TENNESSEE STATE RECORDS - CHURCH ASSOCIATION RECORDS - Hiwassee Baptist Association Minutes, 1908 ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Edna Clack Woodchippy@aol.com ==================================================================== "The spelling and puncuation in these Minutes are not necessarily what one would expect today. These Minutes were transcribed as closely as possible to the original." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PROCEEDINGS Of The Eighty-Sixth Annual Session Of The HIWASSEE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION Held With The HINDS VALLEY CHURCH Roane County, Tenn. September 25, 26, and 27 1908 Elder P.R. Brown, who was previously appointed to deliver the annual sermon, met with a serious accident which prevented him from being present. Elder S.A. Waller preached the sermon. Prayer by Bro. J.L. Waller. Letters read by Bros. R.E. and J.A. Ewing Churches and their delegates: Pisgah: No messenger, letter and contribution received. - 107 members Hinds Valley: Elder S.A. Waller, Bros. H.L. Monday, W.L. Abel, J.W. Robbs, T.H. Lindsay, W.M. McCullough - 41 members Concord: Letter received, no messengers - 121 members Fellowship: A.D. Chastain, J.A. Ewing - 64 members Paint Rock: R. Dixon - 151 members Mt. Zion: Elders J.R. Smith, J.M. Ledford, Bros. G.W. Smith, C.M. Smith, A.B. Clifton, C.E. James, R. Gibson - 51 members Ten Mile: J.K. Peak, J.W. Sharp, W.A. Ewing, H.B. Finley - 61 members Macedonia: J.L. Waller, G.H. Moore - 42 members Shilo: Wm. Calyon, B.T. Newman, W.C. Clower, R.E. Ewing - 130 members Old Friendship: A.C. Ewing, W.R. Clack, R.M. Clack, E.B. Ewing, S.B. Moulton, W.D. Smith, T.Z. Frazier - 32 members Byrds Branch: J.W. Givens - 28 members Mt. Pleasant: Number last year 14 Galyon's Gap: Starling Lay, R.M. Parker - 12 members J.R. Smith elected Moderator; J.A. Ewing Clerk. Galyon's Gap presented a petition for admission to the Association and was accepted. Corresponding Associations: Stockton Valley: Messenger Elder L.B. Chism. A.C. Ewing to write them a letter. Elders S.A, Waller, J.T. Smith, H.L. Monday, A.D. Chastain, T.Z. Frazier, and R.M. Clack to bear the same to them when convened with New Hope Church, 6 miles West of Jamestown, Fentress County, Tenn., 2nd Saturday in September, 1909. Elder W.T. West and Bro. Jno. M. Ewing seated as messengers from the Tennessee Valley Association. Appointed Bro. R.E. Ewing to write them a letter. Brethren W.M. Galyon, R.E. Ewing, E.B. Ewing, and W.D. Smith to bear same to them when convened with Mt. Zion Church, Rhea county, Tennessee, Thursday before the 2nd Saturday in September, 1909. Committees Appointed: Preaching: G.H. Moore, R.E. Ewing, A.C. Ewing and W.D. Smith Tonight's preaching: Hinds Valley, Elder W.T. West and J.W. Sharp; White's Creek, W.M. Galyon. Unfinished Business: A.C. Ewing, W.R. Clack, J.M. Ledford, J.L. Waller Finance: R.E. Ewing, T.Z. Frazier Resolutions: W.R. Clack, G.W. Smith, J.K. Peak, J.L. Waller Obituaries: S.A. Waller, W.M. Galyon, and A.D. Chastain Queries and Requests: R. Gibson, J.L. Waller, A.C. Ewing, W.M. McCullough SECOND DAY'S SESSION Prayer by W.T. West Tonight's preaching: Hinds Valley, Bro. J.L. Waller; at White's Creek, Bro. W.M. Galyon; Sunday, Elder L.B. Chism. Finance Report: Received from treasurer, $7.62; received from contribution from churches, $17.50; handed me by individuals, #3.75; Total #28.87. J.A. Ewing Treasurer for ensuing year. REPORT: Dear Brethren: I herewith submit my report for the year ending September 25, 1908: Days labored, about 127; miles traveled, about 700; families visited, about 130; families prayed with, about 27; sermons preached, about 73; other addresses about 17; baptisms witnessed, about 42; by letter (witnessed the reception) 11; total received (witnessed) 53; conversions (witnessed) 90; given to missions $1.07. Respectfully, W.M. Galyon REPORT: We, your committee appointed to visit Macedonia Church to inquire into the cause of their absence or not representing in the last two meetings of the Association. We visited the Church and found that they appointed messengers, but failed to come, partially on account of carelessness and it being a long distance to travel, holding nothing against the association and promising to do better in the future. Respectfully submitted, W.M. Galyon A.C. Ewing REPORT: We, the committee on queries and requests, find that two churches ask for the next annual meeting of the association, viz: Pisgah and Paint Rock. We also notice a query from Mt. Zion church in regard to the church property at Fairview, the church being dissolved and house unoccupied. What is the proper course to pursue? The trustees of the property desire information in the premises. Hinds Valley church request that the name and P.O. addresses of all ordained and licensed ministers, also clerks of the churches appear in the minutes. We also request the churches to increase their contributions in the future so as to be able to defray all expenses of the association. Respectfully submitted, J.L. Waller A.C. Ewing, R. Gibson, W.M. McCullough Next meeting to be at Pisgah. Elder P.R. Brown to preach the annual sermon. In regard to the query pertaining to Fairview Church property. If title is vested in the Hiwassee Association the trustees are requested to sell said property and deposit proceeds with the treasurer of the association. Bro. W.M. Galyon is retained in the field for the ensuing year. 800 copies of the Minutes to be printed. Prayer by J.W. Smith. J.R. Smith, Moderator J.A. Ewing, Clerk MINISTERS AND CLERKS Ordained Ministers: P.R. Brown, Erie, Tenn., R.F.D.; S.A. Waller, Rockwood, Tenn.; J.R. Smith, Grandview, Tenn.; J.M. Bedford, Rockwood, Tenn., R.F.D. 2; C.R. Coston, Rockwood, Tenn. LICENSED MINISTERS: J.L. Waller, Lenoir City, Tenn., R.F.D. 3; R. Gibson, Grandview, Tenn.; H.L. Monday, Glen Alice, Tenn.; J.W. Sharp, Erie, Tenn., R.F.D.; W.M. Galyon, Kingston, Tenn., R.F.D. CHURCH CLERKS: Pisgah- T.J. Gibson, Pinhook Landing, Tenn. Hinds Valley - Pearl Abel, Rockwood, Tenn., R.F.D. Concord - A.S. Walker, Erie, Tenn., R.F.D. Fellowship - J.A. Ewing, Euchee, Tenn. Paint Rock - James Cox, Erie, Tenn., R.F.D. Mt. Zion - C.M. Smith, Verdie, Tenn. Ten Mile - A.F. Boggess, Euchee, Tenn., R.F.D. 1. Macedonia - G.H. Moore, Lenoir City, Tenn., F.F.D. 3. Shilo - R.E. Ewing, Kingston, Tenn., R.F.D. 1. (Next printed as Old Fellowship, when it fact, it was Old Friendship) Old Friendship - W.R. Clack, Roddy, Tenn. Byrd's Branch - Nancy Gallaher, Daysville, Tenn. Mt. Pleasant - J.H. Dyal, Grassy Cove, Tenn. Galyon's Gap - R.M. Parker. OBITUARIES: Mt. Pleasant Church: Calvin G. Gibson, born May 1, 1824, married Rachel B. Thompson on March 20, 1849. Rachel was born Oct. 12, 1831. Joined Mt. Pleasant 1855. Rachel died Feb. 20, 1907. Calvin died April 2, 1907. Old Friendship Church: (Again, this is written up as Old Fellowship. A check of the Minutes for Old Friendship clearly shows that Mattie was a member there and her death is duly recorded.) Mattie Sedman McElwee, born Jan. 8, 1883, died Sept. 14, 1898. (This obit is confusing. It lists her as Mattie Sedman, formerly McElwee, the Old Friendship Minutes show her as Mattie McElwee) Concord Church: George W. Ball, born Oct. 20, 1844, died March 26, 1908. Ten Mile Church: Sister L.C. Boggess, born April 11, 1829, died April 7, 1908, age 79 years, 11 months, and 16 days. Fellowship Church: William Duckworth, born April 11, 1833, died July 16, 1908. Resided in Texas for a short time, but returned to TN. Shilo Church: Dodson Easter, born July 13, 1885, March 9, 1908. Eliza J. Barnard, born in Va., Sept. 12, 1818, died Jan. 21, 1908. Her ancestors came from Virginia and settled at Campbell's Station, in Knox County, Tenn., which was named for her grandfather. Her father, Robt. Campbell, came to Roane County, Tenn., when Sister Barnard was but a child. She was married to Col. Jno. A. Barnard Nov. 20, 1838, who proceed her to the grave, lacking 10 days of 4 years. They had 11 children, 9 sons and 2 daughters, 7 of whom are still living. Joined Shilo with her husband August 1842. Member for more than 65 years. Mt. Zion: Crofford M.Dinkins, born July 18, 1870, died July 19, 1908. George M. James, born Sept. 8, 1887, died August 3, 1908. Committee on Obituaries: S.A. Waller W.M. Galyon A.D. Chastain ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~