OBION COUNTY TN - CEMETERIES - Simpson Hill Cemetery ********************************************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jane N. Powell ********************************************************************************************************** SIMPSON HILL CEMETERY 1872--1956 Located on a farm owned by Jim and Connie Scott of Obion, Tennessee, approximately one and one half acres surrounded by a fence. It is badly overgrown and shows signs of neglect and destruction: many headstones which may have been there have been covered or destroyed. Located in the Glass community, it can be reached as follows: Leave US 51 at the Obion exit, proceed west on Glass-Elbridge Road 2.2miles: in the Glass community turn left on Sharps-Ferry road; proceed .5 mile; turn left on Revell Road, proceed .9 mile, passing brick house; turn right at the end of road into the Scott's drive to house at top of hill; walk or drive approximately 150 yards southwest to an old cedar grove where cemetery is located. A clean-up and restoration project was begun in June 2001 with the help of the Obion Co. Sheriff's Dept. Donations are being accepted for the construction of a new fence and re-erecting most of the head stones. Any contributions can be sent to Simpson Hill Cemetery, c/o Billy J. Foster, P.O. Box # 514, Rutherford, Tn.38369. For more information call 731-665-7360 or E-Mail or Betty WRIGHT Wells Following list copied Jan.1, 1982 by Carolyn West Strickland/updated 7/1/2001 by Billy J. Foster. Last Name First Name/Ini DOB DOD Comment ANDREWS E.J.. 1/26/1869 7/13/1875 D/o M.P. & N.E. ANDREWS ANDREWS E.L. 11/8/1877 9/13/1881 S/o M.P. & N.E. ANDREWS BRIGHT Jessie David 6/24/1871 5/8/1886/8 . CHANDLER Amon L. 7/2/1853 4/7/1906 . CHANDLER Charles H. 11/7/1876 9/10/1887 . CHANDLER Norma A. 2/10/1884 10/10/1884 . DENTON Eddie LAWSON 8/18/1885 7/16/1911 W/o Claud DENTON HARRIS Susan 9/17/1852 9/19/1877 W/o E.G. HARRIS IRBY Joseph Benjamin . 1/2/1922 Age 70yr JONES Clauda Johna 10/3/1885 1/26/1897 . JONES John A. 10/19/1852 11/11/1885 Father,35yrs,22days JONES Margaret WORLEY 9/20/1851 7/16/1913 Wife of John A., Mother JONES Stonewall 1/30/1880 9/15/1906 . JONES Toolow 1/15/1888 2/17/1908 W/o Everett JONES JONES William . . LukerFamilyBook/Vera Goodman Luker . Father/Mother . . Large stone turned over, Inscription buried JORDAN Jennie V. 7/14/1882 7/2/1887 Niece of Mrs. E.F. LUKER LANE Mary A. 2/16/1782 4/20/1878 W/o D.M.Lane LAWSON Jessie 3/16/1888 4/1/1897 S/o E.A. & M.U. LAWSON LAWSON Mary Eunice 5/24/1853 9/18/1936 Grandmother LAWSON Mattie May 2/5/1875 4/3/1932 W/o E.T. LAWSON LAWSON Walker 2/7/1876 11/4/1904 S/o E.A. & M. U. LAWSON LEWIS R. 4/15/1862 7/20/1901 . LUKER Elizabeth Frances 11/14/1838 9/23/1921 . LUKER Evie D. 7/18/1880 5/22/1897 S/o John & Mattie LUKER LUKER G. W.(George Willis) 8/2/1856 9/13/1904 . LUKER James Richmond 8/24/1821 7/16/1870 Luker Family/Vera Goodman Luker LUKER Jessie L. 3/20/1861 3/29/1917 . LUKER John Arnold 8/13/1881 2/12/1908 one record DOB 7/31/1881-DOD 2/2/1908 LUKER Lillie F.(ALDRIDGE) 1/2/1850 10/4/1915 64yr,9mo, Wife of G.W. LUKER LUKER Lou Ella WORLEY 8/24/1869 6/13/1956 W/o Jessie L. LUKER (last recorded burial) LUKER Mary JONES . . . MANGRUM . 2/10/188? . D/o J.E. & ? MANGRUM (stone broken) MOORE Julia Ann 12/1/1852 7/31/1873 W/o Harry MOORE SIMPSON Charity Ann (LUKER) 4/21/1826 . W/o J. W. SIMPSON, Mother SIMPSON China 1/1/1863 9/15/1875 D/o Charity SIMPSON SIMPSON Octevie 6/9/1809 10/19/1872 W/o S.M. SIMPSON (1st recorded burial) SIMPSON John W. 7/13/1833 2/6/1892 Father SIMPSON Sallie L.CALHOUN 10/17/1862 2/29/1917 W/o Samuel G. SIMPSON SIMPSON Samuel Grant 4/20/1865 2/15/1903 S/o John W. & Charity SIMPSON SIMPSON Samuel M. 1862 . . STOCKTON H. C. 1/21/1879 3/15/1928 Father STOCKTON Ida 2/10/1887 . Mother STOCKTON Marsha 7/26/1876 8/3/? . W. J. L. . . . . WALL Infant(F) . 10/13/1904 No Marker WALL Joseph Clarence 10/19/1869 1950 No Marker WALL Joseph D. 1/16/1844 3/24/1932 Co. I ,33rd Tn. Inf, CSA WALL Ophelia Irene WRIGHT 4/8/1840 2/28/1881 Wife 1/o Joseph D. Wall, No Marker WALL Rebecca Jane JONES 3/28/1868 1/12/1942 Mother, wife2/o Joseph D. Wall WOOD Pleasant M. 12/2/1829 6/24/1892 H/o S.J. WOOD . Estelle 1/1/1905 1/10/1905 c/o D.S. and C.M. Wood. . Willie Bob 8/17/1916 11/8/1916 c/o D.S. and C.M. Wood. WRIGHT Bettie 4/15/1868 11/6/1909 D/o George P.& C.E. WRIGHT WRIGHT Cornelia E. CAMPBELL 1845 1913 W/o George P. WRIGHT/NO MARKER WRIGHT Elizabeth E. LANE 2/18/1824 5/27/1885 W/o Philip A. WRIGHT WRIGHT Elizabeth 4/15/1868 11/6/1909 D/o George P&Connie Wright/Womack WRIGHT Fannie A. 11/3/1872 ?/12/1874 Dtr. of S.P. & Anner WRIGHT WRIGHT Fannie Dale 7/30/1873 9/19/1874 Infant Dtr. of George P. & Connie WRIGHT WRIGHT George P. WRIGHT 5/14/1844 1/15/1912 NO MARKER /Co.C, 7th Tn. Cav, CSA WRIGHT Infant . . Illegible WRIGHT J. L. 8/14/1862 2/11/1901 . WRIGHT Little Lady 12/28/1886 8/24/1887 Infant Dtr. of Connie E. WRIGHT WRIGHT Lucy Rena 12/24/1864 7/2/1892 . WRIGHT Mary Jane 9/18/1864 9/28/1892 . WRIGHT Mattie J. 2/10/1864 4/6/1905 W/o R.A. WRIGHT WRIGHT Nannie E. 7/30/1887 7/15/1889 D/o R.A. & Mattie WRIGHT WRIGHT Phillip Alexander 5/24/1822 4/4/1906 . WRIGHT Richard A. 12/2/1856 6/16/1913 . WRIGHT Rufus 10/8/1858 ?/12/1880 S/o P. & E.E. WRIGHT