TNGenWeb Archive State Files - Petition to Stop the Removal of White Settlers from Cherokee Lands ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Wanda Muncey Gant GANT@BLomand.Net ==================================================================== Copied from Record Group 75 obtained from the National Archives, Washington, D.C. and transcribed by Wanda Muncey Gant. Memorial of the inhabitants residents in the Cherokee Country relative to the late order for their removal : To the Honorable the Secretary at War, Your petitioners viewing the calamitous situation in which many of our citizens are placed, owing to an order recently described by the agent for Indian affairs of the Cherokee Nation ordering all intruders on their lands to remove by the first day of July 1819. Your petitioners believing that the same indulgence would be extended to them as has been the constant practice to others in similar circumstances, induced them to settle on the lands lately ceded to the United States by the Cherokees on the north side of Tennessee River nor did the order ever appear until late in the month of May of this year, leaving a removal of the citizens impracticable if not impossible. Your petitioners are poor but industrious farmers and to deprive them of their hard earnings in the wilderness and thus destroy their labour, where will your petitioners apply for bread for their starving families; this order enforced will involve at least ONE THOUSAND families in total ruins, nor will the evil end here. Your petitioners must subsist somewhere & thus become unwelcome guests to the frontier counties to buy a little support for their starving children. The Indians are not desirous of having the intruders driven from this land North of Tennessee, those being few in numbers, & most of which have taken reservations and are good neighbors, your petitioners therefore knowing the lenity of their government and believing they will take our case into consideration will ever pray: Doyal, T. Hayter, J. J. Tatton, Robert Taylor, Joseph Pryor, John Trigg, Abram B. Doughterty, John Dixan, W. D. Burritt, W. McKinney, Thomas Henderson, A. Burton, R. Young, Joseph Jr. Clayton, R. B. Klepper, Powel Buttute, Thomas Estill, Isaac Lewis, Henderson Yuddeuth, Samuel Estill, John Hill, James Raines, William M. Dickson, James Wilson, Zacheus Robinson, W. H. McLaughlin, Wm. B. Brittain, William Kinningham, William Robinson, Jonas Bradford, Benjamin M. Sharp, Robert P. Key, John Kidder, Holbert Moor, James Street, Wm. Eangs, Daniel Hays, William Harrall, Whitefield Saxton, Alexander Seykes, John Matthews, John Mann, Mathew R. McLaughlin, William Suddarth, Dyer McMillin, E. K. Hardwicke, J. Paschal, William Cathching, Meredith Slone, Samuel C. ___, J. Hill, John or M. Hill, Thomas Hill, Joseph Hill, John Sr. Hill, Mitchell L. Burress, William Mahony, Denis Farris, Ricard Shelton, Peter Hill, Thomas M. [marked out] Tally, Lewis B. [Tully?] Reeves, Wm. Lea, Wm. W. Bradford, Jos. H. Has__s?, S. W. Miner, Samuel Tarrant, Leonard Snead, Richard Price, Euagey Reaves, Abner Russey, Benjamin Barre__, Jeremiah Embrey, Wiley S. Branagan, John J. Bacon, Thos. [Barns?] Jones, J. W. Estill, Wallis Howell, Thomas Cowan, Samuel M. Harris, Mark M. Rainey, Benj. A. Frazier, Thompson Cock, Lester Wiggin, J. P. [Duggen?] Ellis, Ellison Townsend, Joshua Townsend, Ozra Blagg, Israel Townsend, Thomas Townsend, John Hutton, John Hutton, William Williams, Thomas Jenkins, Richard Bost, Thomas Johnson, Jacob Sr. Johnson, Reuben King, Allen Walker, Edward Williams, David Gilliland, James Davidson, H. M. Davidson, George Woods, Peter Davidson, William Davidson, John P. Williams, Alexander Jr. Frost, Joseph Williams, Theoples Frost, Thomas Looney, Isam Looney, John Erwin, George Williams, Alexander [marked out] Blevins, Elisha Blevins, John Johnston, John Acton, John Sullivan, J. H. _____,_____ Crafford, Adam Bird, John Freeman, Johnson Bird, George Garrison, Joseph Garrison, James Looney, Jessee Looney, Isaac Looney, Absolum Looney, Benjamin Looney, Allen Looney, Benjamin Looney, William G. 2nd Petition To the Hoourable the Secretary at War: Your petitioners viewing the calamaious situation in which many of our citizens are placed owing to an order recently published by the agent for Indian affairs of the Cherokee Nation ordering all intruders on their land to remove by the first day of July 1819. Yor petitioners believing the same indulgence would be extended to them, as has been the constant practice to others in similar circumstances, induced them to settle on the lands lately ceded to the United States by the Cherokees north of Tennessee River, nor did the order ever make its formal appearance until the 19th of June of the present year leaving a removal impracticable if not imposssible. Your petitioners are poor but industrious farmers to deprive them at this season of the year of their hard earnings in the wilderness and thus leave them destitute where will your petitioners apply for bread to support their starving families? Its notourious that all improvements made by your petitioners add real value to the land, this order enforced, will, involve at least ONE THOUSAND families in total ruin! Nor will the evil end here. Your petitioners must subsist somehwere, they will thus become unwelcome guests to the frontier counties to beg [for they cannot buy] something for their little children. This measure if carried into operation will produce alarming effectsd. The Indians on the North of Tennessee are not desirous of having the settlers driven off the land, those being few in number, most of which have taken reservations and are good neighbours. Your petitioners knowing the lenity of their government and believing they will take our case into consideration will ever pray: Burks, Isham Sr. Burks, Wm. Burks, John Thurman, John Burks, Charles Burks, Isham Jr. Forbush, Absalem Meek, Jacob Meek, Henery Saxon, Robert Saxon, Robert Jr. Cargile, Lewis Camron?, Danel Couch, Moses Couch, Lindley Bond, Jesse Bond, Benjamin Looney, John Woodson, Abraham Brock, Jesee Woodson, David Jonston, Jacob Crawford, Joseph Crawford, David Corbit, Benjamin Boss, Meth_____ [Bass?] Johnson, Benjamin Cox, Abel Morris, Robert Jenkins, William Jenkins, Joshua Woodson, Shadrach Goode, Joseph Jenkins, Joseph Thornton, William Corbit, Charles Corbit, Thomas Garrison, Isaac Byrd, Ca____ Mullins, Washington Parker, Robert 3rd petition Mullin, Swift Schrimshear, William Underwood, Benjamin Berry, John Forbes, Daniel Hall, James Neeley, H. N. Jones, John Gaily, James Rentfro, Robert Maxwell, John Oban, Robert King, Spencer Stephens, William Cage, Valentine Brisco, Thomas Brisco, James Brisco, Wiliam Bire, George Dawson, William Hawks, Moses Lollar, James Johnson, John Williams, Bryant Scott, William Allen, Wilson Price, Kinchen Wimberly, Joel Martin, David Scott, Samuel Lollar, Jacob Price, John Harmon, Mark Sides, Levi Schrimshear, James Williams, Wiley Price, Edwin Lollar, Isaach Lollar, Henry Lollar, John Bird, Benjamin Bird, Valentine Bird, John Jr. Williams, Alexander Williams, Lewis Williams, Bryant Canada, Quate Rutherford, James Charles, Oliver Williams, James Thornton, William Watken, James H. Miller, Alexander Brown, William Brown, Alexander Blanchet, Peter McQueen, David C. Murry, Robert Thornton, Joseph Thornton, Clark Corbit, Charles Kelly, Mathew Lynch, Eligh Blevins, Jonathan Lewis, John Young, Joseph Cain, Daniel R.? Acton, John Allen, Wilson Bacon, Thos. Barrett, Jeremiah Bass, Mit Berry, John Bird, Benjamin Bird, George Bird, John Jr. Bird, John Bird, Valentine Bire, George Blagg, Israel Blanchet, Peter Blevins, Elisha Blevins, John Blevins, Jonathan Bond, Benjamin Bond, Jesse Bost, Thomas Bradford, Benjamin M. Bradford, Jos. H. Branagan, John J. Brisco, James Brisco, Thomas Brisco, Wiliam Brittain, William Brock, Jesee Brown, Alexander Brown, William Burks, Charles Burks, Isham Jr. Burks, Isham Sr. Burks, John Burks, Wm. Burress, William Burritt, W. Burton, R. Buttrite, Thomas Byford, ______ Cage, Valentine Canada, Quate Cargile, Lewis Carsson?, Danel Cathching, Meredith Charles, Oliver Clayton, R. B. Cock, Lester Corbit, Benjamin Corbit, Charles Corbit, Charles Corbit, Thomas Couch, Lindley Couch, Moses Cowan, Samuel M. Cox, Abel Crafford, Adam Crawford, David Crawford, Joseph Davidson, George Davidson, H. M. Davidson, John P. Davidson, William Dawson, William Dickson, James Dixan, W. D. Doughterty, John Doyal, T. Eanes, Daniel Ellis, Ellison Embrey, Wiley S. Erwin, George Estill, Isaac Estill, Wallis Farris, Ricard Forbush, Absalem Forkes, Daniel Frazier, Thompson Freeman, Johnson Frost, Joseph Frost, Thomas Gaily, James Garrison, Isaac Garrison, James Garrison, Joseph Gilliland, James Goode, Joseph Hall, James Hardwicke, J. Harmon, Mark Harrall, Whitefield Harris, Mark M. Harris?, S. W. Hawks, Moses Hays, William Hayter, J. J. Henderson, A. Hill, James Hill, John Sr. Hill, John _ Hill, Joseph Hill, Mitchell L. Hill, Thomas Hill, Thomas M. [marked out] Howell, Thomas Hutton, John Hutton, William Jenkins, Joshua Jenkins, Jospeh Jenkins, Richard Jenkins, William Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jacob Sr. Johnson, John Johnson, Reuben Johnston, John Jones, J. W. Jones, John Jonston, Jacob Kelly, Mathew Key, John Kindder, Holbert King, Allen King, Spencer Kinningham, William Klepper, Powel _ Lea, Wm. W. Lewis, John Lollar, Henry Lollar, Isaach Lollar, Jacob Lollar, James Lollar, John Looney, Absolum Looney, Allen Looney, Benjamin Looney, Benjamin Looney, Isaac Looney, Isam Looney, Jessee Looney, John Looney, John Looney, William G. Lynch, Eligh Mahony, Denis Mann, Mathew R. Martin, David Matthews, John Maxwell, John McGQueen, David C. McKinney, Thomas [Kinney?] McLaughlin, William McLaughlin, Wm. B. McMillin, E. K. Meek, Henery Meek, Jacob Miller, Alexander Miner, Samuel Moor, James Morris, Robert Mullin, Swifte Mullins, Washington Murry, Robert Neeley, H. N. Oban, Robert Parker, Robert Paschal, William Price, Edwin Price, Euagey Price, John Price, Kinchen Pryor, John? Raines, William M. Rainey, Benj. A. Reaves, Abner Reeves, Wm. Rentfro, Robert Robinson, Jonas Robinson, W. H. Russey, Benjamin Rutherford, James Saxon, Robert Jr. Saxon, Robert Saxton, Alexander Schrimshear Schrimshear, William Scott, Samuel Scott, William Seykes, John Sharp, Robert P. Shelton, Peter Sides, Levi Slone, Samuel C. Snead, Richard Stephens, William Street, Wm. Suddarth, Dyer Sullivan, J. _ Tarrant, Leonard Tatton, Robert Taylor, Joseph Thornton, Clark Thornton, Joseph Thornton, William Thornton, William Thurman, John Townsend, John Townsend, Joshua Townsend, Ozra Townsend, Thomas Trigg, Abram B. Tully, Lewis B. [Tally?] Underwood, Benjamin Walker, Edward Walker, James H. Wiggin, J. P. Williams, Alexander Jr. Williams, Alexander Williams, Alexander [marked out] Williams, Bryant Williams, Bryant Williams, David Williams, James Williams, Lewis Williams, Theoples Williams, Thomas Williams, Wiley Wilson, Zacheus Wimberly, Joel Woods, Peter Woodson, Abraham Woodson, David Woodson, Shdrach Young, Joseph Young?, Joseph Jr. Cain, Daniel R.? "Permanent publication rights granted to TNGenNet Inc, and the USGenWeb Project Archives."