Shelby County TN Archives Obituaries.....Wright-BORLAND, Hulda G August 25, 1837 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Bill Boggess February 18, 2006, 8:49 am (search, Borland) SHELBY CO., TN OBITS & DEATH NOTICES, 1836-1846 Solon Borland's first of three wives. "Died—In this place on the 25th ult. in the 28th year of her age, Mrs. Huldah(?) G., late consort of Dr. Solon BORLAND, after an illness of several months.  Mrs. B. with her husband, removed from Nansemond County, Va., to this place early last winter.  Her health had been in a delicate state several months previous to her death, though she was not thought to be in danger until a short time before that event……..She had received an education superior to what falls to the lot of most females……She has left two interesting children to the care of their surviving parent.  Memphis Enquirer, Saturday, 9/2/1837." Additional Comment: Son Harold Borland, born 1835, is only son we were able to find, and in 1840 was with his aunt & uncle George and Fanny (Green) Godwin, Suffolk, VA. Thomas may(?) have been by prior union, thusly, raised by his father's relatives. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.6 Kb