SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Jonathan Webb to Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 6, p. 392: Jonathan Webb to Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 10, 2005 Source: FHL film# 972707 This Indenture made the 25th of September in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and ten between Jonathan Webb of the one part and Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross Junior of the other part each of Sullivan County and state of Tennessee Witnesseth that the said Jonathan Webb for a valuable consi =deration the receipt whereof whereof is hereby acknowledged and by these Presents have bargained and sold in fee simple and confirmed unto the said Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross and to their heirs (&c) for ever a certain tract or parcel of Land Containing Ninety acres be the same more or less said Land lying and being in the County af =oresaid and on the South Side of Holston River to Wit--------- Beginning at three Chesnut oaks on a conditional line Between said Webb and Leonard Hart thence South forty four poles to a large chesnut thence north sixty four degrees East three hundred and eighteen poles to a white oak and two Hickoreys growing together a corner of David Webb thence with same line north twenty seven degrees West sixty poles to two post oaks a poplar and a hickory on the side of a hill thence a direct line to the Begining with all and singular the woods and waters priviliges and commodaties to the same Belong= =ing or in any wise appertaining to them the said Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross and to their heirs (&c) forever and I the said Jonathan Webb do promise and agree that I will any time at the reasonable request and and proper Charge of them the said Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross make any other conveyance or assurance that shall be by law Required and I the said Jonathan Webb for my heirs (&c) do warrant and forever Defend every part and parcel of the above mentioned land unto the said Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross and to them their heirs (&c) forever against the lawful Claims or Demands of any person or person whatsoevr in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written Jonathan Webb [seal] Signed Sealed and Delivered in presense of Reg. 18th Mar 1814 John Anderson, Ehl Key John Jinnings State of Tennessee Sullivan County May Session 1814 the execution of the within Deed of conveyance from Jonathan Webb to Zachariah Cross and Elijah Cross Junr was proved by the oaths Ezekeal Key & John Jinnings witnesses subscribed thereto let be registered Matthew Rhea C.S.C. By Matthew Rhea his deputy [Note: See also Jonathan Webb to David Webb DB 6, p. 253 and Tennessee Grant No. 1576 to Jonathan Webb DB 6, p. 431] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________