Rutherford-Wilson-Cannon County TN Archives Wills.....Donnell, Elizabeth March 25, 1834 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Sue Gregory April 5, 2008, 8:07 am Source: Rutherford Co., Tn Will Bk 9, Pg 117-118 Written: March 25, 1834 " The last will & Testament of Elizabeth Donnel, 1st I will that my mother in law, Jane Donnel, have a sufficient and decent support allowed to her yearly, out of the rent of the land whereon I now live. And for the purpose of having her necessities inquired into and her wants supplied in due time. I herein appoint Doct. Wm. McKnight, Parson Jesse Alexander, and Benjamin Morgan as suitable men to ascertain at least once a year what she may need; and I herein emphasiz, at least one of them or either two of them to give to her out of the rents of my lands whatever they may in their judgement think necessary so long as she may live. 2nd, I will that a trunk with it's contents and a leghorn bonnett left in the hands of my brother William Garmany, be given to my daughter Isabella at such time as she may need them. 3rd, I further will that my property otherways be administered or as the law directs in intestate Estates, in except where of I at my hand and death this twenty fifth day of March 1834. Elizabeth Donnell (seal) Test Matthew Pinkston, Jurat James G Pinkston, Jurat Additional Comments: This Elizabeth "Eliza" Donnell, was Elizabeth Garmany, daughter of Hugh and Margaret Garmany of Wilson Co., TN. William mentioned in her will is her brother. She was married to Eden Burr Donnell whose father we are trying to establish...any help would be greatly appreciated. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb