Robertson-Montgomery County TN Archives Biographies.....Stratton, Henry T. (Jr.) 1878 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher November 13, 2005, 9:31 pm Author: Will T. Hale HENRY T. STRATTON, JR. A leading member of financial circles in Springfield is Henry Thomas Stratton, cashier of the Springfield National Bank, with which his father was also prominently connected. The families of Hopkins, Helm and Stratton are represented by Henry Stratton, whose maternal grandfather was Asa Hopkins, once an eminent citizen of Robertson county, where he was a storekeeper and gauger; and whose paternal grandparents were Thomas J. and Fannie (Helm) Stratton, early settlers of Lebanon, Tennessee, where the former was for forty years a banker. The Hopkins and Stratton families were united by the marriage of Jennie Hopkins (1853-1882) and H. T. Stratton (1849-1909), who became the parents of H. T. Stratton, Jr. It will be of special interest to devote a paragraph of this sketch to the career of the elder H. T. Stratton, whose activities pointed the way for those of his son, the special subject of this review. H. T. Stratton, Sr., was a native of Lebanon and a university graduate. His banking interests in Springfield began with his assisting to organize a financial institution known as the People's Bank, which was conducted as a state bank from 1887 until 1902, being in the last-named year converted into a national bank. It was capitalized at $100,000 with an annual profit of $100,000 and average deposits of $500,000. H. T. Stratton, Sr., served as its first vice-president and his very active efficiency led to his being accorded the management of the bank. He was a staunch Democrat and was fraternally connected with the Masonic and Pythian orders. The son and namesake of this well-known banker was born on July 12, 1878, in Robertson county, Tennessee, and as H. T. Stratton, Junior, has made a prominent place for himself in the financial world which had been honored by the service of his father and paternal grandfather. Young Stratton was educated in the schools at Springfield and Franklin and early evinced his taste for his inherited vocation. He was but seventeen years of age when he became connected with banking affairs, to which he has ever since continued his allegiance. In 1903 he was made cashier of the bank, which he still serves in the same capacity. Like his father, Mr. Stratton is a member of the fraternal organization of the Knights of Pythias. He is also affiliated with the Free and Accepted Masons and with the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, having served the last-named order as its chancellor-commander. Mr. Stratton is a Democrat in politics. Both the State and American Banking Associations enroll him as an influential member. The marriage of Mr. Stratton occurred on September 28, 1910, at which time Miss Ruth Atkins, of Port Royal, Montgomery county, became Mrs. H. T. Stratton. She is a daughter of J. W. Atkins, a well-to-do agriculturist of the locality mentioned. Mr. and Mrs. Stratton hold an enviable place in the esteem of Springfield's residents and those of adjacent communities. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.6 Kb