SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - John Cole to Elisha Cole ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 6, p. 135: John Cole to Elisha Cole Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 25, 2005 Source: FHL film# 972707 This Indenture made this Twentieth day of July in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and Ten between John Cole of the County of Sullivan of the one part and Elisha Cole of the County and State aforesaid of the other part Witnesseth that for and in consideration of the Sum of Five hundred Spanish Mill'd dollars to me in hand by the said Elisha Cole the Receipt whereof is hereby aknowledged, that I John Cole Granted Bargain'd and sold, and by these presences do grant bargain sell allien and Confirm unto the sd Elisha Cole a Certain tract peice or parcel of Land Lying and being in the County aforesaid South of Holston River the said Lands being taken out of Leonard Harts survey for the benefit of Walter Cunningham which is bounded as follows To Wit, Begining at Hickery Corner of said survey standing south of a small spring Running thence North one Hundred and Eighty two to a white oak and Hickery then North fifty two Degrees East twenty seven poles to a double post oak then south thirty seven Degrees East thirty poles to George Malones Corner then with his line the same course one hundred and twenty three poles to his corner thence the afs'd Corner to a stake on the closing line of the afr'd Leonard Harts survey Then with the said Line said to be south fifty three Degrees west to a Chesnut oak and from thence to the begining said to be west forty two poles containing one hundred acres more or less which tract or parcel of Land the said John Cole hath hereby Granted bargained and sold unto the afs'd Elisha Cole together with all the appurtainences privileges and E??????? thereto belonging For the only proper use and Behoof of him the sd Elisha Cole his heirs Executors administrators or Assigns and I the said John Cole hath Lawful power and authority to convey the afores'd primises granted by these presents unto the afsd Elisha Cole and for me my heirs Executors administrators &c do Jointly and severly warrent and forever the afsd primises unto the Sd E. Cole by these presents in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and year above written Signed Seal'd and delliverd his In presence of us ---- John x Cole Sen (seal) John Smith mark Joseph White State of Tennessee Sullivan County at February Session 1811 The Execu tion of this Deed was acknowledged in open Court by John Cole party thereto [let it be Registered Test Matt'w Rhea Clk Sulvn Cty 13th May 1811 [Note: See also John Petner NC Grant 530 DB 2-546; see also Petner to Leonard Hart DB 2-737] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________