Statewide-Unknown County TN Archives History - Letters .....Personal Letter From Mattie Pearl Kent, Of Marion, Virginia, USA To Captain J. C. Kent, Of Mt. City, Tenn, USA January 11, 1946 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Milisia Hanlin March 2, 2009, 6:29 pm "Mattie Pearl Kent 529 College Street Marion, Virginia Friday Dear Uncle Jake and Lillian, Will have to make one letter do this tim, as I am flat on my back. Have had the worst spell of Flu I ever had & had to have Sulfa Drug--It is the worse remedy I ever had to take. It does it's work, I'll say that for it. I didn't get weak (I never react like I'm supposed to) guess I would have, but my hear was alright, blood pressure normal & I didn't have any congestion in lungs-- just infection in throat--I wonder..." [End of Page One] [Start of Page Two] " much worse I could have felt if they had been involved? I was so nauseated--couldn't sleep & couldn't keep anything down, but a mere sulfa tablet every 6 hours, for 3 days- Tried, hard enough, to get rid of it, but it stood by. Any way, am lots better now & hope to be down stairs soon. The twins have had colds, too, but are alright now--Jeff fell out of bed yesterday morning, wiggled out the edge of the bed, while Helen was out of the..." [End of page Two] [Start of Page Three] " for a second. ^ didn't hurt him much, scared them tho. ^ Stanley came home the week before Christmas & went to work last Monday--a new concern formed by some of the men with whom he worked at Lincoln's Aircraft--The babies are growing like little elephants--you can't imagine Helen having 2 husky babies like they are- Frances and Walter stopped a little while, Sunday night, on way home from Pulaski--Her brother is sick, so they were over to see him. Before they got home, Frances had a spell of Asthma--said she thought she'd..." [End of page Three] [Start of Page Four] "...died before she got there, but was better when she wrote. Hope you all escape Flue, Also ^ hope^ Bonnie is better-- I did appreciate my Christmas present, so much, & should have written sooner, but when I got [This?] at store Dec. 29th--after helping take inventory 3 days- was worn to a frazzle, so was taking it easy until the 4th when Flue overtook me--and how! Can't say, now, when I'll see you, hope it won't be so long-- Love to all- Mattie" Letter hand written in pencil on personalized stationery from Mattie Pearl Kent, 529 College Street, Marion, Virginia, USA. Envelope addressed to Capt. J. C. Kent, Mt. City, Tenn. Postmarked Marion, VA. Jan 11. 1946 P.M. 1946. Postage: 3 Cent Thomas Jefferson Stamp Cancelled. Additional Comments: This letter was located in a box of ephemera at an estate auction in the southeastern United States in 2008; we are sharing this as a courtesy and are not related. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb