SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Solomon Cole to Joseph Cole Jr. ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 2, p. 775: Solomon Cole to Joseph Cole Jr. Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 9, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972705 This Indenture made the 23 day of Feb one thousand seven hundred & ninety four between Solomon Cole of South Carolina of the one part & Joseph Cole Junr of Sullivan County & western Territory of the other part witnesseth that I the sd Solomon Cole for & in consideration of the sum of 140 pounds to me in in hand paid by the sd Joseph Cole the receipt whereof I do acknowledge have bargained sold & conveyed & confirmed unto the sd Joseph Cole a certain tract or parcel of land containing 386 Acres acres of land lying on both sides of beaver Creek & bounded as foll oweth begining at a hickory & chesnut Joseph Cole Senr corner & thence South 6 East 52 poles to a poplar on the top of a ridge thence the sd ridge South 36 West 40 poles to a poplar & hickory South 67 West 100 poles to a small white oak & hickory North 20 West 13 poles to a hickory on Nathan Hawkins line & with the same North 34 West 119 poles to a walnut & to small gums South 70 West 20 poles a poplar on George Webbs line & with the same North 4 West 82 poles to two hickorys North 62 [or 52] West 119 poles crossing the creek to a hickory & white oak sapling North 20 East 106 poles leaving sd Webbs line to three small white oaks North 89 East 166 poles to two hickorys & white oak Joseph Cole cor ner & with his line South 31 East 24 poles crossing the creek to a stake by a house South 6 East 72 poles to a chesnut stump South 30 East 145 poles to the begining containing 386 acres together with all woods waters mines minerals hereditaments & appurtenances to the sd land belonging or appurtaining to hold to the sd Joseph Cole his heirs & assigns forever do give grant bar gain sell convey and confirm the above premises & I do hereby bind my self my heirs Extr Admt & assigns formly by these presents forever to warrant & defend the above mentioned tract or parcel of lands to him the sd Joseph Cole his heirs Ext'r Adm's & as signs firmly by these presents to warrant & defend the above men tioned tract or parcels of land to him the sd Joseph Cole his heirs Ext'r Adm's & assigns from the lawfull claim of any person or per sons whatsoever free & clear from all Incumbrance & in testimony hereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal Witnesss James Rhea DC Solomon Cole [seal] This deed of conveyance proved in Court Test James Rhea D.C. May 13th day 1795 This Registered ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________