SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Isaac Hicks to Jamima Hicks ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 3, p. 393: Isaac Hicks to Jamima Hicks Transcribed by Robert Keyes Feb 10, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972706 Know all men by these presents that I Isaac Hicks Senr of Sullivan County and State of Tennessee for and in consideration of the natural affection which I have for my daughter Jaminma and for other good and Sufficiant Causes me thereunto moveing I the said Isaac have given granted and confirmed and by these presants do give grant and confirm unto my said daughter all and singular the plantation or tract of Land where on I now Reside situate in Sullivan County aforesaid in as full and ample mannor as I now hold and enjoy the same and containing one hundred and thirty six acres be the same more or less and also for the consideration above mentioned I give and grant to my said Daughter Jamima my negro man named Jobe and my negro girl caled Elie to have hold and Enjoy all and Singular the said tract of Land and negroes aforesaid unto her the said Jamima her Executors adminitrators and assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of her the said Jamima her heirs Executors administrators and assigns in manner fol lowing and subject to the Reservation herein after that is to say the said Land to be the property of the said Jamima her Execu tors adm'r and assigns from and Immediately after my deceace forever and the said Negroes for and during their natural lives and the Life of the Survivor of them from this date Reserving to my wife Elizabeth the full quiet and peaceable possess ion of the dwelling house I now live in for and during her natural life and also Reserving to my said wife for the of her life as aforesaid a full maintenance of the Land hereby given and granted to my said daughter Jaminma to be Delivered to my said wife by the said Jamima her heirs Ext'r adm'r and assigns in such manner and such Terms and to consist of such necesiaries as my said wife shall chose and I the said Isaac Hicks the Land and negroes here before men tioned Subject to the Reservation herein before Reserved to my said wife to her the said Jamima her Excutors adm'r and assigns against me the said Isaac Hicks my heirs Executors and adm'r and all and Every person and persons whatsoever Shall and will forever warrant and defend by these presants of of all which land and negroes which I have put the said Jamima in full possesson of said land by dwelling unto her livery and surson? thereof and by delivering to her the sd negroes personally at the time of the ensealing and Delivering of these presants in witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal the 12th day of august 1801 Signed Sealed and delivered in the Isaac Hicks (seal) presants of us { State of Tennessee Sullivan County John Spurgin { August Session 1801 the Execution William Morgan { of the within deed is proven in open Court by the oath of John Spurgin a witness thereto ordered to be Registered Test Mathew Rhea 5th of Nov'r Reg'r 1801 Clerk of Sullivan County Ex'd. W.A. [Note: see also Isaac Hicks Survey DB 5-203; see also Benjamin Webb TN Grant 2659 DB 6-409; see also Benjamin & Mima Webb conveyed this land to Webb nephews DB 10-433; Benjamin & Mima Webb conveyed the same slaves DB 10-436] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________