SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Thomas Cox to Edward Cox ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 2, p. 508: Thomas Cox to Edward Cox Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 7, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972705 This Indenture made the eight day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety one Between Thomas Cox of the County of Sullivan of the one part & Edward Cox of the Sd County of the other part Witnesseth that for & in con sideration of the sum of one pounds current money of this state to the Sd Thos Cox in hand paid by the Sd Edward Cox the receipt whereof he Doth hereby acknowledge acquit & discharge the Sd Edward Cox his heirs Ext's Adm's by these presents he the Sd Tho's Cox hath granted bargained sold alined & Confirmed & by these presents doth grant barg ain sell & confirm unto the Sd Edward Cox his heirs & assigns for ever one certain tract of land containing two hundred & ninety two acres lying and being in Sullivan County on the north side of Holston River begining at a large black oak on the river side Runing thence North eighty degrees West forty two poles to a white oak thence North five degrees East one hundred & twenty two poles to a white oak thence North sixty degrees West thirty two poles to a hickory thence North forty nine degrees East thirty poles to a red oak along John Cox Sen'r line thence along Joseph Wallaces line North sixty four degrees West one hundred & twenty four poles to a large Chesnut thence south forty four deg's W sixty four poles to a black oak a long Crosses line thence S 102 poles to a hickory thence along John Coxes line S forty two dg W 42? poles to a black oak thence along Sd line [S] 33 dg E 152 poles to a forked spanish oak on the river side thence a straight line up the River to the beginning with all houses buildings orchards ways waters water courses profits commodities here ditaments & appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging to the premises hereby granted & the reversions remainder & rem ainders rents & profits thereof & all the estate right title entres? property claim claim & demand whatsoever of him the Sd Tho's Cox of in & to the Sd premises hereby granted bargained & sold & every part & parcel thereof with every of these appurtena nces unto the Sd Edward Cox his heirs and assigns for every to the only & proper use & behoof him the Sd Edward Cox his heirs & assigns for ever & the Sd Thos's Cox for him self his heirs Ext'r Adm's doth covenant promise & grant to with the Sd Edward Cox his heirs & assigns that the Sd Tho's Cox now at the time of the sealing & delivery of these presents is siezed of a good sure perfect & in defeasible Estate of in heritance in fee simple of in & to the premises hereby granted & that he hath good power & Lawful Authority to grant & convey the same to the Sd Edward Cox in maner & form afore sd & that the Sd premises now are clar of and from all gifts grants bargains sales powers right & title Executor Charges & encumbrances whatsoever made done by the Sd Tho's Cox his heirs or assigns here by granted unto the Sd Edward Cox his heirs & assigns against him the sd Tho's Cox & his heirs & all & every other person & persons what soever shall & will warrant & forever defend by these presents in wit ness whereof the Sd Tho's Cox hath here unto set his hand & seal the day & year above written Thomas Cox (seal) Signed Sealed & delivered in presence of Joseph Wallace Sullivan County 1st day of March Session Emmanuel Samson 1792 The with was proven in open Court by Joseph Wallace Esqire a witness thereunto Regs't 12th May 1792 Teste Matt'w Rhea C.S.C. Ex'd [Note: See also North Carolina No. 317 to Edward Cox DB 1, p. 241 and Edward Cox to Thomas Cox DB 2, p. 322] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________