SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Isaac Hicks Survey ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 5, p. 203: Isaac Hicks Survey Transcribed by Robert Keyes Feb 10, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972706 By a Scale of 100 poles to the inch Sullivan County State of o------------- Tennessee Surveyed 4th | 136 Acres | Chesnut April 1797 entered / / March 13th 1789 / / No 1050 \ / Willliam Morgin { ble \------ Elipheth Barber { the above plan Represents a Survey of one hundred and thirty six acres of land in Sulliv an County on the north side of holston River for Isaac Hicks Begining at a white oak in Georg Webbs line thence west one hundred and thirty six poles to a post oak thence South fifteen degrees east thirty six poles to pomp trees? thence with the meand ers of the River three hundred and seventy one poles to a double Chesnut thence north thirty nine poles to the Begining Surveyed by a warrant of two hundred acres and being Bounded so that the Remaining Sisty seven Acres cannot be formed George Vincent CS State of North carolina Secreterys office 3'd Nov'r 1808 this Certifies that the foregoing is a true Coppy of a plan and Certificate of Survey fild in this office a mongst three documents on which is has been understood that two founded But on searching the Record of a Grant for the same cannot be found thereon given un der my hand at Raleigh the date aforesaid Will White Sec State of North carolina Executor office By his Excellency Benjamin Williams Governor Capta in General and Commander in Chief in and over the State aforesaid to all to whiom these presents shall come Know ye that the name Will White Subscribed to the Certificate here unto annaxed is the proper (seal) hand writing of William White Esquire who was (M.S.) at the ti;me of Signing the same and now is the secretary in and for the State aforesaid there fore all due faith Credit and authority are and ought to be given to his proceedings and Certifcants as such in testimoney whereof I have caused the grea =t seal of the State to be hereunto affixed and have Signed these presents with my hand don at the City of Raleigh the third day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Eight and in the XXX3'rd of the independance of the united State of america B Williams by the Govenor JW Quron? P Secty 23'd Novm 1808 Ex'd W.A. [Note: the map matches the land but the description above is in error. Map also show the river on the west and south; see also Isaac Hicks to Jamima Hicks DB 3-393; see also Benjamin Webb TN Grant 2659 DB 6-409; see also Benjamin Webb to Webb et al DB 10-433] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________