SULLIVAN COUNTY, TN - DEEDS - Frederick Keiller to George Crumley ----¤¤¤---- Sullivan Co., TN, DB 1, p. 308: Frederick Keiller to George Crumley Transcribed by Robert W. Keyes Jan 31, 2005 Source: LDS FHL film #972705 This Indenture made this [blank] Day of march one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight between Frederick Keiller of the one part and Geoge Brumly of the other part both of Sullivan County and State of north Carolina Witnesseth that for and In consideration of the sum of two hundred and forty pounds current money of said State to him the said Frederick Keiler well and truly in hand paid at or before the sealing and Delivering of these presents the receipt whereof the said Frederick Keiler doth hereby acknowledge have bargained and sold in fee simple and confirmed unto the said George Crumley his heirs Exe'rs Adm'rs and assigns forever acertain tract or parcell of Land containing two hun dred and sixty four acres more or less lying and being in the County of Sullivan on the South side of holston River including the plantation where said Crumley now lives and bounded as follows viz Begining at three white oaks on the side of a steep ridge and thence on Weavers Lines N24W 49 poles to a white oak and sowerwood N47W 22 poles to two white & a red oak N41W 150 poles a stake Able Edwards Corner & with his Lines N80E 96 poles to three gums N43? E 50 poles to three Dogwoods on a hill side N63E 32 poles to a black oak & two Dogwoods on the top of a ridge Due east 65 poles to a buckeye & white walnut by a path N45E 37 poles to a hickory & white oak Abraham Vandeventers corner & with his Line S60 E 24 poles to a white oak N82E 96 poles to two white oaks and hickory on the top of a ridge on Jacob Ellers line & with the same S47E 25 poles to a stake near a rode S47W 343 poles along a ridge to the Begining together with all houses fences ways waters water cources orchards & all other appertenances there unto belonging with all Rents and Reversions of Rents & all other the estate right & title that may now or for ever after appertain to the Same free from all hindrance or any person whatever lawfully claiming the same to have & to hold all & singular the aforesaid Land & premises with every part & parcell thereof from all incumbrance of mortgage Dowers & Reversions by or from me the said Frederick Keiler or any person whatsoever & to be to the only use of him the sd George Crumley his heirs Ex'rs Adm's & assigns for ever & Lastly I the sd Frederick Keiller Do hereby warrant cove nant & agree to & with the sd George Crumley his heirs Ex'rs Adm's & assigns that I have full & the [only] right title & lawfull authority to sell an convey the aforesaid Land & premises & will at any time at the Reasonable Request & proper charges of him the said George Crumley make any other Conveyance or assurance that shall be by Law Required to pass the fee simple Estate of the aforesaid Land and premises from me the said Frederick Keiller to him the said George Crumley his heirs Ex'rs Adm'rs & assigns for ever In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Seal the day and year above writen Signed Sealed and delivered In the presence of Frederick Keiller (seal) Mattw Rhea Sep 14th 1789 Reg'st [Note: See also Frederick Keiller NC Grant DB 1-272; see also George Crumley to Jacob Taylor DB 3-451] ___________________________________________________________________ Copyright. All rights reserved. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Bob Keyes ___________________________________________________________________