SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Elijah Cross to Aguila Cross ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 2, p. 771: Elijah Cross to Aguila Cross Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 10, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972705 Western Territory Sullivan County Feb'r the 21 th 1795 Know all men by these presents that I Elijah Cross of the territory & county afforesaid for & in consideration of the sum of thirty pounds in hand paid hath bargained & sold unto Aguila Cross of the Sd County a certain tract or parcell of land containing 118 acres beginning at a poplar & two dogwoods on Wm Crosses corner & with his line South 67 East 49 poles to a large poplar thence South 3 East 146 poles to a white oak thence North 63 West 4 poles to a chesnut tree a corner of Edward Cox thence South 45 West 90 poles to a spanish oak then on Ben Cross Orphans line North 51 West 80 poles to a stake on George Melones line then on his line along a high ridge North 56 East 70 poles to a stake then on sd line North 12 West 54 poles to a corner hickory then on Joseph Cole Sen'r line North 20 East 66 poles to a black oak then a straight line to the begining containing 118 acres together with all the cleared land wood land houses orchards waters & water courses thereunto belong ing with Sd premises I the Sd Elijah Cross doth hereby warrant & forever will defend from the claim or claims of any person or persons what ever from me my heirs Ext'r or assigns for ever unto the Sd Aguila Cross his heirs or assigns In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 21 day of Feb'f 1795 Witness present Elijah Cross (seal) Joseph Smith Abraham Minson Acknowledged in open Court Test James Rhea D.C May 12 th day Then Regs't 1795 Ex'd Ex'd SVcA. ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________