Obion Co., TN - Will: J.F. Johnson ************************************************* Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************* File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Frank Edwards J #003. J.F. Johnson, Testator, Last Will and Testament. T.P. Finch, Jurat, J.L. Fry, Jurat. Noted 137 Minute Book. Entered in Will Book pages 420-1-2, Jno Bell, clk. Filed Feby 26th, 1900 at 2:20 p.m. and noted in NoteBook No 5, page 125, and Registered March 19th 1900. Copy in file obtained from Obion County Library, Book 4-O, p. 528-532. State of Tennessee, Obion County. I, J.F. Johnson do make and publish this as my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all others heretofore made by me at any time. 1st. I direct that all my funeral expenses and all my debts be paid as soon as possible after my death out of any moneys that I may die seized and possessed of or that may first come into the hands of my executors. 2nd. I give and bequeath unto my wife N.V. Johnson [The middle initial is not clear. It looks like a V but could be an N or W] during her life, the following real estate. Situated and lying and being in the 8th Civil Dist of Obion County Tennessee: Bounded on the north by Jerry Pierce lands and on east by a certain tract of land herein willed and bequeathed to Mary Johnson and the said Mary Johnson’s land hereinafter described and on the south by T.P. Finch and on the west by T.P. Finch containing 50 acres it being half interest of my home place including the dwelling now occupied by me. The above described 50 acres of land is given and bequeathed unto my wife N.V. Johnson for her natural life and at her death this said 50 acres of land is to revert to all my children equally or their heirs in fee simple forever. I give further and bequeath unto my wife such personal property as she would be entitled to under the law as if no will had been made. 3rd. I give and bequeath unto Mary Johnson the following real estate, situated and being in the 8th dist of Obion County Tennessee, bounded on the north by the lands of Jerry Pierce and Henry Robins on the east by the land of Jas Cody and J.B. Arnold, on the south by the land belonging to my estate which was purchased from Hugh Scott and Hettie B. Scott and on the west a 50 acre tract of and beretofore described in this instrument given to N.V. Johnson for her life, this contains 50 acres of land and it being one half of my original home tract. 4th. I give and bequeath unto S.M. Johnson, my son, the following real estate in fee simple forever situated in the 11th Civil Dist of Obion County beginning at N.E. corner of Susan Finch 51 acre tract of land, this being N.W. Corner of the tract described running thence 70 poles east to L.P. Finch’s line and from thence south 153 poles to a stake and trom thence west 43 poles and 8 ½ links and from thence north 30 poles to a stake and from thence west 26 2/3 poles and from thence north 123 poles to the beginning and containing 61 15/16 acres it being a part of a tract of land purchased from John Many Cornochan. 5th. I give and bequeath to my son in fee simple Frank Johnson the following real estate situated and being in the 11th Civil Dist of Obion County bounded as follows: beginning at the N.W. Corner, this corner being S.W. corner of a certain tract of land above described under section 4 of this instrument, conveyed to S.N. Johnson from thence east 26 2/3 poles and from thence south 30 poles and from thence east 43 1/3 poles to T.P. Finch’s line, from thence south 66 2/7 poles with said Finch’s and from thence west 70 poles thence north 96 2/7 poles to the beginning containing 34 acres, it being a part of a tract of land purchased by me from John Many (?) Cornochan. I also give and bequeath in fee simple unto my son Frank the following tract of land bounded as follows: beginning at the S.E. corner of parsel of land herein described and set apart to my daughter Mary this being N.W. corner of this described tract and thence west 39 poles to a stake and from thence south to the Henry George dec’d ? line and from thence east 39 poles to J.B. Arnold’s S.W. corner and thence north to the beginning corner 16 acres more or less. 6th. I give and bequeath unto my daughter Algor Johnson in fee simple the following real estate situated and being in the 8th Civil Dist of Obion County. Bounded as follows, beginning at a stake, it being the N.W. corner of tract of land conveyed in this instrument to Frank Johnson and from said stake west 39 poles to T.P. Finch’s N.E. corner and thence south to the Henry George Ded’d corner then east 39 poles to the line of Frank Johnson herein described and from thence north to the beginning containing 16 acres more or less. I also give and bequeath unto my daughter Algor the following tract of land, bounded as follows: and located in Dist 11 of Obion County. Beginning at the S.E. corner of the 1st tract of land given and bequeathed to Frank Johnson it being N.E. corner of this tract of land and thence South 82 poles 21 ½ links to A.T. Sherrill’s line from thence west 17 poles 22½ links to said Sherrills N.W. corner then south 17 poles 22 ½ links to Sherrills S.W. corner, then west 52 poles 2 ½ links to Pierce’s S.E. corner, then north 100 poles and 19 links to Frank Johnson’s S.W. corner, from thence east 70 poles to the beginning containing about 42 acres, it being a part of the tract of land purchased by me of John Many Carnochan. 7th. I hereby give and bequeath unto Catherine Johnson six hundred dollars. 8th. I hereby give and bequeath unto all my children W.N. Johnson, Catherine Johnson, S.N. Johnson, Frank Johnson, Algor Johnson and Mary Johnson all my personal property that I may die seized and possessed of after personal property that is conveyed under this instrument to my wife has been set apart to her – that is to say – my wife is first to be provided for as this instrument directs and then all the children are to share equally in the personal property, with this exception, that is Mary and Frank are to have one hundred dollars less of the personal property than the remaining children. The intention of this clause is that my wife is to take what the law would give her of my peraonal property as my widow and then the children are to have the remaining personal property, divided equally between them with this exception of Mary and Frank, who are to receive one hundred dollars less of the personal property than the others, but it is understood that the gift and bequeath to Catharine of six hundred dollars is first to be paid before this clause shall go into effect. 9th. I give and bequeath unto my son Noah Johnson in fee simple the following property that is one eighth interest undivided interest in the following real estate, located, and being in the 8th Civil Dist of Obion County bounded on the north by G.P. Hunt and W.H. Hollomon on the east by R.R. Minton and L. Boyett and on the South by L. Boyett and west by W.J. Garrison and Mark Elam this belonging to the Quarles heirs. 10th. Lastly, I do hereby nominate and appoint P.N. Matlock and S.N. Johnson as my executors. In witness whereof I do this, my “will” set my hand this 22nd day of August, 1894. s/ J.F. Johnson, testator. Signed and published in our presents and we have subscribed our names hereto in the presence of the testator this the 22nd August, 1894. s/ T.P. Finch , Gurat s/J.L. Fry, Furat. State of Tennessee, Obion County: I John Bell, County Clerk of Obion County, Tenn certify that the foregoing is a true copy from the record of my office of will of J.F. Johnson dec’d as appears of record in Will Book B. pages 419-422. Witness my hand and seal of office at office in Union City Tennessee this Feby 26, 1900. s/ John Bell, Clk. NOTE: I found a typed copy of this will in the Dallas, TX library. But I think it may have been typed by someone else later on. The typing is quite poor and I disagree with some of the transcription. Anyway, both copies of the will are in my Johnson file. NOTE: Item J#004 a deed from N.V. Johnson to J.F. Johnson also filed February 26th at 2:25 p.m. appears right below the above will in the NOTE Book 4-O, pp. 528-532. ---