OBION COUNTY TN - MILITARY - 22nd TN Cavalry, CSA, Co. H ********************************************************************************************************** Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Jane N. Powell ********************************************************************************************************** 22nd Tennessee Cavalry, CSA, Company H Muster Roll, February-March 1864 Organized: June, 1862 Reorganized June, 1863 and May, 1864 Consolidated February, 1865 with the 21st (Wilson's) Paroled May, 1865 as 21st and 22nd Consolidated Regiments. Men from Obion, Gibson and Weakley Counties. OFFICERS: Capt. B. Edwards, 1st Lt. J. Bedford, 2nd Lt. E. Lassiter, 3rd Lt. J. L. Stubblefield, 1st Sgt. R. Hardy, 2nd Sgt. J.D.A Boston (Barton), 3rd Sgt. C.S. Brown, 4th Sgt. J.L. Dawson (Dreemon), 5th Sgt. C.S. Miller, 1st Cpr. J.H.C. Harmon, 2nd Cpr. (F) J.M. Smithledge (Smelledge) 3rd Cpr.(F) T.H. Edwards, 4th Cpr. (Q) O.C. King PRIVATES: A.A. Bedford; J.R. Brown, H. Benton, James (Brown) Boonn, T.(F) Barnett, R.H. Baird, James Baird, Wesley Burton J.L. Carter, M.E. Carter, John Canaday, E.B. Crockett, J.A. Clymer, John Cook, John Cummings, V.B. Cummings, T.(F) Crutchfield, W.A. Cardell, A.A. Corbitt, D. Collins (Collier), J.H. Callicott, I. Crutchfield, O.A. Creacham (Cochran) D.(P) M. Davis, J.E. (C) Davis N.W. Fields, R.W. Freeman, H.B. Galaway, A.A. Grisham, John.E. Granger Sam (Van) Harris, H. Harison, R. Halaway, A.J. Hazelrigg, J.B. Harrison, J.A. Holland (Hallen), R. Holloway, A. Houser Thos.B. Inman Hugh Jacobs, Robt. Jacobs, P.T. Jeffress P.S.(C) King, W. Kindell H.M. Miller, J.E. Mangram, I.K. McAdams P.D. Noah William Osborne J.W. Porter, S.M. Poarch J.(T)W. Redman (Rodman), B.B. Robinson, C.H. Reed, C.E. Rine D.B. Stacy, J.J. Shore, P.H. Smith, B.F. Summers, B.M. Simons T.M. Tomlinson R.B. Vardell, A.J. Vaughn H.I. Wade, S.M. Wade, S.H. Wilson, John Wright J.M. Young