SMITH COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - North Carolina Land Grant to Colin Gibson, 19 Nov 1800 ----¤¤¤---- TSLA microfilm roll #7, Book D4, page 286-287 "State of North Carolina No. 3365 Know ye, that we have granted unto Colin Gibson one thousand acres of land in Smith County, on the North side of Cumberland River, and on Waters of Paytons Creek, Beginning at the Mouth of Carbys Spring Branch at a mulberry and Buck and Hornbeam,, runs [?] East crossing a Branch of Paytons Creek at four poles continues on in all three hundred poles to a Black Ash and Hickory and Sugar tree landing [?] on the South point of a ridge, thence South four hundred poles to a Stake, thence West four hundred poles to a Stake, thence North Crossing [rasd?] Fork of Paytons Creek at one hundred and eighty poles continues in all four hundred poles to a Hickory, thence East one hundred poles to the beginning. To hold to the said Colin Gibson his heirs and assignees forever dated the 19th of November 1800. B. Williams Will White Secretary Wart. No 4539 John Payton DS Joseph McCurath H Rueben Good Stele" ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Carole Gibson ___________________________________________________________________