan 1901 Curry, John Vaulton, 14 Mar 1868-10 Sep 1885 Submitted by Dora Russell, Thomas P. 1862 - 1939 Russell, Mary Julia 1862 - 1951 (on same stone with Thomas P.) Russell, Manerva Jane Nov 11, 1854 - July 9, 1926 Russell, Rhoda July 31, 1825 - Nov 5, 1922, Mother Russell, John Mar 1, 1849 - July 18, 1918, Son (on same stone with Rhoda) Obion Co History, Vol 2 Allen, Mary Ella Lawson Petty, 23 July 1902 - no date given Boehm, George Graves, 7 Jun 1894 - 15 Oct 1955 Boehm, Fannie Mai Albright, b. - d. 29 July 1925 Butler, Frank Eugene, 19 Sep 1896 - 21 Mar 1973 Butler, Maude Mae Woodall, 7 Sept 1902 - 12 Mar 1982 My Great Grandfather, Waller Bright Walker, of Obion Co. was one of the 6 sons & one d/o James (Jim) B. Walker (11 Nov 1818-m. 30 Jul 1844- d. 12 May 1882) & Selena Jane Westmoreland (1 Aug 1825- 11 Dec 1910.) Both are buried in Mt. Moriah Cemetery. Jim B. Walker served as a Sheriff of Obion Co. for 2 years between the end of the Civil War and his death, a fact which is in conflict with LDS information that he died 12 May 1862. (My GGrandfather was born 12 Jan 1863) Some sources list the children of this couple as: Robert William Walker, Theodore Aleazar Walker, Lafayette Walker, Waller Bright Walker 1863, Crawford Walker, Clay Walker 1854, Mary Alice Walker 1857-1928 wife of Chesley Davis Smith Diana Steward Flesner July 28, 2002 Archie Steward, Born Dec. 15, 1819 Died Jan. 28, 1911 "Beloved Father Farewell" John S. Steward, Born Feb. 13,1855 Died Feb. 22, 1930 L.L. Wife of John Steward, Born July 5, 1848 Died Jan. 8, 1913 "He giveth his beloved sleep" (John & L.L. are on same monument. ) Annie L. Winstead Steward, 1870 - 1939 She is the 2nd wife of John. Her actual b. 14 Feb. 1870 d. 26 Jun 1939. I have recently compiled a little bit of history on her if anyone might be interested in Hutchinson or Winstead. I have photos of above in jpeg format. The following are also buried at Mt. Moriah but no photos taken yet. Steward (On 1 monument) Blanch M. --- James W. --- Alfred W. Oct 4 1886 --- Sept 22 1915 --- Feb 5 1877 Apr 9 1953 ----Apr 19 1953 --- Aug 21 1960 Mother (On stone at foot of Blanch) Jane Harris Riggs, 1846-1915 Three children of Blanch Steward (On stone at foot of Alfred) "Let Your Light So Shine" Berlin Steward Jan 6 1925