TENNESSEE STATE RECORDS - CHURCH ASSOCIATION RECORDS - Hiwassee Baptist Association Minutes, 1869 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Edna Clack Woodchippy@aol.com ==================================================================== "The spelling and puncuation in these Minutes are not necessarily what one would expect today. These Minutes were transcribed as closely as possible to the original." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MINUTES Of the Forty-seventh Annual Meeting of the Hiwassee Baptist Association, being the fourth after the union between the two Associations, held at Fellowship Meeting House, Meigs County, Tennessee, Friday before the Fourth Saturday in September 1869, and following days. First Day's Proceedings - Introductory sermon by Elder M. Sharp. Churches and their Delegates: Sulphur Springs: Wm. Rose, E. Breeding, W.S. Wierick - 69 members Hind's Valley: A. Newport, J. Chastain - 68 members Sewee: B.F. Morgan, J.K. Peake, A.S. Wasson - 59 members Pisgah: M.E. Jones, A.H. Butler, T.G. Owen, M. Spradling, H. Gibson - 94 members Yellow Creek: T. McPherson, G.H. Wade, J.S. Clack, I. Jolly - 130 members Concord: J.B. McCallon, J.H. Grimsley, K. Edgeman, J. Harman, J.M. Ewing 159 members Town Creek: J. Mounger, S. Eldridge, J.A. Soward - 57 members Fellowship: F. Brady, A. Fooshee, Wm. Wann, J.P. Moulton, John R. Holliman - 62 members Shilo: W.H. Sellers, A.D. Morrison, F. Pickel, E.S. Bailey, Israel Harmon, R.E. Kinney - 122 members Bethel: J.P. Roddy, A.L. King, J.S. Holloway, R. Hinds, J. Ingle, C. Fugett, J. Hays, G.P. Roddy, Jim Johnson - 188 members Mt. Pleasant: No letter. E. Brewer, C. Gipson - 26 members Elder Asa Newport, Moderator; James Johnson, Clerk; J.H. Grimsley, Assistant Clerk. Sulphur Springs petitioned for admission into the body, accepted. Paint Rock petitioned, referred to committee. M. Sharp, bearer. Corresponding Associations: Sweetwater Primitive Association: Delegates: Elds. Wm. Thompson and Z. Rose. J.H. Grimsley to write to them. Elds. J.P. Roddy, A. Newport, bros. Wm. Rose and J.H. Grimsley to bear same to them when convened at Zion Hill, McMinn County, Tenn., 1870. Stockton's Valley: Delegates: Elds. Wm. Sewell, Bros. R.F. Bryson, I. Sewell, Matt Smith. Elder J. Johnson to write to them; Elds. A. Neport, A.D. Morrison and J.B. McCallon and Bros. W. Wann, F. Pickel, R.E. Kinney, E.S. Bailey, and Eld J. Johnson to bear same to them when convened at Spring Creek Meeting House, Jackson County, Tenn., 1870 Committees Appointed: Unfinished Business: Elds. J.P. Roddy, M.H. Sellers, J.B. McCallon, M.E. Jones, and Brother G.H. Wade. Preaching: One delegate from each church Finance: Brethren F. Pickel and J. Harman Appointed James Johnson Treasurer for the present year. SECOND DAY'S PROCEEDINGS Preaching Friday night, Elders M.E. Jones and J.P. Roddy; Saturday, Elders Wm. Thompson and Brother Isaac Sewell; night, Elders J.B. McCallon and A.L. King; Sunday, Z. Rose, W.D. Sewell and M.H. Sellers. Took into consideration Paint Rock letter, which was referred to the Committee of Arrangements; calling for their report, which is as follows: We do not fully understand that Paint Rock Church requests admission into our body at this session; yet, we are fully satisfied to receive their acknowledgment; and also the church when we understand it to be their wish, we advise that we write them a friendly letter, receive their bearer, and append their letter to our minutes, with an invitation to all others similarly disposed. Approved. We have appended the letter which is as follows: "State of Tenn., Roane County - Paint Rock Church sendeth christian salutations to the messengers and delegates who may compose the Forty- seventh Session of the Hiwassee Baptist Association when convened with Fellowship Church, Meigs County, Tennessee, September 1869. Very dear brethren who may be present as above-named, you may think strange on the reception of this our friendly epistle from your little sister in gospel bonds; though we hope you will hear us while you may relate to you that we, your little sister had, in gone-by days, somewhat strayed off from you, or at least departed from the old land-marks of the Fathers, but we are thankful that through the light of Divine Grace, we have been enabled to see our error and return from the same by rescinding those erroneous acts, and the repealing of those acts of exclusion which we had declared against any and all of our Brothers and Sisters for a mere political opinion, and giving a notice of such repeal to our Brothers and Sisters, that they may renew their former fellowship with us, and among those whom we had excommunicated is Brother Martin Sharp, who we have cordially welcomed with us again, and chose him to bear this our letter to you, that you may know our whereabouts, to approve or disapprove our course, as you may choose - Brethren, we had lettered to our late Association, think best as we went off by mass to return the same way, if so be our sister churches would thus elect, if your clemency would thus favor our return. Brethren, pray for us, your little sister in Gospel bonds; Farewell. This done in church conference, this first Saturday in September 1869. R.W. Boyd, Mod'r pr tem J.H. Pope, Church Clerk" Appointed brethren E.S. Bailey and A.L. King to write a letter to them when in regular session, to which J.B. McCallon was added. Appointed James Johnson, M.E. Jones, E.S. Bailey, and J.B. McCallon to bear it to them first Saturday in November next. J.A. Soward and A.D. Morrison to visit Mt'n Fork Church and inquire why she fails to represent herself in our body. Finance Report: Present Contribution $26.50 Balance due the Treasurer $2.95 Total $23.55 Next meeting at Sulphur Springs Baptist Meeting House, Rhea County, Tennessee. Eld. J.B. McCallon to preach introductory sermon; Elder A.D. Morrison is alternate. Ordered 600 copies of the Minutes >From evidence which we deem satisfactory, Salem Church is representing herself in another association, we therefore drop her from our union. J.P. Roddy and M.E. Jones requested to devote all the time they could to preaching in the destitute places in the association. Prayer by Z. Rose Asa Newport, Moderator James Johnson, Pr'l Clerk J.H. Grimsley, As't Clerk They then incorporated "Covenant or Abstract of Principles" and "Rules of Decorum" as had been adopted at Pisgah in 1823.